Head chef, tonight will bother you please.

The situation was just as Rong Zheng expected, Lin Song wasted almost all his time looking for the key. He couldn't remember where his chain was taken off, he didn't know where the corresponding key was, so he could only try one after another. Then when he was looking for the key in panic, Bourne had already appeared behind him.

Looking at Lin Song's expression of fear and despair indifferently, Bourne raised his hand, knocked the person unconscious, then dragged him away. Returned to Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui again. Everything was so easy.

"Now, he can't see you." Bourne said to the two of them, "Come with me ba. Pearson has been waiting for you for a long time."

Rong Zheng pushed Bai Leshui in wheelchair behind him and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Area C. It used to be the largest prison, but now we have transformed it into a treatment area." Bourne replied, "There are many poor people here whose bodies have been modified and cannot see the light of day, as well as those surviving animals. Because their brain is still useful and can regulate our bodies. Green, didn't you tell him ma?"

Bai Leshui: "I only talked about the existence of this place. Before he came here, he was not trustworthy at all, so I didn't talk about many things."

"Huh?" Bourne looked at Bai Leshui doubtfully, "Aren't you in that kind of relationship ma?"

Bai Leshui looked away: "...Count as ba."

Bourne turned around and continued walking forward: "Really ma? No wonder you don't feel anything for Ann. It turns out you like men. If it were in the past, I might not be willing to get close to you. Now... forget it." Bourne touched his cheek with his hand.

Bai Leshui tilted his head and looked at Rong Zheng.

Rong Zheng leaned over and whispered: "The records show that even if this liger is abroad, homosexuality is still not accepted by the public. Some religions even believe that homosexual feelings are the original sin. It's a bad emotion that can only come from betraying God and being possessed by the devil. Medical science believes that homosexuality is a disease, a mental illness."

Bai Leshui frowned: "Sexuality is only determined by nature."

Wait, could it be that the character Green was sent to a mental hospital because he is homosexuel?

No, his setting should be personality disorder.

In fact, it is rare to stay in a place like hell for a long time and not have a personality disorder ba. The few people he has met so far are not normal.

So he should be homosexuel first then personality disorder?

No, no, no, the label of homosexuality was just put on because of Rong Zheng! Bai Leshui shook his head, never admitting that his game character was gay.

"However, since you like men, why not choose Karl? That guy is obviously better." Bourne muttered, "That guy has not been subjected to human experiments, he has only been injected with viruses. But his physical fitness is much better, the development was positif. You are also very compatible. It would be great if it was that guy. Now there is a new guy, and he is completely unrelated. To be honest, whether this person is trustworthy or not is a matter of two opinions. Also, the previous epidemic was actually a lie ba, now that I think about, I only saw part of it..."

Bourne was murmuring as he walked. His speaking speed became faster and faster, and his steps became slower and slower. Finally, he stopped and stared at Rong Zheng with an unkind look: "Sure enough, I'd better kill this guy ba. In case he is a spy, it would be terrible. My head hurt so much, so troublesome. Why should I consider this issue? Let's deal with it simply... It's better not to keep such a guy, kill him ba."

Bai Leshui, who watched the whole process from Bourne's nagging to showing his fierce look, was stunned on the spot.

What the hell is wrong again.

Throwing the unconscious Lin Song to the ground, Bourne took out a shiny silver object from his bosom and raised his hand to attack Rong Zheng's neck. Rong Zheng ducked back, upon closer inspection, he realized that what Bourne was holding was actually a knife used for eating Western food.

This kind of knife has never been very sharp, but this one was obviously different. One glance can tell that it had been specially sharpened by his owner. It even cut off a few strands of Rong Zheng's hair.

"Potential threats, must be killed," Bourne said.

Rong Zheng: "...It seems like there's no way to talk properly anymore." He moved a few steps to the side to avoid Bai Leshui's position. After ensuring this person would not be implicated, he took out the metal rod and started to fight back.

"The strength is not bad, the skills are barely there. Unfortunately, it's still not enough." Rong Zheng kept moving his hands and said, "The thigh muscles are not coordinated enough, and there are signs of damage. But the strength is very strong, practiced before? Doesn't look like that."

He grabbed Bourne's arm and squeezed it hard: "The frame is much thicker than average."

Bourne's arm was clamped, he said dissatisfiedly: "People like you are the type I hate the most."

Rong Zheng: "Who cares whether you like or not a. As long as dear likes me, that's fine."

Bai Leshui: No, I don't like you either.

Wait, that's not the problem.

Bai Leshui moved the wheelchair and rolled over, raised his leg and kicked Bourne's knee hard.

Bourne was caught off guard and fell to his knees with a plop. He turned around and glared at Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui: "Is it fun ma? When you have played enough just keep walking ba. Don't worry, this guy is not a bad person. And he has a very close relationship with me. If he really does something wrong, I will kill him with my own hands. Is it okay like this ma?"

"...Green, you are telling the truth this time ba." Bourne seemed to have really calmed down, his eyes were no longer cruel, and he asked this question after thinking for a while.

Bai Leshui: "Do I look like a liar ma!"

Bourne stood up: "You often lie, and only occasionally tell the truth. Forget it, it doesn't matter. He can't run away anyway." After that, he pick up Lin Song.

Seeing Bourne put away the knife, Rong Zheng also put away the metal rod and continued to push Bai Leshui forward. His expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened before.

This small passage was quickly finished walking, several people came to a very wide space, at least 300 square meters, with many people coming and going, including research doctors prisoners wearing white coats and shackles, and the injured former prisoners and current rebels.

After seeing Bai Leshui, several people's eyes lit up. A young man with long black hair rushed to the front and said excitedly: "Green, are you back? I heard that everyone in the town is infected ma? That's awesome. We can get out of this damn underground soon ba. Truly speaking, the water here is running out and there's not much electricity left. And several people need to breathe fresh air. This is not the right place to recuperate. We can occupy that church ba, I think it's very nice there. By the way, who is this guy?"

As soon as the speach was dropped, Bai Leshui's head was spinning.

"Karl. Green and I still have something to do." Bourne threw Lin Song to a man who took him away, and said to the young man with long black hair.


That Karl who likes men?

Bai Leshui looked at Karl curiously. This man's figure was thin among Westerners, and his face was very delicate, with a neutral beauty. Bai Leshui suddenly understood what Bourne meant. In the eyes of Bourne, a heterosexual who likes women, Karl's type is obviously better than Rong Zheng, who has an explosively masculine aura.

Bai Leshui: Actually, I don't want any of them.

When Karl was looking at Rong Zheng, Rong Zheng was also observing Karl. After a while, both of them came to a conclusion: This person's apparence is not as good as me.

Karl: The nose is not high, the eye sockets are not deep, the face is flat. Tsk.

Rong Zheng: Eyebrows are too thin, eyes are too thin, lower eyelashes are too long, lips are too red, sissy.

Karl & Rong Zheng: I instantly became more confident.

Karl: "Bourne, what is he here for? A new germ inoculator? A test subject?"

Rong Zheng: Inoculator?

Bourne: "He is Green's lover. He was originally an outsider, but now he is from our side."

Karl exploded instantly: "He, such an average and unremarkable man?"

The average and unremarkable Rong Zheng said: "Who are you talking about ne?"

Bai Leshui: Poof!

Average and unremarkable.

If this look was average and unremarkable, then isn't 90% of the men in the world unable to be looked at?

Except him, of course. Bai Leshui is the most confident in his appearance.

The Western face he is now disguised as does not count.

Bourne: "Okay, I don't have time to listen to you here. We have to go."

Karl gritted his teeth angrily: "Green, why didn't you tell me earlier that you liked men?"

Bai Leshui: "I don't think I like men ba."

Karl pointed at Rong Zheng: "Then what is he? A woman who is too strong ma?"

Slapping Karl's hand away, Rong Zheng: "Don't point at me, sissy."

"Who are you calling sissy?" Karl was angry.

Rong Zheng: "You."

Bourne: "Don't cause trouble here."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't argue a."

Others noticed the commotion here and hurriedly came up to persuade. Some even held back Karl who was about to become furious. Karl stamped his feet angrily.

"I say, don't block the road." A familiar voice sounded. Bai Leshui's back felt cold. When he turned around, he saw that it was the woman who was cracking the whip like crazy. But the boy or the beaten man beside her were not seen.

"Dora?" Karl called out the woman's name, "Aren't you in Area A ma? What are you running here for?"

"Send material." Dora patted the things in her hands, "The new germ data is not ideal. I don't know if it will affect the following plans. Also, there are several people who are not in good condition."

When talking about those people, Dora's expression darkened, Karl also calmed down and stopped making trouble.

"I'm going to find Pearson. Green? You're back." Dora called out Green's name, she intended to push the wheelchair from behind. "You are also going to find Pearson ba. Let's go together."

Then, the wheelchair was pushed away first.

Rong Zheng: "I'll take him with me."

Dora's eyes swept over the two of them, then glanced at Karl, and instantly understood the situation here. She didn't say anything more, just said: "Then let's go together."

When Dora came over, Bourne said that he would not send the two of them to find Pearson. After saying that Pearson was at his old place, he turned and left. Went find the two guys who escaped.

Dora led the two of them away in silence. Halfway through, she suddenly said: "That guy is dying. Green, do you want to give him a good time?"

Bai Leshui: "That guy?"

Dora laughed loudly: "Yes, I whipped him several times today, which was very satisfying."

Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng immediately thought of today's experimenter.

Bai Leshui: "Oh, whatever. No matter how you handle it, it's fine."

Dora: "Really ma? Then leave it to me ba. How about doing just like what he did to you that time, let's cribble his leg ba. To be honest, every time I see you sitting in a wheelchair, I feel very unpleasant. He is your 'attending doctor', his brain is pretty good. But now that the medicine is almost developed, he is useless. Throw him away ba."

Rong Zheng thought of the string of numbers.

That was a code, he originally thought it was for the purpose of marking those people. Thinking about it now, this idea is not necessarily wrong, but that code, should be the serial number of the experimental product that originally belonged to people like Green and Dora. Now, it is branded on those people.

A very small revenge.

Several people continued to walk forward, and suddenly heard a cry for help in the room in front of them.

When passing by the door, they saw Nan Yun who was tied up and thrown on... the chopping board.

Seeing it was Rong Zheng, Nan Yun immediately called for help.

Dora: "Someone you know ma?"

Rong Zheng smiled: "Known her for a few days. She's also an outsider. We came here in the same car. Not familiar."

Dora: "That's good. She is tomorrow's food a. If you are familiar with her... we will be very troubled."

"Tomorrow a." Rong Zheng thought for a moment and asked, "Aren't you afraid that she will run away ma? Why not change it to tonight?"

Dora: "Tonight, it's okay too. Then let's change the date ba. Head chef, tonight will bother you please."

The people in the room responded.

Rong Zheng smiled with satisfaction, wondering if this could be counted in the credits.

Bai Leshui: ...Devil.

In the room, Nan Yun looked at the chef who was not planning to take action, but after hearing Dora's words, immediately raised the kitchen knife, she fainted from fright.

Then was ejected from the dungeon just like this, not having the need to see the moment when the kitchen knife was about to hit her neck, maybe it's so very lucky ba.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Kindness, benevolence? Just kidding, this is a 'battlefield' a, we and them are in a hostile relationship ba. Kindness to enemies is cruelty to oneself.

Bai Leshui:...

You are definitely a better villain than me.

  1. I've completly forgot Ann was a woman (haven't read this novel for a long time), fortunally Ann can be used by both boys and girls.
  2. 狮虎 (shī hǔ) = lion tiger
    Apparently it's an internet slang for master 师父 (shīfu) but I don't understand why it's in the sentence.
  3. 絮絮叨叨 (xù xu dāo dāo) = to talk endlessly without getting to the point