"Cape Town, South Africa"
(Medium sized house with a wood interior design)
Zara Ahli
- female
-aged 16
- light skinned
-black hair with heavy curls, shoulder length
-slim thick
-left cheek dimple
Jennifer Khumalo
-aged 38
-tall, thin
-dark with a rough skin
Zara: (sitting at the dining table, her hands together in a fist in front of her, looking down )
Zara: (quiet looking down, scared)......
Jennifer:(breaks into Xhosa).. WE'RE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN THIS HOUSE! (bangs on the dining table)....
Zara:(looks at her abruptly in fear)......
Jennifer :(in warning)... I have tolerated your rubbish for a very long time.... Don't test my patience...
Zara:(looking at her in fear and confusion).....
Jennifer:(walks away)...
"The next day"
(Waterford high school)
Zara: (in a light blue long sleeve school shirt, a navy blue tie with a navy blue blazer over, a short navy blue pleated skirt, white ankle socks and black converse snickers. Getting books from her locker)....
Kuffi:(walking to Zara, her air pods on, singing lightly shaking her shoulders)....
Zara:(closes her locker, looks at Kuffi..... Smiles a bit)
-aged 16
-her hair in dreadlocks, shoulder length
-dark skinned
Kuffi:(takes her air pods off, smiles)... Hi friend.
Zara:(with little enthusiasm).. Hi.
Kuffi:.. Rough night again?
Zara:(now both walking to class)... Yeah, my mum keeps asking about some white envelope
Kuffi:why can't you tell her that you don't know about it?
Zara: we both know where that leads....
Kuffi:yeah more shouting
Zara:(in a low voice).. I wish it was only that...
Kuffi:Did you hear about... (Pauses as she watches Lebana, Roshai, J'hream, Tandeo and Jhene walk across the hall to their class)..... I can't wait to never see their faces again (breaks to Xhosa).... Bitches
Zara:(watches them as well)... same. Did I hear about what?....
Kuffi: ( continues the conversation)....
"Zara's class"
(Desks arranged a meter apart)
Kachi:(Zara's immediate neighbor in the class room).... He looks even better today... (Excited)....
Zara:(looks at her drained)... When will you stop this obsession?
Kachi: its not an obsession, its simply appreciation....
Zara:(shakes her head)..... He's taken, the sooner you realize the better.... (Glances at Kross)..
Kross:(facing the back talking and laughing with his friends)
-aged 18
-brown in complexion
-very good looking
-beautiful smile and eyes
- has four braids braided backwards
-pierced ears
Zara:(looks away).... I can't look passed his attitude....
Kachi:(in defence)... You're just judgy.....
Zara:(looks at Kross again).....
Kross:(laughing, his hand over his mouth).....
Zara:(breathes out and looks away)..... (Now in a state of thought, barely listening to Kachi....)
Kachi:swimming practice is today...... (Excited) I can't wait to see Kross dive in that pool... (Continues)
Zara:(looking straight ahead)...
Mrs Nofoto :(storms in).... Books out, books out, books out.... We are behind schedule.... (Gets her laptop out and places it on the table)
Student:(getting their books out in slight whispers and a few chuckles)....
"1:50 pm"
(Walk home)
(Kuffi and Zara walking along with Kachi, Thandy and Zenzele)
Zenzele :this year has been so long, a day is like two weeks long...
Thandy:we just started the year Zenzele.....
Zenzele: I know and I'm already fed up
Kuffi:(on her phone)... Speaking of fed up, Lebana is having a birthday party this Friday....
Kachi: isn't her birthday in June or something?
Kuffi: yes. But who cares, we have to go
Zara: I know for sure my mum won't let me...
Thandy: I thought we didn't like Lebana....
Kuffi: we don't.....
Zenzele : then why are we going there?
Kuffi: everyone will be there and besides, we're going there for music and food not Lebana....
Zara: again I say it. My mum would never allow me to go to a party..... And even if she did, Lebana hates me. I'd never go...
Thandy: its simply jealousy...
Zara:(in protest).... What about me would Lebana be jealous of?
Kuffi: you're the baddie from Mauritius
Zenzele :and you're pretty...
Thandy: all the guys like you...
Zara:.... and I live in the smallest house on my street and I'm not popular.... I don't even have a phone of my own
Kuffi: no one knows that.... Guys still aspire to date you
Zara: they used to. Now I'm a social reject.....
Thandy: because you play hard to get (in Xhosa) relax a bit friend.....
Zara:(sighs)....... What's her theme anyway...
Kuffi: its a pool Party so, I'm guessing its a beach vibe....
Zara: another reason I can't go. I have no bikini's or pool clothes.....
Kuffi:(in Xhosa)... That's why I'm here (back to English)..... In fact, I can get you all outfits...
The girls:( get excited)...
Zara:(not quite convinced)......
Kuffi:(puts her arm around Zara)..... You don't have to ask your mum, I'll take us and bring us back safely. Your mum won't even notice your gone...
"Zara's House"
(Zara's yellow themed room with pictures of her and Jennifer strung on the wall)
Zara:(on her bed, her legs crossed...... Looking at a tiny picture of her father.... In thought)......
Jennifer :(from downstairs)... ZARA!... ZARA!...... (rushing up the stairs in anger)
Zara:(quickly puts the picture away under her pillow, gets off the bed)
Jennifer:(storms into Zara's room with much vigor)........ WHERE ARE THE DOCUMENTS I LEFT ON MY TABLE!.....
Jennifer:(even louder)...... STOP ACTING CONFUSED AND GIVE ME THE PAPERS!.... (moving closer to Zara)
Zara: (moves away in fear).... Mum I didn't get any papers....
Zara:...... (Scared)...... I don't know where the papers are.... (Against the wall in her defense)...
Jennifer:(goes closer to Zara, reaches her and forcefully grabs her wrists)..... YOU CLEAN THIS PLACE DON'T YOU!...... (shaking her)....
Zara:(nodding her head as tears roll down her face).....
Jennifer:SO!....... (Throws her aside).....
Zara:(stumbles but maintains her balance).....
Jennifer:(walking away, in Xhosa)..... You will be the reason I die early...... (Bangs the door, continues shouting from down stairs in complaint)
Zara:(looking down at her now swollen wrists, wipes her tears)........... (Breathes out)....
"The next day"
(Zara's street)
Zara:(outside her house on the steps in her full uniform and school bag).......
Kuffi:(at the gate of her house, having a light argument with her brother kahilu)....
Zara:(watching Kuffi and her brother over the low white wood fencing)......
-19 years of age
-tall and lean
-good looking
-tattooed on his neck
Kuffi:(sees Zara)....... Zara is waiting for me, I have to go.... (Going)....
Kahilu:(to Zara)...... HI NEIGHBOR!....
Zara:(shyly)...... Hi.. (Waving, now walking to the gate)...
Kuffi:(reaches Zara's gate)..... Come on let's go....
Kahilu:(shouting)... JUST THINK ABOUT IT KUFFI, ITS A GOOD DEAL!......
Kuffi:(with heavy sarcasm)..... I'LL SURELY THINK ABOUT IT!... (goes off with Zara).....
"School pool room"
(A number of students seating on benches in a large room with a large pool at the centre)
Zara:(sitting at the lowest bench, parallel to the starting line)..... (Waiting)........
Swimming team:(walking arrogantly with their matching swimming bags strung on their shoulders).......
Zara:(pulls up her blazers sleeve, looking at her wrists)....
Students:(talking over each other, others giggling)
Ndasi:(his bag hits Zara's hand lightly)........
Zara:(looks at him)....
Ndasi: I'm so sorry.....
-18 years of age
-brown in complexion
-shaggy hair
Kross:( irritated)...... Bro why are you apologising??
Ndasi:(equally shocked)....... What do you mean why?
Kross: she saw you walking by, now didn't she? (looking at Zara in disgust)
Sekelani:(from two benches higher).... Just go on.....
Lethabo:(a swimmer, shocked) no one was talking to you....
Sekelani :no one needs to for me to tell you to leave....
Lesea:(a swimmer) who the hell are you
Asani:(a swimmer).... And where did you get the balls to tell us to leave.....
Sekelani :I'm not sc..... (Interrupted)......
Martin:(a swimmer).... Let's just go...... All this is a waste of time
Zara:(looking at Kross).....
Kross:(walks away, the rest follow)......
Zara:(rolls her eyes).....
Sekelani:... Are you okay Zara?
Zara:(without looking at him, responds)....... Yeah, I'm fine.... Thanks... (tapping her fingers on the bench)....
Sekelani :.........
Kuffi:(comes along)..... Hi friend...
Zara:... What happened to I'm coming soon.....
Kuffi:.... Sorry, I got distracted.... (Sees Thandy and the girls on the highest bench)...... Why didn't you sit with the others?....
Zara:... Firstly, I like this bench.... You get a better view and secondly..... I can't talk to them without you, we're friends because of you.
Kuffi:and they're my friends because my mum said so.....
Zara: which makes it even more weird for me....
Kuffi: open up a little friend..... (In Xhosa)..... When I die you won't follow me to the grave
Zara:.... I will trust me, like all jokes aside.... ( they both laugh)....
Coach:(blows the whistle)....
Swimmers:(get to their positions along side a few cheers)....
Lebana:(to her friends).....Kross will definitely win this race
Tandeo:(not so silently)...... God am I tired if hearing that.
Lebana:(rudely)...... Is there a problem Tandeo....
Tandeo:(whispers)..... Shit..... (Now loudly)..... No. No problem...
J'hream:(laughs a bit in slight irritation )...... Don't play girl....
Lebana: where was I, so... (Continues talking)...
Jhene:(whispers to Tandeo)..... Too loud this time?.... (Chuckles)...
Tandeo:(chuckles, whispers).... I'm as shocked as you are right now.....
Coach:(blows the whistle)...
Swimmers:(take off)....
Some students: (cheer them on).....
Zara:(watching carefully)...... I hate having to watch this all the time.....
Kuffi:(on her phone texting)... its better than participating..... We don't get to humiliate ourselves by drowning.....
Zara: (still watching the race) .... how can't you swim? You have a really nice pool at you house
Kuffi: nice pool maybe, but do I have the parent to teach me?
Zara:your mum looks like a swimmer...
Kuffi :she is. But she's never home so...... Its a waste to rely on her
Zara: I thought she came back two days ago....
Kuffi:she did, but she has work in Paris.... "Work".....
Swimmers:(finish the race).....
Zara:(shocked)...... Since when did Ndasi get that fast?
Kuffi:(looks up)..... Why what happened.....
Students:(noisy, all giving their opinions....)
Kross:(still in the pool with the others, to Ndasi)...... Bro what the fuck?
Ndasi:(gets out the pool)....
Kross:(angry, comes out of the water)....
Lebana:..... (Crushed)...
Tandeo:(laughs to herself)....
Coach:(arguing with his supervisor).... That's why I hired you, for the purpose of a second eye.....
Supervisor :it was a tie sir....
Coach: they're no ties in swimming.....
Kuffi:(to Zara)... Was it a tie..
Zara: yeah, but you know the coach when it comes to Kross... That's he's favorite swimmer...
Coach:(turns to the students).... (To himself)...... Who can be the best....... (Calls out) ZARA AHLI!....
Zara:(looks up).... Yes...
Students:(go quiet)......
Coach: from your judgment who was first.....
Ndasi :(looking at Zara with some hope)....
Zara:(with no hesitation)....... Ndasi was first......
Students:(roar in disbelief, all talking over each other)...
Kross:(to the coach)... Are you seriously taking that as the truth?....
Kross: (angry)......
Kuffi:(to Zara).. You just said it was a tie...
Zara: I know....
Kross: whatever, at the end of the day we all know who gets the trophy......... (Walks away)......
Ndasi:(smile fades).....
Coach:.... Kross.... Kross
Swimmers:(congratulate Ndasi)...
Lebana: (shocked)....who does Zara think she is......
J'hream :she's playing with fire....
"Zara's street"
Zara:(at her door)..... (Putting in the key, rushing, shaking.....)
Kahilu:(from his car window, in their drive way, watching Zara)...
Zara:(finally opens the door, rushes in and closes the door)....
"That night"
( kuffi's home, mansion of exquisite architecture)
Kahilu:(helping Kuffi fill glass bowls with candy, fruits and different refreshment)....... Is your friend alright?
Kuffi:(puts a sweet in her mouth).... Which friend?
Kahilu: I'd only ask you about one friend, Zara....
Kuffi: uhm........Okay how?
Kahilu: in all aspects.... Socially.... Mentally?
Kuffi:(shocked)... Why do you ask?...... (Smiles a bit).... Come on tell me
Kahilu: why are you smiling? (Chuckles)....... I'm not asking because of whatever you're thinking.....
Kuffi:(excitedly bursts out)...... How do you know what I'm thinking about?(blushing)....
Kahilu: I know you and you've been on this for years......... I was asking..... with no extra intentions..
Kuffi:(finishes up)...... She's okay. When will mum come back?
Kahilu:she said in a week.... Meaning in a month
Kuffi:do you know why this time?
Kahilu:She's probably whoring around.....
Kuffi:( in Xhosa)... That's disgusting
Kahilu:yeah but, it is what it is....
"Zara's house"
(Dining table)
Zara:(eating slowly, wearing a large long sleeved T-shirt and shorts).....
Jennifer:(kindly)....... How was school dear?....
Jennifer: (confused)...... Zara, where is your mind? I'm talking to you.....
Zara:........ (Quiet, looking down at her food)....
Jennifer:... Baby....
Zara:(tears up)........
Jennifer:(notices her wrists)...... Honey what happened to your wrists?....
Zara:(a tear rolls down her cheek, wipes it off quickly)....
Jennifer:(worried)....... Zara..
Zara:(gets up in anger, rushing up the stairs)......
Jennifer:...... (Confused)...
"C's Bakery" (Choolwe's Bakery)
Zara:(now in a black hoodie)...... (Sitting at one of the tables listening to the music playing in the bakery)
Choolwe:(walking up to Zara).... Hey hey.... (Reaches her)...... Music?
Zara: yeah, sorry....
Choolwe (cho--l--weh)
-44 years old
-cute and chubby
Choolwe: you don't have to be sorry...
Zara: I like your playlist, no one my age particularly listens to any of it.....
Choolwe: I can share my music if you like...
Zara: I don't have a phone remember?
Choolwe :......
Zara: the next time I come here I'll buy something.
Choolwe:no problem. (In Xhosa) you're welcome here anytime, even just to sit listening to music
Zara:(smiles) thank you
Choolwe: before I forget I have something for you to taste... (Goes off excitedly).....
Zara:(smiles)....... (Smile fades).....
Kids outside:(laughing)......
Zara:( looks out the glass to see the kids)....
Ndasi:(holding a teddy bear, his hand in the air with it)...
Natalie and Nathaniah :(Ndasi's little sisters trying to get the teddy bear, laughing and jumping)......
Their mum:(smiles)...... Give them the bear Ndasi....
Ndasi:(laughs).... I am.. (Gives it to them)...
Ndasi:(starts helping his mum put the grocery in the back of their ford ranger).......
Natalie:(chasing Nathaniah, both laughing).....
Ndasi:(finishes up closes the trunk)......
Zara:(looks away)......
Ndasi:(turns, sees Zara and poses)......
Zara:(now talking to Choolwe smiling at him)....
Choolwe:(serves his master piece on a white plate, excited).....
His mum:(notices)...... Pretty girl yeah?
Ndasi:(looks at his mum as she awkwardly smiles at him)..... Don't get like that.... (Walking away)...... Natalie, Nathaniah let's go.....
His mum: it was just a compliment (enters the car after Natalie and Nathaniah).....
Zara:mmmm (tasting the cake)....(swallows) .... Wow...... I can taste the strawberries and the chocolate.....
Zara:wow........ Its really good (smiles)
Choolwe:really? (Happy)....
Zara: its the best I've ever tasted....
Choolwe:(smiles)..... God you make me feel so happy....
Zara :(smiles)....... (Breathes out, smile fades)....
Choolwe: are you okay?
Zara:(nodding her head).... Yeah. I have to go.... it's getting late....
Zara:(gets up)..... (Smiles) see you whenever..... (Going)...
Choolwe :(worried).....okay, goodnight....
Zara:(closes the door, heads out)......
"The next day"
(Zara's class)
Zara:(drinking water from the water fountain)........
Ndasi:(creeps in).... Hey...
Zara:(slowly straightens herself up)...... Uhm, hi....
Ndasi:how are you doing?
Zara: (confused).... Great.
Ndasi:I just wanted to thank you for yesterday...
Zara:(rudely).... Er, it wasn't a favor. I just said what I saw.
Ndasi:(shocked).... I know I just wanted to thank you....
Ndasi: not everyone can stand up to Kross like that...
Zara:.... Again, I just said what I saw, I wasn't standing up to anyone
Ndasi:..... Uhm, yeah. okay
Zara:can I go? I have classes...
Ndasi:classes are in about 15 minutes...
Zara: yeah.... (Goes)....
Ndasi:(watches her leave)....
"Later that day"
(Soccer game, students watching the game on benches under the scorching sun)
Zara: the sun is killing me.... (Fanning herself)
Kuffi:(excited, watching the game attentively).... (In Xhosa).... Noah should stop with the bad passes, his making the whole team lose.......
Lebana:(aims a squashed paper at Kuffi)....
J'hream :(laughs).... Right in the trash can
Kuffi:(whispers in Xhosa).... Lord give me the patience.....
Zara: (whispers) how are we sitting in front of these fools?
Kuffi: I have no idea.... (Breathes out).... (Gets her head back into the game).....
"After a while"
Kuffi: do you think Hakeem is hot? Don't answer, you're the worst person to ask.. (Watching the game)....
Zara:(shocked, confused).....
Kuffi:He's so hot friend. I can just squeeze him and kiss all over his face if he was my boyfriend
Lebana and her friends:(laugh at their loudest).....
Zara:...... Thinking out loud?
Kuffi: no I was telling you, why didn't you warn me that I was too loud?
J'hream: don't go on and on regretting, its good to share how you feel (they laugh again).....
Kuffi:(turns to them)....... Is there anything I have ever done? Why do you target me?.....
Lebana:we don't target you sweetheart . We just happen to always be there each time you embarrass yourself (they laugh again)......
Kuffi:(whispers)..... I don't even know why I bothered asking....
Coach :(blows final whistle)....
Zara:....its high time we left, the sun is killing my eyes...
Soccer players:(great out)...... (Others walking away to get their bags).....
Hakeem's:(walks to his bag with his friend... Not so far from the spectators).......
J'hream :(loudly)..... Hey Kuffi Hakeem has come closer....
Kuffi:(about to melt)...... (Whispers).. Oh my God please no
Hakeem:(looks up at the call his name)......
Lebana: come on Kuffi tell him about how you would squeeze him and kiss him all over his face if he was your boyfriend....
Kuffi:(ashamed , looks at Hakeem)
Hakeem:(looks at Kuffi with no definite expression of reaction)........ (Leaves with his friend).....
Kuffi:(quickly goes away).......
Zara:(follows her)....
Jhene: that wasn't so nice..... or even necessary for that matter...
Lebana: are you and Tandeo for or against us?
J'hream : really.......you're ever tripping........ You and Tandeo. You don't see Roshai coming at us
Jhene: we are for you, its just that....
J'hream :(interrupts).... Then be on our team. Its nothing difficult......
Jhene:(breathes out)....
J'hream and Lebana :(continue makes jokes about the issue)....
Roshai:(sitting in silence)...
"The next day"
(Zara's class, free period)
Students:(on their school iPads doing as they please)
Zara:(scrolling on houses)...
Kuffi:( checking on bikini's)....
Students:(all in silence, minimal noise)....
Hakeem:(walking in)......
Lebana:(gets excited with J'hream)...........
Tandeo:(watching Hakeem and he walks to Kuffi).....
Kuffi:(not paying so much attention)......
Hakeem:(reaches Kuffi)..... Hi
Kuffi:(looks up, nervously).... Hey.
Zara:(watching Hakeem)....
Hakeem: can I talk to you after classes
Kuffi:................ Uhm, yeah....... Okay
Lebana:(high fives J'hream).......
Kuffi:(looks at Zara behind her).......he'll probably roast me friend...
Zara: I don't think so. He doesn't look the type....
Kuffi:(whines, almost crying)...... I'm dead...... He'll roast me and share the video of my humiliation
Zara:(shaking her head).... You're being paranoid Kuffi...
Kuffi:(turns to face the front)...... (Lays her head on her desk)....
Zara:....... oh God.....
"After class"
(Benches in the parking lot)
Kuffi:(sitting on the bench, waiting)....
Hakeem:(walks up to her and sits)........
............ (A moment of very awkward silence)
Hakeem:(breathes out)..... So yesterday.
Kuffi:(looking at the ground, listening)....
Hakeem: it was uhm.....
Kuffi:(finishes for him).... Embarrassing I know and I'm really sorry
Hakeem: it was embarrassing...
Hakeem: but not in the way you think it was...
Hakeem: I could have given a better reaction....... I mean, the reaction I wanted to give wasn't quite the one I gave...
Kuffi:........ What reaction did you want to give?
Hakeem:.... Any to reveal that I was flattered....
Kuffi:(looks at him in shock)...... Flattered?
Hakeem: yeah, but you looked quite upset..... And Lebana and her friends we're laughing...... I thought it was best to walk away.
Kuffi:(confused).... Whats there to be flattered about?
Hakeem:... You're cool, pretty...... Who wouldn't be flattered to hear that you want to kiss them all over their face...
Kuffi:(covers her face)..... Oh God........
Kuffi: for the record the whole grab you and kiss you thing was edited ..... I didn't say that.....
Hakeem's:(with a hint of sarcasm)...... Yeah okay. (Laughs)..... I was really shocked you know. Most girls are all about the swim team...
Kuffi:not me, I hating swimming, I love soccer....
Hakeem: soccer is my whole world....
Hakeem: looks like we have something in common already...
Kuffi:(shyly)..... Yeah.
Hakeem:.... Do you have your phone?
Kuffi:(taking it out)..... Yeah I do. (gives it to him)
Hakeem:(puts in his number)...... No pass code, that's very rare.... (Gives her her phone back)...
Kuffi: there's nothing much on it so. There's nothing to hide...
Hakeem: cool... (Gets up).... Text me whenever.
Kuffi: I will.....
Hakeem: bye( goes)....
Kuffi:... (Smiles to herself).... Holy shit....... Did that just happen? (Watches Hakeem as he leaves).....
"The next day"
(In the hall)
Lebana: I hope you all have dates for Friday. Its part of our theme
J'hream:I'm going with Asani
Jhene: I'm going with Lethabo
Roshai:(in a sweet voice).... I don't have a boyfriend...
Lebana:(rolls her eyes).... Because you're too much of a kid, someone who doesn't know you would never believe you're in 12th grade
J'hream: true, you're too soft..... you don't wear makeup.... Your socials are dead.....
Tandeo:(sighs)...... I also have no date....
J'hream :you never do, its nothing new..... (Rolls her eyes)
Lebana : find dates, you have a Day to. If you don't , don't show up......
Tandeo :(whispers) gladly......
Swimmers:( walking in the hall)....
Lebana:(excited)..... Kross' coming here....
J'hream :(smiles)..... I see that
Swimmers:( as they pass)....
Lebana:(smiles at Kross)....
Kross:(looks at her then looks away, irritated)....
Asani:(makes a stop as the others go on)...... (To J'hream).... Hey babe
J'hream:hey.. (Smiles)..... (They kiss).....
Asani: same place at lunch yeah?
J'hream :yeah.... (Smiles)
J'hream :(awkward).......
Lebana:(walks away).......
"An hour later"
(Deserted science laboratory)
Kross:(waiting, on his phone leaned against one of the stations).....
Lebana:(walks into the lab upset, closes the door her)....
Kross :(puts his phone in his pocket of his blazer)......
Lebana:(reaches him)
Kross :(smiles).....
Lebana:........ you didn't say hi to me again...
Kross:... Come on, I didn't see you.
Lebana:....yes you did. Whats wrong with you? You always get like that...
Kross :...... I had a bad day. I'm sorry...
Lebana:........ That was so embarrassing.....
Kross :(holds her hands)....
I had a bad day and I was tired too..... You know I love you
Kross:... Baby..... I didn't intend to ignore your beautiful smile
Lebana:(flattered)...... Its okay..
Kross:..good, now give me kiss
Lebana:(moves close to him)....... (Puts her arms around him)
Kross :(his hands around her waist, leans in and kisses her)....
Lebana :(kissing him)......
Kross:(picks her off the floor and puts her on top of the working station)......
Lebana:(kissing him)....
Kross:(breaks the kiss)..... I want to make it up to you
Lebana:..... Then do it
Kross :(smiles a bit, parts her legs....... Stands between her legs kissing her)...
Lebana:(kissing him)...
Kross :(his hands going into her school skirt)
Lebana:(watches him as he smiles)..
(The class completely empty)
Kuffi:(sitting on the desk)
Zara:(on her chair)....
Kuffi: I really really really really really really really really really really really like him
Zara:(disappointed)..... Its only been a day, in fact barely...
Kuffi:I know but, we have so much in common..... He likes what I like and he hates what I do.....
Kuffi: and he has been my crush from like middle school
Kuffi: he's better than I ever imagined
Zara: he's just trying to please you. Every guy on this earth plays those cards....
Kuffi:(drained) why do you always have to be so negative?
Zara:...... It hurts less when things go wrong.
Kuffi: thinking of being hurt all the time just ruins everything, you become paranoid....
Zara:(shrugs)...... Sorry its inevitable for me...
Kuffi: whatever. Not all guys are the same....
Zara: sure. Noted.....
Kuffi: (ignores Zara's attitude, excited)...... Tonights the sleep over.....
Zara:(smiles)...... Yeah..... You, me and your squad.....
Kuffi: don't be like that it will be fun....
Zara:..... Is Hakeem going to the party? Lebana's birthday thing....
Kuffi:........ Uhm...
Zara:if he is I'm not. You'll probably be with him the whole time....
Kuffi:(lies).... He's not a party person.... So, he probably won't go
Zara:(breathes out).......
Kuffi: what?
Zara:nothing. I just hope the party will be worth sneaking out...
Kuffi: I know it will. Let's go for lunch.... (They both get up and go).....