Chapter Nine

"A week later"

(Zara's class, filled with the twelve graders of Waterford)......

Students:.... (Some standing against the walls, others on chairs.... Others sitting on the table, the room filled with noise)......

Principal :.... (Walks in)....

Students:(go silent)......

Principal :..... Good afternoon....

Students:.... (All together)....... Good afternoon Mrs Jacobs

J'hream :(whispers to Lebana)..... Your mum looks so boogie....


Principal :... So you all know why you're gathered here don't you?....

Students:... (All agree, noise erupts).....

Principal :..... Your silence will be appreciated......

Students:(go quite).....

Principal :(continues talking).....

Kross :(at the corner of the room with his friends, all whispering)......... I hope we go with Mrs Styles....

Asani:... Right...... That women is so slow..... We'll do whatever we want...


Kross :..... Finally we are going for the big trip....

Martin:.... I couldn't even sleep last night, I kept having these dreams....

Marques:... (Excited).... There's going to be weed, alcohol........... Girls.....

Martin:.... Man this is the trip to break them..... (All excited)....

Ndasi:... And get expelled when you get caught yeah?....

Asani:.... What's your deal bruh?.....

Noah:.... Like really, live a little....


Hakeem:.... His not excited cause he knows he won't get no Pussy...... (They all laugh).....

Principal :.... That corner.....

Students:.... (All look at the corner).....

Kross :(covering his mouth, trying not to laugh)......

Principal :...... Do you want to share?

Kross:(straight faced now)...... Sorry Mrs Jacobs.......

Principal :..... As usual..... Some students will not go on the history trip because of one... Poor grades..... Two misbehaviour..........

Students:.... (Whispering among themselves).......

J'hream :(to Lebana).... So you know whose not going?.....

Lebana :... Yep.... (Looks at Roshai)..... You're lucky we're friends......


Principal :...... This trip is going to be guided by Mrs Styled.....

Kross:.... Jesus Christ.

Asani:.... Shit. Is this for real?....

Marques:.... Believe it mates..... Cheers to the greatest trip of the year...


Principal :..... The following are remaining home......

Kross:(scared)..... Shit...

Asani:..... Better have been good boys.......

Marques:...... Whether I'm called, I swear I'll drive there..... (They laugh)....

Ndasi:...... And go to another hotel......

Kross :.......


Principal :..... Paul....

Students:..... (Talk among themselves)....

Principal :....... Sekelani.....

Zara:(shocked)..... What can he do....

Jhene:..... What can't he do is the question. His not as smart as he looks.....

Zara:... Oh. Sad.....

Principal :.....Annika.... Jabulani......... Elna...... Susan...... (About fifteen names later)......

Thank you, enjoy your trip on Friday.......

Students:......... (Celebrate among each other).......

Jhene:..... With Mrs Styles.... This trip will get people pregnant....

Kuffi:.... Its up to those in relationships.......

Zara:...... (Nervous)....

Tandeo:.... Yep. (Laughs)...

Jhene :.... Whether single or not.... I know you're going to get some.....

Kuffi:... Bet?...

Jhene:.... 1000 rands..


Kuffi:... Deal...

Jhene:... Deal....



"That night"

(Ahli house)....

Everyone :(eating quietly)......

Ermias:....... Zara, anything to tell me?

Zara:(confused)...... About?

Ermias:the school trip...

Zara:.... (Remembers).... Ohhhhh....... Yeah, there's a school trip on Friday.

London :.... Where?... And for how long?...

Zara :Johannesburg...... From this Friday to next Friday......

Emani:..... A whole week?.... (A little sad)......

Zara :.... Yeah....

Ermias:... What will the trip be on.......

Zara:.... History.......

Ermias:... Do you need anything?......

Zara:.... No. I'm good.

London:(excited)...... Can I pack for you..... (Smiles).....

Zara:... (Chuckles)..... Sure.

Rose:..... Is it an entire class trip?



Vanessa:(laughs a bit)......

Rose :(shocked)......

London:..... Yes it is mum....

Rose:... With boys?....

London:.... Its a coeducation so take the closest guess..

Rose:... Its just an excuse....

Emani:(laughs)...... Excuse for what?.....

Ermias:... (Looks at Emani).....

Emani :... (Stops)...... You don't hear her?.....

Zara : there's no excuses and I'm not the type either way......... I'm a young but focused girl

Ermias:... (Smiles).....

Vanessa:... Nana..... Are you staying till the holidays...

Emani :... Hell no.....

Ermias:... Emani...

Rose :.....

Emani:.... Like you want her to be here dad....

Rose :..... I will be here cupcake. I won't leave till the baby is born.....

Ermias:... With all due respect. We can't live like this for eight months......... You can't stay here

London:.... Babe.

Rose:...... I will stay in my daughters house for as long as I want.....

Ermias:..... In her house yes..... But not in mine.


Ermias:..... This is my house......

Zara:..... (To Emani and Vanessa)........ Let's go watch our show...... (Gets up)....

Vanessa:..... Doesn't it start at eight?.........

Emani:(gets up)..... Let's just go.... (The three of them leave).....

Ermias:... You provide no environment for kids....

Rose:..... I provide a suitable environment for my daughter and grand daughter.....

Ermias:.... No you don't. You have this urge to judge..... To comment badly....... To reduce the honor of everything my two daughters do.......


Ermias:.... Vanessa knows that those two are her sisters...... When you call them names and tell them these canning things you do.......... It affects Vanessa...... It really does.


Ermias:.... Emani gets even more distant because you make her feel out of place............. Zara just doesn't show it but I know you get to her too....


Ermias:.... I'm giving you a week. After that I don't want you here...... (Storms off)......


Rose :.... You'll just let him throw me out?......

London:......... My daughter came to ask me what it means when someone is a black person............

Rose :......

London:..... This is Africa mum. I really wanted my daughter to grow in a non race considering path..........


London:...... You made her look at her sisters in a different way........... Vanessa isn't even white...... I'm black remember?............ All this light skin is just a cover...........

Rose :........

London:..... I don't like this Rose....... I would have supported you..... In fact Ermias would have never told you to leave if you just loved everyone equally..... If you weren't this bitter.......... You're constantly fighting with a ten year old......... You know better


London:... We just want to be happy.............. I appreciate that you came here to make sure we go back home cause maybe I didn't want to stay......... But now I want to.....


London:..... Its a lovely place.....



"The next day ".....

(Prison garden, female prisoners working under supervision )......

Jennifer:... (Working alone).....

Prisoner:...... (In Xhosa)....... LOOK AT THAT WITCH THERE!......

others :(laugh).....

Jennifer :(hoeing).......

Prisoner 2 :...... And I thought I was a bad person............ My child, never........... I would never torture my child..........

Prison 3:.... (In Xhosa)...... She will go straight to hell.......

Prisoner :(in Xhosa)........ Do you know that she even lied........

Others :.... (All exclaim in shock, clapping their hands).......

Prisoner :...... (In Xhosa)....... Mental illness I tell you....... This women doesn't deserve to be breathing......

Officer :.... CAN YOU ALL JUST WORK!.......

Prisoners:..... (Continue their work)......

Jennifer:...... (In awkward calmness)....... (Hoeing).....

Officer:..... (Looks at Jennifer for a while)........

"Later that day".......

(Feeding room)....

Jennifer:..... (On the ground bleeding from her nose, food splashed all over her attire)......

Prisoners :.... (Beating her up as others cheer)......

Prisoner :.... (In Xhosa).... KILL THE WITCH!......

prisoners:...... (All together in Xhosa)..... KILL THE WITCH!....

Officers:..... (Rush to the scene)....

Prisoners:...... (Scatter).....

Jennifer:.... (Laying on the ground still, no emotion)......

Officer:.... GET UP!........

Jennifer:...... (Slowly gets up)......

Officer :...... Its this women again?........... Why are they ever attacking her?......

Officer 2:...... She's new. She's in here for abuse......... Abuse of her own daughter........

Officer 3:.... Is she a mental?....

Officer:not at all.......... GET UP!....

Jennifer:(now standing, shaking a bit)....

Officer :... GET CLEAN!.....

Jennifer :.... (Walks away slowly)..........

Officer :......

"Friday..... 5:39am"....

(Airport, weather a little chilly)..........

Zara:(wearing a maroon body hugging velvet mini dress with a large fur coat over, her hair well gelled in a back tie)......... (In the back seat with Emani).....

Emani :.....(hugging Zara).......

Ermias:(watching the girls through the rear view mirror).......


Zara:(hugging Emani)....... Its just till Friday.....

Emani:(sniffles and covers her face with her hand).....

Zara:.... (Shocked)......

Ermias:.... (Turns looking back)....... That's new.....

Emani :.... (Sniffles again)......

Ermias :(taking a video)....

Zara:(smiles).... Really?.....

Ermias:(laughs a bit)....... This is a very rare moment.........

Zara:..... You'll be okay Emani......

Ermias :.... Yeah. Zara will be gone but I'm here......

Emani:(sits up and wipes her tears).............

Zara:... (Still shocked).....

Emani :.... (Moves away, sits closer to the other door)........

Ermias :..... I'll handle this....... You should go now..........

Zara:...... Bye Emani........

Emani:....... (Looking out the window)........

Zara:... She's making me feel so bad......

Ermias :..... She'll be good.... Now go, take care and call when you get there.....

Zara:... Okay. (Opens the car door)..............

"Departure lounge "

Students :....... (All sitting doing assorted things)........

Zara:..... (Walking to everyone).......

Kross:..... (On his phone)....

Asani:.... (Sees Zara)....... (smacks Kross to look)...

Kross:.... What?...... (Looks up, sees Zara)......... Well....

Jhene:.... (Smiles and waves at Zara).....

Zara:(smiles, waves back)......

J'hream :.... This girl is really pretty like no cap......

Lebana :...........


Zara:(sits with her friends)....hey...

Kuffi:...... You look so good......... Someone helped you right?...... (They all laugh).....

Zara:...... Obviously, I'm too lazy for all this.....

Tandeo:who helped you?......


Jhene:....... You get along now?....

Zara:..... We never didn't......

Tandeo :......

Marques:... You're not going there?....

Kross:....... She's with her friends and besides...... I have till Friday so.......

Guys :(cheer in excitement).......

"On the plane"......

Zara :(sitting next Kuffi).......

Kuffi:...... my mother really loves him......

Zara :(listening).........

Kuffi:...... My brother is never home anymore....... And I'm stuck in the middle of everything......


Kuffi:enough about me.... Are you good..... Apart from Rose obviously.......

Zara:...... Yeah......... My little sisters make things better......... My dad too..... sometimes....


Zara :...... Its hard to believe he's the man my mother said he was......

Kuffi :....... And London?....

Zara:..... She's cool. She has these endless stories.... (Laughs a bit)......

Kuffi:........ Sounds like you love them already..... .

Zara :.........


Lebana :....... (Sad).... Now I wish I was in the list......

Martin:....... Why?...

Lebana :........ Your friend wants Zara not me.....


Lebana :...... Whats funny? .....

Martin:....... Didn't you two break up a year ago?..... You're still sad about it?......

Lebana :(rolls her eyes).... I don't even know why I sat with you..... You're a clown....

Martin:..... I'm a clown or your bestie has a boyfriend to attend to?....... you had no choice but to sit here...

Lebana :..... (Sighs, puts her head phones on)....

Martin:.... (Laughs).........

"Johannesburg, entrance leading to the reception, 9:30am"......

Zara:...... (Walking with Kross both dragging their suit cases)..... Why did we leave so early just to reach at nine.....

Kross :...... I don't even know, last year...... They were here when the city lights were on........ It looked so cool.....

Zara :(sighs).........

Kuffi:(both dragging their cases, puts her arm around Tandeo)........... The trip starts now, you're ready?....

Tandeo :(looking at Zara and Kross)....... I don't know really......

Kuffi:...come on. Let it be a girls trip....

Tandeo :.... I know you'll find someone by the end of this trip....

Kuffi:.... And owe Jhene 2000 rands....... I don't think so.....

Lebana :...... (Looking at Zara an Kross ahead)........

Kross:(puts his arm around Zara).......

Lebana:(looks at J'hream and Asani)........

Asani:.... (Talking).....

J'hream :.... (Laughing)......

Lebana :........

Martin:(walks up to Lebana)....... Some company?....

Lebana :.........

Martin :.... Because I'm nice, I'll walk with you....



"Ahli house"....

(Outside, pool area)....

Lauren:(walking with Ermias on the green loan)....... I never had time to read the copies that Kuffi gave me.......... I don't know what pushed me to last night.....

Ermias :..... Copies of the journal?

Lauren :... Yes.

Ermias:..... What did you read?.

Lauren:..... Enough to know that Zara needs therapy........


Lauren :(also stops)....... Mr Ahli your daughter......... She went through a lot of pain, I mean her expression of it on each page was just horrifying........


Lauren:...... You read that and you'd think she's suicidal...... Or she's under a state if depression but no....... She's happy....... She manages to hide it............ What she writes needs attention....

Ermias:...... Can I read them?

Lauren:... I have them in the car........ I couldn't sleep....


Lauren:..... I was moved..... I was scared.......... I know its passed but I felt each if her days.....


Lauren:..... All this began a long time ago............what we know.... What we saw........ All that was minor.....

Ermias :.......

Lauren:....... She would have gotten more than 16 years if the judge knew......

Ermias :..... I thought you had the journal presented......

Lauren:..... (Shakes her head).... I didn't read it. I had no idea and I apologize......

Ermias :(breathes out, worried, shaken).......what did she do to my daughter?...

Lauren:..... I think you should read it.......


Lauren:...... Zara is not okay....... She poses to be but that's not the case and I think that's even worse....

Ermias:....... I'll read it....... She's in Johannesburg right now..... That will give me time to plan all this out and organize what I have to......

Lauren:..... If you need help. I'm here......

Ermias:...... Thank you.

Lauren:(her hand on her chest)..... My body is still shaken......


"Reception "

Students :(sitting, waiting).......

Jhene:.... (Sitting with Marques, listening)........

Marques:..... (Talking)......

Tandeo :(from a distance)....... This will be the 59th time She'll get back with him......

Kuffi:.... For real?....

Tandeo :... Yeah. They talk, hang out........... Hook up and then break up. The same cycle......



Mrs Style :(announcing)....... So you know the rules........ Boys in the left girls on the right.........

Hotel manager:(hands her a box of keys).......

Mrs Style:... Thank you.... (Puts the box on the reception stand)...... So you will stand as you are sitting and sign yourself and your roommate in.......

Kross :(looks at marques)......

Marques :(nods his head in agreement)......

Kross :. (To Zara)...... You sign in with Jhene.....


Kross :.... Marques is signing me in...... Then we'll switch.....


Kross :...(laughs a bit).... I'll be in a room with you and he'll be with Jhene....... They are our covers....

Zara:(nervous)...... Oh. To Mrs Style I'm with Jhene and you with Marques .......

Kross :..... Exactly.....

Zara:........ Okay.

Kross :.... That's okay right?

Zara:....... Uhm yeah...... It is.

"Ahli house "...

Ermias:(at his desk, reading the copies of the journal)....... (Shaken).............

"Johannesburg "

(Room 7)......

Zara:(sitting on the bed, texting).....

Kross :(sitting on the bed opposite her, waiting).....

Zara:(looks up)..... Sorry. (Puts her phone away)........ It was my sisters...........

Kross :... Both?....

Zara :yeah..... It was a group chat.......... Rose is at it again even when I'm gone.

Kross :what's her deal?....

Zara:... I don't know.

Kross :...... I was so excited for this week..... (Gets up and sits on the other bed next to Zara).....

Zara :(smiles)..... Why?

Kross :....... You know...... (Grabs her lower jaw, kisses her)....

Zara:(kissing him).....

"Room 14"

Jhene:(sitting on Marques' lap, kissing him passionately).....

Marques :.... (In his boxers, kissing Jhene, squeezing her ass)........... (Lays her on the bed vigorously)...

Jhene:.. (Giggles)......

"Room 12".....

Tandeo:(laying on the bed, facing the ceiling).......

Kuffi:.... Are you upset with Jhene?....

Tandeo:..... No....... I have no right to hinder her joy rides....

Kuffi :......

Tandeo :...... I don't know why I didn't expect it.....

Kuffi:... I'll be here... Don't worry

Tandeo:(sits up).......... Before he comes yeah?......

Kuffi:(laughs).... Whose he?.....

Tandeo :(smiles).... Who knows.....

Kuffi:..... Nah....... (Gets on Tandeo's bed)..... Girls trip till Friday....... (Lays on her)....

Tandeo:.....(laughing)...... How are you so heavy....


"Room 27".....

J'hream :(sitting on the bed her legs crossed).....

Asani :.... (Sitting next to her)..... I really can't change your mind?....

J'hream :... I promised Lebana...

Asani :....

J'hream :.... We have all day, and I can come here when you need me.....

Asani:(sad, sighs)...... Okay

J'hream:.... Thank you for understanding.....

Asani:(kisses her).....

J'hream :(kisses him)....... I love you.....

Asani:.... (Nods his head).... (Gets up)......

J'hream :.... You're that mad?...... You won't say it back....

Asani :.... (Looks at Lebana)...

Lebana :(looks at him)....

Asani :(walks out of the room).....

Lebana:his looking at me like its my fault...... You wanted to stay here.... I didn't force you...

J'hream :(shocked)...... You kinda did beg Lebana.....

Lebana :..... I was doing you a favor J'hream, I knew you wanted to sleep here..

J'hream :(laughs in shock)...... A favor?.... Wow .....

Lebana :......

J'hream :.... You have no idea how bad I wanted to be in a room with Asani...

Lebana :... (Touched).... Then leave. Everyone seems to be good at leaving me.....

J'hream :...... Because you're a bitch darling........

Lebana :...... I know all you want is the clout......

J'hream :.... (Gets up).....

Lebana :... I've never asked you to follow me around like you always do......

J'hream :(gets her case)........ I'll just leave then Lebana...... (Storms out)......

Lebana :.......... (Rolls her eyes, gets her phone)....

"That night".....

(Room 7).......

Zara:(under the covers with Kross)...... (Cuddling).....

Kross :...... (Facing Zara).... By then I was twelve.....

Zara:....... (Facing the ceiling)...... Was your mum upset?

Kross:.... Yeah. But she never stays mad at me......


Kross:(yawns)..... You're still not tired?

Zara:..... No......... I keep thinking about my mum...

Kross:..... In what way?.....

Zara:...... I miss her. The other her........ Before she started you know.....

Kross :....... I get you..... (Yawns).....

Zara :(gets her phone)......


Zara:....... (Texting)......

"The next day "

(James hall museum of transport ).....

Students :(still outside, others trolling, others talking among themselves, others sitting down on blocks of concrete)......

Mrs Styles:....... (Talking to the manager at the entrance).....

Jhene:(sitting next to Marques, one of her legs over his thigh, playing with his hair ).....


Kross :(sitting together though apart)...... (Talking)....


J'hream :(sitting on Asani's lap).....

Asani:.... (Holding J'hream).....

Guys :(gathered around the couples)......

Martin:.... (Almost in laughter, addressing Kross)...... Why are you two sitting as though you're at some church service......

Guys :(laugh).....

Lebana :(also among the guys, laughing).....

Kross :(ignores them)....

Zara:..... (Looks at Kross).....


Martin:.... Sorry to point it out but every couple is all over each other....... But you two..... What's the story?...

Guys:(laughing in between).....

Ndasi:.... Maybe its too hot...

Guys:(still laughing).....

Zara:..... (Looks at Ndasi, rolls her eyes).....

Kross :(to Zara).... Just ignore them.....


Noah:...... Why the drastic change though?....... You and Lebana were all over each other man....

Jhene :..... She's not Lebana. So don't compare her to her....

Noah :... (Looks at Jhene and Marques ).....



Guys:... (Making mocking sounds, atmosphere getting tense)....

Noah :.... Bro aren't you tired of fucking....breaking up....... Fucking again..... Breaking up...... Fucking......

Guys :(laugh)......

Marques:...... Mind your own business....... 'Bro'....... I'm not your mate so watch your shit.....

Guys :(laugh at Noah).....

Noah :..... (Irritated)..... Whatever. The facts are that your girl or whatever she is has passed through the whole of Waterford..... I mean, even I had the honors.....

Guys:.. (All together in mockery, sharing different comments).....

Jhene:(storms off).....

Marques:.... (Looking at Noah).....

Noah :.... (Smiles)..... Its only true.....

Marques: what's your deal? Just because you have nobody doesn't mean you have to spotlight and judge other people's relationships......

Noah:... Poetic man..... (Laughs to himself)....

Marques:(annoyed)..... Its no poetry you're just stupid.... (Storms off).....

Guys :(blast again)....

Noah:.... It wasn't even funny...

Kross :......

Noah:(to Kross)...... So Mary and Joseph......

Zara:.... (To Kross)... If you'll just sit quiet I'm not going to continue sitting here......

Kross :... Just ignore them......

Noah :....... So are you missionary all way through?....

Guys :(laughing).....

Zara:... (Gets her phone, gets up and walks away).....

Martin:... Trouble in paradise....

Kross:(angry)...... MARTIN SHUT THE FUCK UP!.....

Martin:(confused)...... I just started talking.....

Guys :(laughing)......

Asani:... This clown....

Kross:.... Don't test me..... (Storms off)....

Asani :... All of you should grow up.....


Asani:.... That was so unnecessary.....

"Museum, ladies bathroom)...

Tandeo:(checking herself in the mirror)..... Why was he so quiet during the whole thing.....

Zara:... I have no idea... (Washing her hands)...

Kuffi :.... All that was so unnecessary..... You know you're better than Lebana right....

Zara:(with no enthusiasm).... Yeah, by far.....

Kuffi:.. Don't even doubt that for a second....

Zara:... In terms of what though?...... She's prettier, cooler.... More popular...... She has more money....... And he loved her so much...... I don't think I'll get half way through whatever they had......

Kuffi:..... You are prettier friend trust me..... Its just the popularity..... And trust me just your dad alone has more money than two of her parents, we did the research.......

Zara :.....

Jhene:(storms in, upset)...... (Pauses when she see's her friends)....

Girls :(all looking at her).....

Kuffi:.... Are you okay?....

Jhene:(with heavy sarcasm).... couldn't be better......


Jhene:(walks out).......

Tandeo :....... Noah is trash....

Zara:.... (Breathes out)....

Kuffi:.. You two shouldn't take anything he said to heart.....

Zara:..... You warned me about the pressure....... Here it is.... So how am I suppose to ignore it?...

Tandeo :.....

Zara:... I just want to go home..... (Walks out of the bathroom).....

Kuffi:.... Back to the cars?....

Tandeo:..... Of course... (They both walk out)..... I'm kinda glad we don't have any of their drama....

Kuffi:... Me too friend. I have no energy for that....

"That night"

(Room 7).....

Zara:.... (In a large long sleeved T-shirt and shorts, her legs crossed, sitting on the bed)....

Kross:.... (In his boxers)..... (On the other bed, partially in his phone)...... I don't get why you're upset.....

Zara:........ (On her phone)......

Kross :Zara....


Kross :..... Zara....

Zara :(looks up at him).....

Kross :.... Why are you upset still? ........

Zara:...... (Sighs)........ What did she do that I have to do too so that I don't have people comparing me to her all the time.......

Kross :(confused).....

Zara:... Lebana........ Am I suppose to be touching you 24/7?.....

Kross :.... No....... You're not Lebana....

Zara:...... I know but it seems I have to beat the sleepovers..... The sex in old chemistry lab....

Kross:... Wait wait wait wait.... What?.....

Zara:...... You two were in this relationship that everyone took note to be admirable...........


Zara: And now you're with me and I feel like I'm failing at all this.......

Kross:.... Firstly...... I hated being touched. I don't like that and I'm glad you don't do that......... And secondly where is all this coming from...... I know for a fact the guys didn't go as far as sleepovers......

Zara:..... Tandeo and Jhene told me......

Kross:..... (Breathes out)..... Yes we had sleep overs.... Sex in school....... Whatever....


Kross:... But I broke up with her regardless....... Got together with you, not to put you up to compete but because I knew you were different........ I don't want a redo......... I want something new.....


Kross :... I want you......


Kross :... I should have stood up for you and I'm sorry.....


Kross :...... Trust me I like you for you...... I don't want you to change or start doing shit because you feel like you owe people the scene......


Kross :(smiles).... Yeah there you go........ (Opens his arms out wide)......... Come here....

Zara:... (Gets off the bed, hugs him)....

Kross :(hugging her).....

"Hotel 12"

Kuffi :(to Tandeo, both on the same bed)..... The funny thing is that he thinks his at Kross' level....

Tandeo:... Noah is a loser, hiding behind his judge mentality.....

Kuffi:.... They're all annoying in general.....

Jhene:... (On the other bed, laying down..... On her phone)......

Tandeo :.... The only ones who are up there are guys like..... Kross.... Marques.... Asani.... Sahari.... Kameron....

Kuffi:...... All those and none of them are as annoying as Noah....

Tandeo:.........Hot boys too...... Hot boys that will never know we exist......

Kuffi:... That's the saddest part of life you know........ We know them in and out..... We even know their parents names... (They both laugh).....

Tandeo:....... We are losers just like Noah....

Kuffi:... Right?......

Tandeo:... Sahari is just wow....

Kuffi:..... Let's not even start...... His eyes....

Tandeo:.... His smile friend...... (They hug each other).....

Kuffi:...... I feel like fainting each time I see him.... (They laugh again)......... (Knock at the door)....

Tandeo:... Come in....

Marques:.... (Enters)..... (To Kuffi and Tandeo)... Hi....

Kuffi and Tandeo :(together)... Hi...

Jhene:.. (Looks at Marques, looks away).....

Marques :.... (Walks up to Jhene and sits on the bed)......

Jhene:... (In a low voice).... Please just leave......

Marques:.... Not without you.....

Tandeo:(whispers)..... Can someone just love me like that.....

Kuffi:(whispers).... Right....

Jhene:... Noah.....

Marques:... Don't start with him. He talks a lot of shit....

Jhene:... (Puts her phone down)... Well not today. Everything he said a bout me was true.....

Marques:... I don't care...... I know you....

Jhene:... You don't....

Marques:.... I know you didn't give a shit about most of the guys you were with...... In fact you weren't even with them....

Jhene:...... He was simply saying I'm a whore Marques..... Why would you want to be seen around with a whore.....

Marques:.... A whore is someone who sleeps around and I know you haven't been doing that......


Tandeo :..... (Leans her head on Kuffi's shoulder)......




Marques:...... Jhene I want you to be my girlfriend....

Jhene:........ (Covers her face, smiling).....

Tandeo:...... (Smiles a bit).... Well....


Marques :(laughing a bit)..... Aren't you mad?......

Jhene:..... (Looks at him)....... Not anymore with what you've said....

Marques:...... I know you were super pissed that I never asked last time.....

Jhene:.... (Covers her face again)......

Marques:(laughs.)...... So?...

Jhene:.... (Nods her head)...... I can be your girlfriend

Marques:.... (Smiles)..... Now get up and let's go....

Jhene:.... (Sits up)....

Marques:..... (Kisses her).....

Kuffi:... Well......

Tandeo :..... I swear I'll enter this floor...

Jhene:... (Shy)...... Really?.....

Marques:.... Yeah..... It's just your friends....


"The next day"...

(Apartheid museum).......

Kuffi:(looking hard at a piece of writing in the glass)....

Kameron:........(walks up to Kuffi)..........

Kuffi:... (Feeling his presence).........

Kameron:......... Hi

Kuffi:...... (Looks up at him).... Hey.

Kameron:.... You're really trying hard to read the paper...... Its good to see that some people are actually taking things seriously.....

Kuffi:(laughs nervously)..... Well. Most people don't take history seriously but I do so............ And this passage is so sad........ Its hard to believe that people really undermined fellow human beings to this extent.....

Kameron:.... Wow. I never put you under this category.....

Kuffi:what's that suppose to mean? .....

Kameron:... Nothing bad, don't worry........ I didn't think you were this type...

Kuffi:.... (Confused)..... You clearly don't know me...... And how can you anyway....

Kameron:(laughs a bit)...... People just want to seem all boogie, most of us have been together from first grade ....... I know everyone in our intake and I know most people do too.... I think it's stupid not to, especially purposely....

Kuffi:.... Its what they call popularity........

Kameron:... You're popular too...

Kuffi:... Me?..... What do I ever do?....

Kameron :... You hang with Zara right? ..... You're best friends yeah?

Kuffi:.... Wow. That's my label....

Kameron :.... To the simple minded........ I know you love soccer..... You don't care about the sun and you are loud on behalf of all the models at the field watching.....

Kuffi:(laughs a bit).......

Kameron:..... I play soccer..... I don't think you noticed me....

Kuffi:.... Oh please. Everyone knows you Kameron....

Kameron :whatever...... But it was Hakeem you had your eyes on......

Kuffi:...... Yep. And I regret it...... I wish I could erase everything.....

Kameron:..... I heard what he did.......... Honestly if I had a chance with a pretty, fun girl that loves soccer......... I'd never do shit.....


Tandeo:..... (Reaches them) ....... Uhm, hey....

Kameron:.... Hi......... I'll leave you two to continue....

Kuffi:..... Uhm. Yeah...... Okay....

Kameron:... (Leaves).....

Tandeo:...... What's going on?....

Kuffi:..... Uhm...... I don't know...... Let's go there...... (Walks away).....

Tandeo:(confused)....... (Watching her leave).......

"Later that day"

(Hotel, lunch).....

Kuffi:(walking with her plate in her hand).....

Tandeo :... I need to go to the bathroom real quick.... (Dumps her plate in Kuffi's other hand).....


Tandeo:(rushes off).....

Kuffi:(watches her leave)......

Kameron:(pops up)...... Hi again, you need some help...

Kuffi:... Uhm yeah...

Kameron :(gets one plate of food).......

Kuffi:.... Thank you.....

Kameron:.. Which table?....

Kuffi:(leading the way).... This way.....

Kameron:... Didn't see you to be the great appetite kind of girl.....

Kuffi :(chuckles)..... One plate is Tandeo's......

Kameron:(following her lead)....


Kuffi:... You look like an only child.......

Kameron:... There's a look?......

Kuffi:.... Yeah, there is.....

Kameron:... Well....... My parents wanted a second child and they got four.........

Kuffi:(shocked)...... Quadruplets?........

Kameron:..... Yeah... (Chuckles)... Two boys and two girls.....

Kuffi:.... How old are they?......

Kameron :..... Seven I think....

Kuffi:wow....... Do like them around.....

Kameron:...... (Takes a sip of his drink)...... It depends....... I like my space

Kuffi:.....(amused)..... I'm still amused.....

Kameron:(smiles).... I can see that......

Kuffi:... What are their names?....

Kameron:.... Keith, Kingston.... But we just call him King ..... Kassia and Koko......

Kuffi:... I'm guessing you're all K's....

Kameron:.... Yeah....... My mum is Kennedy and my dad is Kelvin so..... They thought it would be cute..... (Chuckles).....

Kuffi:.... Same here...... My mum is Kudzai...... My dad Koffi......... My brother Kahilu.... And myself....

Kameron:.... Cute...... My mum would probably love to meet your mum....... She feels so great when she finds others with such organization........ I don't know what she feels....


Tandeo:(walks up to Kuffi and Kameron)..... Uhm.... Hi

Kameron:.... Hey....

Tandeo:(sits down)...

Kameron:(to Kuffi).... See you around.

Kuffi:.... See you around...


Tandeo:.... How does he always have to leave when I get here..


Tandeo:... Whats going on?..... Will my premonition fall before my eyes?........

Kuffi:.. You're being delusional ......

Tandeo:... He likes you right?....

Kuffi:... No...... He doesn't...... Well I don't know..... But I don't think so.....

Tandeo:.... This is the second time he has talked to you just today.....

Kuffi:... So? ....

Tandeo:..... That's how it starts...

Kuffi:... (Gets her phone)...... Don't worry..... I'm here till Friday.....

Tandeo :.....

Mrs Styles:.... (Loud enough).... Attention please....... (At the center of the room)....

Students:... (Quiet)......

Mrs Style:.... The trip to the factory has been canceled sadly..... So free day....

Student:(cheer in excitement)....

Mrs Style:(walks away).....

Tandeo:..... Ugh. I really wanted to go......

Kuffi:... Why?

Tandeo:... What will we do now?..... We have nothing to do really....

Kuffi:.... I'm tired really, I can sleep a whole day.....

Tandeo:.... And then what will I do?......


"That afternoon "

(Room 7)....

Zara:... (Laying on the bed, on her phone).......

Kross :(walks out of the bathroom)...... What are we doing?.....

Zara:(looks at him)..... I don't know......

Kross:(reaches her, kisses her)....

Zara :(smiles).......

Kross:..... I want to do that.....

Zara:(sits up, chuckles).... The whole afternoon?...

Kross :.... (Shrugs)..... Till we get tired....

Zara:..... (Puts her phone down).....

Kross:(kissing her)..........

"Room 12"

(Both under the covers)....

Marques:...(on top of Jhene, kissing).....

Mrs Style:.... ROOM CHECKS!.....

Marques :(stops).... Shit shit shit....

Jhene:(panicking, grabs her phone and rushes to the bathroom).......

Marques :(covers himself with the covers, pretends to have been sleeping).... (Calms down)...

Mrs Style:(knocks at the door).....

Marques:... Yes.

Mrs Style :(walks in)....... No girls here?.....

Marques:(shakes his head).... No.

Mrs Style :... Room mate?....

Marques:... Uhm. Kross......

Mrs Style:..... Where is he?...

Marques:... He left for a drink....

Mrs Style :........ (Looks at him for a while)......


Mrs Style:.... I hope they're clothes under there......

Marques:... Definitely.....

Mrs Style:..........


Mrs Style:.... (Leaves)......

Marques:(sighs in relief)......

Jhene:(comes out of the bathroom)............ (Looks at Marques, they both laugh)......

Marques:... Shit...... (Quickly grabs his phone)..... Let me tell Kross just in case his sleeping.... (Texting)......

Jhene:.... (Gets back to the bed).... I feel so hyped... Like what if she caught us.....

Marques:... If she wanted to she wouldn't have been shouting 'room checks'......

Jhene:(laughs).... Yeah I guess....

"The next morning"

(Early bus ride, 4:14am)......

Jhene:(sitting next to Marques, parallel to Tandeo and Kuffi)...

Kuffi:(sleeping, covered in a blankie).....

Jhene:(to Tandeo)..... Is she okay?...

Tandeo:... Yeah. I don't think she slept.....

Jhene: what was she doing instead?....

Tandeo:.... The last time I checked and asked...... She was texting Kameron......

Jhene:(shocked)... Kameron?...

Marques:(equally confused)....

Tandeo:.... Yeah. I don't know whats going on between them....

Jhene :(looks at Marques)....

Marques:... He hasn't told me anything...... (Gets up, looking at the back for Kameron)....

Kameron:(yawning, rubbing his eyes)....

Marques:(sits down).... I'll probably know by today..... Ill ask him...

Kross:(sitting at the window outlet, Zara next to him)....

Martin :(sitting parallel the two with Lebana)....

Lebana:.... (Looking out the window)....

Zara:........ (On her phone)....

Martin:..... (To Zara)... Looks like things are getting intense yeah?....

Lebana:... (Looks at Zara, laughs).....

Back sitters:(attracted to the situation, talking among themselves)......

Zara:(still on her phone)......

Martin:.... The virgin Mary got hickeys yesterday....

Zara:... (Pulls her windbreaker collar up).....

Guys :(trying to see).....

Martin:... Come on show the world.....

Kross :(looks at Martin, irritated)....

Martin:(looks away).....

Lebana:(not too loudly)..... That's how far he'll get anyway with her type......... She can never be at my level....

Guys :(laughing, making mocking sounds).....

Zara:(looks at Lebana).... Well congratulations for opening all the doors you possibly could have opened.... Must have been nice to have been a trial field and pleasure stop for Kross.....

Guys :(roar in louder laughs and mocks)....

Kross:..... (Shocked)....

Jhene:(trying to figure out whats happening behind).... Whats going on?.....

Tandeo;.... I don't care... (Puts her air pods on)....

Marques :... Its better not to get involved.....

Jhene :(sits back)... Yeah probably...

Lebana :(defensively)...... I wasn't a pleasure stop...

Zara:oh yeah correction...... You must have been some clueless, dumb ignorant bitch who offered some regular shit...... Cause if it was so great and praise worthy he wouldn't have broken up with you......

Lebana :........

Guys:(roar even more louder)....

Kross :... (To Zara).... Can you stop.......


Martin :... (Laughing)..... Damn. Looks like the virgin Mary can talk.....

Guys :(laughing)....

Kross:... (To Zara).... Why the fuck would you be entertaining these clowns and when did I tell you all this? ....

Zara:...... Don't curse at me.

Kross:.. You're talking shit...

Zara:.. Oh so you loved it.... All that you had with that whore....

Kross :..... (Looks away).... Oh my God....

Lebana :... Oh so you the special one right Zara?....... The one he won't leave......... Sweetheart he'll leave the moment he gets what he wants....

Guys :(quiet)....

Kross :(to Zara)... Don't say anything.....

Zara:(to Lebana).... Were not the same...

Lebana :... Oh and what makes you different?....

Kross :.. Zara...

Zara:.... He dated you as a cover...... As a "I have to because everyone seems to be in a relationship "..... He's dating me cause he's always wanted to....

Lebana :... Oh that's what he has been preaching I see....


Guys :(excited)...

Lebana:.. He forgot to include that I'm hot and who doesn't know me?......

Zara :.... Oh hot and popular?..... Most guys really die for that...... So then just how boring or Inadequate were you for Kross to leave you regardless

Guys :(roar in even louder laughter)......

Jhene:.... (Curious, looking behind)......

Students :(the whole bus watching attentively)......



Ndasi:(rolls his eyes)...

Lebana :he just wants to hit miss virgin....


Guys :(quiet)....

Martin:.. Low blow bro...... Like come on........ More fire, do you hear what she's saying to you....

Zara:.. Why are you still on the virgin thing?

Lebana :.... Because you're a kid who doesn't know what she's talking about........

Zara:.. Oh sex makes you a grown up?............ Then why are you still so childish? .......

Guys :(roar in laughter)......

Kross :(to Zara)..... Zara for the last time stop this bullshit....

Martin:.... Lebana are you going to sit quiet right now?.... (Laughing)....

Lebana:... Look Zara I...

Kross:(to Lebana in great anger).... LEBANA SHUT THE FUCK UP!........

students:(pin drop silence)......

Martin:.... (Whispers)... Party pooper....





Kross :... That's to all of you......

Students :....(lowering to their sits, talking erupting)....

Guys :(laughing at Martin)....

Kross :(looks out the window)....


Lebana:... (To Martin)..... You'll just stay quiet Martin?..... (Laughs).....

Kross:...... You should have just stayed quiet like we talked about....

Zara :.....

Kross :......

"That night ".......

(Room 7)...

Kross :(comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, also drying his hair)....

Zara:(sitting in the bed, her legs crossed..... Her hair let down).....


Zara:can we talk after you're done?..........

Kross:... (Sits on the bed opposite her)...... (Upset)..... We can just talk now......

Zara :........ I've been told a lot........ About you and Lebana.


Zara:.... And I feel intimidated by what you had....

Kross:... Why?

Zara:... Because everyone judges me based off her experience with you.........

Kross:.... Why do you care?...... In fact today you said it....... Despite everything we had I left her for you.......


Kross:.... I don't expect you to be a copy of her.... I really don't.....


Kross:... I'm the one dating you.... Not them......

Zara:.... I just felt the need to lower Lebana for once......... And maybe I did it in a wrong way......

Kross :... Yeah. Because now its like a war......... you should have just sat quiet because you know what you mean to me, because you know that whatever people say.... I'm yours.......


Kross :they would have felt stupid to continue talking because you weren't giving any response........

Zara:...... I'm sorry......

Kross :..... Where do you get all this from?... These stories.....

Zara:.... Tandeo and Jhene....... But don't be mad at them...... They're just looking out for me.....

Kross :.... They're making you insecure....... None of that shit is looking out for you.....


Kross :.... I'd have told you about Lebana if it was really looking out for you.... If I wanted you to beat her or feel like its a competition...... But its not.


Kross:.... I should have told them to shut up earlier enough..... That was my bad too and I'm sorry....


Kross:.... If it ever happens again...... Just remember that you're worth more than she is........


Kross:... Okay?..

Zara:(nods her head)...... Yeah..... Sorry...

Kross :.. Its all good........

Zara:........ (Glances at his chest, looks away)....

Kross :(smiles a bit)..... Come here......

Zara:..... (Gets up).....

Kross:(holds her hand)......


Kross :...............



Zara:(chuckles).... What?...

Kross:(chuckles)....... Uhm......... How about............ Today, tonight........... Right here and right now.......


Kross:..... We erase that whole virgin thing....

Zara:.......... (Looking at him, frozen)........

Kross :.. That's if you want to though..... I'm not pressing you to do it......


Kross :(stands up).....

Zara:(looking up at him)........

Kross:(caressing her neck slowly with his finger)....... I'll go as slow and easy as you want me to.....

Zara:.... (Scared)..... (In a low voice).... I'm scared.....

Kross :...... (In a calm voice)...... You don't need to be.......


Kross:.... (Starts kissing her neck).......

Zara:(her eyes closed, her hands on his arms).........

Kross :(goes to her lips, cupping her face...... Kissing her slowly).....

Zara :(kissing him).........

Kross :(pulls away slowly....... Gets his hands at the hem of her shirt).........
