~Uncle, love me deeper~

"So you like that, Arona?" Ivy asked, pouting.

"Who said that to you?" he asked.

"I noticed you guys laughing and talking," Ivy said angrily as she grabbed her waist.

"What's the point, Ivy? She's one of my friends," Aaron explained.

"She was extremely attached to you. I don't like her in the least. She kissed me on the cheek. I don't want her to kiss me on the cheek. Hmm," Ivy said fiercely.

Ivy added, "I want you to kiss my cheek."

Aaron took a seat on the bed.

"What will I do with this girl?" Aaron murmured.

Aaron responded, "OK, I'm not going to talk to her anymore."

"Now get out there and change it," he urged.

"So you don't like Arona?" Ivy asked with a smile on her face. Aaron shook his head, showing that he didn't agree.

"OK, then I'm leaving," Ivy remarked as she bolted.

Aaron mumbled, "This naughty girl, she always irritates me."

Ivy came back after a while and sweetly called him "Aaron."

She then sprang onto his bed. Aaron asked, "What are you doing now?"

As she sat on his bed with her teddy, she said, "I'm here to sleep with you."

"I've been studying Ivy. Please make your way to your room," Aaron murmured, his eyes narrowing.

"No," Ivy said with a frown, "I'm scared of sleeping alone." Ivy made a sweet expression.

"Why don't you sleep with your mom?" Aaron asked.

"No, my parents are constantly bothering me. I also enjoy sleeping with you. Please come here immediately," Ivy said.

Aaron sighed and sat on the bed next to her.

"Aaron, am I prettier than Arona?" Ivy said as she hugged him.

He responded, "Yes, you are prettier than her," as he moved his eyes across the article.

"I know Aaron, and I think I'm prettier than she is, but I'll have to wait a few years. I'll be more attractive when I'm young," Ivy said.

"Ivy, stop your blubbering and stop watching those romantic movies," Aaron remarked as he glanced at her.

"But I enjoy watching it," Ivy replied as she sat back down on the bed.

Aaron frowned and asked, "You aren't here to sleep, right?"

"No, I'm here to sleep," Ivy pouted, and she laid down on the bed once again.

"So, what is this?" he asked.

Ivy stated, "I'm a bit interested, and I'm a little worried about my love."

Aaron rolled his eyes and murmured, Oh, my God."

She touched his cheek as she called him. "Aaron, Aaron."

He asked, "What now, Ivy?"

"I'd want to hear a prince and princess story," she stated her wish.

"I'm not sure. I've never read a book like that before," Aaron said.

Ivy began nagging, "But I want to hear."

Aaron nodded, "Nope."

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't like it," Aaron remarked.

"Aaron," Ivy said, her expression sorrowful.

"Don’t you like me?" Ivy asked.

"Yes, I do," Aaron responded with a sigh.

Ivy said, "Then I'll take you to my school tomorrow."

Aaron answered, "Ivy, ask your dad."

"No, I'd like to introduce my partner to my friends. Even though I told them I have a boyfriend, they still didn't believe me," Ivy stated.

"So, I'm your boyfriend. Are you going to make your uncle your boyfriend?" Aaron asked.

"You aren't my uncle," Ivy answered with a wink.

"All right, now stop daydreaming and go to sleep," Aaron urged.

"But my goodnight kiss?" Ivy asked with a grin on her face. Aaron leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Ivy touched her lips and said, "No, here."

"I saw dad kissing mom's lips. My friends do the same with their boyfriends."

"The loveliest one is kissing on the cheek. So I always kiss you there. You are my most valuable possession," Aaron said.

"Really," Ivy said, her eyes glistening as she heard of Aaron. She said, "I love you the most."

[The flashback is over.]

I know you love me, uncle; I smiled as I caressed my cheek.

[On the other side of the story]

Aaron emerged from the bathroom after a long shower. He grabbed up his phone and frowned as he read the messages. He murmured, "Why is she texting me? What exactly does Rosina want of me at this point?"

Aaron tossed his phone on the bed and changed into something more appropriate to wear. I need to get out of here as quickly as possible.

[On the other hand]

I wore a crop top with shorts. After that, I put a light lip gloss on my lips.

I mumbled, "Not bad," as she looked in the mirror.

Everyone was in the dining room when I got downstairs. They were eating breakfast. I fixed my gaze on Aaron. He, too, took a bath. I grinned, thinking to myself, "He's so attractive."

I said, "Good morning." Aaron split the water after hearing from me.

"Aaron, are you all right? Tati said, patting his back.

Aaron nodded, "Yes, sis, I'm."

Aaron's point of view

I planned to leave shortly, but she came.

Aaron smiled as he gazed at me. "Good morning, uncle," I said, biting my lower lip. I quickly approached him and kissed his cheek. I literally touched his cheek with my tongue, and I did it intentionally.

As I licked his face, he stammered, "Go-good morning."

"Good morning, dad." Then I moved to my dad and responded with a smile.

I kissed my dad on the cheek.

Dad responded, "Good morning, honey."

What's the matter today? You're up so early today," Mom said.

I answered, Mom," and gave Aaron a sidelong glance.

Please, Mom, don't tell Aaron everything you're thinking. Then he'll assume I woke up today simply to see him.

"Mom, I always get up early and work out in my room," I said.

Jack mockingly asked, "Really, sis?"

I glared and muttered, "Shut up."

"Dad, I want Uncle," I said as I turned to face him.

"What?" Aaron gasped, his face flushed with shock.

I said, "I mean, I want him to drive me to college today."

"All right, honey," dad responded.

Aaron abruptly said, No, brother."

"Do you have any problems, Aaron?" dad said, a bit surprised.

"I mean, it's my first day at the company, so how can I be late?" Aaron said. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "What a liar. You simply wish to avoid me."

"It's not an issue. It's our own business. You are welcome to visit whenever you want," Dad explained. Aaron then turned to face me.

To be continued...