A teenage boy and a younger one run down the dim lit halls that has started to brighten up by the rising sun overpowering the few firelight placed in the hallways.
"Ashton get up fast before she leaves!" Ryder half yelled when Ashton stumbled against his steps, his heart beat fast against his chest pumping adereline into his veins and he quickly ran back to where Ashton fell and helped hoist him against his legs before they continued on their run to the barracks which unfortunately they has no knowledge of it location.
"Please excuse us kind sir! Do-Do you know where the barrack is..." The tall elf guard stared at the two out of breath humans in confusion before he slowly pointed his finger toward the left corner few steps ahead of the two and with a quick nod Ryder yelled a thanks running like his life depends on it with Ashton trailing behind doing a good job in keeping up with the athletic jock who also couldn't beat the castle hallways.