~Uncle, love me deeper~

[Late at night]

Ivy was tearing up her notes and throwing them away. She looked at the clock and saw that it was still 5 minutes until 12 a.m.

I clenched my fists and took a step back. I can't wait any longer. You must respond, how dare you treat me in this way? Do you still think I'm that little Ivy? I climbed up my porch and over to his. I turned the knob back and forth.

What the hell? Aaron, you simply lock the door. It made me even angrier. I yanked a clip pin out of my hair. And then I started twisting it.

Aaron, you treat me like a child. You have the audacity to show me the cold shoulder. If I am unable to open this door at this time. I'll smash the window glass and run over to you. I finally opened the door after many attempts. I slammed the door open furiously. After hearing the door slam, I noticed Aaron seated on the bed in the moonlight.