~Uncle, love me deeper~

Jack's POV.

I rushed out, but Selena had already disappeared. I tightened my fist and glanced down.

Why am I so eager to put a stop to you? And why were you so depressed? Damn it! I don't give a damn anymore. What about that time when you hurt me? Do you ever think about how it feels? I'll never come to see how you're doing.

I checked the phone's screen.

Selena's POV.

I had a feeling you'd gradually fall in love with Mia. I was merely your friend, and now it's possible that I've lost my position. Everything was taken away from me. You're going to give my position to someone else. I no longer need to be a part of your life. You'll eventually forget about me and our memories.


Months pass in the blink of an eye. Aaron has been a huge help to me over the last three months. I tried my hardest. Seeing myself in this light, my mom thought her daughter had become a good girl. But she was unfamiliar with her daughter. Sorry, mom, your ivy hasn't changed.