
Further forward from box No. 1 is the train broadcast room and the cockpit. The broadcast room is just a small partition room between the cockpit and the carriage. A woman in uniform is sitting there, smiling the whole time. It's just that the arc of her smile hasn't changed at all from beginning to end, which makes people feel uncomfortable to look at.

As a qualified actor, Bai Leshui adhered to his own character, as if the woman in front of him looked normal, he asked with a smile: "Want to substitute ma?"

The broadcaster smiled and shook her head: "This is my place."

"Okay ba, do you want me to bring you some water ma?" Bai Leshui asked.

The broadcaster pointed to the cockpit, still keping that weird smile: "I don't need it. You can ask the two people in the cockpit. There is one person, I believe he definitly needs your help."

This sounded like she meant something else. Bai Leshui nodded, came to the cockpit, knocked on the door a few times and got a response from the people inside. Then pushed the door open, looked at the two pilots and asked: "Need something to drink ma?"

The captain was a fat man in his forties. He tilted his head and said with a smile: "Oh, give me some red wine ba. I don't know why I can't cheer up today without some alcohol a."

Drivers are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Not to mention driving a train, even if you are driving a bicycle, you cannot drive while intoxicated.

Bai Leshui glanced at the deputy captain. The tall and thin man huddled up into a ball with a little fear on his face. He advised the driver: "Captain Wang, let's not drink today ba. I kept having weird dreams last night, dreaming that something happened to our train, and this train is inherently unlucky..."

"Xiao Zhou, don't be so serious ma. I'm just going to drink a few sips to refresh my brain. I won't drink too much." Captain Wang took down a bottle of red wine from the dining cart pushed by Bai Leshui and opened the bottle on his own. He took a deep sip and said, "Happy!"

Bai Leshui:...

This is probably... a plot requirement?

An escape game is not good without some danger. Since the deputy captain said this, it means that it is normal for Captain Wang to drink. The broadcaster next to him still had a slightly stiff smile. Bai Leshui asked the deputy captain thoughtfully if he wanted some. The deputy captain waved his hands tremblingly, still feeling frightened. He glanced at Captain Wang from time to time and whispered advice.

Bai Leshui closed the door.

If the train derails, don't know if he can survive in this copy.

Probably... can ba.

It's okay, it's just a game.

Wait, he seems to have a fourth setting... Bai Leshui turned around and looked at the door behind him. After a moment of silence, he turned and left. Do whatever you want ba. It's not like he rushed to deliver the wine, it was snatched by the other party, it has nothing to do with him.

Bai Leshui pushed the dining cart back, and the broadcaster behind him said with a smile: "It will be evening soon. Remember, after dark, you have to invite distinguished guests to the restaurant for dinner."

Bai Leshui: "Okay, I know."

The moment he turned around, he seemed to see the broadcaster's smooth and fair face being rotten and dripping with dirty flesh and blood for a moment. Bai Leshui shivered in fright. He blinked and looked at the other partie carefully. The broadcaster became the original apparence again.

She smiled and asked, "What's wrong ma?"

Bai Leshui: "It's nothing, I was just thinking... what to do if there are guests who don't want to dine."

The broadcaster beamed, said: "Please try to let them all come out to eat. How can they miss the first day's banquet?"

Bai Leshui: "Oh."

"If you have any questions, you can ask your senior." The broadcaster added.

Senior. Bai Leshui thought of the attendant who kept stuffing things into the dining car and taught him.

Bai Leshui pushed the dining cart past the eight carriages, then passed the restaurant, bar, and chess and card room, and finally returned to their work carriage, but he didn't see the attendant anywhere, as if he had suddenly disappeared.

Bai Leshui wanted to call the other person's name, but then remembered that he didn't know his name at all. He only remembered that there was a line on the other person's badge: Chief attendant Gao——

Gao what?

Can't remember the words behind.

The job of ghost in the promotion dungeon is much more troublesome than expected.

Do you want to wait here until dark for dinner ma?


Box No. 6.

The three people in the room got into a fight again because of this mission.

"Okay, let's take a closer look at this mission." The muscular man said loudly, "We've all come here, we have to work hard to pass, don't come here to be abuse in vain. I'll go first, I saw in my package my ID card, work permit, and a bunch of... messy books, I couldn't understand."

The woman took the things in her hands and said, "These are financial magazines and newspapers. Your current job should be related to finance."

"So much bank cards, and a big stack of cash." Baby Face opened the man's package and let out a sigh of admiration after looking at it.

"It seems that your identity is that of a very rich man." The woman said. She rummaged through her package and took out a stack of photos. "And you and I's identity, should be very close."

"Well... it's intimate to a certain extent." Baby Face rummaged through the woman's package and found several packages of condoms and some sex toys.

The woman showed a disgusted expression: "So disgusting."

The man glanced at it: "This toy is pretty good."

The woman frowned: "We are here to do a mission. Please wake up, okay ma? If you guys want to use it, you can use it yourself. Don't involve me."

The man and the baby face looked at each other with disgusted expressions.

With him, don't joke.

"I'll speak first, there are four tasks I heard to pass the level. This time, we have to complete two of them to pass the level, or meet the special condition." The man said, "Stay alive, find out the hidden darkness, stop the person who wants to kill me, and get this train to the terminal. That's four. The additional term is here's a lawyer that I hate, make him disappear."

Woman: "My mission requirements are the same as yours. The difference is that the additional term is that my annoying brother is here, make him disappear."

Baby face: "My additional term is that I have my annoying sister here."

The woman and the baby face looked at each other in silence.

Brother, sister, very good, on spot.

The man banged the table angrily: "Just say that the promotion copy likes to mess with people, let you two kill each other to do what!"

Woman: "It's just that the additional term is gone, what does it count as."

Baby face nodded.

Man: "What the additional item is gone, the third item is gone too! What is the best way to prevent the other party from killing you? Eliminate the other party! Now it's good, you only have three items left. The additional items is gone a fart. "

The baby face whispered: "Then there are still three ne. If we survive and let this train reach the end, won't we be able to clear the level?"

Man: "If the promotion copy was really that easy, how can it be possible that the probability of passing the level is less than one tenth. The fourth requirement means that this train cannot reach the end without human intervention. What does it mean if a train cannot reach the end? If we think positively, it's just that we won't be able to reach it within fifteen days of delay. What if it's worse ne? What if the train derails? We can't even reach the first requirement of survival!"

After saying this, the woman and the baby face were both speechless. They had to admit that what the man said made sense.

This is the third promotion copy they have taken. Judging from the two previous failures, it is very likely to be true.

"We still don't know what will happen to this train? Do we want to take precautions ma?" Baby face asked.

Man: "How to prevent it? Hold the captain hostage? It's fine ba, I told you to save cards before coming again. We have nothing in hand now. Let's take it one step at a time ba. The most we can do is fail and just be laughed at by those guys in the alliance again."

Baby face lowered his head: "It's fine if it's just mockery."

The man glared at him, baby face lowered his head, and stopped talking.

Their alliance ranks well in the general alliance ranking. There are mostly intermediate players and some primary players. Occasionally, someone will go out to pick up a few newcomers with good qualifications and bring them back to train.

Among the alliance members, the three of them are old players. However, those at the same time as them have either left the alliance or have entered the intermediate level. There are even newer members who are in the intermediate level. Only three of them, can't go up no matter what.

It's good to just laugh at them, but if it continue like this, once the alliance goes one step further, they may be treated as trash, be kicked out of the alliance.

Baby face asked, "What now?"

The man replied impatiently: "Wait. We can sum up the cards in our hands first. This kind of copy will definitely have follow-up content, so let's follow and wacht first ba."

The woman and baby face nodded, took out their cards and added up the numbers together with the man.

Next door, room 5.

The man wearing glasses showed a fox-like sly smile, the [I'm eavesdropping o] card in his hand was frozen and put away.

"Three players, discovered." The bespectacled man crossed his legs, sat on the bed happily, and stretched, "It's really boring a. An intermediate dungeon, and I don't know where the blind date Xiao Ai found for me is. Such a low level ghost, must be playing the role of an NPC ba. Currently, there is only one NPC who appeared in front of me. He looks thin and small, the waist is very thin." Not bad, a bit satisfied, if the figure is similar to the original.

[It is detected that someone is using a card. The card is of coverage type. Do you want to fight back or let the other party use it?] A mechanical beep sounded in his ear.

That was the protective card that the man with glasses had already used when he entered the dungeon.

"Someone is using it so quickly a. It doesn't matter, let them come ba." Wu Xuanyuan said, "Don't defend, let him attack."

[Temporarily withdraw the card protection. Was attacked, time will be suspended. The protection will be restored after the attack is over.]

Wu Xuanyuan's movements were paused as the sound ended, he remained in a stretching posture.

In the aisle outside the box, Rong Zheng walked out of his box No. 1 while counting the time. He used the card [Your Time is Gone] to first take away the time of several targets around him.

Because he was concerned about the fourth clearance condition, he immediately went to the cockpit to see the captain. It was just a whim. Rong Zheng didn't think he would be lucky enough to find the clues to clear the fourth term as soon as he entered the game. As a result, standing next to the fixed broadcaster, looking inside through the small window on the door, Captain Wang, whose time had not been stopped in the cockpit, was driving while drinking happily. In the passenger seat next to him, a tall and thin man tried to persuade him in horror and helplessness.

Of the two people, none of them drove seriously.

Rong Zheng almost laughed angrily. Driving while intoxicated, managing to arrive to the terminal would be a fricking miracle ne.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Playing so big from the beginning a. Where did this wine come from? Why does it look so familiar?

Bai Leshui: If the train derails and everyone game over, can I get a lot of points?