~Uncle, love me deeper~

"What? Aaron, she invited me, and I accepted," replied Arona furiously.

"She invited you, and you accepted her invitation. Why? " Aaron asked.

"So, what's the point? I am not wrong. If I hadn't been here, I would have missed this party," she stated.

"Aaron," Arona said, reaching out to touch Aaron's chest, but he pushed her away.

"Arona, be mindful of your behavior. I'm not going to accept you into my life," Aaron expressed his thoughts.

"But we can be friends, right?" Arona sighed. Aaron turned around and glanced at the other side.

"Hey here, Aaron. Forget about it. I was wrong. I thought you still loved me, so I said it. However, I've seen that you've moved on. So why don't we just hang around like friends?" suggested Arona.

"I'll think about it," Aaron stated emphatically. He couldn't concentrate on anything because his mind was filled with Ivy.

"Now, come on, Aaron," Arona said.

"All right, we'll try," he responded as he sat in a chair.