Took a dark turn

A few hours earlier, at the Technological Engineering Institute University, about fifteen kilometers away from George's base of operations. Beside the window, a tall girl stood.

She held a phone and engaged in conversation with someone she held close to her heart.

" Okay brother, be careful. " she spoke in a soft tone before ending the call.

Lowering the phone, she turned to her classmates and met their expectant gazes.

" My brother said he's coming with others. They're on their way to rescue us. We need to ration the food we have left for a day. "

" Lisa, is that true?" a black haired girl, whose appearance rivaled hers, inquired, hope shining in her eyes.

" Yes, Angela. "

Who are the others?" Another woman with purple hair, dressed in a blouse, chimed in.

"I don't know Denise, I was surprised too when my brother said he is going to come and save us with others' help. I can't think of someone who would join him. Anyways, we just have to follow his words."

" Follow his words my ass. " one of the boys spat. " Your brother won't be able to save us in this mess. He'll only get himself killed. "

" Niel is right. It's not like your brother has something that can help us. " one of his friends added. " The only people that can only save us from this mess are either the military or the police. But both of them are nowhere to be seen. "

" Probably, the military has fallen. " another one of his friends muttered.

" Richard was it? " Niel said. " I have met him before, and I don't have a good impression of him. Given he is good at his studies, that's only it. I am not going to put my life in the hands of some guy who thinks he's a hero. "

Lisa lowered her head, Niel did have some points. Even she told her brother not to come here due to it being dangerous. But her brother insisted, and there was no way she can talk him out of something he already decided.

" Even so… I'm still going to hope. " Lisa said, her voice determined.

Niel rolled his eyes and scoffed, clearly unconvinced.

Silence settled upon the classroom as Lisa's declaration hung in the air, creating an awkward pause amidst the tension.

Angela broke the silence. " Look, whether we believe in Lisa's brother or not, we can't deny that we're in a tough spot. Waiting for the military or police doesn't seem like an option right now. We have to do something. "

" Do exactly what Angela? " Niel cut her off. " There are zombies in the hallway. The only safe place here is this classroom. "

" So we are just going to stay here, and starve to death? "

" Do you have a better idea, Denise? Hmm? " Niel countered and Denise was silent. " I don't think so. "

The classroom went silent again as the weight of their situation settled in. The group exchanged glances that revealed their shared anxiety.

Lisa's determined voice broke the silence. " We can't afford to give up. If my brother and his group are really on their way, we have to hold out until they arrive. He said he is going to arrive tomorrow. "

" And when exactly is that tomorrow? Did you ask him? " Niel asked, his skepticism still evident.

Lisa hesitated for a moment, recalling her conversation with her brother. " He didn't give an exact time, but he sounded urgent. I'll call him. "

Lisa opened her phone to call her brother but when saw that there was no signal available, frustration knotted her brows. She tried moving closer to the window, hoping for a better signal, but it was no use.

Niel sighed. " I can't believe we are all going to die here. "

" Don't say that Niel. " Angela rebuked.

" Just accept the situation, everyone. Lisa's brother will not be able to save us. I mean what do you expect from a college student? It's not like he is a fighter or something. Oh my god, I can't believe I will die a virgin. "

" What a disgusting creep, saying that kind of thing at a time like this. " Angela snapped at the inappropriate comment.

Denise shook her head in disbelief. " Seriously? You're worried about that right now? "

Niel's gaze lingered on Angela, Denise, and Lisa, planning something malicious.

Niel looked at his friends, and he tapped his friends on their shoulders. " Bert, John, I have something to talk to you guys about. "

Bert and John leaned in, their curiosity piqued by Niel's sudden seriousness.

" You guys, I'm sure you have something you want to experience before dying right? Well, you have an opportunity right here. " Niel said as he lifted his gaze towards the seven girls in the classroom.

11:50 in the evening, January 20th, 2023. At the Technological Engineering Institute.

Denise and Angela slumped against Lisa, their weariness evident. The classroom was dark as the students decided not to open the lights as it might attract zombies.

" Lisa. " Denise began. " You ever wonder if we're gonna make it out of this mess? "

Lisa let out a heavy sigh. " Honestly, Denise, I try not to dwell on it too much. Thinking about what might happen next... it's just too much. "

Angela's brow furrowed as she stared into the distance. " I mean, seriously, zombies? I thought those were supposed to be things you only see in horror films. "

" Yeah, exactly. It's like reality took a wrong turn and landed us in some kind of twisted zombie movie. "

Denise let out a chuckle. " You know, if this were a movie, I'd be the one yelling at the screen, ' Why are you going into that dark alley alone? Don't you know there are zombies out there? ' "

The girls shared a tired laugh, a brief moment of relief from the constant tension that surrounded them.

" But seriously. " Angela said, her voice taking on a more serious note, " how did this even happen? One day everything's normal, and the next... zombies appeared. "

Lisa shrugged, her brows furrowing in thought. " I wish I knew. Maybe some kind of experiment gone wrong, or a virus nobody saw coming. All I know is that every major city on the planet is in a mess right now. "

Angela snuggled up to Lisa and wrapped her hands around her arm.

" Lisa, your brother. Do you believe he can save us? I mean, given he is just an ordinary college student like everybody else, I don't expect so much about him. "

" I remember watching zombie apocalypse movies where family members would often go to great lengths to save their family members, Now that I talk about that, I wonder if my parents are okay. "

" Same here. " Angela added.

" Denise, Angela… "

" Yes? " The girls intoned together.

" I hope that my brother will come to save me. Just the thought of him coming here in this apocalyptic world made me admire him more like it's cool to have a brother like that. "

Denise and Angela giggled at Lisa's words.

" It's like in those movies, you know? The unexpected hero rises when everything seems lost. Maybe your brother's our unexpected hero. " Denise said and continued. " If he were to come here and save us, I will forever be grateful. "

" Yeah, but the thing is, I don't think he'll arrive here. "

The three girls turned their gazes at Niel, who suddenly barged into their conversation.

" It sounded like you already accepted that the world has already ended. " Lisa retorted.

" Because it is, Lisa. Didn't you see that already? A news article where every nation on this planet is being overrun by zombies? The world you all know has ended. But don't worry, as long as you follow us three here, you girls are going to be safe. "

His friends, Bert and John smirked.

" Now, who's hungry? Let's open up the snacks. "

Niel beckoned everyone to come in the middle, and everyone huddled.

" So, how are we going to share it equally? " Lisa asked.

" Oh no no no… " Niel snickered. " There's no such thing as sharing it equally. Bert, John, and I bought it in the canteen before the outbreak. So it's ours. "

" So what's the point of you calling us? " Angela asked.

" To make a transaction of course. " Niel grinned. " In exchange for food and water, you will have to give us something of value. "

" what is it ? " Denise inquired.

" Your bodies. " Niel revealed with a dark expression.

All of the girls in the classroom exchanged glances, shocked at Niel's sudden and disturbing proposition.

" What the hell are you talking about, Niel? " Lisa's voice trembled in anger. " You can't seriously expect us to agree to something like that. "

Niel's smirk widened, his demeanor unsettling. " Oh, come on, Lisa. Survival in this new world comes at a price. You girls can either accept our offer and be protected, or you can fend for yourselves out there. "

Bert and John stood by Niel's side, their expressions smug and predatory. The friends who had once shared laughs and stories now felt like strangers, and the realization was like a punch to the gut.

Angela's eyes narrowed as she mustered her resolve. " We're not going to be your... playthings, Niel. We're not trading our dignity for your twisted idea of safety. "

" You think you can just take advantage of us because of this situation? You're no better than the zombies out there. " Denise said.

Niel's laughter echoed in the tense room. " You girls really don't get it, do you? This world has changed, and those old rules don't apply anymore. It's survival of the fittest, and we're just making sure we come out on top. "

" Then in that case we won't eat your snacks. You can have the food for yourselves you despicable scums. " One of Lisa's classmates, Ella cut in defiantly.

Ella's words hung in the air like a challenge, her courage igniting a spark among the girls. Lisa, Angela, and Denise exchanged determined glances, a silent agreement passing between them. They weren't going to let themselves be exploited by Niel and his cronies.

Niel's expression darkened, his patience wearing thin. " In that case, you have left me with no choice, I was asking you all nicely and now you wasted it. Let's make an example shall we? "

Niel gave Bert and John the signal, and immediately, they grabbed Ella suddenly, holding her arms tightly. Ella struggled as she tried to break free.

" Let go of me! "

Niel's twisted grin remained plastered on his face as he took a step closer to Ella. " You are a defiant one huh? Let's see if you can still defy me. "

Without a single moment of hesitation – ripped the top of Ella's uniform apart, revealing the white underwear and skin underneath.

" Huh! "

A hoarse sound escaped from Ella's throat. The feeling of her skin being exposed to the chilly air gave her a vivid glimpse of the incoming development.

The other girls also watched in horror at Niel's action.

" Hohoho, Ella, I didn't know you have such lovely skin, this is making my boner hard. I will take pleasure in enjoying your body. "

With that, Niel removed his pants, revealing his hardened cock.

" No,no! Let me go! I don't want this! " Ella screamed, and then suddenly zombies outside the hallway came banging at the classroom door.

Niel grinned once more. " Don't make a sound, you'll attract zombies and that goes to everyone. "

He glanced at the other girls who stood frozen in their place, their eyes trembling. Niel was actually serious about doing atrocious things.

" That's right stay silent, don't make a noise or the zombies will enter. "

After saying that, Niel pushed Ella to the ground and started having his way with her.

Lisa, Angela, Denise, and the remaining girls could only watch helplessly as Ella was being raped by Niel. No one could defy him and his friends, if they were to fight, there would certainly be a noise, and noise would attract zombies, causing them to be more aggressive.

" Don't worry, John, Bert, you two will have your turn after I come. "

Tears trickled down Ella's face, she wanted to scream and shout for help, but she couldn't. They'll die if she does that so she covered her mouth to not make any noise.

The sight pleased Niel. " You are loving this, aren't you? You voluntarily covered your mouth without me telling you. "

Niel continued his cruel acts with Ella until he let out a moan. " Ugh "

Niel took his shaft out of Ella and strode toward Lisa, who took a step back.

" Don't come close to me you fucking psychopath! " Lisa burst out but immediately covered his mouth as the zombies outside grew more aggressive to the noise.

" You really value your life huh? For me as long as you taste you my life will be fulfilled. Now, why don't you behave and strip your clothes? "

" Get away from her! " Denise delivered a slap across his face. Niel retaliated with a slap on Denise's face.

" How dare you raise a hand on me, wait for your turn. I'm going to take your virginity later. "

Niel turned his attention to Lisa and then reached his hands out to her uniform.


Lisa tried to fight back but Niel was just strong and overpowered her. He then ripped off her uniform, revealing her beautiful body to his gaze.

Niel smiled in pleasure as he touched Lisa's body with his hands, caressing it before planting a kiss on her neck.

Lisa felt disgusted but at the same time couldn't stop trembling and feeling goosebumps all over her skin as Niel's lips moved down to her chest.

" No! Help me mother, father brother! "

" No one will come to save you. "

The moment he said that Niel heard something. There was a drumming like noise outside. He recognized the noise immediately.

" It's a helicopter. " Niel said as he retreated two steps back.

And then.

* Brrrrrrrttt *

A burst of gunfire, possibly from a machine gun roared outside the building. Causing them to cover their ears.

" It must be the military! " Bert said, pulling his trousers up as he got dickblocked." Shit! "

" If they found out that we would rape these girls. " John uttered.

" We'll be dead. "