~Uncle, love me deeper~


"How dare you?" shouted Franklin. Jack touched his cheek and lowered his gaze.

"Franklin," Tati said, reaching out to touch him, but he moved.

"Shut up, Tati," he yelled. “I'm sure you helped them as well."

"Dad, sis will be happy with him," I murmured, looking down.

"Don't say anything, Jack," Franklin warned.

Mr. Charles responded, "Franklin, now stop it."

"Dad, are you pleased now?" Franklin said, his gaze falling to the ground.

"Don't be foolish, Franklin. If Ivy is happy, I am as well.” Mr. Charles added, "I truly couldn't understand why you forced her to marry that boy."

"You guys have no idea what I'm talking about."

Franklin said fiercely, "I have no daughter from now on,"

"Stop it, Franklin," Tati said. Franklin ignored them and walked to his room, slamming the door shut.

Tati lowered her head and took Jack in her arms.

"I'm sorry, son," she apologized.