Why is it always you?

When they arrived at the door of the church, there was already a group of people queuing up. Da Yang observed it for a while and consciously stood at the end of the line. The others stood behind him with Rong Zheng. Emily and Hasen were at the back.

The line moved forward slowly like this. After moving to the front position, Rong Zheng and the others could clearly see everything inside the church.

The most eye-catching thing is the statue's act of filicide. Tu An only glanced at it and immediately grabbed Lin Song, who was lined up in front of him: "Hey, look..."

Lin Song turned around and glared at him, scaring Tu An so much that he swallowed his unsaid words in his mouth.

"Quiet." Said the preacher standing in front.

The rest of the town residents who had prayed had already sat on the chairs on both sides. After hearing Tu An's voice, they all stared at him, with eyes that seemed to be able to eat people.

Tu An shrank his neck, he regretted coming here, something didn't look right here.

Rong Zheng said nothing, only carefully observing the masked preacher sitting on the chair under the statue.

He always felt that this figure looked familiar.

Bai Leshui, who was being stared at, was panicked as hell.

How are you? How is it you?

How old are you? Why is it always you?

Especially since this man was staring at him unblinkingly, Bai Leshui was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his back.

Did he recognize me? Or didn't recognize? Perhaps it's being confirmed?

It's okay, even if he was recognized, it would not be so easy to strip him naked just because he was wearing layer upon layer of vests!

Just survive! Trust yourself!

The prayers of the town residents soon ended, and behind them was Da Yang.

Bai Leshui was a little nervous. He knew the person in front of him was a player. Bai Leshui tried his best to behave naturally. Seeing Da Yang's delay in moving, he pointed at the ceramic basin and motioned for him to dip some holy water first.

Da Yang did not go, but simply said: "Hello, sir. We are not here to pray, but to seek help."

Bai Leshui leaned forward slightly, showing that he was listening.

"One of our partner seems to have been bitten by some insect. I hope you can help treat it." Da Yang said while pulling Rong Zheng in front of him. He raised his hand to roll up Rong Zheng's sleeves, but Rong Zheng stopped him first.

"I don't think it's necessary." Rong Zheng changed his words, "The injury is not that serious."

Tu An snorted: "I think so too."

"Since it's not that serious," the missionary standing next to Bai Leshui said, "then please leave ba. This is a place of prayer. It's not a hospital." While he was talking, he also reached out and touched his neck from time to time.

For some reason, the man felt a little itchy on his neck, as if something was irritating his skin. Could it be an allergy ma?

The missionary couldn't see his neck. Da Yang, Rong Zheng and others were close enough to see clearly. There was a small red spot on the man's neck, which seemed to be the mark of being bitten by something, but can't see the raised bags anymore, it looks a bit uncomfortable.

"I think it's you who needs to see a doctor ba." Tu An pointed at the missionary's neck and said, "You have a very big patch of red."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The missionary's eyes widened angrily, "I am a messenger protected by divine light, how could I get sick?"

"Everyone gets sick." Tu An muttered in a low voice.

Missionary: "You..."

"Okay la, everyone don't be angry." Emily stepped forward and held Tu An, smiling at the missionary, "Actually, in addition to treating our friend, we also want to ask some questions."

The missionary scratched his neck irritably: "What do you want to ask?"

Emily said: "Something about the Cross Sanatorium halfway up the mountain. I read reports that it was burned to ruins by fire, and many people died there, it is said there is secretly..."

"Get out!" Shouted the missionary.

Emily: "...Huh?"

The missionary pointed to the door: "I told you to get out! This is the holy church, a place to worship God, not a place for you infidels to talk about irrelevant topics!"

Hasen: "Hey, please be more polite."

Emily: "It's okay, Hasen. Just listen to me..."

"There's nothing to say!" The missionary angrily pushed a few people around. In the process of shirking responsibilities, he accidentally pulled up Rong Zheng's sleeves. When he saw the red bags on Rong Zheng's arm, he was startled and hurriedly backed away a few steps. He rubbed the hand that grapped Rong Zheng on his body. Feeling uneasy, he washed his hands in holy water again, for fear of contaminating with something unclean.

Bai Leshui, who was watching the whole process:...

It was obvious that the poison had begun to gradually come out, and now he added another fire.

"Infidels, these are infidels contaminated by evil!" The missionary kept washing his hands and said to the town residents sitting on chairs on both sides, "Drive them away, quickly!"

After giving the order, dozens of people stood up from their positions and stared at Emily and several players in the middle with unkind expressions.

Emily: "Wait a minute, we're just here to ask something, not a co-called infidel. If you want to say infidel, it's weird to worship that kind of thing ba! That's not a statue of the Virgin at all!" Emily pointed at the statue and shouted.

These words were like igniting explosives, causing a great impact on the crowd. The residents rushed forward, grabbing those few people and starting to fight.

Bai Leshui wanted to celebrate by throwing flowers on the spot. The missionary happened to wash his hands and walked in front of him. Bai Leshui thought of the basin of holy water. He grabbed the missionary's clothes and pointed at the ceramic basin with his other hand, the little hands gestured very cheerfully.

The missionary was puzzled: "What do you mean?" After a moment, he understood: "Splash them with water... No, you mean, use holy water to exorcise them from evil spirits?"

Bai Leshui nodded sharply.

Since you come then don't leave. If he doesn't use the bassin of poisonous water, how can it be worthy of the preparations during the night and his now numb butt!

Missionary: "What's the use of pouring a basin of water?" He lowered his voice in Bai Leshui's ear and said, "We want the lives of these people now. Don't forget, once the affairs of the sanatorium are exposed, you can't run either. "

Bai Leshui: It's my business a fart.

However, this basin of water still needs to be poured!

Especially since Rong Zheng was not the only one who could fight this time. They were obviously surrounded by dozens of people, and the few who came had some close combat skills. Fighting one against two is not a problem. Even looking at the weakest Emily, know a bit for boxing skills. After a while, they (residents) actually lost ground.

Perhaps because he was holding his breath too much, the missionary really listened to Bai Leshui's words. He picked up the huge ceramic basin and threw with the water in it. He only heard a splash, Emily, Rong Zheng and others, and even some of the residents were soaked in water. The basin also landed on Tu An's head, knocking him unconscious.

Everyone turned to look at the missionary, who coughed: "This is to drive away evil spirits."



Da Yang came back to his senses and dragged Lin Song: "Let's go!"

He need to take a bath. The reason why he had not touched the holy water was because he thought the water might be weird. Now that he was drenched from head to toe, it would be strange that he felt at ease.

He thought that as long as he didn't take the initiative to touch, he would be fine, but he didn't expect there would be people splashing water.

It's really quite unconventional way to play cards.

As soon as Da Yang and Lin Song retreated, the others came to their senses and ran out. Rong Zheng only turned his head and glanced at Bai Leshui. After a while, all the unexpected guests left, leaving only the residents standing there, turning to look at the missionary and Bai Leshui, waiting for an answer.

Bai Leshui looked at the missionary. Just as the missionary was about to speak, he realized that the itching on his neck was getting worse. He wanted to scratch it desperately now. He didn't care about the church, so he just excused himself saying that the church was being attacked. It was so messy and worrying that the God would be displeased, so this service ended early. By the way, because they need to communicate with God behind closed doors, the church will not be reopened within three days. The residents of the town are asked not to go out and walk around, stay at home, and not to communicate with outsiders, especially the group of people just now. Otherwise God will be angry.

This group of people were deceived by the missionary's words, and they really left like this, ensuring that they would be honest in the past few days.

When all the people were gone, the missionary finally couldn't hold himself any longer and scratched his neck desperately until it bled. He asked Bai Leshui, "What's wrong with my neck? Can you see it?"

Bai Leshui nodded and pointed at the man's hands and arms.

The missionary lowered his head and noticed that many small red spots began to appear on his arms and the back of his hands. He carefully observed the thing on his arm, his expression getting more and more ugly: "No, how is this possible? I just touched him."

"It's impossible to get sick so quickly after contact, and that guy's symptoms are not completely correct, maybe not at all. Why, couldn't it be burned clean with the fire ma?" The missionary seemed to have remembered something, grabbed Bai Leshui's arm and asked hurriedly, "By the way, vaccine, it's not too late now. Do you know where the vaccine is ma? Io, you have to save me. I don't want to die so early. Tell me quickly, where is the vaccine? Do you have it?"

Bai Leshui was sore where the man's grasp. He grabbed the missionary's arm and threw him away. He slowly stood up, holding the chair in his hand and took two steps back. He said, "Of course I have the vaccine a. I really want to give it to you. Unfortunately, it's not in my hands now."

"Whose hands is it?" the missionary asked hurriedly. After he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. His eyes widened, "You are not Io, Io's voice is indeed broken. Who are you?"

Bai Leshui took off his mask: "I'm your grandfather, Zai'er, don't you remember me? I even changed your diaper ne."

The missionary was so angry that he gasped. He ran over and wanted to catch Bai Leshui. Bai Leshui raised the wooden chair high and was about to resist. Then, he saw the man in front of him staggered twice and fell down on the ground with a plop.

Bai Leshui paused, squinted at his appearance, poked the man with the chair leg, and was convinced that he had really passed out. Then he felt relieved. Looking left and right no one in sight, he put down his chair and ran quickly. Find his own wheelchair and sit in it, quickly slipped out of the back door.

A little happy to have offended a bunch of people.


On the other side, Rong Zheng and others quickly ran back to the square. They were relieved when they saw that no one was catching up behind them. Seeing that the RV was still here, Da Yang wanted to ask if there was a shower room and wanted to borrow a place to take a shower. But before he could speak, he heard Tu An say "heck", when he turned around, he saw him rubbing his arms desperately.

"What is this think a?" Tu An said uneasily, "It's really uncomfortable. Not only my arms, but my neck and face are all itchy."

Seeing the small red dots spreading very quickly on Tu An's body, Da Yang's expression changed. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and saw that his arms were bare, with nothing on them.

Of course, not having it now doesn't make him feel relieved.

"I must have been infected by that missionary ba?" Tu An kept cursing, "I don't know where I contracted the disease. If I had known, I would have stayed away from him."

Rong Zheng: "It wasn't him who infected you, it was the water."

Tu An: "What?"

Da Yang: "He's talking about holy water, poured on us."

Tu An: "Then why am I the only one who got hit... Damn, no, wait, it's not that unlucky ba."

Lin Song: "What's wrong?"

Tu An was about to burst into tears: "Didn't the basin hit my head ma? I happened to open my mouth and drank a little. It tasted a bit strange, so I just thought it was unclean hand washing water."

Lin Song: "Anyway, let's wash our bodies first ba."

Emily: "Wait, you can't go in."

Rong Zheng and others looked at her. The girl who had always been very talkative said firmly: "Of course I can't go in either. I also have friends in the car. It's still unclear how the germ are transmitted. RV is the last resort and no one can dirty it."

Lin Song: "You have partners, and so do we. I hope you can be accommodating."

Emily frowned, and Hasen didn't speak, just silently blocking the door of the RV. The attitude is very obvious, no one can enter. Not even able to take a shower.

The author has something to say:

How are you? How is it you?

How old are you? Why is it always you? This is a spoof translation. Those who have not learned English thoroughly should not take this translation seriously.

What it really means is: How are you? How are you?

How old are you? How old are you?


Rong Zheng: If it's your water, you can pour it on me anywhere.

Bai Leshui: You give me a roll.

  1. 慌得一批 (huāng dé yī pī)
    Let me copy the def I found in Internet:
    A group of panicked people (what mtl give). As an Internet buzzword, this word means fear and uneasiness. During the 2018 World Cup, Messi, a five-time Ballon d'Or winner, scored 0 goals and conceded points, resulting in Argentina's 1:1 draw with Iceland. The scene of Messi lying on the lawn in the advertisement was spoofed by netizens into the "I am Messi, I am panicking" meme, which became widely circulated. This meme also became a way for netizens a common rants to criticize the upset team during the 2018 World Cup.
  2. It was in english so I decide to put thing in english in italic. There's an explaination as for why the translation is wrong at the end.
  3. Vest = disguise
    Meaning: It would be hard to find his true identity since he is wearing multiple disguises (something in this style).
    Striping him nacked would mean to tear his disguise (vest).
  4. Polite
  5. He accelerate the process
  6. Feel too ressentful
  7. 崽儿 = cub + suffix diminutif
  8. Parody, joke
  9. That explain a lot.
  10. = Get out of here