Who is the one who should be missing ne?

There were no casualties on the first night, which was of course impossible.

Angelina in Room 8 escaped by relying on a card to make the head chef think that no one was in the room. There were three people living in Room 6, so they helped each other and didn't fall victim to the attack.

The couple in room four also didn't open the door.

Only the frivolous man in room 3 lived alone and didn't drink any soup, so the head chef knocked on the door.

This person, who was half asleep, heard a familiar voice calling him, and actually thought he was still in the original world, so he got up and opened the door.

When he saw the dead head chef standing in front of him, he immediately let out a scream, followed by the sound of something falling.

People in several boxes heard the sound, no one came out curiously to see what happened to this man.

Most people carefully hid themselves under the quilt, anxiously hoping that this night would pass quickly.

The sound gradually became quieter and finally disappeared.

Everything returns to tranquility.

Nothing else happened that night.

Bai Leshui waited in Car No. 13 for a long time before the head chef came back, holding a head in his hand. Bai Leshui only glanced at it and quickly turned around, pretending to sort out the debris.

It's too realistic, he was a little scared.

Xiao Jiu said that after the promotion dungeon, there are no puppets to replace the corpses to reduce the psychological pressure of new players. Of course, it is still fake. The only pity is that he can no longer judge whether it is a player or an NPC through the corpse. Don't know if he has earned points by using the card this time.

...Why is there only one?

There were obviously so many people who didn't touch the bowl of soup, so how come only one got hit ne?


Early the next morning.

As an attendant, Bai Leshui naturally had to get up very early, literally get up from the bed. He got up from the bed he was lying on, that's all.

He stayed up all night because he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Won't feel hungry if don't eat, and won't feel thirsty if don't drink water. Bai Leshui truly realized that his current state was definitely not a living person.

Even if he doesn't sleep all night, he won't feel tired.

This feels quite new.

Before dawn, the chief attendant called Bai Leshui up, the two of them left the lounge to clean up.

The chief attendant carried a bucket and mop, gave it to Bai Leshui and said: "Be sure to clean up the aisle outside Box 3 before six o'clock in the morning. Don't let guests see the dirty scene."

Bai Leshui:...

Wait, where did you say need to be cleaned?

Box No. 3, aisle.

Should be the box of the guy who was eliminated late at night ba.

What does cleaning mean?

To wrap up last night's case?

"Why not doing it last night?" Bai Leshui asked.

There's only half an hour left before six o'clock, are you serious?

The chief attendant wondered: "How did I know that the aisle would be stained last night? And from 12 midnight to 5:30 in the morning, it is our rest time. I don't want to work during the rest time, no matter how much salary this position gives me."

Bai Leshui:...

I don't even know what sentence to complain about.

By the way, do we still have wages ma?

Who sent it?

The underworld ma?

Bai Leshui slowly followed the chief attendant to the aisle outside Box No. 3. After doing mental preparation for a long time, he slowly looked up. He expected to see a headless body lying on the ground, but he didn't expect to see only a bloody mess, but there were no corpse there.

"Huh?" Bai Leshui was startled.

"Don't be lazy, our time is very pressed." The chief attendant quickly wiped the blood stains on the floor and walls with a mop, "For example, the dirty things must be cleaned as soon as possible, and the windows must be opened to clear the air so as not to affect the guests' mood for breakfast."

Bai Leshui lowered his head and worked expressionlessly.

The mysterious disappearance of a guest, will definitely affect the mood for breakfast ba.

After changing the water back and forth several times, he finally managed to wipe the floor enough to see people. Bai Leshui's empty brain finally came back to his senses and remembered a crucial question: What are the ingredients for breakfast?

"Done." The chief attendant said, "Remove the things, we can call guests to get up and go have breakfast."

Bai Leshui nodded blankly and left box No. 3 with the bucket and mop.

Then, when he passed a man in the aisle outside Box 5, Bai Leshui's eyes widened in shock, he turned around suddenly.

The guest of box 3?

No, how is that possible.

Last night, he clearly saw the man's head being held in the hands of the head chef, and the large area of blood stains was definitely a fatal amount of blood loss.

So who is this?

...Forget it, whoever love to be.

He had to go and send the mop back first.


Rong Zheng didn't sleep all night, his intuition told him that something would happen at night.

From the moment he entered the dungeon, Rong Zheng discovered the malice hidden under the rules of the game.

In the past, in dungeons, players had always fought against plot characters to find ways to pass the level. This time it's just the opposite. The conditions for clearing the level seem to be closely related to the player's identity, although the second article still mentions the secrets hidden in the plot of the dungeon. However, the more it excessively avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, the more Rong Zheng felt that the most troublesome thing in this dungeon was instead the plot characters.

That bowl of soup for dinner is a start.

He dared to drink it, because he could tell the difference in taste between human blood and duck blood.

The chief attendant didn't lie. This was indeed duck blood, but it had not been processed much and had a strong fishy smell.

This dungeon wants to quietly raise knife and harvest one by one when players only care about each other's identity or even kill each other.

Sure enough, the unlucky man in a certain box was caught yesterday late at night. Judging the distance based on the sound transmitted, it should be box No. 3.

The sound only lasted for a while, then stopped abruptly.

After that, Rong Zheng waited until about four o'clock in the morning before he heard the slightest sound of someone moving.

Finally, there was silence until six o'clock in the morning, when cute Xiao Bai knocked on the door of his room and reminded him with a smile that it was time to have breakfast.

The first sight of his dear face after opening the door immediately cheered up his tired nerves.

Rong Zheng adjusted his clothes, slightly raised his lips and said, "Thank you for the reminder, sir."

Bai Leshui originally wanted to leave after knocking on the door, but after hearing his words, he glanced at him. Somehow, he always felt that this man's smile just now had a familiar... rogue temperament.

I'm overthinking this. This is a promotion dungeon. Ghosts upgrade speed is faster than players. There's no way that guy can come in.

Because he is too busy catching girl! ! !

Bai Leshui, who was suddenly frustrated again, gave a stiff smile, turned around and left.

Rong Zheng: ...Is he unhappy?

Could it be that someone was eliminated last night but he didn't get any points?

Or go to help?

But he hasn't understood the mechanism of this dungeon yet. If he acts rashly, not only will he not be able to help the other, but he may also endanger himself.

Let's go have breakfast with dear first ba.

Don't know where dear is having breakfast. If it's possible to eat together...

Rong Zheng paused and suddenly remembered that until now, he had never seen his dear and the chief attendant take even a sip of water.

The high-speed rail in the original world, being an attendant is a very hard job. When eating, you had to avoid meal times, just pick up some food, find a corner and squat down, finish it within fifteen minutes, then continue to work. People rarely see them eating and drinking normally.

But on such a luxury train, because there are very few passengers, attendants should have enough rest time. So where does dear get his three meals a day?

Rong Zheng was suddenly curious.

In the restaurant.

Everyone has already taken their seats. Rong Zheng, who is in Box No. 1, is naturally the last one to be reminded. Naturally, he is also the last one to arrive at the restaurant. When he arrived at the restaurant, he found that the atmosphere in the restaurant was very wrong.

It was too solemn, no one spoke or even breathed heavily. Everyone lowered their heads and looked at the breakfast on their own table, but in fact they were quietly observing the people around them.

Especially after seeing Rong Zheng enter the restaurant, many people's expressions became even more gloomy.

The reason is simple: there are too many people.

The number of people who came for breakfast today is the same as the number of people who came to eat last night. No one more, no one less.

So whose screams were heard last night?

Could it be that they were in a daze and hallucinating ma?

Rong Zheng looked around at everyone's faces and sat down expressionlessly. When he saw what was on the table, his expression froze slightly, revealing a slightly incredulous expression.

Small bowl of rice, small bowl of stewed meat, meatball soup, steamed egg with minced meat.

Too much meat.

No breakfast from anywhere else will have such greasy food.

Let Rong Zheng think of last night's screams.

Just like last night, no one moved their chopsticks first.

"Today's number of people is really complete." The chief attendant and Bai Leshui were still standing in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The chief attendant smiled and said, "Today's breakfast is prepared by the head chef for everyone. Please enjoy."

After saying that, he nodded to Bai Leshui and motioned to follow him.

Bai Leshui bowed to several guests, followed the chief attendant, and slammed the door when he walked out of the restaurant. Only when he closed the door, his fingers trembled slightly.

There's no way a, because he saw it. The guest from box 3 made a ghost face from time to time. But no one seemed to see it except him.

One of the guests was replaced by a ghost.

Or the guest becomes a ghost after death.

Who knows what the situation is, anyway... please wish you all to rely on yourself to seek blessing ba.

The moment the restaurant door was closed, several people started whispering in low voices.

Shan Qiaoqiao was the first to speak. She tried her best to lower her voice and asked the man next to her: "What to do? Should we eat it or not?" This breakfast looked very wrong a.

Ma Letian's head is still hurting now. He rubbed the bag on his head and whispered: "Don't eat, labor and management's head is dizzy ne."

Kang Xingyu apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

"You're not wrong." Shan Qiaoqiao said, "If it weren't for you, he would have..." Her words stopped abruptly, she looked at the people around her, and said nothing.

Of course, Ma Letian wouldn't blame Kang Xingyu. Anyway, the injuries he suffered in the game would not be brought to the parallel world. He also knew what Shan Qiaoqiao meant. If it weren't for Kang Xingyu, he would have been eliminated by now.

But since he has not been eliminated, and the people coming to eat is so complete, who is the one who should be missing ?

It's okay if there is no shortage. If someone is really missing and replaced by something, if that person happens to be the target of his mission, can he still complete his mission ne?

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: So exciting, I can't stand it.

  1. The meaning should be 'whoever it is, it has nothing to do with me'
  2. Polite
  3. 自求多福 (zì qiú duō fú) = fend for oneself