Caesar made it clear to me everyday of this week that he was now working here.
He played nice which drew many other workers to him.
They liked his company and that disgusted me.
Open offices were suffocating.
I had a plan.
"Babe, I want a promotion to one of the offices on this floor. "I told Malcolm when I stormed into his office.
He stared at me in silence for a while.
Reading my face if I was serious or not.
"Can you close the door please. "He told me and I did just that.
When I turned around he was off his chair.
"I get that we are together and I can do that for you but babe there's other workers here. They will talk. "He told me.
"That's what you're worried about, talk?I don't care just promote me, the talking will end sooner or later "I told him.
"Baby. There's so many workers here that have worked more than you have. They will complain to the board for sure. "He explained to me.
"Okay. Then fire Caesar. "I told him.
"That's out of my hands to a certain degree too and I thought you didn't mind that he worked here. "He told me.
"Now I mind and I want him gone. "I told him.
That resulted to several explanations of the board's power and Malcolm's influence over things.
I was mad as I left the office.
When I opened the door I found a fellow worker at the door.
It was a female.
Fuck me.
I knew she was snooping and everyone would know what I asked Malcolm by the end of the day.
Malcolm was upset. What we talked about went round and he was in a meeting with the board after lunch.
Everyone just watched and made assumptions of what was being discussed in the meeting as they watched through the glass walls.
When I took a glance it looked as though the board was furious.
After I looked away I locked eyes with Caesar and he smiled at me.
Did Caesar have something to do with this?
"Why are you here? "I asked Caesar after dragging him out to a more private space.
"For work what do you think I'm here for? "He answered me.
"I'm not playing around Caesar. "I told him.
He was irritating me.
He clearly didn't just come for work.
After hopeless efforts to get him to tell me the truth he did.
"You left me. Hurt and jobless. "He told me.
This fool.
"Hurt? "I asked confused.
"I still loved you and you left without even turning back. "He confessed.
Loved me.
Caesar loved me?
I don't know what he was on but it was some bull.
"Let me get this straight. You kicked me out of your hospital room. Rumors came out at our school and you trashed me. You never talked to me for more than two years and then you claim to have loved me. "I confronted him.
"You never gave me a chance to apologize. "He continued.
"What the fuck. Caesar I was always ready for you..... I even apologized to you but you pushed me away. "I told him.
"I was angry then and I was still fucked up about my sister. "He defended himself.
"That's your problem. Not mine.
You ruined what could have been great and that's on no one but yourself. "I told him.
He must be on drugs right now.
His justifications were ridiculous.
"Whatever this game is, it has to stop. "I told him.
As I walked away from Caesar presence he blurted out words that had my whole body numb.
"I'm not going to stop till I get what I want. "He told me when I was leaving. "You ruined my life and I won't go till I ruin yours. "He added.
I didn't look back, however, I stood at the same position for a good ten seconds.
Then I left.
After work was done I delayed my leaving so that could talk to Malcolm.
"Hey. "I greeted him, scared.
He stood and waved at me.
He must have been more upset than I thought.
He looked exhausted, holding his jacket and his case looked to add even more exhaustion to him.
"I'm not upset with you okay. I'm just tired and I want to leave. "He told me.
"Oh yah. Can we walk together? "I offered as I grabbed my purse and phone.
"Just because I'm not upset with you doesn't mean what you did was okay. You're abusing the position you have here simply because we're in a relationship. That's unprofessional and it needs to stop. When we're here I don't want you in my office trying to get yourself pleased or to fool around. From tomorrow onwards I'm I'm Mr Jackson, not babe or Malcolm. I'm your boss and you need to start taking that seriously not for granted. "He confronted me then walked away.
I left way after he did. I bet he didn't want to see my ass in the parking lot.
Anyway, it was the weekend. He had time to cool down.
"Excuse me young lady! "I yelled at Zala when I walked into the living room.
She was watching a series. My series.
This series wasn't for kids at all and she was just watching it in the couch like it was normal.
"I was about to change it. "She defended herself and changed the Chanel.
"You must think I'm dumb huh! "I told her and snatched the remote out her hand.
I knew my TV and how it worked. I went to the history and found that she had watched nine episodes..... Fully.
"Get up! "I commanded and she listened.
"First things first. Who the hell gave you the permission to be up at this hour! "I yelled.
She didn't answer me and that made my blood boil. As impossible as that question was to answer, I expected an answer.
"I'm sorry. "She apologized quickly.
"No! You don't rush to apologize, ever! That doesn't make nothing better! Nayo, if I ever find you watching something I saved for me you'll regret living in my house! "I told her."Get out my face, now! "I added.
She walked out of the living room as quickly as she could.
Maybe that was a little too much.
I carried the frustration of work back home.
I turned the TV off and went to bed.
I tried to sleep but I couldn't, not after I yelled at my baby like that.
I got up and went to check on her.
When I got into her room, she wasn't on her bed.
"Zala. "I called a couple of times.
I figured she was in the bathroom.
"Baby. "I called when I was at the bathroom door.
I could hear her crying, she always cried silently. This was something new and it worried me.
It sounded like she was choking.
"Zala baby open the door. "I asked kindly.
I was really worried.
"Zala. "I called again.
Fuck it. I had a spare key.
I rushed to my drawer and grabbed the spare keys to Zala's room doors.
When I went back to her room she was still locked up in the bathroom.
When I opened the door myself I found her at the corner of the room, legs crossed on the floor, with her hands over her ears.
Its like she was blocking her ears from noise but there wasn't any.
"Zala baby what's wrong? "I asked when I was close her.
She was just crying. There was terror in her eyes and I had no idea what was going on. I continued asking what was wrong but it was all a waste.
With every unanswered question followed a greater fear.
I was scared cause this was nothing I had dealt with before.
I rushed out the bathroom and called Malcolm. I didn't know what I thought he would do to help but I didn't know who else to call.
I was waiting right outside Zala's bedroom door.
Malcolm was in the room with her.
I don't know what was going on but I was beyond worried.
Malcolm pulled up with Trey who was wide awake.
These kids and Friday nights.
Anyway, I managed to put him to sleep in his room.
Trey had a room at my house and Zala had a room at Malcolm's.
We had many stay overs.
It had been at least an hour of me waiting outside the door.
I was in my red silk robe and black house shoes.
It was getting a little chilly. I could have adjusted the AC but I was far from worried about that at this moment.
"I thought you would be sleeping by now. "Malcolm told me after he closed the door silently.
"Is she okay? "I asked scared.
"Yah. Calm down. She's fine. "He answered me.
I was relieved but that didn't push the fear away.
"What happened? "I asked.
"It looked and seemed like a trauma attack. "He answered me.
"How did you know that? "I asked.
"Trey had a couple of those. Uhm. When his mum passed I insisted that he doesn't see the body, "he proceeded to tell me, "but his family on his mum's side insisted he did. He had night mares night after night. He kept covering his eyes like he didn't want to see something and he was shaking. "He explained.
It was like what just happened Zala, except she was covering her ears.
"How did you know it had to do with your wife? "I asked him.
"I asked him. Calmly and supportively. "He answered me.
"Did you ask Zala? "I asked.
"No. That's your place, not mine. "He told me.
"Trey is asleep. "I proceeded to tell him.
"Great. "He answered.
Clearly things were still awkward between us.
"Thank you for showing up for me at this hour. "I told him.
"No matter the hour I will always be there for you if you need me. "He assured me.
After a while of silence I apologized for taking advantage of his position.
He had a bad day because of me and I owned the fault.
I wasn't getting fired even though I was supposed to be.
I'm glad this argument ended.
"I'm still scared. "I told him after my apology was accepted.
"I can see that. "He told me and then pulled me close for a hug.
"She'll be okay right? "I asked during our hug.
"She will be. "He assured me and I felt less scared.
"Is there anything under this robe? "He asked and broke the hug.
"No. I was from showering, drying myself and then I remembered it was 11pm on Friday night. If I don't tell Zala to sleep today she doesn't. "I told him. "And I rarely sleep with anything on. "I added.
When I looked done at my bed slippers I noticed Malcolm's print in his sweat shorts.
He was definitely activated.
"So, let's go to bed. "I told him when I looked up.
"Okay. But before we sleep... "He cut his sentence and pulled my robe open.
"The kids are here. "I warned him and covered myself.
"They're sleeping. "He told me and opened my robe again.
He quickly went for my neck which was one of my sweet spots.
Before I knew it, I was completely naked in the passage.
He picked me off the floor and took me to our bed.
I reached my climax and a while after so did Malcolm.
He didn't pull out and I felt him cum inside me.
I was too exhausted to care or react. We both fell asleep and only woke up the next morning.
"Why was your robe outside my door this morning? "Zala asked me as I prepared breakfast.
I didn't know what to say to her and I'm glad Trey's entrance made us change the subject.
We were now talking about High End Elementary. Trey was excited to start school and Zala was excited to have him go with her too.
I had just finished serving breakfast for all of us when Malcolm walked in.
"Good morning baby. "He greeted me.
"Good morning. "I answered and let him kiss my lips.
"Good morning you two. "Malcolm greeted the kids.
They both answered with a smile. If one looked at Trey at this moment they would never guess that he was sick.