Almost scared to pee

After decorating everything, the attendant tidied up his uniform, took Bai Leshui, and started knocking on the door of each room.

The actress in box No. 8 came out happily, holding only a simple handbag in her hand. She locked the door and went straight to the restaurant.

The middle-aged man in box No. 7 hesitated for a while before taking his son out. Box No. 6 took the most time. The man named Ma Letian promised to go to the restaurant for dinner, but he just had to wait for a while. Shan Qiaoqiao said that it didn't matter if she didn't eat dinner, she could lose weight. The baby-faced Kang Xingyu said nothing and only watched the two of them talking.

Unless these three people came out, the chief attendant naturally refused to leave. He stood at the door with a rigid smile and said politely: "It is already dinner time. Please go to the restaurant for dinner, guest." To this sentence, when Ma Letian said after a bit, he repeated it twice, with a nonchalant attitude.

The man hesitated and wanted to close the door, but the chief attendant took a step forward and repeated these words for the last time. The smile on his face gradually stiffened, the corners of his mouth were still raised, but his eyes didn't containt any smile.

The man who sensed something was wrong immediately said: "We will go out right away. Let's leave right now." After saying that, he picked up the bag on the table, collected some things casually, and called his two companions to leave.

In the game, try not to disobey an NPC, especially when the NPC is likely to be the BOSS. Otherwise, once the death condition is triggered, no one knows why they were eliminated, which would be the most unfair.

Seeing the three people locking the door in embarrassment and running to the restaurant, the chief attendant complained to Bai Leshui in a very natural manner: "Customers nowadays don't understand the rules at all. Remember, if you encounter guests who don't understand rules again, you need to teach them a little lesson, understood ma?"

Bai Leshui:...

Isn't the guest God ma?

That is a God who spent 50,000 yuan to buy the ticket ba.

Is it okay to treat God this way?

The guests at the back were more talkative than the three people in room 6. The elite man in room 5 left without saying a word. The couple in room 4 complained a few times about how late dinner time came. The frivolous man in room 3 winked at Bai Leshui before leaving. The nanny in room 2 wanted to refuse this time's dinner, but the old man said he wanted to come out for some air, so she had no choice but to go to the restaurant with the old man.

The man in room 1 had already been squatting at the door early, just waiting to go to dinner together.

Surprisingly, they didn't encounter many obstacles.

Bai Leshui, the chief attendant, and the man currently named Yuan Fangcheng from Room 1 went to the restaurant, where other guests were already sitting in their seats. Their names are plastered from the beginning to the end.

Some people were looking at the things on the plates on their own tables with confused expressions, while others were looking around to see the name tags on other people's tables, trying to write down the information about their names.

Rong Zheng walked past Bai Leshui, came to the seat of 'Yuan Fangcheng', and sat down generously. The man in room No. 5, whose identity he didn't guess at the first time, happened to be neighbor. His eyes glanced at the other person's table. Three words were clearly written on it: Qi Chengxun.

'Qi Chengxun' pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and gave Rong Zheng a malicious smile. He was obviously dressed like an elite, but now he looked like a ruffian.

Let Rong Zheng raise his eyebrows slightly.

The chief attendant stood at the front of the restaurant and clapped his hands happily: "Welcome everyone to board the d748 train. Tonight is the first night everyone will spend on the train. I hope everyone can spend it meaningfully. I am the chief attendant of this train. If you have any questions, you can always come to me, or the attendant next to me, Ren Si."

Qi Chengxun, who was wearing glasses, chuckled.

The chief attendant turned his head to look at him. Qi Chengxun immediately sat up straight and showed a serious attitude, indicating that he had done nothing just now.

The chief attendant continued: "In order to prevent travel from becoming boring, before starting to eat, let me tell you a little story as entertainment. This train was once used as a railway test train before it was remodeled. Everyone must know what a railway test train is ba."

The baby-faced Kang Xingyu asked Shan Qiaoqiao next door in a low voice: "What is a railway test train?"

Shan Qiaoqiao shook her head, and Ma Letian, who had worked on the railway, replied in a low voice: "So stupid. After a track is completed, you have to send an empty train a few times to test whether it is safe or not. Once the experiment show there's no problem, the track will be officially put into use. Sending empty trains to explore the situation is called explore the road."

"It's a pity, when eploring the road, the train flipped over the track." The chief attendant smiled while saying scary words, "Because no fault was found in the subsequent inspection, everything was regarded as an operational error by the captain, causing the train to derail. The captain of the railway test train resigned. The train was parked in a warehouse for two years due to side damage. It's really pitiful."

No one answered.

The chief attendant continued: "Later, the train for Sichuan was eliminated due to aging and wear. For a while, they couldn't find a replacement train, so they took the train out of the warehouse, repaired it a little and put it on the road."

"So do you know, what happened next ma?" The chief attendant asked with a smile.

Shan Qiaoqiao asked: "Derailed?"

The chief attendant did not answer, but still said with a stiff smile: "I said a lot of meaningless things and wasted a lot of everyone's time. Guests, please start eating ma. The exquisite food must be eaten as soon as possible. If you don't eat it, it will get cold."

The topic suddenly stopped here, making people feel like they couldn't get up or down. It felt like the next plot should be the truth they were looking for, but...

The NPC won't tell you the answer directly, so let's eat first ba.

Let's eat first...first...

Everyone looked down at what was on their plates.

Small steaks, baked snails in butter, and baked cookies are all fine for French cuisine, but what is that plate of red stuff with a strong fishy smell?

Blood ma? Is that blood ma!

To eat? Or to not eat?

Most guests held the tablewears with difficulties to start. Will they die if they don't eat? Will they die if they eat?

The players present were all players who had been cheated by the game many times. No one dared to act rashly and they were all observing others. For a moment, the entire audience was stagnant. For a whole minute, no one moved a spoon.

The smile on the attendant's face finally disappeared: "Why don't you eat ne?"

His voice trembled slightly.

Finally someone moved, it was the actress Angelina in a long skirt. She picked up the knife and fork first, cut the steak gracefully, put it into her mouth, and remembered to comment: "It tastes good."

"Really ma?" The chief attendant started to laugh, "I'm glad to receive your compliment. The head chef will be very happy."

Bai Leshui stood silently throughout the whole process. At this time, there was only one question in his mind: Where is that so-called head chef?

He didn't see one from beginning to end.

Someone started eating first, and others naturally followed suit. Of course, no one dared to touch the plate of strange red things.

Everyone was eating with their heads down, while Bai Leshui and the chief attendant stood at the front and watched quietly. It felt like... guards and prisoners who are being watched while they ate.

Everyone ate with gusto. Bai Leshui believed that what was on the plate was perfectly cooked and delicious, but he was not greedy at all.

First of all, he wasn't hungry, and secondly... the whole restaurant was filled with the nauseating smell of blood because of that plate of red stuff, he lost his appetite after smelling it.

Can eat so fragrantly and sweetly, it's really hard work for you all.

He felt a little nauseous anyway.

The restaurant was very quiet, only the slight sound of knives and forks hitting the plate was heard. Bai Leshui stood at the front and observed everyone openly. There are those who eat elegantly and gracefully, such as the actress, Yuan Fangcheng and that old man.

Some eat with a painful face, such as Shan Qiaoqiao and Kang Xingyu.

There were those who looked indifferent, such as the young couple, the middle-aged man, etc.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's son broke the silence. He pointed at the plate of red things and asked the middle-aged man: "Dad, can I drink this ma?"

The middle-aged man was silent.

Can it be drinked? How would he know?

Without raising his head, the middle-aged man knew that everyone's eyes were on his head. He said calmly: "Drink ba, it was served just for you to drink."

"Oh." The son picked up the plate and drank it all. A little red liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth and dripped on his clothes.

The man picked up the napkin and wiped his son clean. He watched his son put down the plate and asked, "How does it taste?"

The son pursed his lips: "It tastes weird. What is it made of a? It's so difficult to drink."

"Duck blood." The attendant said with a smile, "Isn't it said, eat what to make up for what ma?"

All guests:…

So, what to make up for?

With the son of a middle-aged man to start, someone dared to put a spoon into the red plate. Of course, with a good time of hesitation. Even if the attendant said it was duck blood, who knows whether it is really duck blood ne. In the end, there were still only a few people who really dared to drink.

The people who drank were Yuan Fangcheng in Room 1, the old man in Room 2, the woman in the couple in Room 4, Qi Chengxun in Room 5, and the child in Room 7. No one but them dared touch the red soup.

Among them, there were only three people who ate all the food in the soup, Yuan Fangcheng, Qi Chengxun, and the junior high school kid.

Everyone else had more or less food left over, especially the weird soup on the red plate, which was almost untouched.

The chief attendant watched the guests finish their meals and leave the restaurant one by one. He stared at the remaining food on the plate with a gloomy expression and said to Bai Leshui: "Ren Si, some guests are not full."

Bai Leshui: "Mmh."

The chief attendant pointed to the plate of red soup: "It was specially ordered to be cooked for them, but not many people appreciate it."

Bai Leshui: "Mmh."

The chief attendant smiled. He just stood in front of the table, but turned his head 180 degrees to look in the direction where people were leaving: "Ren Si, the guests who are not full need a midnight snack."

Bai Leshui, who saw the chief attendant's body facing him but with the back of his head, as he turned around:...

Dang it, almost scared to pee.

Fortunately, he had watched so many horror movies and was mentally prepared in advance, otherwise he would definitely jump up on the spot.

Don't be excited, think carefully, you are actually one of them.

A pei.

When going back this time, I will definitly have a good chat about life with Xiao Jiu.

"Ren Si, I'm going to talk to the head chef. She must be very sad after knowing that food was left. You can clean up this place." The chief attendant calmly turned his head back, returned to his normal appearance and said, "The well-fed guests need sleep tonight, we can't disturb them. Guests who haven't eaten enough need midnight snacks, I'll go find the head chef..."

The chief attendant just left talking to himself.

Bai Leshui was the only one left in the restaurant to clean up slowly. He glanced at the dining table, so the only people who could sleep well tonight were Yuan Fangcheng in Room 1, Qi Chengxun in Room 5, and the child in Room 7 ma? The middle-aged man in room 7 hasn't eaten all, so should he be disturb?

It would be great if everyone except the people in these three rooms were eliminated.

Bai Leshui felt that he should use the card to push these people.

For such a terrifying dungeon, going out early is also very good.

See how kind I am, you're welcome a.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: In this copy, the person who is most mentally challenged may not be players, but me.

I have to face colleagues who suddenly change to ghost face all the time.

  1. 启成勋
  2. 蹚道列车 (tāng dào lièchē)
    Didn't find an english word so I come up with this since it's pretty understandable.
  3. 蹚道
  4. Chinese province
  5. It's used to describe another idiom 进退两难 (jìn tuì liǎng nán) = without any way out of a dilemma
  6. Eating certain foods that look similar to human body organs can nourish the corresponding organs.