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"Liya, Hailee, the meeting is now not at 2."I told my girls.

I had girls now. Malcolm rehired me in may when his father passed.

He was trying to prove that he wasn't like his father and he did.

Maybe he even went a mile further because we were together now.

From trying to be nice and begging for forgiveness we fell in love.

However, he was already married and the couple actually had a child together.

When his wife found out about the affair she purposely crashed her car in a tree and didn't make it.

It was judgement after judgement, rumor after rumor, condemnation after condemnation.

When me and my girls walked into the meeting room, Malcolm grinned at me and I did the same.

My baby was fine.

Dark and strong.

Tall with a beard.

His hair was short and curly, his cut was ever fresh.

He always wore a grey suit and he was always so clean.

"Good morning everyone. "Malcolm greeted the staff.

Replies followed and the meeting continued.

It was a meeting regarding the growth of the company.

Malcolm was brilliant. He has done the unbelievable in building this company.

I don't think it would have flourished if I was still its owner.


When the meeting was done I told Genesis to stay behind.

That was nothing new.

People left the meeting talking, but I could care less what everyone thought.

"Good morning baby. "I told her when she was close to me.

"Good morning. "She said with a smile. I kissed her lips.

"So. I want my family to meet my future wife, tomorrow. "I told her.


Future wife, okay.

As I blushed to his reference, Malcolm took out a ring box out of his pocket.

"Judith Genesis McCoy...... Will you marry me?"He asked me and knelt on one knee.

There was no second of delay when I said yes.

I loved Malcolm and he loved me.

After he placed the ring on my finger we hugged for a while.... Kissed and almost made a baby on the large table but someone just had to knock on the door.

I was so happy.

For the rest of that day, all Hailee and Liya could talk about was the proposal. They were happy for me and so was I.

Everyone learnt of the news in an hour too. They talked as usual but I didn't care. I was marrying Malcolm and that's all that mattered.


High End Elementary.

"You need to have you child disciplined Miss McCoy. "The principal told me.

Zala wasn't a bad child but she had a loose mouth.

She said a lot with so much disrespect.

It was impressive that she had an excellent vocabulary at the age seven but that got her in a lot of trouble.

Each time I was informed of what came out of her mouth I was amazed each time.

I was called to her school for the four time in two weeks.

This time around she was suspended.

"I'll make sure she is Principal. "I replied and looked at Zala.

She looked angry. I know there was a greater story behind the verbal abuse she inflicted on her teacher.

I signed a document and left with Zala.

It was a long and quiet drive back home.

"Kitchen. "I instructed the minute we got into the house.

The kitchen was our conversation room and I was more than ready to put some sense in Zala's head.

"So, explanation. "I told Zala.

She was a cry baby.

I could barely get through a session of discipline with her.

She was always in tears before the session began.

"I don't have one. "Zala answered after tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What do you mean you don't have one! "I asked with an angry tone. This time around I wasn't going to feel sorry for her.

She just continued crying and said nothing.

"Stop that, now! "I yelled and she obeyed. "This is the four time in two weeks Nayo! Teachers keep sending you out of class to the principal and that affects you if you didn't know! You're not doing great in school either!...Its like you don't care that you're always at the bottom of the class! "I continued yelling.

"I'm bullied all the time but its always me and not them. "She defended.

"That's why you bring home D's? And even F's Zala. You're in second grade its colors and animals and shit. What's so hard! "I asked."And bullying is far from an excuse because I don't think kids do that when the teacher is teaching. "

"You don't understand, you're not there. "She continued to defend.

"You see that I have it too right?... I was bullied too and that's no excuse for failing. People will laugh..... They'll trigger you but I always tell you. All these things they do won't matter in ten years. They will succeed and you will be left behind crying over something that is normal. Trust me when i say this, there karma never comes. The publics perception of things won't always be in line with yours. You're beautiful and I always tell you that. I always remind you and its your decision to believe me. "I told her.

Vitiligo is no excuse. I have it.... I went through school with my mum's words ringing in my head and I wanted the same for my daughter. I fell sometimes but I had to pick myself up.

"If you don't feel beautiful, everyone will rob you of your worth. "I continued.

I hated and loved these moments. I hated yelling at her but I loved the outcome.

She was always so obedient.

The session always ended with a hug and then progress.


"I'm getting married to Malcolm. "I told Zala and showed her my ring with a big smile.

She was under her covers, getting ready to sleep.

"I'll have to be sisters with that weird and smelly bald kid. "She replied with a facial expressions expressing disgust."His so gross and dumb. "She added.

"Nayo! "I yelled startling her.

That made me burn with furry. Malcolm had a six year old son. He battled cancer and his hair wasn't quiet growing back just yet.

He also had a mental disorder, it was close to autism. He was so precious.

Zala met him a couple of times when Malcolm came over.

The two never talked and I concluded that they were shy around each other.

I didn't expect this.

"You should know better not to judge people like that! "I continued.

I was very disappointed and I know she saw it. I swear she ruined my whole mood.

"We are going over to their house tomorrow because his family wants to meet me. "I told her now calm because she pressed my red button. "I need you on your best behavior, preferably quiet. I don't want you causing a scene. "I added and left her room turning the light off.


My mum only called me Nayo when she was mad at me.

What I said was heavy, even I felt it.

I could have been nicer.

She looked disappointed. I hated goodnight kisses because well I'm seven now but she must be very mad to leave me hanging.


I didn't have work today but I woke up quiet early. I took this opportunity to finish up some notes I had for work. I had butterflies in my tummy.

Today was the day I was going to meet Malcolm's family.

This anxiety reminded me of me the the night I met Caesar's mum.

I didn't know what to expect tonight. I just hope everything will be rosy.

"Morning mummy. "I heard a little voice say behind me.

It was Zala, she was standing at my bedroom door in her onesie.

When I turned to answer her yesterday flashed back into my head.

"Good morning. "I answered with a plain expression on my face. "Why are you up so early? "I asked her after looking at the time on my wall clock.

She walked up to me and hugged me while I was in my chair.

"I'm sorry. "She apologized.

"For what? "I asked in a fixed tone.

I always made her own her mistakes by saying them.

"For being rude about Trey. "She answered.

As expected I heard her little sniff. She was crying.

I hugged her tight till the crying was over.

"Trey had cancer baby and he has a mental illness. You can never make a fun out of that or judge or say anything poor about it okay. "I told her as she wiped the tears off her face.

I need to control the crying, I thought to myself as Zala washed up.

I wasn't tryna have her cry over minor shit.

My phone rang, it was Malcolm.

He called to feel me in with the obvious.

The time, the place and how many family was coming over.

It was a dinner with fifteen of his family members.

His mum, his grandfather, his aunts and uncles and his close cousins.


I was at Malcolm's at five thirty. He said I had to meet them all before the dinner.

I tied my hair neatly into a bun and I know I killed the look.

was wearing a white dress with a pair of glass heels.

They all came to say hi to me but that was it. I could sense that they didn't fancy my presence and stance in Malcolm's life.

"What exactly are we waiting for? "I asked Malcolm when we were alone.

I was getting impatient and I just really wanted to go.

Malcolm put his hands on my waist and told me to relax and smile more.

"Zala a second. "I called for Zala after Malcolm left to talk to his mother.

I didn't like how everyone was staring at my baby.

Zala was actually playing with Trey today and I wanted to commend her.

However this was seen differently with everyone else.


The last and late family members popped up. Dinner could now begin.

When I looked up my mind froze.

Never would I have imagined the last two people to come for this dinner.

Teri and Caesar.

They greeted the others before they noticed me.

I reached out to them actually.

"Oh my God. "Teri said looking displeased. "Genesis."

Caesar was standing with his mum, mouth open, probably more startled than I was.

"You two know each other. Great great. Let's get to the dinner table. "Malcolm told all of us. Saving me from Teri unknowingly.

We said grace and started eating. I barely picked my fork up.

"So how do you know Teri. "Malcolm's mother asked me.

Before I could get a word out Caesar started talking.

"They knew each other because of me. Genesis was my friend back in New York. Before she left for here. "Caesar answered.

Are friendship ended way before that but I wasn't going to argue.

"Why did you leave and like that Genesis. I was so disappointed. "Caesar mother told me.

She struck the attention of everyone at the table, especially Malcolm.

Everyone wanted to know just what disappointing thing I did.

"How did she leave. " one of Caesar's other aunts asked. She looked eager to know the tea.

Caesar's mother went on to explain how I left the company and also left so many people including Caesar jobless.

I didn't defend myself because all the comments and contributions didn't allow me to.

"So Judith. Who knocked you up? "Caesar asked me and looked at Zala.

"Nobody. Haven't you ever heard of adoption. We don't even look alike. "Zala blurted rudely.

She had a point though. It was so obvious that we were two different races. No matter who I mixed with, I could never bare a child like Zala.

"I'll handle the talking. "I whispered to Zala who was sitting next to me.

The next flood of words were questionings for my daughter. How did she know what knocked up was. How old was she. Did she talk to me the way she talked to Caesar. Did I discipline her.

I held her hand through all that, I couldn't have her crying at this dinner.

"So tell us about yourself Genesis. "Malcolm's grandfather said to me politely.

He seemed nice.

I explained all I could. My job, my daughter and I added an explanation as to why I left new York.

I didn't want Malcolm's family believing Teri's narrative even though it was partly true.

I also explained all I could about my life in Malibu.

"You missed out the part where you lost your company to Malcolm. "Caesar went on. "Guess karma is real huh? "He added.

"I wouldn't really call it karma. "I went on. "If I hadn't lost the company I'd never have gone to the orphanage physically to hand in a check. Id have probably mailed it because I would have been too busy. Meaning I'd never have met my precious daughter. And losing the company is also the reason I'm Malcolm's fiancé today. "I added showing everyone the ring.

I have never seen people go so mute in a second. With facial expressions hard to read.

From shocked to disappointed to annoyed to betrayed.

None of their faces looked happy about what I just mentioned.

Not even Malcolm's father was happy.

After a while of silence Malcolm's whole family expressed their negative opinions.

It was at this table I got to discover that these people really loved him and his ex wife together. That's not what he told me.

They rebuked our marriage. Not literally but they did in a way.

"What sort of children will you bear with her. "Malcolm's mother said in the middle of the reef raff .Her question loud and clear, going over everyone's voices.

"What's that supposed to mean mum? "Malcolm asked now looking irritated.


At that moment silence fell. I looked at Genesis. She was whispering something to Zala. I don't know what she was saying but all this was one big fuck up.


Zala was hurt on my behalf and I comforted her and equally comforted myself. The dinner went on quietly with only the sounds of forks and knife clicking against the plates.

I could have walked out of this house but I didn't want to add to the many imperfections they already had on me.

"So Genesis. You love my son? "Malcolm's grandfather asked me when most of the family was done with dinner.

"Yes I do. "I answered not so confidently because everyone was looking at me.

"Great. I give you my blessing and I apologize on everyone's behalf. "He told me.

He went on to tell me that it was all out of love. He continued talking but my mind drifted away. As nice as he was, I wasn't up for the bullshit.

He was saying we but when I looked at the rest of Malcolm's family they were against everything he was saying.

"Can you take me to the bathroom. "Trey told me when he reached up to me. He was loud enough to get the attention of the whole table.

He even made Malcolm's grandfather cut his speech and I was glad.

I took Trey upstairs. Malcolm grinned at me before i left because that's all he ever wanted. Trey trusting me.

"I don't wanna go back there. "Zala told me when she stepped into the bathroom. I was helping Trey wash his hands.

"Neither do I but we have to baby. "I told her.

"Why were they talking to you like that? "She asked me with a frown.

I didn't even know what to tell her.

I didn't know either.

When we went back downstairs. The table was cleared of people and of all the food and plates.

Only Malcolm was downstairs. He was standing at the table.

He looked angry.

"Zala please go with Trey to his room. I want to talk to your mother. "He told Zala when we got down stairs.

Zala did as he said.

I walked up to Malcolm, disappointedly.

"I'm so so so sorry babe."he apologized.

I just listened.

"I know all that shit hurt you. "He continued.

"Not more than it hurt looking a fool when I told everyone I was your fiancé. You didn't tell them? "I told him.

"I wanted to. At this dinner...... And you may feel like you looked a fool when you told everyone you were my fiancé. But baby my heart was filled with undescribable happiness when you said it. "He told me and smiled.

I smiled too.

"They won't come to the wedding for all I care. I just want you. "He told me and held my hands." You look beautiful by the way, this dress, your hair. "He added smiling even more.

I always loved it when he complimented me.

"Thank you. "I answered. I wasn't over this dinner just yet but I didn't want him feeling worse.

I just smiled.

"I'll make it up to you I promise. "He reassured me.

"Okay. "I answered feeling my eyes tears up.

He pulled me in for a hug and we stayed in that trance for two minutes.

I held all my tears back and I was fine again.

He kissed my lips and told me he was sorry again.

"Please stay the night. "He told me.

I didn't answer so he pecked my lips three times and asked me again.

Of course I stayed the night.

I wanted to cuddle all night, talk.

Make love.

I wanted tonight to fade away with love.