The copy is being settled

The cook looked at Rong Zheng intently, but Rong Zheng showed no sign of weakness and curled his lips slightly at her. The cook sighed: "I can't do anything to you. I will ask the pick-up car to come in advance. You can go ba."

Rong Zheng was stunned for a moment, let him go so easily?

The cook turned around and took the bowl and spoon, glanced at the bottom of the pot, and murmured: "There is still a little more, enough for a bowl." After saying that, she took it out with a spoon, picked up the bowl and walked towards Bai Leshui. Looking at this, she actually want to send Bai Leshui on the road.

Bai Leshui still maintained the character of a madman, not hiding or evading, looking at the cook with a grin, and panicked in his heart: "Xiaojiu, ghosts must have a protective mechanism ba! Can I withdraw ma? She is going to poison me to death a!! Didn't you say that NPCs can't hurt ghosts ma?"

1069: "That was during the game, now it's the ending, the copy is about to end! But don't panic, host, ghosts also have protection mechanisms! In this case, of course, a substitute is nece... Huh?"

The system's voice was full of surprise.

Rong Zheng walked up to the cook and blocked her path.

The cook looked at him dissatisfied: "I said I could let you leave, what are you going to do now?"

Rong Zheng: "Stop you."

The cook glanced at Bai Leshui and seemed to understand: "Do you like him?"

Rong Zheng nodded: "Yes."

1069: "Blue face disaster!"

Bai Leshui: "You shut up!" Let's not talk about this. He won't take the blame for those NPCs in the Qin family!

The cook said: "He won't like you, he has already gone mad."

Rong Zheng asked in disbelief: "Really crazy?"

The cook said categorically: "Of course, I poisoned him myself. I know best whether he is really crazy or fake."

Bai Leshui: Case solved! !

"He has already gone crazy." Rong Zheng said, "You still have the heart to take his life?"

The cook looked up at him, and after a moment she brought the bowl of porridge to Rong Zheng: "If you feel bad, just drink it for him ba." If he doesn't dare to drink, then get out. Don't think that because of the disparity in force, she really can't do anything to this person.

"Is it over if I drink it?" Rong Zheng asked.

The cook nodded: "Yes, if you drink it, it will be over."

Rong Zheng took the bowl of porridge and said, "I'll drink it." He put the bowl to his lips and made a sudden movement. Rong Zheng looked at Bai Leshui and said, "For the sake of my sacrifice, can you tell me your name?"

Bai Leshui was startled.

"It's not Qing Zhuo, it's the real name." Rong Zheng emphasized again, looking at Bai Leshui with burning eyes.

1069 was anxious: "You can't tell him! I just know this player have no good intentions! He must want to form a team with you, and then use your advantage to get into good dungeon! He is so evil! Host, kick him!"

Bai Leshui: "...I know, I won't tell him."

Bai Leshui smiled at Rong Zheng: Hihihihi~~

I'm crazy, I can't understand you.

Rong Zheng sighed slightly: "Okay ba, I know it's not that easy, but it doesn't matter, as long as we are in the same world, I can find you. Remember my name, my name is Rong Zheng." After saying that, he held the porridge bowl, drank it in one gulp under the shocked eyes of the cook and Bai Leshui.

Cook: "Unexpectedly...really desperate."

Bai Leshui: "Although I knew he wouldn't die, he already had the bowl in his hand, why didn't he smash it?"

1069: "I don't know, maybe he is just a fool ba."

The bowl fell to the ground, and a puppet that looked exactly like Rong Zheng fell to the ground. The last novice player was eliminated, which meant that the player group was destroyed and the copy was over. Guide not included.

The cook lamented, said a few words of infatuation, took two steps forward, grabbed Bai Leshui's arm, and said to the still confused Bai Leshui: "I keep my word, if he drinks the porridge, then there won't have your share. It's just that Madam said this Qin family mansion can no longer keep you, so you can go ba. Let you fend for yourself." After saying that, he dragged Bai Leshui out of the Qin family mansion, walked out of the garden, opened the front door, and threw the person out.

Bai Leshui:? ? ?

Seeing the door locked in front of him, Bai Leshui was about to complain to 1069 about his treatment when he heard the thankful voice of a man next to him: "So close, so close, I almost got locked in."

Bai Leshui:! ! !

Looking around, he didn't see anyone. Just when he thought it was haunted, a person appeared out of thin air in front of the door, holding a card in his hand.

Qin Ge stared at the card and said: "There are still five hours left, barely adequat ba. Freeze."

As soon as the words 'freeze' came out, the light blue card was immediately covered with a thin layer of frost, and then dissipated in the man's hand.

"Blue quality card! He has a blue quality card!" 1069 screamed, "Host open your eyes wide and remember, that is the battle game card mentioned before!"

Bai Leshui: Sorry, the card disappeared too quickly and I didn't remember it.

"Let me see..." Qin Ge lowered his head and seemed to be looking at the empty screen. Bai Leshui couldn't see it. He could only hear Qin Ge wailing, "Group destruction a! Really no even one of you escape the group destruction a! Huh? 100% progress in solving puzzle? Not bad, but how did you die if 100% of the puzzle was solve?!"

Bai Leshui turned his head slightly, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

After sighing for a while, Qin Ge gave up and then saw Bai Leshui behind him. He greeted Bai Leshui with a smile: "Hello, it turns out you are the ghost a. I always thought that was the manservant. "

Bai Leshui: That is the BOSS.

Qin Ge walked up to Bai Leshui and looked him up and down: "First time we meet. My name is Qin Ge. As for your name... I won't ask. If we are lucky enough to meet in the dungeon in the future, please be merciful a. For the sake of us sharing the novice dungeon."

Bai Leshui nodded blankly. Unexpectedly, this old player from the opposite camp was very friendly to this ghost.

"That card of yours..."

"Oh, are you talking about the invisibility card I just used ma?" Qin Ge took out the card again and showed it to Bai Leshui, "This is a game card. Your system didn't tell you? How bad."

1069: "I'm not bad! I've said it many times! A more detailed explanation will have to wait until w go to the parallel world!!"

Qin Ge: "You can see it by opening the game store. This card is an auxiliary card. It can be dropped, it can also be purchased in the store. It's too troublesome to explain this. I don't have enough time. Go back and ask your system customer service."

Bai Leshui: "...Oh."

1069: "Humph, I will explain it to you carefully, I promise it will be very, very, very detailed!!"

"Xiaojiu, by the way... what situation are we in now?" Bai Leshui asked 1069 quietly, "He now knows that I am a ghost, and I also no longer maintain my design, that's not a problem ba."

1069: "Host, we are already out of the main dungeon map. The game is over. Now we are waiting for the follow-up and settlement. Of course, if you are not happy to see that we can apply to leave now. In fact, it won't be long."

"Follow-up?" Bai Leshui was confused, but soon he knew what the so-called follow-up to the game was.

There was a fire in the villa. Bai Leshui was the first to look in from the front hall window and saw it was burning and devouring everything in the house. However, the cook was sitting quietly at the table, holding a photo in her hand, smiling peacefully, completely ignoring the intense flames that were surrounding her.

"It's really scary." Qin Ge was also observing the villa. "She had been prepared for a long time. She poured oil on many places in the villa, end in mutual destruction."

When the cook chose the path of revenge, she had no intention of living.

It is true that big brother lost everything for her. But the Qin family also gave the cook a place to stay, and she watched the three children of Qin family grow from teenagers to adults.

It would be a lie to say that there is no emotion at all.

Even so, she chose this path.

Everyone will go to another world neatly. The so-called right and wrong will be discussed later in the Hall of Hell.

The raging fire enveloped the villa into a sea of red flames, and at the same time, the system beeped.

[Congratulations on completing the novice copy: Mystery of a Wealthy Family. The copy is being settled, please wait. ]

[Settlement completed. Congratulations to ghost Bai Leshui for getting an A+ clearance rating. Successfully assisted in eliminating two players. ]

Bai Leshui: "Two??

1069: "The first girl who was scared to death by you, and the last fool."

Bai Leshui:...

Does it count as he took the initiative?

1069: "As long as it has a relationship with host, it counts as an assist."

Bai Leshui: "Okay ba."

[The character design has not collapsed, obtain 100 basic game coins. Your identity has not been discovered by players, obtain an additional 100 game coins. Eliminate two players, obtain an additional 1 100 game coins. The total income is 1 300 game coins. Drops a card pack. ]

Bai Leshui: "Eliminating player gives so many game coins! There are also card packs!"

1069: "The novice copy gives the highest value, but it will no longer be the case in the future. Game coins will be given according to the impact of what the host has done. But one thousand game coins is too much. Let me see the data report... Host! That player named Rong Zheng originally cleared the level, but because of host, he lost his clearance, this is a difficult to accomplish challenge, so host can get a lot of game coins as a reward. Please try your best to jiehu next time ha~ As for the card package, let's study it carefully after we settle down in the parallel world~"

Bai Leshui:...

No next time.

This kind of victory really has no sense of achievement at all, and it makes him feel guilty.

1069: "Then, how about giving him a memeda thanks for his selfless dedication next time we meet?"

Bai Leshui: "Can't meet anymore."

Where can we run into each other so coincidentally.

A burst of white light enveloped Bai Leshui. After the white light passed, Bai Leshui disappeared and was sent to the parallel world by the system. Qin Ge was also ejected from the dungeon along with him.

The location where Qin Ge was ejected was not a parallel world. As the guide of the novice copy, he was sent to a white room. The room was empty without any objects, and all fourteen newcomers were there.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: I'm not stupid, I just want to test for myself what it's like to be eliminated from the game. It is rare that there is no penalty in novice copy, and you can also increase your favorability by the way. Make sure you make money without losing money.

Bai Leshui:...

Rong Zheng: But, I really love you.

Bai Leshui: Roll.

He no longer believed it.

  1. 截胡 is a mahjong term. It means being preempted by others to do something.
  2. 么么哒 = kiss sound