No Regrets...just to be by your side!

A/N: Hello lovelies it your laziest author again!!, hope you all doing well?! And sorry for always updating late. Enjoy this!!.

The dark gloomy cloud looming over Actic plane in contrast to the beautiful blue sky of Areane, the shadowy smoke emitting out of the ground occasionally, dense air, dying and decaying vegetation are all signs of the magic corruption that has eroded the first and real habitats of the supernatural by none but Rukhdaf's tyrannical rule and illegal magic accumulation and presence of the once mighty lorembo horses of Rukhdaf whose affinity to magic is darkness, chaos and evil. They only live where this exist as they feed towards the dark emotions and negative feelings of the weak.

"We'll have to find a way to get rid of this your majesty!" Silver spoke next to Serene and the other elders nodded grimly.

"You don't have to call me that...!"