The Military System

George's eyes remained fixed on the holographic screen hovering in front of him. Everything felt like it was spinning, and he had a hard time wrapping his head around the whole situation. The zombie outbreak and this weird system thing, it was like he'd been dropped into a messed-up video game world.

" I can't even tell what's real anymore. " he muttered to himself, frustration creeping into his voice. He wanted to figure things out, but the whole situation was like a puzzle with missing pieces. He squinted at the holographic tabs, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity bubbling up inside him.

Just as he was about to tap at one of the tabs to see what would happen, a new message popped up.

( Notification : If you want to learn about system, tap at an instruction manual. You will understand about system. )

George's eyebrows raised wider in surprise. An instruction manual? It was like this system thing was trying to help him out, even though it felt more like a glitchy dream. He hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and tapped the message.

The screen shifted, and words appeared.

( Welcome to the Military System

1. Your Stats : Check your health, experience, skills, and other information here.

2. Inventory : Manage your items and resources.

3. Shop : Spend your hard-earned gold on supplies and equipment.

4. Summoned Troops : Unlock and command troops for your survival.

5. Wheel of Lucky Roulette : Test your luck and win rewards, available once a month.

6. Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi annual, Annual Rewards : Claim daily, monthly, 3, 6 months, and 1 year items to aid in your survival.

7. Missions : This is where you can accept missions and earn rewards upon completion.

8. Basic Survival Guide : Tips and tricks for navigating this new world.

9. Zombie Encounters : Check information about zombies you encountered

10. Tactics and Strategies : Develop strategies to deal with zombies. )

George blinked at the list. It was like a menu in some kind of bizarre game. He shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around it all.

" Alright, so I guess this is my lifeline. " he muttered to himself, looking at the options laid out before him. It was weirdly organized like someone had carefully designed it all. He couldn't deny that it was useful, though. If he was going to survive in this new world, he needed every advantage he could get.

One prompt that got his attention is the summoned troops. He tapped that tab and a further explanation for Summoned Troops appeared.

( As you progress and accumulate experience, you'll have the ability to summon troops to boost your survival efforts. With each level you attain, your troop capacity will grow, enabling you to command a larger force. These troops offer a range of advantages, including scouting, defense, and scavenging. What's more, their loyalty is unwavering, making them indispensable companions in your struggle for survival. )

" So basically, I can summon soldiers huh? " George remarked.

He then tapped the Shop and the virtual marketplace sprawled before him :

( Current balance - 0 gold.

Firearms :

Handguns -

Submachine Guns -

Rifles -

Carbines -

Shotguns -

Machine Guns -

Rotary Guns -

Artillery -

Melee Weapons :

Blunt -

Edged -

Pointed -

Bladed -

Military Vehicles :

Armored Personnel Carrier -

Infantry Fighting Vehicle -

Light Utility Vehicle -

Infantry Mobility Vehicle -

Armored Vehicles and Supply Transports -

Main Battle Tanks -

Military Aircraft :

Fixed - Wing Aircraft -

Rotary - Wing Aircraft -

Tiltrotor Aircraft -

Delta - Wing Aircraft -

Forward - Swept Wing Aircraft -

Drones -

Computer & Electronics :

Spare Parts & Fuel :

Ammunitions :

Construction Tools, Equipment, Materials, & Vehicles :

Foods :

Troops :

Combat Troops -

Communication Troops -

Engineering Troops -

Medical Troops -

Logistics Troops -

Intelligence Troops -

Special Forces -

Reconnaissance Troops -

Chemical Troops -

Biological Troops -

Radiological Troops -

Nuclear Troops -


There were a lot of things related to troops, etc displayed, and almost all of them are locked but can be unlocked upon reaching certain levels. And based on the interface, it seems that gold is the currency.

If gold is the currency, then how to earn it?

George's gaze flickered over to another floating screen, and there he found that he can earn gold by completing missions, unlocking daily rewards, and by spinning the wheel of lucky roulette.

The more he looked at it, the more it started to look like a game.

And just as he was busy studying the system, another interface popped up.

( As a reward for activating the system, you are rewarded with a beginner's pack! You can find it in your inventory. )

" Beginner's pack? " George repeated. He had played a lot of games before, so he knew what it entailed. He quickly navigated through the system and opened his inventory. There he found the beginner's pack, displayed like a supply crate.

He tapped it and suddenly, numerous holographic screens popped up before him.

( Congratulations! You received the following.

10 x Combat Troops

10,000 gold coins ( In the future It's gonna change to 1 coin = 1000 goid coins, but rights now it's gold coins. Do you have any names for coin, feel free to write on comment section. )

Tactical SWAT Uniform Set

M4A1 attached with Suppressor, Flashlight, Red dot Sight, Lasersight, and Receiver.

6 x magazine with 40 rounds capacity. Ammunition included.

Glock 19 with Suppressor, Flashlight, Red dot Sight, Receiver, and Lasersight.

6 x magazine with 17 rounds capacity. Ammunition included.

Ballistic Knife. )

( Would you like to try out your new outfit? Yes/ No. )

A grin appeared at George's lips, his heart racing with excitement. With a firm tap, he confirmed his decision, and in an instant, a swirling light enveloped him.

As the light disappeared, George found himself clad in the sleek tactical uniform set, a perfect fit from helmet to boots. The weight of the gear felt strangely comforting as if he was stepping into a new identity.

Not only did the clothes appear, but the weapons he had received from the system materialized as well. M4A1 felt little heavy but manageable, the armored vest featured magazine pouches where the magazines were stowed, and at his hips, holsters held the Glock 19 and the Ballistic Knife securely.

He had never held a gun before, but he has this odd familiarity that he had once did. He wondered if it was caused by the system, and by looking at the interface again, he confirmed.

In the skill tab, he found a " Weapon Proficiency Level 1 " tab. He checked further information about his skills and there he found " Melee Proficiency Level 1 " and " Driving Proficiency Level 1. "

He also learned that he could level it with skill points, which can be earned by leveling up.

Speaking of levels, according to the manual, experience points can be earned by completing missions and killing zombies. So it'll be like other games, he has to grind to raise his level, which means he has to kill a lot of zombies. And it also seemed that level is the main factor of strength.

The higher your level, the more powerful you'd become. In his case, he would be able to purchase powerful weapons and vehicles that are currently locked and master his skills.

Earlier, he had almost lost hope of saving his sister when he encountered that monstrous beast leaping and flying outside. But with this system, he may have a chance to stand against it.

( Would you like to summon the troops you have received? Yes/ No. )

Summon the troops? Is the system referring to those troops in the beginner's pack? If so, he wanted to. Without hesitation, he confirmed it and a ten holographic magic circle appeared on the ground, and in it, ten tall figures emerged equipped with the same uniform and weapons as him.

George's eyes widened in shock. Questioning the reality he is living in. Is this world some sort of simulation? But before he could contemplate on that idea, the troops that were summoned performed a salute.

" We are ready to receive your orders, sir! " They said in unison.