Circle and dot?

"I..." Lin Song swallowed. He was thinking about a reasonable explanation. His mind turned and he said casually, "I got the vaccine after I was separated from Tu An. I didn't have time to inject him, and he already looked like that, even if it's injected, it's too late."

After saying that, he changed his words and suggested excitedly: "I think this NPC's situation is very bad. I still have one vaccine left here. You can inject him, otherwise it may be too late." After that, he took out the syringe containing germs.

Rong Zheng only took one look and recognized that this was not the vaccine, but germs. It's basically the same as the germ liquid he just got. The difference is that what Rong Zheng got was something that was being researched in the R&D room, while what Lin Song took out was obviously an object left half used. Only a part of the medicinal liquid remains inside.

Perhaps it was a missing item he picked up on the test bench on the second floor.

Rong Zheng's heart was clear. There was indeed rule in the game that players were not allowed to attack NPCs without authorization, but injecting 'vaccine' was obviously not within the scope of attacks. But germs are different. The boundary was too vague, someone could cross the line accidentally and get a yellow card, so to be on the safe side, Lin Song pushed the matter onto his head.

No matter what the consequences are, Rong Zheng will have to bear it all by himself, it has nothing to do with him, Lin Song.

Silently taking what Lin Song handed him. Lin Song showed a successful expression, but the next second, his expression froze. Rong Zheng did not inject the medicine into Bai Leshui's body as he expected, but properly put it away.

Lin Song: " won't give him to use ma?"

Rong Zheng: "No, I want to observe more. I'm very curious about the symptoms of this disease."

"...Oh." Hearing what Rong Zheng said, Lin Song could only respond helplessly, but did not ask the medecine back. It was just half a tube of germs, Lin Song didn't feel at ease if it was placed on him ne. He was worried that it would accidentally prick him. He certainly is unlucky enought now. When Lin Song found this syringe on the laboratory floor on the second floor, he only took it with him because he thought it might be useful. Now that Rong Zheng has taken it away, Lin Song won't feel any pity.

What makes Lin Song most satisfied now is that he has the opportunity to follow Rong Zheng, an upright person will not be driven away. After all, the other party took away his 'vaccine', so at least he would give him a good look ba. Otherwise, chasing people away after getting something, only people having a very thick-skin would do that.

In fact, Rong Zheng is really a very thick-skinned person. If he hadn't planned to find an opportunity to eliminate Lin Song. Rong Zheng can really attack people after taking the 'vaccine'. Not to mention this vaccine is fake.

Compared with these, Rong Zheng wanted to ask about other things.

"I walked until now, and haven't seen anyone except you and Hao Jie. Now even see Hao Jie can't be seen. Where did you disperse?" Rong Zheng asked.

When he was struggling with how to deal with Bai Leshui, this eyesore NPC, again, he heard Rong Zheng's question. Lin Song came back to his senses, he also thought this was weird. He replied: "We separated when we were on the first floor."

"In order to find the vaccine faster, Hao Jie and Nan Yun acted on the first floor. Da Yang, Tu An and I searched on the second floor. The outsider NPC Emily and others went to the third floor. Chu Wenhai followed the NPCs. If there are any important clues from the NPC's side, he can tell us. I'm not clear the status of others. We found... No, Tu An went crazy first. Da Yang and I had no choice, so we just stayed away from him and then found the vaccine. But it already didn't work, maybe they heard that our side was very noisy, so Hao Jie and Nan Yun came up to see the situation."

At this point, Lin Song frowned slightly and said in confusion: "After Tu An went crazy, his strength and speed became much faster, and he also bit people. It was impossible for us to stop him. Da Yang asked me to go to the third floor for help. I went up first, walked around the third floor and didn't see anyone."

Rong Zheng: "Not even a single person?"

Lin Song nodded: "It's true, not even a single person. Emily, Chu Wenhai they seemed to have disappeared suddenly. Because I was worried about the situation on the second floor, I went down to take a look again. But no one was seen."

Rong Zheng: "What about Tu An's puppet ne. Didn't see either?"

Lin Song tilted his head and thought for a while: "I didn't search that room. Because I just heard someone talking on the third floor, I thought they were upstairs. So I went upstairs again. But when I went upstairs, I found there was no one there. I was very worried and wanted to go downstairs to search. I also thought that if I couldn't see anyone again, just leave here." There are four stairs. Lin Song thought it was possible that he wouldn't be able to meet them for a while, but in such a long time not a single shadow was seen, he was very frightened.

Lin Song felt as if he had been ejected from this copy and entered another different-dimensional world, isolated from everyone. If he hadn't heard voices on the second floor and chased after it to see Rong Zheng and Hao Jie several people, he might have actually made himself exit the copy out of fear.

After all, this has happened before. There was an unlucky guy in their alliance. The dungeon he entered was related to time and space. He stepped on the wrong trap and ended up being locked into the so-called other world in the game. There was no living person there except him; nothing at all. The man couldn't find a way to leave the other world, and the game lasted for half a month. Afraid of being alone for such a long time, that person had no choice but to commit suicide to exit the copy.

But it still left a deep psychological shadow. He didn't dare to enter the dungeon anymore, so he left the alliance and worked as a servant for other players to exchage for food. No matter how great the smart robot is, there are always some people who enjoy the feeling of being served by real people more, so that they can have a real sense of reaching the pinnacle of life.

There are no jobs in the parallel world, game currency and money cannot be traded, but this does not mean that there is no way to support oneself through labor.

Food and accommodation are included, and a certain amount of consumption value can be booked from the employer each month, which can be accumulated. If you want to buy something, you have to use your employer's money to buy it. This is one of the ways to survive in the parallel world without playing games and taking dungeons.

The other one is, directly being keep.

Because of what happened to that person, Lin Song was very sensitive to not being able to see anyone. Don't underestimate the world without a single person. Only those who have experienced it personally can know what kind of horror it is.

One of the sources of human fear. It's the feeling of loneliness.

Fortunately, he finally saw someone.

People will not disappear out of thin air. If they die, there must be a corpse. In this case, it is a puppet.

The most suspicious thing is indeed the third floor. Hao Jie disappeared after looking for someone, so Rong Zheng thought then he went to the third floor.

There must be something secretive on the third floor.

With this doubt, Rong Zheng walked around the third floor in detail. After observing like this, he really found a strange place. Right in the middle of the cross-shaped building, Rong Zheng saw a very light-colored stone brick on the ground. He leaned over and pulled out the stone brick, and saw a metal handle. He pulled hard, and a secret door opened on the ground.

Rong Zheng's eyes darkened. No wonder there was such a thick stone pillar in the middle part of the cross between the second floor and the first floor. He originally thought it was for support, but he didn't expect there was a spiral staircase below.

Lin Song was also surprised. He looked at Rong Zheng with a little admiration in his eyes. Such a hidden secret door, he would never notice even if he walked up there a dozen times.

After all, who would look down to see the difference in color between a palm-sized tile and whether the joints with the tiles next to it are tight ne? There are so many tiles here, at least ten thousands pieces.

Rong Zheng was not interested in Lin Song's admiration at all. He just turned around and held Bai Leshui in the wheelchair in his arms. After thinking about it, he put him again on his shoulders and said to Lin Song: "I'll leave the wheelchair to you. Thanks. "

With such a long spiral staircase, he couldn't feel relieve to sending Bai Leshui down and then go up again to move the wheelchair. It would be too strenuous.

Lin Song couldn't help complaining: "Why do you take him with you wherever you go? What should you do if something is wrong down there?"

Rong Zheng turned to look at Lin Song and said meaningfully: "When can't carry anymore, just throw away."

Lin Song seemed to be very satisfied with Rong Zheng's answer and said, "Okay, don't be a drag when the time comes." Even if Rong Zheng was reluctant to throw him away at that time, he would definitely throw that crippled NPC out first.

Rong Zheng nodded: "Of course."

As for who he wanted to get rid of, Rong Zheng had no intention of explaining. Lin Song, who was struggling to transport the wheelchair toward the stairs, never imagined that the person he had been thinking about and wanted to follow, was thinking about how to find the trap and send him (LS) out of the copy.

Lin Song reluctantly walked in front with the wheelchair. Just as he was about to go down the spiral staircase, his foot slipped, he and the wheelchair fell down together with a pinglingpanglang.

Rong Zheng:...

He had forgotten that the man was possessed by the god of decay.

He walked a few steps quickly to catch up. Fortunately, the staircase was spiral. Lin Song was not round enough to turn and roll down. He just hit the wall in front of him, but he fell down five or six steps, which was not too harsh. It just hurts a little.

Lin Song held his butt and waist, kept ouching.

"You are alright ba." Rong Zheng asked worriedly.

Lin Song felt a little warm in her heart and was about to say that he was fine. Then he heard Rong Zheng's last words: "Can the wheelchair still be used?"

He almost didn't get mad to death.

"It can't be broken!" Lin Song stood up angrily, grabbed the wheelchair and continued walking down.

Bai Leshui was still in the lying corpse state. It had been more than twenty minutes since he was cursed. He felt that the buzzing sound in his ears had become much lower, and he could hear some vague sounds. Then he happened to hear Lin Song talking about throwing Bai Leshui out.

The angry Bai Leshui just grinded his teeth.

When he heard the person fall and what Rong Zheng said later, he couldn't help but sniker in his heart.

So happy.

Bai Leshui didn't open his eyes. He only knew by feeling that Rong Zheng was taking him downstairs. However, this staircase is a little weird. It seemed to turn around, Bai Leshui felt that he was being led downwards by Rong Zheng, still spinning, and walking for a long time.

Then Lin Song's voice was heard. This person (RZ) could treat him (LS) like this, it must be because he was not familiar with him enough, his friendship points had not been brush up. Therefore, Lin Song believes that in order to have a good relationship, it is best to communicate more.

"Do you think this staircase is too deep?" Lin Song cheered up again and asked, "We should have been on the first floor a long time ago ba. Where is this place?"

"Underground." Rong Zheng rarely replied, "Negative one floor."

Lin Song was shocked: "There is a negative level here? What kind of place is it?"

"Don't know." Rong Zheng replied coldly.

Lin Song remained silent.

The scariest thing in this world, is exactly awkward conversations.

Underground floor, Bai Leshui, who heard something vaguely, remembered it was the place where failed experimental subjects were kept. When his arm touched Rong Zheng's lower back. Bai Leshui quietly reached out and drew a circle on Rong Zheng's lower back, count it as a reminder.

It is not clear whether the failed test subjects are alive or not. If really alive, are they prisonned or just living down there? If it's living...

Bai Leshui had a flash of idea, he probably knew what his mission was.

Thinking of this, he poked again Rong Zheng's lower back in a subtle way.

Rong Zheng was walking well at first, but there were no lights on the spiral staircase, so it was pitch dark, plus he was carrying someone on his shoulder. So he had to use his free hand to hold on to the wall. He didn't want to fall down like Lin Song, so he walked very carefully. Suddenly, a circle was drawn on his lower back by the person he liked. Rong Zheng trembled all over and almost threw the person out. Before he could figure out what that circle meant, he was poked once more.

Circle and dot?

What does it mean?

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Circle and dot, circle and dot...tic-tac-toe?

Bai Leshui: Believe it or not, I will slap you.

  1. 得逞 (dé chěng) more like 'to get away with something'
  2. 正大光明 (zhèng dà guāng míng) = someone frank and decent in words and deeds
    Which of these words describe LS? Or maybe my english/chinese is not profond enough to understand *sarcasm*