Chapter 16 (B) "Remaining Two Days"

As he pondered his next move, Shivam's attention was drawn back to the unconscious girls lying on the ground.

Their plight reminded him of the urgent task at hand: locating Bhukari, the perpetrator behind this heinous crime.

The girls' safety and justice for their suffering became his immediate priority, overshadowing any personal inquiries into his newfound abilities.

With determination etched on his face, Shivam resolved to uncover Bhukari's whereabouts and confront the threat looming over the innocent victims trapped within his grasp.

With a sense of urgency driving his actions, Shivam pushed aside his lingering questions and focused on the immediate task at hand: locating Bhukari and putting an end to his sinister plans.

As he surveyed the villa from his concealed vantage point, a surge of determination coursed through him.

The suffering of the girls trapped within its walls fueled his resolve to free them from their torment.

Every moment mattered, and Shivam was determined to act swiftly to rescue the girls and bring justice to those responsible for their plight.

Despite his increased strength, Shivam knew that taking on armed guards would be a reckless endeavor. As he weighed his options, the thought of seeking help from the authorities crossed his mind.

However, he hesitated, knowing that doing so might tip off Bhukari and his associates, giving them the chance to cover their tracks.

There had to be higher powers at play, shielding Bhukari from the law and allowing his nefarious activities to continue unchecked.

The absence of any reports on missing girls only deepened the mystery surrounding the situation.

Shivam's resolve hardened as he vowed not to let Bhukari escape justice.

Rather than relying on the authorities to deal with the criminals, he was determined to take matters into his own hands.

Bhukari would face the full force of Shivam's wrath, and Shivam would ensure that he suffered for every ounce of pain he had inflicted on his innocent victims.

It was a personal vendetta now, and Shivam was ready to meet justice in his own way.

Shivam carefully maneuvered the view of the housefly, scanning the various rooms of the villa for any sign of Bukhari.

To his relief, he found that Bukhari was not in the room where the girls were being kept, nor was he in the adjacent chamber where they were being prepared for transfer.

Instead, Bukhari was in the hall, engaged in an intense discussion with his members.

Shivam watched attentively from his hidden vantage point, taking note of Bukhari's every move and word.

It was clear that Bukhari's presence in the hall indicated something urgent was afoot.

Shivam watched silently as Bukhari paced the room, his expression dark with anger.

It was clear that the news of an intruder had set him on edge.

Shivam observed from his vantage point on the treetop, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he listened in on Bukhari's commands.

"Check every bloody inch of this place!" Bukhari's voice echoed through the hall, his frustration palpable.

"I want that intruder found; no stone left unturned."

Bukhari's orders were met with swift compliance from his guards, who scattered in all directions to execute the search.

Inside the villa, tension thickened with each passing moment as Bhukari demanded an exhaustive review of the CCTV footage, his face contorting with rage at the audacity of the intruder who dared to encroach upon his domain.

As the guards combed through every nook and cranny of the villa, Bhukari seethed with anger in his concealed chamber.

Outside, the jungle remained eerily silent, with the intruder lurking in the shadows, observing every move made by Bhukari and his security detail.

It was a pivotal moment for Bhukari, whose reputation and authority were now under threat from an unknown adversary, and he was determined not to let them undermine his illicit operations.

He also took precautions to safeguard his secrets, making discreet calls that Shivam eavesdropped on.

However, the caller ID was masked as a "private number," making it impossible for Shivam to identify the recipient.

The call served to alert higher-ups in authority who were looking after this business and had a greater range of influence in authority, ensuring that measures were taken to prevent any potential leaks from his villa.

After the call, Bukhari's tension didn't ease. He immediately dove into the results of the search for intruders captured on CCTV footage, hoping to confirm any signs of infiltration.

The CCTV footage showed no signs of the intruder's presence within the villa or its immediate surroundings.

Despite Bukhari's thorough review, there was no evidence of anyone infiltrating the premises, leaving him puzzled and frustrated.

Bukhari's frustration deepened as he examined the image sent by the guards.

It depicted a peculiar mark resembling the aftermath of an explosion in the forest.

However, without accompanying footage or further evidence, Bukhari found himself unable to make sense of the situation.

The absence of any other signs of intrusion within the villa only compounded his bewilderment, leaving him puzzled and unnerved by the mysterious turn of events.

Bukhari's frustration deepened as he examined the images sent by the guards.

It depicted peculiar marks that were designed on the ground, resembling the aftermath of an explosion in the forest.

However, without accompanying footage or further evidence, Bukhari found himself unable to make sense of the situation.

The absence of any other signs of intrusion within the villa only compounded his bewilderment, leaving him puzzled and unnerved by the mysterious turn of events.

The picture revealed an explosion unlike any conventional bomb blast.

It depicted a scene where the surrounding area was engulfed in a peculiar darkness, with vegetation sucked dry and lifeless trees standing as eerie sentinels.

The ground bore witness to the aftermath, strewn with charred stones and devoid of any signs of life.

What stood out the most was the unusual silence that accompanied the blast, described not as a deafening boom but as a thunderous roar echoing through the forest.

This description, provided by his vigilant security guard, painted a chilling picture of the mysterious event that had transpired.

Bukhari's apprehension grew as he pondered the implications of such a blast occurring near his villa.

The thought of a potential threat targeting his operation sent shivers down his spine.

Despite his relief at not finding any suspicious individuals in the forest, Bukhari remained on edge, knowing that the danger could still lurk unseen.

Determined to fortify his defenses, Bukhari wasted no time in ordering his men to bolster security around the villa.

He couldn't afford to underestimate the potential threat posed by the mysterious explosion, and he was resolved to do whatever it took to protect his illicit operation from any further disruptions.

As Shivam gazed upon the images of the desolate forest, his heart sank at the sight of the barren landscape.

What had once been a thriving ecosystem now lay withered and lifeless, the very essence of vitality drained from the earth.

It was a chilling realization, one that sent shivers down his spine as he struggled to come to terms with the extent of his power.

How had he unwittingly wielded such destructive force?

The answer lay within him, hidden beneath layers of doubt and uncertainty.

Deep within his being, Shivam could sense the presence of the powerful red stone, a mysterious artifact that had somehow become intertwined with his own essence.

It was this stone that had amplified his innermost feelings, transforming them into a cataclysmic event that had ravaged the forest within a radius of nearly 10 meters.

With a heavy heart, Shivam knew that he must tread carefully from now on.

The power he possessed was not to be taken lightly, for with it came the potential for great destruction.

As he pondered his next move, indeed,

Shivam understood the gravity of his situation.

The power he wielded was a double-edged sword, capable of both great good and immense destruction.

As he reflected on the consequences of his actions, he realized the importance of mastering his emotions and controlling his newfound abilities.

He needed to calm his anger instincts; if not, that might be a big problem in the future, and he might kill his own people by sucking the surrounding vitality, which involves his people's vitality too, only to increase his own strength, which would be a big blow to him.

With a sense of determination burning within him, Shivam made a solemn vow to himself.

He would learn to temper his anger and channel his strength for the greater good.

No longer would he allow his emotions to dictate his actions, for he knew that doing so could have dire consequences for those around him.

Shivam speculated that the sudden surge in his strength and the blue energy he experienced within him might be linked to the mysterious vitality absorber red emrald stone within him.

He suspected that the stone's effects somehow triggered the release of his latent power, perhaps opening a channel to channel strength.

Additionally, he pondered whether the blue energy could be chakra, a vital force associated with opening chakra lotus petals.

However, he couldn't seek clarification from the Red Band about his discovery, as he was preoccupied with monitoring Bukhari's movements and wasn't able to check his phone to ask the Red Band about his new found strength.

He knew this follow-up was very important to him, so he continued observing Bukhari.

Bhukari, after confirming with his members about the increased security in the villa, urgently made a call.

Bhukari's call stirred a sense of urgency within Shivam.

He listened intently as Bhukari arranged for the transportation of the package, scheduled for two days later on Friday.

Shivam considered that Bhukari's concern that the intruder would cause him problems and pose a threat to this hiding place was evident.

That is why he decided to transfer the girls early in order to complete the transaction with the buyers to not have any evidence in the villa.

The realization hit Shivam hard: time was running out, and he needed to act quickly to thwart Bhukari's plans and save the victims.

Despite his efforts, Shivam couldn't catch the details of the number Bhukari dialed.

The swift nature of the call left Shivam with only a fleeting glimpse of the digits.

Nevertheless, he gleaned the crucial information that Bhukari intended to transport the innocent girls and the drug carriers in two days, on Friday.

With this critical piece of information in mind, Shivam prepared to take decisive action to intervene and save the victims before it was too late.

Acknowledging the constraints of his current circumstances, Shivam realized that his newfound strength alone wouldn't suffice to liberate the girls and other victims from the villa.

Though lacking the necessary authority and identity for direct intervention, Shivam refused to be discouraged.

He remained steadfast, believing that with careful planning and strategic action, he could still effect change.

He understood the importance of utilizing his strengths, which were augmented by the rewards he received from the Dark Web for completing tasks.

Knowing that he would receive two tasks daily, each accompanied by mysterious rewards, Shivam anticipated that these rewards would enhance his abilities.

However, he also realized that the four rewards over two days might not suffice given the urgency of the situation.

Nonetheless, Shivam resolved to make the most of what he had at his disposal, determined to find a solution.

Shivam decided to bide his time until the next day, acknowledging that he lacked the necessary strength to intervene effectively.

Furthermore, he was hesitant to involve any legal authorities, fearing the risk of information leakage.

While he recognized that there were likely competent police investigators, Shivam remained wary of trusting individuals who wore masks of goodness.

His priority remained ensuring the safety of the victims in the villa while also seizing the opportunity to enact retribution upon Bukhari.

Shivam made a vow to himself: "I will not rest until I have saved every single one of them."

Rani, nearly exhausted, had provided all the necessary information.

Shivam understood that monitoring the villa any further would only drain her energy unnecessarily.

He resolved to wait for the next day's rewards to enhance his capabilities before making any further moves.

As he prepared to leave the forest, Shivam reflected on the day's events.

He knew patience and determination were crucial to achieving his goal of rescuing the victims from the villa.

Before departing, Shivam replenished Rani's vitality to ensure her well-being.

He was mindful of not overusing her abilities, as she had limited energy left.

Although eager to take action, Shivam recognized the need to wait for the opportune moment.

He remained hidden from the villa, observing the situation unfold through Rani's eyes.

Shivam watched as the girls, under the influence of their boyfriends,.

Shivam observed through Rani's eyes as the girls, under the influence of Alam and Naik, were brought before Bukhari.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being recorded by CCTV as they were stripped naked, their privacy violated for Bukhari's sinister purposes.

Shivam realized the risk of Alam and Naik targeting their women on the property. Such actions would raise suspicions and likely result in their arrest.

Furthermore, the girls' presence in the villa with their boyfriends could potentially lead the authorities to the area, which Bukhari would strongly prefer to prevent.

Shivam reasoned that even though they were aware of the risk, they would not dare to hurt the girls.

As time passed, the girls left the villa without any interruption, as Shivam had estimated.

He understood that any interference could draw unwanted attention from the authorities to the illicit activities taking place in the villa, something that Bukhari would undoubtedly want to avoid at all costs.

Therefore, the departure of the girls proceeded smoothly, allowing Shivam to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they were no longer in immediate danger within the confines of the villa.

With the girls safely departed, Shivam shifted his focus back to monitoring Bukhari's activities.

Through Rani's eyes, he observed Bukhari scrutinizing the CCTV footage, his frustration evident as he berated the security personnel for their negligence.

Despite their efforts, they remained clueless about the identity of the intruder.

Satisfied that his spy mission for the moment was complete, Shivam was just going to move out of this location to find some breath of air in the tensed atmosphere of the villa.

But Bukhair's phone rang.


"Author's Note: Sometimes, you'll see brackets like () or {} in the text. These are used to help explain tricky words or situations in the story. For example, if there's something important about Shivam or another character that needs clarification, you'll find it explained in these brackets."
