~Uncle, love me deeper~

[Late at night]

Dad actually came into my room to feed me, and once we finished eating, he urged me to go to bed as soon as possible. Aaron walked in as he was leaving.

"What's the matter?" I said.

"You called me urgently," Aaron said.

I gave a grimace and a nod.

"No, I didn't," I stated emphatically. We were startled to hear the door being locked. Jack was staring right at us.

"What is it, Jack?" I asked.

"I'd want to know what's going on," Jack asked.

Aaron and I exchanged glances but didn't say anything.

"Do you guys know what you're doing?" Jack said it again.

"Tell me sis if mum and dad know what they'll think," Jack asked.

"It's not her fault," Aaron said.

"Aaron, don't tell lies. I was the one who asked,” I stated.

"Oh now, are you guys trying to hide each other's faults now?" Jack asked abruptly.