Buy a house

In a taxi.

Bai Leshui curiously glanced at the chauffeur sitting in the driver's seat through the rearview mirror. The chauffeur was a slightly fat middle-aged man, wearing a light yellow chauffeur uniform and sunglasses. He looked very ordinary, if it weren't for the barcode painted on his face.

This chauffeur only asked Bai Leshui where he was going when he got on the taxi, then remained silent the whole time. He was very different from the majority of chatty chauffeurs in the original world.

"Is that a robot?" Bai Leshui whispered to 1069.

1069: "Yes da, because the function is only for driving, it does not require too much intelligence. It is currently the lowest level of intelligent robot. Just tell him where to go, and he will automatically choose a convenient and fast route for you, then drive you there. There is absolutely no possibility of detours for arbitrary charges."

Bai Leshui : "No need to explain so clearly the last part." He glanced outside.

"Isn't it a little far a? We have already left Beijing ba."

1069: "A villa community with a remote, quiet and good environment is of course located far away from the hustle and bustle of the city center a."

"Isn't life very inconvenient?" Bai Leshui said.

1069 snorted proudly: "That's not the case. This world has made a lot of efforts for the convenience of players' lives ne. There will be no shortage of robots to serve players in any corner of this world. For the sake of a beautiful environment, the surrounding infrastructure is a little lacking, but the transportation is still very convenient, and you can buy anything online and it will be delivered no matter where you are o. The order will be delivered immediately after placing."

"It feels very similar to" Bai Leshui looked out the window at the street with not many people and cars, said: "In fact, it's not that lively."

"It's very lively." 1069 said, "There are all kinds of entertainment facilities here, and all of them are open 24 hours a day. Because robots will not feel tired when opening stores, whether it is a store, a cinema, or a comprehensive hypermarket, they never rest. There are many players who like to enjoy nightlife, they will gather in the most prosperous and lively places to party all night long."

"You know so much." Bai Leshui asked, "Xiaojiu, I've always wanted to ask you, before I came to this world, have you been working as a system for a long time?"

"This system used to exist as a player system." 1069 seemed to be recalling those days, he was deeply moved. "This system have hundreds of game players under my command and deal with various questions every day. Every new players always ask the same questions after coming, there are all kinds of attitudes. Even if there are many players under my control, good and bad are all mixed, and most of them are just waiting to die. The timid ones refuse to enter the game even if they have to beg for a living..." Just thinking about it can make me shed a lot of tears. It's great to be able to grab a spot as a ghost-exclusive system. Lets not talk about anything else, it is very easy to take care of only one cub on one-to-one.

"Huh? Wait, beg?" Bai Leshui was startled, "There are still players who go so far as to beg?"

1069: "There are ya! Because living in this world, all money can only be converted from game currency. There is no place to work. If you don't go to game copies to make money, you will have no income. And the robot guards here are very powerful o. Don't even think about committing crimes. If they want to eat, they can only ask for it from other players or exchange for something." Game currency cannot be directly traded, but the food, drink, and accommodation bought can be disposed of at will.

Bai Leshui: "What can they exchange for?"

1069: "What else can they have, their bodies bei."

Bai Leshui was very surprised when he heard these words: "Since they can't die in the game copy, why don't they enter?"

1069: "Because there are too wasteful." Both mental and physical waste.

Bai Leshui:? ? ?

"We're here yo, host." 1069 happily changed the subject. The car stopped as expected. When Bai Leshui got out of the car, what he saw was the main entrance of the villa made of marble. There was also a huge shell carved on it with the four characters "Beibei Villa" written on it.

"Host, there are many shell sculptures in this villa, so it's called Beibei." 1069 said.

Bai Leshui: "Well, I saw it."

Behind the gate, there is an elephant made of countless shells. The elephant seems to have a cave in its body. Its high-raised trunk is spraying water. This is a small fountain.

"365 yuan, thank you for your patronage." The robot chauffeur opened the window glass and stretched out his hand.

Bai Leshui was stunned: "Xiaojiu, how I do give him money? You said you have already help me transferred part of the game currency ba."

1069: "Ask host to place your palm on his outstretched hand, palm down."

Bai Leshui raised his palm in confusion, and saw a flash of blue light on the chauffeur's palm, and then 1069 prompt: "Host spent 365 yuan. If you want to know the balance, you can ask this system at any time. Of course, you can also see it when you open the mall, at the lower right corner."

Bai Leshui: "...Xiaojiu, does my palm have a built-in QR code scanning function ma?"

1069: "No, your palm print becomes the payment code! The chauffeur's palm scans the code o~ Everyone's fingerprints are different, of course the same goes for palm prints. These can become special identifications for one-click payment. Of course host can rest assured, there are no robots here that charge fees randomly."

Bai Leshui:...

I can only say, it is very advanced.

"Most of the houses here are decorated, and have many styles, but no one has lived there. Host can choose whatever he wants o. This is all to facilitate players to move in quickly." 1069 said cheerfully, "The house purchase is over there."

Bai Leshui: I was originally thinking about decoration and other things after buying the house, but now it seems that maybe I can omit it?

"If you are not satisfied, there are good communities nearby. This system can take host to have a look." 1069 suggested.

Bai Leshui: "No need, I think this is good here."

1069: "Yes, the most important thing is, this community covers a large area, but there are only thirty villas. The villas are far apart. Even if a player live next door, there is no need to worry about the identity of ghost being discovered or being harassed."

Bai Leshui: "Well, that's good."

I just feel, this state is a bit like seclusion?


Rong Zheng held the map in his hand and had already traveled through most of Beijing.

He has lived in Beijing since he was a child. Although he had been living abroad since high school and rarely return, but he is very familiar with this city. He remembers every area, every main road here. Now, Rong Zheng is comparing the Beijing he knows with the Beijing in this parallel world.

The main roads are exactly the same, the small roads are basically similar, and the buildings are also similar. It may be because the number of players is too small. In the city of the parallel world, the number of communities has been reduced a lot. Those luxury communities have been preserved exactly the same, and old communities have basically been repurposed into something useful.

Rong Zheng visited many residential areas, not only to observe the occupancy rate, but also to find a suitable place for himself.

Regarding the issue of accommodation, Rong Zheng also asked the system a few questions, but the system gave him a stiff reply, thinking that players can solve such a trivial matter by themselves, s3876269493 stated he was too lazy to take care of it. This actually allowed Rong Zheng to learn a lot of things spontaneously.

First there are robots. The robots here all look exactly like ordinary people, and there are all types of robots, including muscular adults who do manual labor, sweet-smiling women who work as salesmen, honest-looking men who work as drivers, and even children's robots that play with children in the small park.

That's right, living children.

Rong Zheng also specifically asked players with child and learned this game did not bring in players who were too young. This child was the result of the love between two players who lived here. It so happened that one of the two was an orphan, and the other had parents who died young and had unreliable relatives. They lived a very difficult life without anyone to rely on, so they didn't have much nostalgia for the original world. They are good at playing games and are very happy living here, so they plan to become permanent residents. Rong Zheng became interested immediately and asked a lot about the child.

Neither game currency nor money can be traded, but items purchased with money can be given away to anyone. Rong Zheng bought a big doll for the child. Maybe it's for the gift's sake, many of the questions he asked were answered from the mouths of the child's parents.

First of all, he learned that this child is no different from the children born in the original world, and it seems that he is not bound to a system. As for whether he will become a player when he grows up, it is unclear.

In addition, Rong Zheng also asked the two people when they came to the game. One was four years ago and the other was five years ago. They are old players who came relatively earlier, but they are just relatively earlier. It is said that the longest one has been here for eight years. As for the older players, it is not clear.

The older the players, the more they like to hide their private information, including the time they have traveled through. They learned the player had been here for eight years because he was the vice-president of their alliance and they were familiar with him privately.

After the couple learned Rong Zheng was a newcomer, they told him many things, the first of which was the information office. Players' game customer service is not reliable, there is no need to ask the game customer service for some questions. There are information offices with yellow signs on every street in this city. You can inquire about buying a house, inquire about the location of the store you want to go to, need any assistance, or have been harassed by other players and want to complain, etc. You can go to them for any problems in life.

After learning about this, Rong Zheng said goodbye to the couple and went to the information desk.

The huge yellow sign was very conspicuous. After Rong Zheng opened the door and entered, he saw several counters.

The robot sitting behind the counter was a very beautiful lady. If it weren't for the barcode on her face, Rong Zheng would have thought she was an ordinary white-collar worker.

The female robot smiled slightly at Rong Zheng: "What do you want to ask for, or do you have any trouble ma?"

Rong Zheng: "I want to find a place to live."

"Are you buying a house ma? May I ask how much is the budget, the required area, where is the location? Is there anything specific you want ma?" the female robot asked politely.

Rong Zheng: "Few people, remote, and good environment. I don't want to be disturbed by my neighbors. The price is within 500 game coins. Everything else is good"

Female robot: "Do you like villa ma?"

Rong Zheng: "A single building."

Female robot: "No problem, we have retrieved five residential areas that meet the requirements for you. The best recommendation is Beibei Villa."

Rong Zheng: "Beibei Villa?"

Female robot: "Backed by a mountain, with a river in front, it covers a large area, but there are only thirty villas. It is very suitable for your requirements of good environment and remote place with few people. In addition, because it's far from the bustling city center, young players who like excitement are not willing to go, so the occupancy rate is less than one-third." After saying that, she refreshed the screen in front of her and said with a smile: "Today is the only time in this month that one person has purchased a new house. The vision is good, he immediatly picked the suite with the best location and decoration."

Rong Zheng: "It's already decorated?"

Female robot: "Yes, the houses in that community are all renovated. You can choose the house you like based on the style. It saves you a long time waiting for decoration. If you don't like it, there are some that have not been renovated..."

"No, that one is fine." Rong Zheng said, "I don't have time to wait, just order a set ba. I'll go there right away."

The female robot smiled and asked, "Excuse me, which building do you want ne?"

Rong Zheng: "The building with the best and most secluded location."

Female robot: The house with the best location is occupied by today's guest. If you look for the remaining vacant houses... the one next to the guest's house will naturally be the best ba.

The female robot didn't ask any more questions and booked a house for Rong Zheng with a smile.

"Please put your palm on it and pay the deposit. Then you only need to go to the sales office at the entrance of the community to settle the remaining payment, then you can get the house." The female robot said with a smile.

Rong Zheng nodded and stared at his palm curiously after making the payment.

He was sure that there was no chip installed in his hand, so the main system of this world had already bound all the information after they entered this world, including palm prints?

Anyway, there's nothing going on right now, so let's go to the community first ba.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: There is also furniture ai.

1069: These are matched with the decoration style. If host doesn't like, you can change it.

Bai Leshui: It looks good... Wait, let's change the bed ba. This one is a bit small.

1069: A two-meter bed is too small?

Bai Leshui: I like to roll around when I sleep.

1069: Then change it to a three-meter one! Go for custom made! Anyway, the room is big enough! Just roll casually!

Bai Leshui: Just roll casually! !


Bai Leshui: I want to change to a small bed of 1.5 meters.

Rong Zheng: No, you don't want.

  1. China's largest self-operated e-commerce company
  2. The world used is 别苑 (biéyuàn), it used to mean the hunting garden of the emperor but now it mean villa with large garden. Of course in some case it keep the ancient meaning.
    I can't think of a translation and all the sites I used say 'villa' but that would be confused with a simple villa. So do you have a suggestion?
  3. 贝贝 = shell shell
  4. Formal you, she always use the formal you