Live in a hotel

Kunming, outside the airport.

Bai Leshui walked out of the airport with his trolley suitcase and looked for a taxi to take. Then he saw a worker NPC waving to him on the side of the road.

"Hello, do you want a ride ma? It's convenient and fast. Can go anywhere." The man with a somewhat muscular build said with a professional smile.

Bai Leshui nodded, opened the door and got in: "Hualin Hotel. It's at this address." He handed his phone to the driver.

The driver only glanced at it and said, "Okay, we'll be there in an hour. Please sit tight."

The car then started, Bai Leshui sat in the back, looking at the scenery outside the car window and chatting with 1069.

"Host, there are many mountains in Kunming a, and there are also wetland parks. Shall we all go and see them ma? By the way, we also have to go shopping. Host can buy himself cool clothes, cool cars, thick gold chains, and specialties…"

"We can't take it home with these if we buy so much ba." Bai Leshui couldn't help complaining. What the hell is with the thick gold chains?

He is not a girl, he is not very interested in shopping in shopping streets. He is a little tempted by the cool car, but he can't take it with him if he buys it here. And...given the world's very convenient transportation and quick ways to make money, buying his own car doesn't make that much sense.

The staff here are all programmed characters such as NPCs, which is different from the real world. Even if Bai Leshui says, 'drive me from Beijing to Shanghai', the drivers here will take the order and deliver him with due diligence. Of course, it still costs a lot of money and time.

"Compared with that, I want to see the local conditions and customs here." Bai Leshui opened the map on his mobile phone and said.

Speaking of which, Kunming is really full of scenic spots and parks.

Anyway, he has plenty of time. When he wants to enter a game, he will enter directly at the hotel, so he will visit the places that interest him one by one ba.

The other side.

Rong Zheng held his cell phone irritably to confirm the address sent by that person.

Yesterday, he got the golden card and used it on the spot. The card can bind anyone who has walked through the dungeon with him. It is easy to specify a target, as long as he binds the only person who has walked through the dungeon with him twice ——1069.

Rong Zheng originally thought that he would have a chance to see the other party's name after binding, but it turned out that only a string of numbers was displayed, which made him confused. Finally, after calling the system customer service, he realized that the string of numbers was the code of the other party's ghost system, it was also the code of the other party's ID.

As for the player's identity code, it is the system customer service plus the player's name. For example, Rong Zheng's ID code is s3876269493 Rong Zheng.

The name may be duplicated, and the system customer service may have multiple customers, but the ID code is unique.

Okay ba, it's fine without name, he would find out one day.

After adjusting the settings so that he will be reminded every time the other party entered a dungeon, and would directly follow him into the same dungeon, Rong Zheng settled down and started preparing for next day's journey.

But for some reason, it was very difficult to get up in the morning. First of all, the alarm clock that called him to wake up was out of power, making Rong Zheng wake up late. You must know that he was too excited last night and didn't go to bed until midnight. He still doesn't have enough sleep.

If it's late then be late ba. If he can't catch the plane, he has no choice but to rebook his ticket. Because there are too few people in the parallel world, the number of flights is also pitiful. There is only one flight to Kunming in the morning. If he miss it, he has to wait until the afternoon.

As a result, the weather was bad in the afternoon. Due to traffic control, the plane took off an hour later. When he finally arrived in Kunming and took a taxi to his destination, it was already evening.

There is no way to make an appointment with someone now, he can only postpone it until tomorrow. It's better to find a hotel nearby.

After getting out of the car and walking a few steps, it started to rain. The person who, because of having too much money, didn't even bring a change of clothes, was drowned as soon as he got off the car. He stood on the side of the road and looked very pitiful.

"Is this retribution ma?" Rong Zheng looked up at the sky. Because he chased after a poor little guy and ended up using a golden card to stick him? Because he threw aside the commission given to him over and hasn't investigated properly yet?

No, how is that possible.

There was a rumble and thunder overhead.

Rong Zheng:...

"That..." A woman in her twenties held an umbrella, mustered up the courage to step forward and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay ma?"

Rong Zheng turned around and looked at the woman in front of him to confirm that she was a player, not an NPC.

"I'm okay, probably." Rong Zheng said with a smile. He stretched out his hand to smooth back his wet hair and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where there is a hotel nearby ma?"

"Hotel?" The woman's face turned even redder. She looked at Rong Zheng's handsome face and the strong muscles showing through his clothes that were soaked and stuck to his body. She turned her head to reveal her snow-white neck, "There is o. Turn left five hundred meters ahead, there is the Hualin Hotel."

With her heart beating like thunder, the woman continued: "I can take you there, you're soaked." She took two steps forward, raised the umbrella in her hand above his head, because she was short in height, she carefully stood on tiptoes, trying to shields the handsome man in front of her from wind and rain.

But the umbrella was too small and couldn't cover her at all. The rain soaked half of her body, and the gauze skirt stuck to her body, revealing the full and smooth lines of her buttocks.

Rong Zheng seemed to be blind, not even looking at her: "Oh, really ma, many thanks." He walked out from under the umbrella, strode into the rain, and walked towards his destination.

Five hundred meters a, it's a little far.

He hope there is a shop selling clothes next door, otherwise he might have to sleep naked tonight.

The woman froze on the spot, stamped her feet, and finally chased after him.

Hualin Hotel is a little far away, but there is actually a hotel in the opposite direction and it is very close. The facilities inside are very complete. In the original world, it would be on the same level as a well-known chain hotel.

Hualin is different. It is completely the most luxurious five-star hotel, one night costs a lot of money. Whether you dare to enter or not is a test of a player's ability to make money in the dungeon.

Not to mention losers who can't earn game currency, most players in the primary dungeon have to consider whether they want to control their daily consumption before entering. Rather than using game currency to live a luxurious life, wouldn't it be more appropriate to use it to exchange for cards and continue through levels?

There are only two types of players who can enter without hesitation. One is big shots who has plenty of money and not afraid of extravagance, and the other is fools who never thinks about how they will live tomorrow.

She was testing the depth of the man in front of her.

Then choose what kind of friendship or even relationship she should have with the other person.

Inside the Hualin Hotel.

Bai Leshui took off his clothes, lay comfortably in the bathroom bath, and enjoyed the bath and massage service.

"It's great to have listened to you." Bai Leshui said, "Otherwise, I would also get wet from the rain."

1069 answered proudly: "Of course, when host is traveling, must always pay attention to the weather conditions. Warning host is the most basic part of a game system. Next ne, do you want to go to the front hall on the first floor for dinner? Or go to the entertainment venue on the second floor to kill time? There are gambling tables here o, but this system does not recommend host to play that, as it is easy to get addicted. There is a bar, although host is younger, after testing by this system, host's physical condition is not suitable for drinking a lot of alcohol, which is harmful to the body. Or you can go to the movie theater to watch a movie, watch a song and dance, there is a library on the third floor, host can read books..."

"Shut up."

"Oh." 1069 shut up obediently.

Bai Leshui stood up from the bath and dried his body: "I've long been tired of watching movies and stuff. There is a chess and card room and a billiards room here ba. I want to go see."

1069 interrupted: "What about the dinner ne?"

"I ate too much at lunch and I don't want to move now." Bai Leshui said, "It's a pity that it's raining and the outdoor tennis court is not open, otherwise it would be good to go out and play a party."

1069: "Does host like tennis ma?"

"It's not that I like it." Bai Leshui said, "It's just that I'm not good at basketball. My senior sister from the performing arts club at the university was addicted to Prince of Tennis, so she dragged me into the tennis club and played for a while. It's good to use for exercising the body."

As an actor, he must always remember to adjust his physical condition to the best. He just aimed at this and chose tennis during work out.

Hualin Hotel, front lobby on the first floor.

"I'm sorry, sir, we only have suites here." The waitress in front of the counter said with a smile, seemingly not seeing the man's wet and embarrassed look at all. "May I ask if you need to book a room? Five thousand a night."

"Book it for me for three days," Rong Zheng said.

Then he saw the female NPC behind the counter asking, "Is the woman behind you with you ma? That requires two people's room opening records."

Rong Zheng turned around and saw the woman who had guided him standing behind him. When she saw Rong Zheng turning around, she immediately said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was a little worried about whether you would find the right way, so I just followed you. I had no other intention. And... I have never been to this hotel before. This place is really luxurious a." She looked envious and sighed.

"Mmh." Rong Zheng responded casually and said to the person in front of him, "I am the only one."

"Okay, I'll book a room for you right away. Room 2 on the 38th floor is good ma?"

Rong Zheng said indifferently: "Good."

"This is your room card, please keep it properly. You can use the room card to make purchases at any place in the hotel. You must pay it in full at the time of final checkout. Please be careful not to exceed your limit."

"I understand." Rong Zheng collected the room card.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the woman gritted her teeth and stepped forward: "That, my name is Shi Qi. It's hard to meet here. Do you want to add friend ma?"

Rong Zheng looked at her doubtfully: "Why?"

Shi Qi: "Huh?"

"I just asked for directions once, but you seem to be very interested in me." Rong Zheng said.

Shi Qi pursed her lips, and finally lowered her head helplessly. She had been carefully shrugging her shoulders to show off her proud figure, and also to appear weak and pitiful, so as to attract the attention of the man in front of her, but now...she found that the man in front of her seemed to be completely immune to female lust.

It can't be another gay ba.

Generally speaking, a normal man could not help but glance at her chest. That is a man's nature. No matter if he is a reserved person or a lustful ghost.

But the way this person looked at her from beginning to end was no different from looking at a puppet.

Shi Qi said dejectedly: "You are a raw face. I have been in this world for almost five years, and I know all the players with some skills around here. I'm in a tight situation recently, so it's best to go through a dungeon to earn some income."

"But no one is willing to take you." Rong Zheng said clearly, "You were worried and wanted to go out and relax. That's why you were walking alone in the rain. Then you saw me, a strange player who just came here. If you want to test me, let me come here and see if I have enough money."

If he didn't have enough money, then Shi Qi would definitely turn around and leave without even staying for a moment. If he is well-off, then come up and talk to him. It is best to take her to dungeon once. Even if it is just the most basic survival game currency reward, she can easily live a year, as long as she lives a simple life.

Shi Qi was devastated, but she was not embarrassed. Instead, she let go and said clearly: "You have walked through dungeon, you should know how difficult it is to pass a dungeon. Especially for a weak woman like me, I can't even run if wanted. The primary dungeon should be very simple for you ba. You just need to let me pass. I won't decrypt. I just want to live through the dungeon once. Whatever you want, I can give you whatever I have. It won't be a problem to spend a few nights with you. I'm standing here now and can book a room with you right away." There was another thing Shi Qi didn't say. She felt a little bit like she was taking advantage of him by booking a room with such a handsome man.

"No, I don't want to be prostituted." Rong Zheng flatly refused.

Shi Qi:...

"You like men?" Shi Qi couldn't believe it.

Rong Zheng thought about the other person's image in the two copies and nodded: "Yes, I like men."

Xiao Bai is a man, then he likes men. Xiao Bai is a woman, then he likes women. If Xiao Bai is not a human being, Rong Zheng thought about it carefully and felt that he could throw away all three views.

Emotional things, sometimes are just that crazy.

Shi Qi collapsed, she roared angrily, turned around and left.

Ma de, is this world occupied by gays ma? Yesterday, she tried to hook up with a suspected big shot, but he turned out to be particularly disgusted with her breasts.

This world is hopeless.

"Wait." Rong Zheng called to her.

Shi Qi turned around. She didn't think this man would regret: "What?"

"In the forum ID Big Handsome Guy, do you know this person ma?" Rong Zheng asked.

Shi Qi's eyes widened: "You like him? That...scumbag?"

Rong Zheng: "If I like him, I would rather die."

Shi Qi: "Then what are you asking about?"

Rong Zheng: "I am very curious about the existence of ghosts. I heard that he knows some inside stories. In fact, I came here to see him."

Shi Qi sneered: "Big Handsome Guy? His face is indeed not bad, but he is too stupid. If he find a powerful backer but don't hold it properly, he still play cheating tricks, force people to death without even feeling guilty at all. He spread the news everywhere to make money, even I look down on him."

Rong Zheng: "It seems you know a lot."

Shi Qi said proudly: "Of course, I have been in this world for a long time."

Rong Zheng: "Well, it's still so miserable."

Shi Qi's face turned red.

What, do you look down on losers ma?

She just felt weak when she saw scary and bloody things. She went through dungeon several times without desensitizing herself. She didn't earn any game currency and even suffered losses several times.

Really sorry that I've been working at the grassroots level for several years since crossing over a.

Not only have I not been promoted once, but I can barely maintain food and clothing. This is embarrassing a.

Don't think that it's so easy to make money. She was the one who walked dungeon ten times and failed to make money ten times, even failed for three consecutive months without making a single game coin.

Moreover, there is no chance for losers to get together. Those who are willing to take losers are using them as a shield. Who would want to take a hind leg if there is no benefit.

"I want to find out something from you." Rong Zheng said.

Shi Qi raised her chin: "Sure a, book me a room here, I'll stay there too. You'll bear all the expenses. I'll stay as long as you stay."

Rong Zheng: "Okay."

Anyway, his dear is not here, there won't be misunderstanding if he can't see.

Just give the source of information a little benefit, not a big deal.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Go out and play! Happy.

Rong Zheng: Wife, why are you here? ! ! ! !

  1. 华林 (Huá lín)
  2. Distance: ~1200km (745.6454 miles)
    Time: ~12h
  3. I don't know what's the relation with having money and not bringing changes. The most probable guess I have is that he though of buying on site.
  4. In yuan, not game coins.
  5. Polite you. Just remember that all staff NPC in the parallel world use the polite you.
  6. 石柒
  7. 玛 = agate
    德 = virtue / goodness / morality / ethics / kindness / favor / character / kind
    Here it most probably stand for 妈的 from 你妈的 (nǐ mā de) your mother. I'm really impressed how chinese people can use such a good word to curse.