Chapter 227: Qin Qi Joining Hands

The night of rendezvous was always too short. If it was in the day, one would felt even more unsatisfactory. The sheets were filled with scent and after a while, the rustling of clothes were heard.

Jin Xing Ming caressed Ye Mei's smooth back and there was some look of satisfaction on his face as he spoke, "Mei-er, why not say with me a little longer. The skies is not dark so why go back so early?"

Ye Mei's back was facing Jin Xing Ming and there was a trace of anger in her eyes but when she turned her head over, it was filled with flirtation as she spoke, "Older Brother Jin is really reluctant to part with me, then quickly take me out of the Ye family. Ye Mao Cai keeps me in a tight control and these day he would offend urge me to enter the Palace. If one were to enter the Palace then in this lifetime, one would not have any fate to be with Older Brother Jin."

When Jin Xing Ming heard that Ye Mei would be entering the Palace, he immediately sat up straight, "No!" If it was before, Jin Xing Ming did not know the taste of Ye Mei but now after being together, he was reluctant to let her go. He was like in seven Heavens in Ye Mei's arms and in the future if he was with other females, one fear that they would all become wood.

What a male ask in his lifetime was nothing more than money and beauty. After eating fine rice, it would be hard to swallow buns. Jin Xing Ming was not at all willing to hand Ye Mei over to others and naturally become anxious.

Ye Mei snuggled in his arms and whispered, "Naturally I am not willing. My heart only has Older Brother Jin in it but now one could not decide on my own anymore. Thus one wanted to quickly leave and when Older Brother Jin and I reached Ming Qi, we would be able to be an immortal pair, enjoying every day in happiness."

The beauty was affectionate and loyal and now that Jin Xing Ming had tasted sweetness, his heart was delighted and was filled with pride at the moment, "That is said correctly. Today upon my return I will instruct people to prepare. Keeping it safe, let's take the water route. This water route is very hidden and even though it is dangerous, it is much faster than other routes."

Ye Mei nodded her head, "In order to prevent Ye Mao Cai to have doubts, let's meet here in five days time. Before that, Older Brother Jin, you must arrange all matters accordingly and it is also easier for me to deal with everyone in Ye residence."

Jin Xing Ming agreed and both of them became entangled for a while before Ye Mei tidy her clothes and walked out the doors as if nothing had happened. After leaving the Sun family's residence and getting onto the carriage, the guards of the Ye residence saw that she was alright, they did not think much of it. Ye Mei pulled up her sleeves after getting up the carriage and her white jaded arms were full of reddish patches.

Jin Xing Ming was anxious and rough thus when he tossed Ye Mei around, she was particularly tired. She looked at it for a while before putting her sleeves back.

She had always been master of men but now had to commit herself to Jin Xing Ming king of person. All these were all thanks to Ye Mao Cai. If she was not conned by Ye Mao Cai to go up the pirate ship, how would she come to this state? Since she would be leaving the Ye residence, then the Ye residence have to give her some compensation, else all the grievances she suffered these days would be nothing?

There was a hint of viciousness that flashed in her eyes.


Five days later, Xie Jing Xing returned.

In the battle of Fu Yang City, the Lu family had thoroughly collapsed.

The Lu family had thought that they secretly recruit soldiers, bought horses and accumulate strength but little did they know that their opponent was also doing the same. It was so much so that his opponent was much more diligent than him. From that day when Emperor Yong Le was enthroned, he had started planning to bring the Lu family down and had been scheming for so many years so how could the Lu family compare?

When Emperor Yong Le revealed his real power, some similarly eagerly minded officials were struck by lightning, as if a bucket of cold water poured over their head. They finally understood that the young Emperor that was suppressed by Emperor Xiao Wu at the beginning and had to relied on the Empress Dowager Jing Xian had turned into a beast since don't know when.

Lu Zheng Xuan was a madman. When Fu Yang City was broken into, he knew that his goals had flown away and when he was helpless, he rushed into the room and slaughtered his wife and daughter. That includes Lu Wan-er that he had always doted upon. At that time, Gao Yang and Ji Yu Shu was also present and saw Lu Wan-er falling down with wide eyes, seemingly disbelieve till the last moment that she would die in the hands of her father.

Xie Jing Xing ended Lu Zheng Xuan.

Lu Zheng Xuan laughed manically when he was dying and shouted out, "This old man has been invincible in one's entire lifetime and galloped under Heavens on horseback and now die in the hands of a young man! One cannot be reconciled!"

Xie Jing Xing chop his neck and said blandly, "Ignorance."

As such, the hundred years aristocratic family that served two dynasty in Great Liang disappeared like this. The remnants of the Lu family fled everywhere and handled over to the Mo Yan army eliminate individually.

When Shen Miao heard about these, she was very emotional. The rise and fall of an aristocratic might looked very easy but this was only accomplish after a long time. The Lu family was arrogant and had the heart to rebel so the Imperial family would spare all effort to kill.

Xie Jing Xing said, "But when I returned, one heard about the that was spreading in the city…" He looked at Shen Miao and a corner of his lips hooked up, "All the scholars under Heavens want to get acquainted but one do not know which talent the person is?"

Shen Miao held back her laugh, "One do not know."

"One have to instruct the Mo Yun army to search." Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, "When found, if its a male, then one would be sworn brothers, if female, then…"

"Then what?" Shen Miao stared at him coldly, as if when his answer was not to her satisfaction, she would grind the knife.

Xie Jing Xing said righteously, "Then drag out to beheaded. How could anyone be that bold and even be more talented than my wife."

Shen Miao was unable to hold back her laughter.

Xie Jing Xing saw her laughing like a jaded magnolia flower blooming, so warm and pretty that his heart moved. He suddenly stood up and carried her and place her down on the bed. Shen Miao struggled, "You have not bathe."

"Don't move. Let me hug for a while." He flipped and Shen Miao landed on him. Xie Jing Xing hugged her and buried his face in her shoulders. Shen Miao felt a little itchy under his breath but she heard him say, "Ming Qi might come over to fight."

Shen Miao was startled and said in doubt, "What?"

"Before Lu Zheng Xuan die, he had spoke about Imperial Older Brother's illness." One was unable to ear any emotions in Xie Jing Xing's voice, "It seemed that Fu Xiu Yi also know about it. Fu Xiu Yi would not miss this opportunity."

It turned out that before Lu Zheng Yi died, the last words that he spoke to Xie Jing Xing was, "Take a guess. Does the Emperor of Ming Qi know that your short-lived brother is unable to live past this year and when would he attack?"

Shen Miao was surprised, "How did Lu Zheng Xuan know of it?"

"Defence can be up during the day and night but it is difficult to prevent thief within the family. Moreover the relations in the Palace are complicated, it is possible that it came from the Palace." Xie Jing Xing said, "The Lu family should have wanted to use this information to threaten Imperial Older Brother but one did not know why they changed their mind and chose to inform Fu Xiu Yi."

"Aligning with the enemy and sold the country?" Shen Miao frowned.

"Cannot be considered so." Xie Jing Xing said, "With Lu Zheng Xuan's personality, it should be that he wanted the fish to die and the net to split."

When Shen Miao heard it, she was somewhat in agreement. Previously Lu Zheng Xuan even posted up notices about Emperor Yong Le killing the Monarch and usurp the throne and this was to destroy the reputation of the Imperial family. At that time he had not revealed that Emperor Yong Le would not live long, perhaps it was by protecting this secret, at the end it would become his assassin that would take the last fatal blow.

It was just that Lu Zheng Xuan was not one that could be calm. One did not know how Xie Jing Xing was able to work him up or perhaps he felt that now the Xie family did not have the power to turn things around and thus told Xie Jing Xing the secret before he died.

Shen Miao said, "Yes, Fu Xiu Yi would indeed not give this opportunity up." With Fu Xiu Yi's personality, he was specialised in 'capturing'. Capturing people who could be use and opportunities. Perhaps from his perspective, once something happen to a short lived Emperor, Great Liang would be in chaos and it would be a good time to start an expedition. She thought for a while, "It is just that Ming Qi currently do not have the qualification to go up against Great Liang. Fu Xiu Yi must have done something secretly and once his bottomline has increased, he would then take action."

Xie Jing Xing said, "Before that, let's clean up the Ye family."

"Ye family?" Shen Miao said, "You plan to eliminate the Ye family altogether?"

Xie Jing Xing snapped his fingers, "Then leave them for the New Year's? I will make the decision for the Ye siblings and gift it to you. You can deal with them as you wish."

Shen Miao brought his hand over and saw that on Xie Jing Xing's wrist, there was the red string that she tied, "You must be careful."

Xie Jing Xing's and Shen Miao's conjecture of Fu Xiu Yi were confirmed on the second day. No one had thought that Fu Xiu Yi would be so impatient that it could be said that he no longer cared about anything.

Shen Qiu's letter had arrived.

Unlike previous letters, usually the letters would be about the daily lives of Shen Xin and them, informing Shen Miao that they were living well. However this letter was very scribbled, it was obvious that one was a rush when writing it. Seeing the time again, it had been for quite some time which meant that when this letter landed on Shen Miao's hands, a lot of time had been delayed.

Upon opening the letter, Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing read the ten lines in one glance and after finishing it, they became silent.

Fu Xiu Yi had made his moves.

It was not opening fire towards Great Liang but towards the Shen family.

Emperor Wen Hui was seriously ill and could not get up thus Fu Xiu Yi had the full authority to supervise court matter. Fu Xiu Yi fabricated evidence of the Shen family's crime and encircled the Shen family directly. The Shen family army was previously was reclaimed by the Imperial family of Ming Qi previously and now it had changed beyond recognition and there were many spies and was considered useless.

Fu Xiu Yi deceived the commoners of Ming Qi and said that the Shen family had vicious means. However this time Shen Xin was long prepared and had started to gather other officials that was displeased with the Imperial family of Ming Qi. Even though those officials were low ranked, but their strength was even bigger than fighting alone. Secondly, Luo Lian Ying and Luo Lian Tai, who was far away in Xiao Chun City, had brought the Luo family army to Ding capital in a rush. The Luo family was considered to be raised by the Luo family personally. Even though they were said to be the Emperor's troops, it was better to say that they only listened to the Luo family and in addition, they were trained a few years back by Shen Xin that it was handy for Shen Xin to use them. Other than these, there were also manpower that Xie Jing Xing left behind.

At this point, everyone in the Shen family knew of Xie Jing Xing's identity.

Even though it was shocking but because one felt resentful of the current situation, in addition, Xie Jing Xing confessed to it to Shen Xin previously so there was not much blaming around. Even though there was not many manpower that Xie Jing Xing left behind, they were the finest. Especially their abilities in enquiring information, they had the best of abilities.

Fu Xiu Yi most likely thought that he could take down the currently weak Shen family in a very short period of time but did not think that the Shen family had long made preparations for this day. Not only did he not capture the Shen family in the expected time, he went into a end end and consumed his strength.

Shen Qiu said in the letter now that the Shen Miao was on bad terms with the Imperial family, they left Ding capital. Even though Fu Xiu Yi's people were chasing after them, the Shen family did not let them gain any advantage. Currently Shen Xin was discussing with the various officials if it was necessary to chop off this Imperial power.

As to what was the result of the matter, Shen Qiu did not mention it. Shen Miao also knew that the Shen family was loyal for generations, especially Old General Shen, who had loyalty carved in his entire heart. Now going against the Imperial power was already being against all principles, after gaining the Imperial power, even if it was successful, then who would be the Emperor? Re-enthrone a Monarch? Each of the Ming Qi's Princes were not the kind types, so one simply establish oneself? Shen Xin would not have such a thought.

At the end of the letter, Shen Qiu however mentioned one thing.

Now that the Shen family did not stay in the Ding capital because Fu Xiu Yi's people were everywhere in Ding capital and the Shen family would only be at a disadvantage. They had retreated to the villages around the area of Guan Gu Valley and discovered a number of Qin country's people.

The letter ended like this.

Shen Miao was silent for a long time before speaking, "Fu Xiu Yi has started taking action. The Qin country's people that are discovered at Guan Gu Valley are possibility indicating that Qin Qi have allied. Even if there isn't, Fu Xiu Yi is definitely thinking about it."

Xie Jing Xing nodded his head and looked at Shen Miao, "You are not worried about your Father?"

"It is useless to worry." Shen Miao said, "Now I am thousands of Li (1 li = 1 mile) apart that even if one is strategising, one would not be able to control many variables. Moreover, when it comes to fighting enemies, one believe that my Father, Mother and Eldest Brother are not people who would idle. As long as they are not as loyal as they were previously to the Imperial family, then there is an opportunity to win."

Xie Jing Xing's lips hooked up and smiled, "Actually it is all the same."

Shen Miao looked at him and frowned, "What does that mean?"

Xie Jing Xing pinched her face and said, "Once Qin Qi join hands, it could only mean one thing clearly, that is they will quickly attack Great Liang and would start invading from the borers. Father-In-Law and us are actually standing on the same side."

"Father-In-Law is not willing to enthrone a new Monarch and does not one to establish his own Imperial might. So just swallow Ming Qi, eliminate Great Qin and combine three nations as one. Naturally there would not be any choice."

Shen Miao's heart moved. She actually thought about such a thing earlier on. In her previously lifetime, Great Liang eliminated Qin country before attacking Ding capital and captured Ming Qi. After much thinking, the three countries would belong to Great Liang's in the future so there would only be one Emperor under Heavens.

"But can you do it?" Shen Miao asked, "The Emperor's secret is known to Fu Xiu Yi and one does not need to think about it that I know that he would definitely spread the news. At that time Long Ye would be in chaos and you have to bear many issues. I believe that at the end the Qin Qi's alliance would not be Great Liang's opponent but the process would definitely be difficult."

Xie Jing Xing glanced at her, "Little girl, did anyone tell you not to doubt a man's ability to 'do it or not'."

Shen Miao was startled, why was it that even at such a time Xie Jing Xing would have the time to joke around? She really felt speechless.

"Just look on." He said.


Because of the , the ups and downs of the Lu family shocked in Long Ye and everyone clapped their hands with joy since the Lu family did such a rebellious thing, one could not blame the Imperial family for being heartless. However there was a new setting in the court for the officials. Those who followed the Lu family, those who were like grass on the top of a wall which sways with every wind and those who resolutely oppose the Lu family, all had new plans of their own. Those that stood with the right team were naturally joyous and those that stood at the wrong team were worried and anxious.

Emperor Yong Le was by no means kind and generous and was not an Emperor that only knew how to favour and dote the concubines. When his heart hardens, it would be harder than anyone else. He was indeed Emperor Xiao Wu's son as his hands would not be weak when he was vicious. Initially Consort Jing was the most favoured Consort in the Inner Palace but now when Emperor Yong Le deal with the Lu family, there was no recalling of past affection, let alone mentioning about the child that Consort Jing carried. Even others could see that Emperor Yong Le had tolerated many years in order to deal with the Lu family.

It was really daunting for others when an Emperor had such a mean and methods. The officials in court were thus more afraid of him and had become more obedient.

As for the Ye family, that stood together with the Lu family, they were currently as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

No one had known that Emperor Wen Hui would take action when he said that he would take action and had not thought that the Lu family would fall so fast. Even Ye Mao Cai who had always believed to be clear headed also suddenly noticed that something was wrong. He had not regretted it. Why did he not commit when the Imperial family had the intension to win the Ye family over? Now they had lost this opportunity in vain.

The opportunity was indeed lost and because Ye Mao Cai discovered that Emperor Yong Le had started to deal with the power of the Ye family.

The Lu family had so many roots of power and troops and they were all in the hands of Emperor Yong Le, much less the Ye family. However Ye Mao Cai observed the situation and in addition to the matter of how the Lu family behaved to Emperor Yong Le, he understood and his heart became more desperate as he felt that Emperor Yong Le would never let the Ye family go and would eliminate. Ye Mao Cai was irritated by the Lu family's arrogance at the beginning and also felt regretful.

Ye Mao Cai only then started to prepare escaping and if it was not arranged then he would send Ye Hong Guang away. He did not think so much about Ye Mei and Ye Ke but Ye Hong Guang was his only descendent and he must leave a descendent for the Ye family.

When Ye Mao Cai started to get busy, Ye Mei was also not idle.

She had just returned from the residence of Young Lady Sun and was entangled with Jin Xing Ming for a while and Jin Xing Ming had promised to take her away three days later. These days Ye Mao Cai loosen his grip with Ye Mei a lot and seemed not to care much about where she went or who she met. Ye Mei however was not happy with it but instead became even more nervous. This was because Ye Mao Cai was busy till he did not close his eyes and had no time to deal with her life or death. One feared that the it was time for the Ye family to go through a critical period.

When one knew about the matter of the Lu family, even though Ye Mei did not understand what was going on, she had felt faintly that Ye Mao Cai was the one who was afraid and it was naturally afraid that they would end up the same with the Lu family.

On this day, she came back somewhat later and when she entered the room, she saw Ye Ke looking around in her room, as if he was waiting for her.

Speaking of which, Ye Meu had not seen Ye Ke for a few days. These days she had been planning matters after fleeing to Ming Qi with Jin Xing Ming. Ye Mei really had no plans for Ye Ke or it could be said in the beginning that in Ye Mei's escape plans did not include Ye Ke at all.

To Ye Mei, for something useless, it would only hinder oneself and he was also selfish, thus Ye Mei immediately abandon him.

When Ye Ke saw her returning, he asked, "Older Sister, where did you go? Why only return now?"

"Young Lady Sun asked me for a handkerchief the last time and I embroidered one yesterday so I went give it to her."

Ye Ke complained, "You are currently a Young Lady of the Prime Minister residence, how could the Young Lady of her Sun family be able to instruct you?"

Ye Ke did not pay any attention to his words and sat down at the side. Seeing that there was some anxiety in Ye Ke's brows, she asked, "How are you doing these days? Did Father not bring you around to see his colleagues?"

"Don't mention about it." When Ye Ke heard those words, he immediately turned his head down, "That is only in the beginning. These days one do not know what he is busy with. When I ask him, he would say that he have some matters and I am so bored in the residence." He then looked towards Ye Mei, "Older Sister, when will you be discussing with Father about enter the Palace? I think Father is looking for excuses to defer. If you enter the Palace and gained the Emperor's favour, Father will definitely be pleased with me and the Emperor would value me. When my career is smooth, wouldn't it be helpful to you too?"

Ye Mei sneered in her heart but there was nothing of it on her face as she said with a smile, "You and me are siblings, of course I will help you." She sighed deeply and said, "Speaking of which, your relationship with Father is closer than me and Father. In these days, have you seen any place that is special to Father?"

"Special place?" Ye Ke did not understand, "There is nothing special."

Ye Mei saw that he did not understand and thus changed her method and asked with a smile, "Not talking about that. For example does Father have anything treasured or any secrets, perhaps you can inquire about it?"

Ye Ke looked at Ye Mei and was startled for a while before speaking, "Older Sister, what do you want to do?"

Ye Ke was a person with greed, lacking of intelligence and only had some little smarts. However it was easy for him to be fascinated by superficial things and because of too much greed, he would not end things when it should be ended. Ye Mei had told him that may times but because of Ye Ke's arrogance and greed, Ye Mei could easily get away by deceiving him.

She sighed and said, "You also know that both you and I are not the real bloodline of the Ye family. i heard that these days Father had been secretly looking for the real blood of the Ye family. It is alright if one could not find but if found, where do both of us be?"

The lies that she said naturally came out but Ye Ke was stunned when he heard it and immediately believed it. He stuttered, "Is it real… Father is really searching for the real Ye family members?"

Ye Mei nodded her head.

Ye Ke's expression became a bit distorted, anger and jealously seemed to be mixed together, "How could Father be like this? Using us then kick us away? On what basis?"

"So I am not willing to let it go." Ye Mei said, "I is alright with me but you are different. If the true bloodline of the Ye family do not return, then a cripple would not be able to fight with you on anything so the Ye family is yours in the future. How can I let your things be even to others with my own eyes?"

Ye Ke only had nine points of anger but when what Ye Mei spoke, he had went straight to the peak. He said, "Correct. This cannot be done!"

"So I thought of a way, we must definitely find Ye Mao Cai's weakness. Since he is the Prime Minister, he would have some secrets and if these secrets are known by us, naturally they can be used as leverage to threaten him."

When Ye Ke heard those words, he fell deep in thought and after a while he said in frustration, "Did Father actually trust me or not? Now thinking about it, there did not seem to be any secrets. But…" His eyes brighten and seemed to thought of something before rushing to speak, "There was one time I went into his study and discovered that there was a beauty painting that was hung on the wall and felt that it was rather good and went to touch it but he stopped. At that time I guessed that this painting was different."

Ye Mei continued asking, "And then?"

"Father told me that there are somethings in the painting but currently I am not an official so it is useless to give it to me. When I become an official, these things would be of use and he would give it to me." Ye Ke waved his hands, "I only can think about this when you leaned about treasured item. I saw that he did not seemed to be faking it and thus did not delve deeper into it. Does this count?"

A hint of joy flashed in Ye Mei's eyes, "It counts."

"Then I will think of ways to steal it!" Ye Ke stood up immediately.

"No!" Ye Mei quickly stopped him and upon seeing Ye Ke's suspicious look, she said, "Since I can think of this matter, at the end it must be me who threaten him with it, of course it is for you. But if you use it to threaten him, then he would not be happy with you and inevitably creating negativity. Why now I go and steal it and use this to threaten him? Like so, in Ye Mao Cai's heart, you did not know anything at all and is still his people."

When Ye Ke heard it, he felt that Ye Mei spoke very well and clapped, "It is Older Sister that thought of things throughly!" He then looked at her gratefully, "Older Sister, you treat me really very well. In the future when Younger Brother fly up high, one would definitely not forget about Older Sister's deed and definitely reply Older Sister."

Ye Mei smiled gently and her gaze fell onto Ye Ke lightly and spoke very Kindly, "I will wait for you to 'repay' me."

After Ye Ke left, Ye Mei closed the door and her expression darkened.

She had been thinking that during the period in the Ye family, she had not gotten what she wanted and on the contrary, she was been used and schemed by Ye Mao Cai and because to escape from the Ye family, she even had to give up on her body and commit herself to Jin Xing Ming kind of person. No matter how one saw this transaction, this was not worth it at all.

And Ye Mei had never made an uneconomical transaction.

Now that the Ye family was about to fall into misfortune, just before the Ye family fall, she must leave and jump out of the Ye family's boat otherwise she would be tied together with the Ye family and sink.

But before sinking, she had to gain something back from the Ye family to compensate for all the things she lost.

Since the place that Jin Xing Ming wanted to go was Ming Qi then she one day would become the noble that Ming Qi place on the palm. By reaching the highest point of power of Ming Qi that a turn of a hand would cover the clouds and bring the rain, that would be the life she wanted.

And the Ye family, as the Prime Minister of Great Liang, there must be some hidden secrets in the Prime Minister residence that were closely related to Great Liang.

There was no country that would close their doors on the secrets of other countries.

These secrets were Ye Mao Cai's hard work and were also the stepping stones she needs to be a noble in Ming Qi.

These things could make up for everything she lost in Ye family. Now thinking about it, just what she lost in the Ye family?

The freedom of choice, forced to lose her innocence and also, a stupid Younger Brother.