Chapter 2: 02

The visitor is thin, with cold eyebrows, wearing a navy blue suit jacket, straight trousers lined his legs straight, looking refreshing and capable. Astonishment flashed in those eyes, and there was a polite smile on the corners of his lips.

is her.

Qi Yan's heart jumped, pretending to be calm and said: "Are you...Which parent?"

"Mother Lu Wei."

A little girl was picked out of more than forty students' faces and matched her name. Qi Yan smiled calmly, pointed to the table, and said, "Check in first."

The waves were surging under the calm surface, and she never dreamed that the woman with whom she had a spring breeze last night turned out to be the mother of the student, which means that the other party is a married woman, and she is very likely to be a "little san" in a muddle-headed manner.

Lu Zhiqiao nodded calmly and bent over to look at the sign-in form.

A strand of broken hair fell, and she slid it up with her hands, tucked it behind her ears, revealing a soft profile face with fair skin. Qi Yan stared at her intently, his throat moved, and the corners of the transcript he held in his hand wrinkled.

The same formal attire, but with a change of color, this person looked more solemn, dignified and meticulous, unlike last night.

Qi Yan couldn't help but feel her throat astringent when she thought that she had been charmingly blooming in her own hands. When she thought that such a delicious meal might be a wife, she felt even more regretful. It was like digging a treasure and holding it in the palm of his hand, and was snatched away before he covered his heat, so a lot of resentment was born.

He hates all men together.

Qi Yan bit her back teeth, watched her sign her name, straightened her back, and handed over a report card: "Sit anywhere."

"Thank you." Lu Zhiqiao took it politely, without lifting his eyelids.

She roughly glanced at the report card, walked straight to the innermost position of the group by the window, took out a tissue to wipe the table and chairs, and sat down, but her eyes remained pinned to the report card and stopped moving.

"Teacher, isn't that the transcript? You haven't given it to me yet." Ma Guo and Dad Zhou were left hanging out for a long time, and it was a bit uncomfortable to see that Qi Yan gave the transcript to a later parent first.

Qi Yan recovered, closed his eyes, smiled guiltily, and one person gave one.

At three o'clock exactly, most of the parents came.

The classroom was almost full. Qi Yan took the sign-in form, glanced low, found Lu Wei, and looked back.

Lu Zhiqiao.

Very poetic name, I have seen it on the student information, and she has an impression. But this person's writing is vigorous and powerful, and his pen is sharp and sharp, which does not look like an ordinary woman's style.

And, with my mother's last name.

Although children can follow their parents' surnames nowadays, those with their mother's surname are relatively rare and very strange. Unless there are two children in the family, one with the father and the other with the mother, or—

Qi Yan thought of two possibilities, and his dark eyes suddenly brightened.

In the eyes of students, parent-teacher conferences are a great way for teachers to complain to their parents. Especially after the exam, the school masters are calm and fearless, while the school scumbags are nervous. When Qi Yan taught the first class of students, she wanted to be friends with the children and influence them with love, but after a long time she found out that she was too naive.

She is young and beautiful, open-minded, and it is indeed easy to mingle with students, but in the same way, she has also lost her prestige. They didn't hand in homework at will, didn't observe discipline, and even flipped through the things on her desk. They felt hurt and dissatisfied with the slightest sentence she criticized.

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old children are immature, but the most rebellious and unmanageable. After suffering a loss, she abandoned her naive ideas.

Teachers are always teachers, especially the head teacher, she is a high-cold authority, she is willing to do both kindness and power, and do not be friends with students.

The complaint belongs to the complaint, and you have to talk about polite remarks.

"This is the first exam since the beginning of the first year of junior high school. Just transitioning from elementary school to junior high school, children will inevitably not adapt, so the scores can't explain what the problem is. I hope that parents can have more patience..."

Qi Yan is 1.7 meters tall and wears a pair of low-heeled shoes. His voice is clear and majestic. Standing on the podium, he looks at the world.

She didn't tie her hair today, letting the black long and straight falling down like a waterfall, her thin melon-seeded face, long eyes and high nose, profound features, smiled like a peach blossom, gentle and kind, not smiling but cold and indifferent, repelling thousands of miles. Outside.

Other classes hold parent meetings, and there are always people falling asleep. In the first grade (2) of the junior high school, the parents all sit tightly and attentively, and are more serious than their children in class.

There is only one exception.

Lu Zhiqiao was looking down at the transcript. The upright shirt collar tightly covered his neck, and the button was still buttoned to the top. With her long hair pulled back in her head, her face is lightly makeup, a mole of tears is very moving, but her eyebrows are alienated and indifferent, with a trace of abstinence.

Having maintained this position for a long time, her neck is a little sore, she turned a little bit, but did not raise her head, her eyes were always locked on the report card.

The voice on the podium was like a curse, word by word knocked on her heart, her eyes were calm, but her heart was beating fiercely, her fingers kept rubbing the corners of the transcript until it was so wrinkled, she suddenly remembered it was Where Qi Yan had touched, he quickly let go, as if he had been scalded.

A ray of sunlight came in diagonally and fell on her hair. Occasionally a student walked by outside the window, stopped, probed his head, and ran away quickly.

Time goes extremely slowly.

In about half an hour, the parent meeting was over. Qi Yan typed the two-dimensional code of the home school WeChat group |

She finally saw Lu Zhiqiao raising his head.

But it quickly went down again—a few seconds of effort.

The parents left one after another, blocking the front door. Lu Zhiqiao folded the report card and put it in his bag, turned his head and glanced at the back door, got up and walked over.

"Mother Lu Wei, please wait a minute." The voice came from the podium.

Suddenly, dozens of pairs of eyes followed Qi Yan's line of sight to look at Lu Zhiqiao.


If students are afraid of being named in class, then parents are the same, and they are least willing to be named by teachers in parent meetings—it often means that the child has caused trouble.

Lu Zhiqiao put his hand on the door lock and did not move.

When the classroom was empty, she turned around, met the man's scorching gaze, and walked slowly to the podium, with a faint smile on her mouth: "Is there anything wrong with Teacher Qi?"

"Lu Wei has a game in the afternoon, do you want to go see it?" Qi Yan curled his lips and smiled meaningfully.

"No." Lu Zhiqiao said politely, "Go to work."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. It happened that the monitor came in from outside with his desk, one of them didn't stop, and accidentally ran into him. She was unstable under her feet, her figure shook, and she fell to the side.

Qi Yan hurried forward with eyes and hands, hooked his long arms, firmly grasped Lu Zhiqiao's thin waist|back, and took it into his arms.

Lengxiang puffed her nose, and she subconsciously tightened her arms.


A thin hot air sprayed behind his ears, as hot as last night, Lu Zhiqiao's heart trembled, blood|qi rushed to his cheeks, his feet were a little soft, and he froze.

"Auntie I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..." The monitor was startled, and hurriedly put down the table to apologize.

Lu Zhiqiao reacted, struggling slightly, did not break free, and had to shake his head at the child: "It's okay."

"It's okay, let me put the table, you go to the playground to see the classmates in the game." Qi Yan echoed.

The monitor nodded, put down the table, turned and ran out.

The classroom was empty and quiet, and the two of them |

Because of the movement just now, the shirt collar|mouth loosened a little, and the traces of blue and purple inside were looming. Qi Yan saw it inadvertently, and his eyes darkened quickly: "Unexpectedly, we are so predestined."

It was too crazy last night, she couldn't remember how many traces she left on the other person, only knew that she couldn't control it, and still remembered the burning|hot feeling for a long time.

The arms were soft and fragrant, and they brought back those memories, and I even wanted to take people apart and swallow them in their abdomen.

Lu Zhiqiao opened his mouth, his voice stuck in his throat, his ears were stained with peach pink.

"Does it hurt?" Qi Yan held her wrist and rubbed it, the red marks on it remained faint.

After being **** all night, how could it not hurt? But this person didn't let him untie it later, and he became addicted to playing. I don't know if it was because of drunkenness and courage, or if he had any special hobbies.

Lu Zhiqiao frowned lightly, put aside his face, and said nothing.

The more she is like this, the more interesting and interesting Qi Yan feels. He grabbed her chin with one hand and said softly: "When I was talking just now, you were running on a business trip. This is very disrespectful to people, you know?"

"Parents should lead by example and set a good example for their children."

When I got closer, my lips almost touched my ears, as if I could see the capillaries swelling slowly, making them more red, and the temperature was close at hand. As she breathed, she couldn't help but want to kiss her.

Suddenly thinking of a camera in the classroom, Qi Yan clenched his fist and had to give up.

There was the sound of jumping footsteps in the corridor, and when he came down here, Lu Zhiqiao was startled, and hurriedly pushed Qi Yan away and stabilized his figure. Yu Guang saw a shadow blocking part of the light at the door.


The two turned their heads at the same time.

A little girl in a school uniform and ponytail stood at the door, staring at Lu Zhiqiao in a daze, with both surprise and a little fright in her eyes.

She had just finished the 100-meter run, her face flushed, her head was sweating, and she was still a little bit panting. She thought that the parent meeting was over, and she went to the classroom to rest for a while and then go home, who knows—

"Lu Wei." Qi Yan smiled and waved at her, "How is the game?"

The little girl walked over and shouted Teacher Qi, and said cleverly: "I'm in the semi-finals." After finishing speaking, she secretly glanced at her mother.

"It's great." Qi Yan praised warmly, "Take a rest early tonight, recharge your energy, and cheer for the rematch tomorrow."


"Okay, go home with mom."

As soon as Qi Yan finished speaking, Lu Zhiqiao asked her to get her schoolbag, and then took her daughter's hand and couldn't wait to leave the classroom.

The mother and daughter walked out of the school gate and got on a black a8.

"Mom." Lu Wei said cautiously, "Your face is so red, is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Zhiqiao was startled, with a guilty conscience, and pressed his face with the back of his hand: "It's okay, it's a bit hot." Then he pulled a tissue and handed it over, "wipe the sweat and take off his coat."


She leaned over to the back and took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the lid, "Drink some water, don't drink too much, just finished running."

The girl took off her school uniform jacket and took two sips of water.

"How did you adjust to school? Are you still used to it?"

"Well, it's fine."

Lu Zhiqiao nodded to himself, stroked the broken hair, feeling a little hot, and wanted to untie the top button to let it breathe. When he suddenly thought of the dense traces on his body, his fingers froze.

Last night, the man asked for | to take the limitlessness, as if to tear her. He thought that after a night, they would have no intersection, but he didn't expect fate to be such a wonderful thing.

What evil fate.

That's the child's teacher.

Lu Zhiqiao suddenly felt a sense of shame on his back, like sitting on pins and needles, and he became less and less aware of how to face the child.

"Your class teacher..." She sighed softly, pulled up the collar, and turned to look at her daughter, "I remember you said that it teaches Chinese?"


"do you like her?"

"I like it, Teacher Qi is beautiful." Lu Wei answered without thinking, her black eyes were bright, and after thinking about it again, thinking she had an opinion on Qi Yan, he asked carefully:

"Mom, do you like Teacher Qi?"