
Ann's original name was not Ann. Instead, the Yula she used in town was her real name, surname Rodney.

However, people who knows this name, is only Hasen.

Hasen and Yula are indeed real siblings, neither of them lied in this regard, but in other matters, Yula and Hasen avoided talking about it. They did not tell anyone in the sanatorium the truth.

Do you believe that there are inherently bad people in this world ma?

Yula and Hasen were born in a remote rural area. The place was very poor, there was nothing at all.

When Yula was eight years old, their biological father passed away, he was killed by their mother.

The relationship between the couple was already very bad. The mother longed for a better life. Even if it was not luxurious, at least she could easily go shopping in a nearby town one day a week, buy some cheap and beautiful accessories, and dress herself up. Instead of accompanying a husband who rolls in the dirt every day, farming, milking cows, and shearing sheep, without even a moment to breathe.

And all this is done so that in addition to bread, you can add a sausage or bacon to dinner. This kind of life is simply too bad for the mother.

But father didn't think so. He feels that his current life is very good and fulfilling.

The two quarreled many times over this, and even filed for divorce. However, because of the father's beliefs, believing that dissolving the marriage was a very bad thing, and the two already had children. He didn't think that a small disagreement could lead to such a situation.

In fact, when one party files for divorce, the relationship and marriage are already on the verge of breaking up, and there is no benefit in maintaining it forcefully. But father didn't understand this, so he died.

One evening, he was stabbed to death by mother again and again with a knife.

She thought that her behavior would not be seen by anyone. She thought that the two children were already in their room getting ready to go to bed. However, she did not expect that because they heard the sound so the two siblings wanted to take a peek. Through the crack in the door, they could clearly see their mother's hideous face and the splattered blood.

There is also the fearful face of father who is gradually losing his voice.

No one screamed, they just watched quietly. After their mother dragged their father to the farm to deal with it, they closed the door and went back to sleep as if nothing happened.

Maybe they were too young and don't know what such behavior means, or maybe they are both biological children of the woman and have inherited the violent gene early, so they feel that this kind of behavior is nothing.

But, behavior can be learned, this point is certain.

Adults are role models for children. Whether it is good or bad, they will learn one by one, then implement it.

So when the mother found a man in the town to marry, when the mother began to ignore the two children and only focused on spending money to buy things, when the stepfather became more and more dissatisfied with the mother and quarreled with his wife for a long time, then vented his anger and resentment on the children, when the daughter grew more and more beautiful, and the stepfather gradually coveted her, when the mother knew all this but ignored it all.

Anger and resentment, made the two of them take action at that moment.

Using the bread knife that their stepfather often used to cut their mother's throat, then continued to do what they had to do in an innocent manner. When the stepfather discovered this fact, he wanted to call the police but the moment he was shocked to find that he was suddenly the suspect, he chose to remain silent and sweep away the incident. There were too many souls who died unjustly in this world, he didn't want to be one of them.

Who would believe that children who are only thirteen years old and eight years old could kill someone.

Since then, in the stepfather's eyes, the two children looked like devils.

The fear and uneasiness did not dissipate even after marrying a woman with money and status.

And for some reason, his newly married wife was suspicious of his relationship with Yula. No matter how many times the man explained, it was of no use. How could he dare to have bad thoughts about such a devilish girl, it's not like he was worried that his life was too long.

Fear and worry made the stepfather go to the bar many times to get drunk. Once when he was drunk, he spilled the beans to the person next table. When the other person found out, he offered to adopt this girl who had killed someone at a young age.

The stepfather was so frightened that he sobered up. He immediately nodded and agreed, willing to buy one get one free, and send Hasen out as well.

But he was rejected by the man, to his words, one is a good thing, two is trouble.

It would be good to send one of them away, so the man sent the girl away like this. He said to the outside world that the girl had some mental problems and was sent to a sanatorium.

It was just a prevarication for acquaintances, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a prophecy. The man who took the girl away really wanted to send the girl away to a sanatorium to work as a researcher's assistant, with the purpose of taking away the research results.

In the man's place, Yula learned many secrets of the sanatorium. For example, the original dean of the sanatorium refused to sell the place, so the owner of the pharmaceutical company bribed the deputy dean and asked him to kill the dean, seize the sanatorium, then sell it to him at a low price. For example, the original patients in the sanatorium have become experimental subjects for the development of new drugs. For example, the goal of developing new drugs is to cure all diseases, and the ultimate goal is to achieve immortality, never get sick.

The last one seemed to Yula a wishful thinking. However, research data shows that progress has been made in the latter one. Although it was inspired by germs, delaying aging and improving physical fitness are just symptoms of the germs.

Yula was tempted. She always thought that her girl's physique was too weak. And whether it is to enhance physical fitness or delay aging, it is extremely attractive to her. She want to become stronger, want to become powerful, want to be at the top of the world, want this new strain of bacteria.

However, germs are germs, they have too much uncertainty. If you accidentally make the wrong bet, it will become a terrible thing that can kill people. Moreover, this thing is extremely contagious. If you want to control it safely, it is best to cultivate antibodies in the body first.

So Yula volunteered to become a guinea pig and got a fake name, Ann.

She is different from other experimental products. Other experimental products are really just experimental products, but she is a vaccinated person for clinical observation. She can choose safer strains for injection, can gradually increase the amount from a tiny amount, and can observe her physical condition at any time. Once something goes wrong, there are temporary vaccine injections, avoiding bad effects.

However, in terms of food and housing, she is not much different from the experimental subjects. In the end, not many people know her true identity, so she can smoothly blend in among madmen and pretend to be a madman.

The experiment lasted several years, and she remained in good health.

She should be the most successful one.

But later, Ann discovered that in addition to her special case, there happened to be a person like her among the other experimental subjects who had responded well to vaccination for many years - Green.

Green is really just a high-quality product with a low probability of being born.

It's different from Ann, this kind of specially trained situation.

Moreover, Ann discovered that Green's condition was much better than hers. Green has been in the sanatorium for more than ten years. He was in his twenties when he entered the sanatorium for mental reasons. However, after all these years, he is at least in his thirties, but there is not a single wrinkle on his face. It still maintains that appearance without any special maintenance.

Not old.

A coincidence among coincidences, a coincidence that Ann could not duplicate no matter how hard she tried.

In addition this person's prestige is higher than hers.

Ann has long thought about leading this group of madmen, ruling these madmen, obtaining the bacteria, and developing her own antibody army.

But these people would rather listen to Green's words than to hers.

Probably because Green is in exactly the same situation as these lunatics, and Green has been in this place the longest, she is different from these people after all.

Can't even act it out.

She made a suggestion, as long as Green said no, these men would shook their heads say no.

Jealousy, anger, resentment.

Ann chatted with Fast during the vaccination and asked him to find a way to beat Green to death.

Fast was unwilling. Green was a rare experimental subject with the most perfect records. How could he be easily put to death.

But he also didn't want to offend Ann. After all, this woman contacts the pharmaceutical owner's brother every year. After all, she is a person in relation with the one who provide money, so it would be bad to completely ignore her request. So Fast chose a compromise and broke Green's legs. But Green's leg's healing ability is very strong, in the end it was just a limp.

Ann was dissatisfied, but had no choice but to do anything. However, she knew that Fast was a difficult person to win over, unlike his assistant Io who could just come over with a flick of her finger.

Io is stupid, but very useful. After mastering Io, she can win over a small number of forces in the town, right, there are still that doctor in the town, Mr. White.

As long as White's wife is used as a threat, the man will be very obedient.

It was definitely a wrong decision for the pharmaceutical company owner's brother to send her here. Never underestimate a woman's ability and ambition.

Especially when that place is filled with men who have nowhere to vent their energy.

In this way, Ann eroded the power here at a very slow speed. After her experiment ended, she did not want to live a restricted life like an experimental subject, so she became an assistant of the experimenters. According to Green and others, she seduced Io, wanting to get a freer life.

This statement is not wrong, right ba?

But Green seemed to have thought of something and actually invited her to work together to find a way to break out of this prison.

Perhaps it was the broken legs that made this person finally feel rebellious, or maybe it was her identity change that gave Green hope.

Very good, this happened to be what Ann wanted.

Especially after Hasen came to her later, Ann even felt that God was on her side, she had a trustworthy helper.

Hasen has been trying to find his sister since she was sent away. He only knew the word "sanatorium" but couldn't find her anywhere. Until Ann and others started taking action. Hasen only learned about this hidden sanatorium in the newspaper.

Ann they burned down the sanatorium, tied Mr. and Mrs. White to an underground prison and killed them. They also wiped out all the researchers and priests who knew her identity, leaving only people she could control and who listened to her, such as the disfigured Io who guards the church for her.

The only omission was that Fast was not among them. He ran away, but unexpectedly came back. Ann wanted to use this person because he had the smartest mind, but she did not dare to let him come into contact with the original experiment subjects in the sanatorium for fear that he told her true origin. Ann, the commander-in-chief of the rebels, must not have the slightest relationship with the pharmaceutical company. In desperation, she had to let Io and the priest say this was a rule from above, and trapped him in a small place with no access. Just send some food and daily necessities after a period of time.

Fast is a weirdo. As long as she reveals that the situation is stable, he is allowed to continue research. This person can really survives in such an environment.

A research maniac can overcome all difficulties.

Ann asked Io several times to hint that if he was willing to keep his mouth shut and obey her, she could let him work as a slave to continue his research. However, Fast was unwilling to obey a woman, be a slave, and keep his mouth shut. He would not accept any of these three conditions.

Ann thinks she can become God, and Fast thinks even more that he can become God because he is so smart.

In one world, there are no two gods.

Later, Hasen came, learned about Ann's plan, and decided that he would take care of the affairs of the outside world.

For example, first kill the troublesome stepparents, then go to school to find the relatives of high-status employees in the pharmaceutical company, kidnap them and infect them, then use this threat to seize the company in one step. It just so happens that those children don't know what kind of job their relatives are doing in what company, so it's easy to deceive.

Of course, this is just a casual move, and it doesn't matter if it fails. As long as they hold the germs and vaccines, a mere pharmaceutical company, anyone who care can take it bei.

It's a pity that Fast, the smartest brain, died.

But that's okay, other than that, everything went according to plan.

"Only you, Green, you are my biggest obstacle." Ann said, "As long as you say a word, those people will choose to listen to you instead of me. They are now willing to act according to my plan because I borrowed your name. And you are unwilling to take charge of things, furthermore what I do is everything they want to see, so they obey. But later I will use this thing to make money, use it to rule, you will then become a trouble."

"Of course I won't kill you. If you die, they will want to know how you died and who killed you. I can find reasons to muddle through, but that won't work." Ann continued, "It's a waste of time, and after the matter is resolved ne, how many people are still willing to follow me?"

"But it will be different if you are unconscious due to the germs injected in the past." Ann smiled and said, "We will be very united to find a way to treat you. I will build a sanatorium for you. A real sanatorium, just like the man who built this sanitarium did for his son. But I will choose a location in the city and build you a palace-like sanatorium. I will take care of you at any time, find the best doctors for you, occupy the most and best medicines, experiment with more people, just to treat you. Even if someone asks me for help because of infection, I will not help unless they show the best sincerity, because I want to save more medical resources for you."

Bai Leshui twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but say something: "You really make the best use of everything a. I even want to applaud you."

Ann: "Thank you for the compliment." She took out a syringe and said, "My dear, would you like to take a shot ma?"

Bai Leshui chuckled: "Extremely willing."

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: A very interesting story.

Bai Leshui: If the protagonist who is about to be stabbed unconscious is not me...


Don't believe anything related to biomedicine in the story. It's just nonsense created by a stupid author who randomly looked up some information without doing in-depth research.

The issue about the pupils of the eyes was looked up casually by the author without any detailed research into whether it was pseudoscience. Don't believe it, this is just a fantasy novel. In short, this is how it is written. If you don't bother to change it, just don't believe it. It's weird that you guys are so serious .