Vision or memories

"Past? What you went through?" Melvil softly asked although confused.

"Yeah something like that but, I also keep seeing activities and conversations that didn't happened in my presence felt so real, like it actually happened, everything so vivid, clear and real with all the elements of reality".

"It's okay, it must be just a vivid dream, all will be fine" Melvil tried to stop the confused rambling dimmed star.

"But it felt real, I saw when john and Rosy were cheating on me which I never saw or caught them in reality, but the dream was real,..and before we met, the conversation John had with my old boss, it also felt real, and then the night that you hold my hand cause I couldn't go back to sleep?",


"I saw my tombstone Vil, I saw my grave and..and it felt so real, like something that will surely happen if fate isn't tampered with".

"Okay okay, take a breath" he quickly stopped her as she start to breath harder and shallow evidently immersing herself back into the dream.

"Take a breath with me, in, out.." he continued holding her hands in his and guiding her to control her breathing and calm her down.

"Now, it will soon be daybreak so go back to bed and get some sleep" Melvil advised.


"I'll be there soon" he cut her off and watch as she leave the dining table into his room before sighing and getting himself immersed in his thoughts all about Serene and her strange confession.

'Visions or memories' he thought before laughing it off,

"Just a dream, realistically cause of her trauma" he whispered to himself before getting up an joining her in the room.

He lay at the other side of the bed leaving a considerable amount of space between them and watch her sleep peacefully, he sigh and close his eyes his body facing the ceiling and one of his hand on his tummy while the other shielding his head and he let sleep slowly take over him finally resting after his usual busy day.


Morning came with the sun ray piercing through the glass and setting on the two figures cuddled with each other on the bed. Melvil blink his eyes to get rid of the sleep as his internal alarm wake him up to get ready for school, he felt something heavy on his chest and his body warmed up from another body snuggled against him exuding warmth, he slowly look down at his chest to see who it's and his eyes landed on the fluffy brown hair of none other than Serene the dimmed star.

He slowly try to put her head off his chest to a pillow but she immediately stir, waking up at his movement. Serene blink her eyes multiple times to adjust her sight from the sudden brightness of the morning, she look around the room and felt her head been moved before she slowly look down at her position in confusion.

She quickly sat up abruptly that she felt her head got dizzy before it stabilise to normal.

"I-I'm sorry I..." she started apologising before shushing herself realising she has nothing to say or explain the situation which is caused probably by her, she has been used to that kind of sleeping position for the past three years of her life as a shining star and her body hasn't adjust to her dimming life of probably loneliness. She was embarrassed to say the least and she wished she woke up before him seeing her clinging to him.

'Serene don't you have a sense of decency and he is even younger than you' she mentally chided herself hitting herself at the same time.

"Are you okay?" Melvil asked seeing her hitting her head which snapped her out of her mental conflict.

"Um..yeah I'm" she watch him get out of bed and went into the bathroom before she pressured herself to get down to the kitchen and prepare breakfast.

Breakfast was the same as the new usual, in silence with only the reduction of the awkwardness althoughshe felta different one, the boys ate quickly getting up for school.



"Am going out today" silence fell around them after her small declaration as Melvil look up to her in confusion and worry which was quickly hidden away from sight.

"Don't worry I'll be careful and am not going to crowded place...and am not gonna do anything bad, boy" she quickly explained like a child, Melvil's brows knitted in annoyance at the term she referred to him.

"Am not a boy!" He grumbled out barely audible and Serene's eyes widen while Ashton quietly snickered before quickly darting away from the duo bidding Serene goodbye.

"Please take care Serene" Ashton added with worry laced voice and face.

"I promise I'll Ash" she comforted him and watch as he dart away out of the house leaving Melvil behind.

" careful out there" he muttered quietly enough for her to pick up and breaking the silence between them, Serene beamed at him and watch as he leave the house with quick strides.

Melvil quickly step out of the house hiding his red ear tips from Serene and less she sees his embarrassed self, he huffed in annoyance once he step out into the chilly wind of autumn.

"How dare she call me a boy, I'm a man" he huffed in displeasure before snapping out of his self bubble from the mocking snicker beside him which belongs to his brother.

"Yes you're a man!" Ashton mocked standing straighter with puffed chest as if standing before a military officer or trying to prove his masculinity.

Melvil's jaw dropped low seeing his little brother shameless act before snapping his mouth shut and a smile slowly slip his lips,

"You little rascal!" He called out and followed his fleeing brother who laughed his ass off.

Serene cleaned the dirty dishes after they left and went on to clean the already cleaned house to pass time before cleaning herself up and getting ready to leave, she took out the spare key Melvil gave her and lock the house and took off to her destination after deciding to walk and trek along the 40minutes walk to her destination to save her already bleeding wallet.

He bank has been frozen by John and when it was unfrozen everything was taken away from the account, no penny left, jewellery or documents of her possessions. They took away everything she gathered with her sweat and tears without an ounce of mercy.

She trek along the street of her old home and after thirty minutes of walk she came across the flower shop she had no idea was still thriving with it fresh, beautiful and well maintained flowers of different types.

She walk into shop in hope the owner mrs. Tina doesn't hate her after everything that happened.

"Hello! How can I help you lady?" Mrs. Tina the tanned chubby woman ask as she look up to see Serene in front of the white orchids.

"I want a bouquet of white and pink orchids please" Serene reply, she lift her head up from the flowers to the shop owner and she saw mrs. Tina looking at her bewildered and with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Serene!" She whispered and her voice crack with emotion before she break into tears and ran towards the stupefied Serene.

"Serene" mrs. Tina exclaimed again and engulf her in a hug.

"It's really you" she said breaking the hug and cupping her face.

"Mrs. Tina it's me" Serene replied also bewildered at Mrs. Tina's bright eyes without remorse or disgust, she felt glad and happy someone she knew still likes her.

"I thought I'll never see you again but here you're, thank God. Are you okay? I saw what happened, oh my poor girl" mrs. Tina continued lamenting without stopping.

"Am fine mrs. Tina, am really fine"

"If you say so and do come to visit me sometimes okay?"

"Yeah yeah, now the flowers" Serene quickly asked wanting to get away from the over worrying woman although she's glad she still like her she can be overprotective most times.

"What do you need them for"

'and here comes the nosy mrs. Tina I knew' Serene thought before replying,

"Am visiting my parents" she stated urging the woman to pack her flowers which she did and handed it to her without accepting the fees.

Serene continued her walk and quickly arrived at the old cemetery, the sky look gloomy full of dark clouds and more gloomier around the cemetery as if conveying the feeling of the place. She walk to her parents tombstones and stood before it looking down at the two dirty tombstones with heavy heart and itching tear filled eyes. She bend down with a handkerchief to clean it when she heard quick footsteps getting closer to her before it turn into full sprint.

"You!" A hoarse empty and chilly voice called which she was sure it was referring to her. Fear gripped her heart at the hollow ness of the voice as she slowly turn around to see a pale skinny man that look like corpse with black hollow eyes staring into her soul, the black in his eyes more prominently large.

"You're not extinct!" He exclaimed with his creepy voice pointing a bony finger at her and Serene step backwards subconsciously in fear as the man sprint towards her with the intent to finish her off.

"You need to die, I will kill you and then my lord will reward me".

"Ahhh!" Serene shouted looking for help and she dashed away from the bony pale man but he was quick enough and pull her legs bringing her down with him.

"The lord said you need to be annihilated!" He muttered like an incantation and Serene watch in fear as his short nails start to elongate.