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Juvenile Center


It was only six in morning.


don't understand why we had to get up so early but the guards were banging on the cells like crazy.

We all woke up to a joint freezing shower.

When I stood under the running water, facing the wall, I cried.

I cried hard.

I could feel every other girl in the large shower room staring at me.

Most of them were loud enough in their curiosity, making me hear each and every word they said.

When the showers were done an incident with the towels occurred.

Someone must have grabbed mine. Each girl had a number. My number was 277. The towels had numbers but they were barely visible.

I stood there in the open...... Naked and cold.

I could have grabbed someone else's towel but I knew what that would cause.

I hated this place.

I hated myself.

I hated myself because I drew so much attention without even saying a word.