WebNovelWith Time51.43%

Stuck on you.


"Is that enough? "I asked Zala after I served her her plate for dinner.

She agreed and took the plate to the table. I fixed myself some food on a plate too and left for the table.

After Zala said grace, the door bell went off.

I'm saying went off because whoever the hell was outside had no patience. They clicked on the bell a thousand times and continuously.

"I'll get it. "I told Zala. This girl was always trying to attend to the door.

"Hey. "Caesar greeted me with joy when I opened the door.

"Why are you here? And who rings the door bell like that? "I asked him.

My face was fixed and bitchy. I wasn't trying to play games with this fool.

I was pregnant too. All three tests came out positive.

I know I said I wouldn't mind but I lied, I was furious.

I didn't want to have a baby. Not now at least.


She was mad. Boiling.

I was here to apologize because after I succeeded with getting her fired, I didn't think I wanted to ruin her life anymore.