Chapter Twenty One

"Sunday, Ahli house".....

Emani:(excitedly walks through the door with Sibiya)....

Zara:(following behind with the bags)....

London:(walks up to them)..... Good afternoon, nice to see you yet again....

Sibiya:... Like wise...... You have a lovely home...

London:.. Thank you.... Emani did you enjoy your stay?....

Emani:(excited)... I loved it.... (Smiles)....

Sibiya:(smiles).... Your daughter is full of life.... I see why Ayanda automatically fell in love with her....

London:(smiles).... She is the light of the family....


London:... (To Sibiya)... Would you like some wine?...

Sibiya:... No thank you...... Maybe later, I have a meeting but thank you so much for the offer....

London:.... You know the house.... You can come over for a drink anytime....

Sibiya:... It will be my pleasure...

London:... I can walk you out....

Sibiya:(walking out with London)....

Emani:... I already miss it there....