~Uncle, love me deeper~

‘Oh, my God! This boy! Why does he always bring up the topic of love?’ I thought to myself.

"Please, Joe. I don't believe in love and am not interested in it," I said.

"Ivy," he murmured, pressing my finger on his lips before he could say anything further. I replied, as I caressed his soft lips, "I just believe it. This is exactly what I've been craving."

I kissed him on the lips again, and we exchanged enthusiastic kisses. Joe ran his finger gently around my areola.

I grumbled into his mouth. I grasped his hair in order to immerse my tongue. The sound of someone banging on the door startled me. Joe ended the kiss and put the towel over me. I was aware that he was possessive of me. He couldn't see me with Liam.

Liam was standing in front of him when Joe opened the door. I walked over to the door and left. I pleasantly greeted him, "Good morning, honey."

From behind, Liam grabbed me. "Why did you leave me?" In a husky tone, he asked.

I looked at Joe, who was drying his hair and didn't give us a passing glance.

"What is the purpose of this towel? You appear more attractive without it," Liam said. I smiled at him and replied, "I know. I can't, though, go home naked."

"What are you talking about? You're leaving?" He asked.

"Yes, Mom told me last night that I should come home early today. Soon they will have such a special guest, "I stated.

‘Honestly, I am not an enthusiast for this kind of socialization. Why should I have to be present there? They'll be able to deal with them without me as well.’

"Do you really need to leave? Can't you just stay a little longer?" Liam asked.

"No, I can't," I said as I sat on the bed, scrolling through my phone. Liam plopped down on the bed, wrapped himself in a blanket, and murmured, "How can you go, babe? Last night, we ripped your dress to shreds."

Both of them tore my outfit last night, so I would have to order something new.

I smirked at him and told him, "I have ordered my dress, sweetheart."

Hearing me, Joe chuckled and said, "Liam, whatever you do, Ivy won't stay here."

Liam inhaled deeply, obviously disappointed to hear it. He stated, "Do whatever you want, people. I'm going to sleep again."

After saying this, he laid down on his bed. "I'm going to make some coffee, love. Do you want something?" I asked Joe.

He nodded yes and added, "Ivy, wear my shirt."

‘He genuinely cares about me. I consider loving him sometimes but lack the courage to do so. Because I don't believe in love.’ I took a deep breath.

I had had a crush on one, but all he knew how to do was ignore me. You simply abandoned me without explaining what I had done wrong. Whatever the case may be, I don't want to remember those.

I smiled as I took his shirt and went out of the room.

[Side story]

Rosina sat back in her chair, smoking a cigar. She took a peek up at the sky.

‘We've been together for nearly two years, and you still can't love me. I know I made you my fiancee by force. But do you really leave me with any options? You love your brother and respect his decisions. That's why, as far as I know, you accepted his proposal. But, whatever the case may be, I can keep you close to me, but how can I endure without your love, Aaron? Why aren't you able to love me back?’

Rosina looked into everything but came up empty-handed. ‘There is no one with whom you have a relationship. So, what's the matter with you?’ She thought to herself.

Suddenly, a handsome man appeared behind Rosina and kissed her on the neck. "What's the matter with you?" James asked.

Rosina gave him a friendly smile and a cool, calm nod.

"I know you're thinking about Aaron," he said.

"Could you tell why he isn't interested in me?" Rosina asked James with a deep sigh.

"Rosina, love isn't something you can get with your strength. It just happened," he stated.

"Am I not attractive?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It has nothing to do with you. Maybe he is dating someone," he said.

"No, he doesn't have anyone," Rosina answered.

"Are you sure he's into a girl?" asked James.

"What? Well, what are you really saying?" She asked.

"Rosina, I think he isn't interested in girls. He likes boys," he said.

"You can't say that, James. How can you be sure?" Rosina asked.

"Think about it; you've been dating for over two years and he hasn't touched you," James stated. Rosina touched her temple in response to his words.

‘James has a point. This is something I've never thought about before.’ Rosina thought as she called out his name, "James." She took his hand in mine.

"I can't think of anything," Rosina said.

"Hey," James knelt down and asked, "Why are you under so much stress? Is Aaron so important to you? Can't you find someone nearby?" he asked.

‘I understand what he's trying to say. When I was upset or alone, James was always there for me, which was Aaron's duty. I know James loves me. However, I'm confused between the two. Aaron was my first love and my crush, while James was my best buddy.’ Rosina pressed her lips together while murmuring to her inner self.

"Let me first speak with Aaron, James. I think I will need to speak with him about our situation. I know I made a hasty decision, but I still require more time," she stated.

"It is not a problem. But whatever you do, don't make a hasty choice. Just keep in mind that you are also a part of my life. Please don't break my heart again," James added.

Rosina looked at the mobile screen. She had called him several times but had received no response. Was he a man with a steel heart?

To Be Continued...