Chapter 229: Exchanging

Ye Mei and Ye Ke jumped into Jin Xing Ming's horse carriage. Speaking of which, Jin Xing Ming had a bit of abilities that he had bought off the servants in the Prime Minister's residence. Even in such a cause, Ye Mei and Ye Ke were still discovered by the Palace people who were guarding outside. As the carriage ran in front, there were a number of soldiers and officials chasing behind.

Ye Ke looked out of the carriage window and saw the darkness of the night and the galloping sounds of the horses behind were exceptionally clear and it made his heart tightened. He looked someone fearful towards Ye Mei and said, "Older Sister, what can be done? If they caught us, one fear that we are finished." He then urged the driver of the carriage, "Can you hurry up!"

That driver whipped his horse whip harder and the speed of the horse was much faster, making Ye Ke's heart settled down a little. Suddenly he thought about something, "Older Sister, when did you prepare all this? If you did not have preparations and get the carriage ready, one fear that we would be caught up not far after we flee."

"Naturally I have long planned for these things." Ye Mei would not tell Ye Ke that it was Jin Xing Ming that arranged this horse carriage and would not tell Ye Ke at all that they would be fleeing with Jin Xing Ming. Or it could be said that in Ye Mei's initial plans, there was no Ye Ke such a person in it.

Seeing that the carriage was about to turn into a corner, Ye Mei looked out and said, "This cannot do. With both of us in a carriage, it is definitely easier for them to catch up and by putting their full force they would be able to do so. It is better to separate and meet up at Ba Bao Street."

"Must we separate?" Ye Ke was at his most anxious moment thus when he heard that he was to separate from Ye Mei, he was immediately anxious. He said, "Let's leave together so that there is someone to watch over during the journey."

"It would be easier for the soldiers to catch up if we are together. Rest assured, you will stay in the horse carriage. I will go down first and this driver will bring you to a hidden route to Ba Bao Street which we will meet up. All the matters afterwards had been arranged accordingly, nothing will happen."

Upon hearing that he need not get off the carriage, Ye Ke's heart calmed down and he no longer stopped Ye Mei. Ye Mei instructed the driver to stop by the corner of the street and pulled up the cape of her coat to hide her face before disappearing into the night.

The carriage continued to go forward with Ye Ke.

When Ye Ke's figure could no longer be seen, Ye Mei watched the disappearing carriage and her lips under the veil slowly hooked up. She walked to the other end and found little house before she knocked. After not long, someone opened the doors and Ye Mei quickly went in.

In the dark, that person asked, "Is everything settled?"

Ye Mei nodded her head.

At another end, Ye Ke was sitting in the horse carriage. After Ye Mei had gotten off, the driver's speed had gotten much faster. Gradually the pursuing voices got weaker and Ye Ke's heart became slightly comforted and when he finally could not hear any sounds of the pursuing soldiers, he felt that the bumps on the journey someone uncomfortable and said, "It is alright to slow down."

That driver turned a deaf ear and still drove the horse carriage quickly. Ye Ke was somewhat dissatisfied and pull apart the carriage before getting a shock.

How was this still the city? This was clearly up in the mountain!

Because the mountain roads were rugged, the bumps made the journey more difficult. Ye Ke jumped in shocked and remembered that Ba Bao Street was not that far away so why did this driver come here? He said, "Stop going forward! Return to Ba Bao Stree!"

That driver ignored him and continued to move forward. Ye Ke was very angry but feared that shouting would attract the pursuing soldiers. Just as he was about to speak, the horse carriage gradually stopped. Ye Ke was startled and thought that the driver intended to stop the carriage.

This driver was too much for not listening to instructions. Ye Ke intended to punish this person after reaching Ba Bao Street. Coincidentally the carriage stopped and hearing some sounds in front, it was the driver that went down the carriage.

Ye Ke parted the curtains and looked at him from the inside of the carriage before scolding, "What are you doing? Still don't take me to Ba Bao Stree?"

When the driver take a look at him, Ye Ke could see clearly at this moment that this driver was much more sturdy looking that average people. Even though a carriage drive required to be physically fit, one was not as strong as this person. There was a feeling of uneasiness in his heart but he dared not yell. Even though he was a young man, he was not as tall as the other nor was he stronger than another, thus one feared that he would be at a disadvantage if he take any action.

That driver wandered to the back of the horse and took something out from his clothes. He looked at it for a long time before suddenly stabbing it onto the horse!

The horse was shocked and suddenly raise its' hoofs and galloped forward!

Ye Ke had not thought that this driver would suddenly do it and with the horse galloping forward suddenly, he was thrown to the back of the carriage and almost injured. His heart was filled with fear and suddenly Ye Ke realized something and looke out of the carriage curtain.

Ye Ke finally saw the bottomless abyss and the densely overlapping branches.

The abyss seemed to be bottomless that even if the carriage crashed down, one could only hear a faint landing sound.

The night had covered everything and what was left was the hoof prints at the edge of the cliff.

After a while, a smashing sound was heard and after a while, there were two additional pieces of clothes at the side of the carriage.

No one heard Ye Ke's last scream, "Older Sister."


Shen Miao was currently in the study writing at a tremendous speed.

She quickly wrote densely and both of her hands were almost instinctively had a mind of its own. Ever since she locked herself in the study, her wrists had not stopped moving.

Mo Qing stood quietly behind her. Even though he did not know what she was doing, he kept quiet and watched as she wrote quickly. It seemed that there were not only words and there were some maps. After Shen Miao finished writing one piece, she would let Mo Qing dry it up at the fastest speed by using the lamp and the ink did not need to be as moist. She sometimes frowned, sometimes thinking but still remained very dignified.

Just at this moment, someone outside knocked. Mo Qing let the person in and it was Cong Yang who was panting away.

Cong Yang said, "This subordinate and Tie Yi followed Ye Mei and sibling together. At the corner of the city, both of them separated so Tie Yi followed Yi Mei while this subordinate followed Ye Ke. Ye Ke's carriage reached to the depths of the mountains and drove Ye Ke over the cliff by agitating the horse. Ye Ke is confirmed dead."

"The cliff?" Mo Qing was startled and was somewhat puzzled, "Who is the driver? Is there any hatred with Ye Ke?"

Cong Yang wiped his nose, "This subordinate rushed back to report and did not care about what happened to the driver. After Ye Ke died, this subordinate returned."

"No need to investigate, the driver is Ye Mei's people." Shen Miao said.

"Ye Mei?" Cong Yang was startled, "Ye Mei instructed the driver to kill Ye Ke?" But Ye Ke is her Younger Brother. Since she wanted to kill him, why bring him along when fleeing?"

"When fleeing, one would naturally require a target. Ye Ke is Ye Mei's real Younger Brother so he is most suitable for a target. I think that the driver not only killed Ye Ke and he most likely placed Ye Mei's and Ye Ke's clothes in the carriage so that others would think that the siblings fell off the cliff and died."

When Mo Qing and Cong Yang heard her words, they were first startled before they came into realisation.

Ye Mei should have thought about a way out from the beginning but she feared that she would be hunted like a homeless dog and feared that she would be caught one day. It would be better to let everyone think that she was dead and since no matter how free the officers were, they would not chase an already dead person. Ye Ke was her Younger Brother and in a normal person's heart, one would definitely think that she would flee with her Younger Brother and upon seeing pieces of Ye Mei's clothes and Younger Brother, tose officials would definitely think that Ye Mei was in the carriage and naturally felt that this pair of siblings had fallen off the cliff and died accidentally.

Ye Mei had made Ye Ke as her scapegoat and also resolved her future troubles.

"That is her real Younger Brother." Cong Yang sighed, "If it was a male then never mind. How could she, a female, be so ruthless…"

"One feared that she had long abandon Ye Ke in her heart." Shen Miao said without a care, "So when Ye Ke is living, she would use Ye Ke to the very end and that is her ability." This was Mei Furen's ability to add flowers onto brocade (aka icing on cake). Just like the past life, Ye Ke's existence allowed her to gain more power in the Inner Palace and thus she had a deep family relation with Ye Ke. Now Ye Ke was unable to give her any benefit and would even drag her behind thus Ye Mei would not hesitate to wipe him out.

A swashing sound heard and a snow white pigeon flew in before landing on Cong Yang's shoulder. Cong Yang took out the paper from the pigeon's legs and quickly opened it up to read, "Tie Yi said that Ye Mei and Jin Xing Ming had reached the harbor and planned to take the water route." After taking a look outside that seemed to be windy, like rain was about to fall, he said, "If it rains tonight, it would be difficult to chase after them after they go out to the seas. Now this subordinate and Mo Qing go over to bring them back to Furen?"

"No." After finishing the word, Shen Miao finished writing the last page. She baked the paper on top of the lantern before placing it in an envelope. She then told Cong Yang and Mo Qing, "Cong Yang, you are Mo Yun Army's people so pick a few agile people from Mo Yun Army and bring this letter along and follow behind Ye Mei, all the way to Ming Qi."

"Ming Qi?" Cong Yang frowned, "Why would they go to Ming Qi?"

"Mo Qing had enquired that Jin Xing Ming have a friend in Ming Qi that had a good business and was frequently communicating, obviously having the intention to go to Ming Qi. Moreover once they go to Ming Qi, Ye Mei would be able to escape and not be discovered by officials." She then said, "You all should follow and take note of anything that Ye Mei have on herself, like a small box or something hidden. Be careful and do not let others discover. Once that hidden thing is discovered, exchange the thing inside to this letters." She then passed the letters to Cong Yang.

Cong Yang took the letter and although he was somewhat puzzled, he compiled.

"Be quick and don't be discovered by others." Shen Miao nagged.

"But just let them go to Ming Qi like this?" Cong Yang said, "Don't Furen view them as enemies?"

"Viewing them as enemies is not false but this is not letting them off." Shen Miao said coldly, "On the contrary, this is sending them onto the road to the underworld!"

"Quickly go. If possible, it would be best to exchange the things before they board the boat. It would be a hassle to change after that. No matter when it is exchanged, do monitor and follow them all the way and keep in constant contact. If there are further instructions, I will inform them."

Mo Qing and Cong Yang saw the seriousness that Shen Miao spoke with and dare not take it lightly. They quickly left upon receiving the letter. Shen Miao's hands gripped onto the table as she pursed her lips but there was a hint of killing intent in her eyes.

She really wanted Mei Furen to die and previously she only wanted Mei Furen's life as soon as possible as a long night of sleep brings about many dreams. However she no longer thought like that anymore.

Herors had been competing for the world and everyone wanted a share in the Empire. Great Liang wanted it, Qin country wanted it and Ming Qi also wanted it.

Fu Xiu Yi would definitely join hands with Qin country and at that time if XIe Jing Xing went to battle, it would be a difficult bone to chew.

With the enemy in front, one would have to obliterate them but before that, it is best to make use of them. Wasn't it good to let dog bite dogs?

No one knew more about Ye Mei's schemes and selfishness like Shen Miao. A person who would even abandon one's own Younger Brother, how would she make a loss in business? The things that Ye Mei wanted the Ye family to compensate her was far from gold or jewelry. What she wanted was eternal power.

Ye Mao Cai had been in Great Liang for so many years. Other than the reputation of the Ye residence and family wealth, the most important thing was nothing more than having some secrets in the Great Liang's courts. With secrets meant that one had weakness so these secrets were most likely the leverage Ye Mao Cai had on other high ranking officials or the evidences that he had carefully collected. However there was one point that she was confirm was that this things were important to Great Liang's courts and could even destroy a dynasty.

And this was exactly what Ye Mei needed.

Ye Mei could use this as a stepping stone into the high ranking aristocrats but Shen Miao had pushed for her something nobler. The doors to the Imperial family.

If Fu Xiu Yi was able to gain these, he would naturally be very happy. Moreover Ye Mei was a charming and seductive beauty so she would definitely grab this opportunity and just like the previously life, enter Fu Xiu Yi's heart, step by step.

But… what if these things were fake?

The defense places, secrets between officials, scandals of the Imperial family could be weaknesses used to attack. These individual things looked like the key of winning against Great liang but what if these things were all fake?

Ming Qi would make the wrong judgments, arrange troops in the wrong places or use the wrong combination of tactics. At the end, be it success or failure, their great cause would be destroyed.

That was the logic behind the say of a solid dyke collapsing because of an ant nest.

Of course, Ye Mei would not know that she had taken the wrong stuff.

Of course, Fu Xiu Yi could also suspect the genuinely of Ye Mei's things.

But it did not matter. Shen Miao had trust in Mei Furen's ability. She was a very powerful female and at the end, Fu Xiu Yi would believe Ye Mei's words.

So at the end, the result of the war would be destined.

It was not that Shen Miao did not want to kill Ye Mei or did she let the tiger lose in the mountain.

It was just that she was even more willing to see the female that Fu Xiu Yi loved the most took her steps towards her like the past lifetime and into his embrace. And at the end gave him a big gift personally and send Fu Xiu Yi to a path of no return.

She felt calmer down like this.

The most important thing was that this matter was beneficial to Xie Jing Xing. This Empire under Heavens would turn upside down because of this little chess piece.


On this night, it was indeed like what Cong Yang had thought. During the latter half of the night, it was stormy till the morning of the second day. When Cong Yang and the rest returned, they were all drenched and Ye Mei had already headed into the boat towards Ming Qi with Jin Xing Ming. Indeed like what Shen Miao had thought, Ye Mei had a sliver coloured small box that she hid very well, that even Jin Xing Ming was not aware of but she had not open it up yet.

Mo Yun Army's people had changed the things inside the small box to the things in Shen Miao's letter and Tie Yi took out a stack of things from his embrace and handed it over to Shen Miao. Shen Miao flipped through it and it was like what she had expected. It was all the information and leverages of officials that Ye Mao Cai had collected for all these years. There was even some secrets of the Imperial family. She thought about it and decided to wait for Xie Jing Xing to return for him to handle it.

Mo Yun Army's people had already followed Ye Mei to Ming Qi and paid close attention to Ye Mei's movements but there should not be any matters for now.

Shen Miao then remembered Ye Hong Guang and instructed Mo Qing and the others to rest before heading over to the next room to take a look at Ye Hong Guang.

Gao Yang was still here and said to Shen Miao that Ye Hong Guang's life was saved but he did not know why he had not awoken yet, how he would be like when he woke or if it would relapse. After all his injuries was to serious. If Mo Qing or Cong Yang did not bring him back in time, one did not know if he could even live.

At the end of it Gao Yang glanced at Ye Hong Guang and asked, "What do you plan to do? It is clear that the Emperor want to deal with the Ye family but you brought the Young Master of the Ye family to your residence. Could it be that in the future you will be raising him?"

"What is the Emperor's plan for the Ye family?" Shen Miao asked.

"What other plans can there be?" Gao Yang smiled, "Roots cannot be left when eradicating grass." He then continued, "It cannot be that you sympathise with him right?"

"Naturally not. The Emperor is doing the right thing. The Ye and Lu family have to be managed cleanly then the court would be stablised. It is just that…" She took a glance at Ye Hong Guang, "This child has nothing to do with what Ye Mao Cai did. If one where to say there was a mistake, it would be because his surname is 'Ye' and is born into the residence of the Prime Minister. Lets' go along and watch since one do not know if he would wake up or not and how would he be like after he woke. If it was possible, I hope to request a favour from the Empress."

"You are really strange." Gao Yang did not understand, "Why do you treat this Young Master of the Ye family so kindly? At the beginning in Ming Qi, one had never seen you showing such kindness. What is so different about this Young Master of the Ye family that made you different?"

"Because of his face." Shen Miao smiled.

"Face?" Gao Yang looked at Ye Hong Guang's face. He was unable to see anything special after watching over a long time and spoke as he waved his fan, "One do not understand."

"It is alright if one do not understand." Shen Miao said, "Always it is not the current important matter." She suppressed her voice lower, "Xie Jing Xing will be attacking Ming Qi right?"

Gao Yang suddenly turned around and looked at Shen Miao. He seemed to want to say something but afterwards had so much fear that he did not speak and just looked at her.

"I always know that this day would come but did not expect it to be so fast. These days he said he was in Fu Yang but Fu Yang's matter had been more or less settled. Even if it is to deal with the remaining forces, it was not necessarily for him to go. On the other hand the situation in Long Ye is critical and complicated but he was not even present." Shen Miao sighed, "Moreover dealing with the Ye family was too sudden. Is the Emperor… In a bad situation?"

"Actually I should lie and deceive you but one thought that even if one lies, one would not be able to deceive you and fear that it would make you unhappy." Gao Yang said, "By making you unhappy, Young Lady Lou would be angry with me. What you said was right. The Emperor is not good and the Prince of First Rank should had told you about the decree to pass the throne. Currently the Emperor is instructing his confidants and send some people over to the Prince in Ming Qi." He paused and continued, "Or it can be said that it is not to go to Ming Qi. The spies in Ding capital that send information over that Fu Xiu Yi had already form an alliance with the Emperor of Qin country and took the initiative to attack Great Liang. If they were able to conquer Great Liang then it would be divided equally between the both of them."

"He has such a big appetite. Is he not afraid of choking?" Shen Miao laughed coldly. Fu Xiu Yi most likely had a big appetite after gaining powers. Before that he was treating the people of Great Liang respectfully and his attitude was warm but now when he had an alliance with Qin country, he even dared to have such ambitions.

"He is not considered arrogant." Gao Yang smiled. It was just that upon serious look, one would find that his smile was someone serious, "Previously when the Lu family was fighting with the Imperial family, even though the Lu family was eradicated cleanly, from the outsiders' point of view, it seemed that the Imperial family had spent a lot of effort and also lost a lot. Moreover the Lu family was considered to be a force of Great Liang. Currently at such a critical point, the strength of Great Liang's troops was just about the same with Ming Qi's and Jin country's combined. Thus one can meet force with force."

"But the most important point is that Fu Xu Yi knows about the Emperor's medical condition so he could use it to break our morale at any time. I trust the Prince on this war but it would not be simple." Gao Yang said.

"I have never thought that this war would be simple." Shen Miao said in disappointment and frustration, "Fighting batters are always difficult."

"Thus the Prince had to personally go with the troops but since it is Ming Qi's side that took action first, creating frequent incidents at the bother. Currently it is just small fight to test each other but after not long, one would definitely declare war. The Prince does not have much time and thus had been preparing for the matter lately. One did not tell you, fearing that you will be distracted."

Shen Miao was silent for a moment before saying, "I understand."

"Then will you follow him and head to Ming Qi?" Gao Yang asked.

Shen Miao looked sideways, finding it funny, "I can?"

"Why not?"

Shen Miao looked at the other party and said faintly, "One do not know when the Emperor's illness would erupt and when would this war be finished. If something unpredictable happens to the Emperor then the Imperial decree would be announced to the world."

"The Empress cannot leave one's soil because one would be responsible for the commoners' under Heavens. I am not that mighty but I do not want him to bear the reputation of a fatuous monarch."

"In terms of reputation he was already wronged. So at this side of the Great Liang Empire, I will help him to watch over first."

Translator thoughts: I am strangely touched by SM last sentence.