WebNovelWith Time57.14%



While Malcolm was being the bitch he is I was at Caesar's now more than ever.

This was bad but great at the same time.

A day ago a woman at an ice cream store complimented at as a couple.

I talked to Caesar so that compliment meant nothing to both of us.


Genesis made it clear to me that she was happy with Malcolm.

I agreed to everything she said to keep her close.

I wanted her and I wasn't going to stop.

Fuck everything happening naturally.

Genesis was making me help her with wedding preparations.

I had to do something and fast.




"Mummy......... Mummy............. Mummy. "I heard a voice call out from outside. It sounded like a child and they must have been crying.

I was in the kitchen grilling my chicken the way my mum taught me. It was the best grill chicken and I thought to share it with Malcolm's family at the bonfire tonight.