Chapter Thirty Four.


Pressure finally caught up with Josh. His music producer demanded music from Josh. His crew knew all too well that Josh couldn't quite write any songs on his own but they pressured him anyway.

"They're really making you write ten songs on your own?" I asked Josh after a few minutes of watching him struggle at his table in our room.

"No.....not really...... they want me to give a theme for the songs and write a few paragraphs to lead my song writers." Josh revealed to me. He was so stressed out. I wish I could help him but I couldn't.

"Come here...... come take a few minutes on our bed beside me.... Take a breather and then try again." I suggested. Josh didn't hesitate and did as I advised him. When Josh sat down beside me I got onto the bed behind him and massaged his shoulders to help him relax.

"What do you think I should right about?" Josh asked me as I massaged his shoulders.