This is just a game

Warning: This chapter containt mention of cannibalism

All the people here are abnormal.

The former perpetrators, those of the research institute, could do such inhuman things, Rong Zheng no longer wanted to treat them as human beings.

And the former victims, now stand up and vent all their hatred out, turning into perpetrators. They are extreme, resentful, and regard the world as enemy. It can not be said it's their fault they become like this. But Rong Zheng couldn't refute the fact that they had become extremely dangerous and would threaten the lives of innocent people.

However, this is a game, he doesn't need to take it so seriously.

The whip in the woman's hand kept waving until the man in white coat's pleading voice became lower and lower, almost silent, only then the woman showed mercy and stopped. It happened that a person came over at this time. The person who came was a boy about ten years old. He was wearing particularly loose clothes and was extremely thin. He was missing one arm and he limped over. Even the face raised, has a huge scar from the upper right corner of his forehead to the left corner of his lip. Because of the scar, the boy is blind in his right eye and half of his nose is missing.

This is a poor child who was treated cruelly. Because of the previous suffering and torture, the child's physical condition was very bad.

He lowered his head and coughed, breathing like a broken fan. After seeing him appear, the woman's fierce expression was immediately replaced by a soft smile. She leaned over and asked, "Why are you here? You need to have a good rest."

Boy: "I heard that two people ran away. Just take a look."

"Don't worry, we will catch them. You don't have to worry about this." The woman asked him, "Do you feel any discomfort ma?"

The boy shook his head, looked at the man who fell to the ground and said, "Is he dead ma?"

The woman turned around and gave the man in white coat a kick. The man groaned, waking up slowly.

"Not dead." The woman said casually, then turned around and continued to ask the boy softly, "Are you hungry ma? There isn't enough food recently. You can eat some more meat ba."

The boy lowered his head and said, "I'm going to die. It doesn't matter whether I eat or not."

"You won't die." The woman said categorically, "As long as that is done, none of us will die, and those garbage will at least have some use. It's a pity that Fast ran away. If he was here, the progress should be faster. Okay, I'll take you back to your room."

The boy turned his head and glanced at white coat: "He ne?"

"He doesn't taste good, we'll change to another one." The woman reached out and grabbed the man in white coat by his feet, threw the medicine bag into the man's arms, held the boy with her other hand, and walked forward like this. As she walked, she said with a weird laugh, "We caught a lot of people today. It doesn't matter if two run away. There are others ne. Say a word to Pearson and we should be able to get one. I remember there's one very tender, can be eaten. I'll cook for you later. Eat more and your illness will be cured."

The boy nodded: "Okay."

Among the three people hiding behind, Lin Song and Bai Leshui shuddered. If they heard correctly, was that woman talking about cannibalism?

Bai Leshui was trembling with fear. The only good thing was that he heard Pearson's name. Sure enough, the note asked him to come here. However, can he not participate in the cannibalism things?

Too scary.

Bai Leshui was afraid, but Lin Song was more afraid than him. After all, he was a player and was in danger of being killed or even eaten if he was caught.

Lin Song asked in confusion: "Why do they want to eat people?"

His question was also what Bai Leshui wanted to know.

Rong Zheng: "There should be a lot of people here. They have been hiding here since few months ago. There is a lack of food, lack of water. They can't get much from the xenophobic town. If they want to get more food, they need to find another way." This is not to defend them, but to state a fact.

Lin Song stood up tremblingly and said, "No, we have to withdraw, we can't continue to solve the puzzle. This dungeon is too difficult, just surviving is good. The truth or whatever, we won't care."

Rong Zheng: "Withdraw?"

"Right a." Lin Song said excitedly, "You are a newcomer, you don't know. Although they are all low-level dungeons, the difficulty of clearing each dungeon is actually different. Generally speaking, the sicker the NPCs, the more the difficulty of decrypting the dungeon will become high. Only the lowest level of survival conditions has the same difficulty. There are too many lunatics here. The wisest choice when encountering this situation is to protect yourself and only take the guaranteed game currency. Seeking instant benefice, once fail, you get ejected from the copy and gain nothing."

Rong Zheng stood up, pushed Bai Leshui out of his hiding place, and said, "You can leave if you want ba. But if I'm not wrong, you shouldn't be able to get out."

Lin Song stared: "Why?"

Rong Zheng: "Didn't you listen to what they said ma? Two people ran away."

Lin Song had a pale face. He was not in the mood to think about who would escape. Even if he didn't go out of his way to guess, he knew that one of them must be Da Yang.

But so what ne, Da Yang is not by his side now. Even if he is, he can't protect him all the time.

It doesn't have any importance.

Lin Song: "So what?"

Rong Zheng only reminded a sentence: "If it were you and someone ran away in this scenario, what preparations would you make?"

"Of course block the exit..." Lin Song realized something after saying this. He wanted to withdraw, find a safe place to survive, but the only exit known so far was there. If he went there now, he would probably trow himself in a trap.

"Then what should we do now?" Lin Song put all his hopes on Rong Zheng. He was in disarray.

Rong Zheng replied: "Go forward."

Lin Song: "That's the only way?"

"Take it one step at a time." Rong Zheng said.

Lin Song lowered his head and agreed. But in his heart, he was thinking that when he encountered danger, he would quit Rong Zheng as soon as possible to prevent disaster. Of course, there should be no trace, after all, it is not a real death. In case they meet again in the parallel world, he can't raise the hatred too high.

Rong Zheng saw Lin Song following him obediently, feeling satisfied. Fortunately, he didn't leave. If he left, how could he earn points for his dear ne? He already had some ideas in mind.

The two of them had their own hidden agendas, but Bai Leshui was still immersed in the shocking fact that people here could eat people. He was really scared to tears.

Area A.

Hao Jie was lying on the test table, watching a tube of unknown liquid being injected into her body. She was extremely scared. She knew that no one could die in this game, only people who could not withstand the psychological shock would go crazy after getting out. However, this does not mean that there is no fear.

Many players have gone out of their way to experience the latest technology in the parallel world - the holographic thriller movie. Aren't many people scared to pee ma?

But even if they are scared to pee, they still have to go see. They can make prepare to fear desensitization for future copies. If they are not afraid, they will not panic. They may be able to protect themself at critical moments and avoid being ejected of the copy.

The reason for her fear was not only the tube of unknown liquid, but also the 'doctor' who gave her the injection. The person who gave her the injection was a very strong man. The upper half of his face looked like a handsome young man, but from the nose down, especially the mouth, it seemed that it had been cut by a sharp knife. The corners of the mouth were cut to the base of the ears, just like the Japanese monster mentioned in urbain horror legends, Kuchisake-onna.

Of course, this is a man.

His mouth was not only cut open, but also nailed high, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, like a ferocious smile.

Laughing so hard that Hao Jie's back hair stand up.

If she had known she would end up like this, she would never have separated from Rong Zheng.

There was no way, she just hated Lin Song, and she intuitively believed that getting involved with that NPC in wheelchair would be bad luck.

Her intuition was very accurate and saved her many times.

However, no matter how accurate the intuition is, there is nothing she can do after encountering absolute violence. What's more, her intuition pointed in the wrong direction.

Hao Jie guessed that outsider NPCs, Da Yang, Nan Yun and others should be on the third floor. It was a bit scary to go up to the third floor alone. In order to defend herself, Hao Jie picked up a long metal rod found everywhere and used it as a weapon.

Hao Jie walked around the third floor but never saw any person. Just when she was wondering if she was looking in the wrong direction perhaps going to look elsewhere, someone attacked her from behind. The man covered her mouth and nose, after a while, Hao Jie fainted.

The metal rod in Hao Jie's hand has never been used from beginning to end.

When she woke up again, she was lying here.

This was a room with no windows and was made entirely of mud bricks. It had no ventilation and had an unpleasant smell. No matter where it was, Hao Jie was sure that it was definitely not any place she knew.

Hao Jie also looked around and saw no one except the man beside her.

Hao Jie tried to talk to the man, but he refused to talk to her from beginning to end. It's like he can't speak at all.

Too tired and unable to resist, Hao Jie had no choice but to endure.

What else can happen ne? The most that can happen is just to fail.

It's not like she hasn't failed before.

Hao Jie was about to give up, but a person walked past the staircase door. Hao Jie knew it was a familiar figure at first sight, and quickly shouted: "Nan Yun, is that you ma Nan Yun?"

Nan Yun's eyes lit up as she was being led away by a rope. She turned around and saw Hao Jie in the room, and immediately said, "It's me."

"Nan Yun, wait a minute, where are you going?" Hao Jie shouted loudly.

Nan Yun shook her head. The man who was dragging her was not in a hurry when he saw that she had met someone familiar, and even walked into the house to take a look.

"Hey, that something 234? Well, I can't remember clearly." The man holding Nan Yun's rope said to the doctor, "How did she react?"

The split-mouth man looked up at the man, tapped Hao Jie's arm with his finger, and replied in a very vague voice: "She accepts it very well. She can fuse quickly, then be send out."

The man smiled and said: "Oh, really ma. That's good. Do it well a. If you do it well, your life will be a little more comfortable. Or, you can take off the thing on your mouth."

The split-mouth man nodded hastily.

The man was in a good mood, and reached out to touch Nan Yun's head, and said with a chuckle: "A very beautiful woman. If she had come in before, she might have become our partner ba. After all, this is how all people here are treated. But now, everyone is our enemy. Take a good at your friend, this will be the last look."

Hao Jie asked anxiously: "Where are you taking her?"

"Go to the kitchen a." The man said, "We are hungry. If you are hungry too, I can give you a bowl a."

Hao Jie's eyes widened.

Only then did Nan Yun know what her fate would be, and she immediately burst into tears: "No, I don't want it, that won't work, absolutely won't work."

"Stop talking nonsense." The man knocked Nan Yun unconscious and dragged her away, "Everyone is hungry ne."

Hao Jie almost fainted as she watched Nan Yun being dragged away.

She didn't expect to be able to save her cousin. The failure of this copy was basically a certainty. But if possible, she hope Na Yun will not leave a psychological shadow.

She had always considered herself lucky to be pulled into this world with her cousin. In this parallel world, the person she trusts the most is Nan Yun.

But if Nan Yun never dares to enter the dungeon, it will be much more difficult for her to do it alone in the future.

The author has something to say:

Na Yun: I didn't receive a lunckbox, I was made into a lunchbox...

Hao Jie: It's nothing don't cry, it's just going to be a fake lunchbox, we'll still be a good woman when we get out.

  1. 急功近利 (jí gōng jìn lì) = shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return
  2. I'm cracking at this sentence. It look like BLS is a rabbit between a fox and a weasel.
  3. 英俊 (yīng jùn) the kind of graceful and intelligent handsome
  4. "Slit-Mouthed Woman"
    Shot summary from memory
    A married woman who cheated on her husband and was discovered. As a punishment, the husband slit the woman's mouth to the ears so she woudn't seduce anyone.
    At night, she will wear a chirurgical mask and ask passeby if she was pretty. Say no and she'll kill you, say yes and she'll take down the mask and ask 'and now?'. Say no she'll kill you, say yes and she'll give you the same smile (but you're alive).
    The only way to escape is to trow those hard caramel candy (?) and run fast. She'll search (?) for the candy, giving you time to escape.
  5. Didn't she take the knife?
  6. 表妹 (biǎo mèi) = younger female cousin via maternal line
  7. When an actor finish all his scenes, he'll receive a lunchbox. So receiving a lunch box mean the character won't have scene in the future (dead).