Is it too late for her to turn around and run?

Once upon a time, there was a little devil who deceived two people in exchange for two bottles of wine. One was used to drink, the other was exchanged for three catties of grapes...

Bai Leshui was holding the wine in one hand and the grapes he had exchanged for a bottle of wine in the other hand. Feeling happy, he hummed a tune in a low voice and left the ghost market. After leaving the candle-lit ghost market and entering the dark world, Bai Leshui's figure gradually changed, from a blood-stained girl in blue jacket skirt to a young attendant wearing a dark blue uniform.

In fact, he still wants to visit the ghost market more. If possible, he hopes to kick out all the players at the same time. He wouldn't have to go to the subsequent stations, he can directly clear the level and leave the instance. But after hearing the words of the little old man in the wine shop, because he was worried about time, Bai Leshui just walked around casually. When he didn't meet other players, he gave up and left with the loots.

You have to understand to stop before going to far. There is still plenty of time anyway, so there is no need to rush.

After returning to the train and knocking on the door, the chief attendant immediately opened the door and let Bai Leshui in.

"You came back so early." The chief attendant said in surprise. He looked at the things Bai Leshui was carrying and sniffed, "Monkey wine, good stuff. How did you get it?"

Bai Leshui: "In exchange for something."

The chief attendant smiled and did not ask any further questions. He just kept glancing at the wine in Bai Leshui's hand with a little desire in his eyes.

The wine bottle is a large porcelain bottle. The wine brewed by the little old man himself is naturally not sealed with plastic wrap. He just uses ordinary white cloth and cork to block the mouth of the bottle. Bai Leshui held the wine and whispered: "Want to taste ma?"

The chief attendant was moved by this, but he said: "It's not good ba, if the drink you brought is less, be careful of him giving you small shoes to wear."

"One or two mouthfuls won't reveal anything." Bai Leshui said nonchalantly.

Still wearing small shoes, for which reason? It would be nice to just give him a drink for free. This was still all because Captain Wang could allow himself to leave the train and go to the mystery station.

The chief attendant raised an eyebrow at Bai Leshui and smiled, then took the bottle and said, "I'm just going to have a sip." After saying that, he didn't even take a cup, he opened the bottle and took a few sips at the mouth of the bottle, tasted the taste, then handed it over to Bai Leshui: "It's really good. Do you want to try it too?"

Bai Leshui shook his head.

"Right, I remember you don't drink." The chief attendant said with emotion, "You are the only one here who never touch a drop of alcohol."

Bai Leshui didn't say anything. He didn't know whether this was because the dungeon had given him an insignificant setting. But it's true that he didn't like drinking in the first place. Of course, he know how to drink. As someone who will be involved in the entertainment industry in the future, all kinds of social interactions are indispensable, so it is impossible not to drink.

Now there is no need to force himself to drink.

But there's also no the opportunity to shine in the entertainment industry, Bai Leshui didn't know whether he should be grateful or sad.

The chief attendant put down the wine bottle, pinched a grape and stuffed it into his mouth: "Ren Si, I remember you are not married yet ba. Men who don't drink are popular with women o. It's a pity that the attendant's job is not very good. After you save some money in the future, try to find a way to change job ba. This job is too tiring."

Bai Leshui: "Still fine."

"Where is it fine a." The chief attendant sneered, "I am the chief attendant now, my salary is higher. An attendat like you earns seven to eight thousand a month ba, morever following the tain every time is very tiring. On the surface, you work 15 days works and 15 days off, in fact, don't they try to deduct your vacation time ma, even though overtime pay was given. Look, who is taking more days off?"

Bai Lexui: ... Let's not talk about who is resting. Aren't us two the only ones working ma? The rest have no appearance and basically don't come out.

"It's better to do this job if you are younger. You won't be able to persist when you are older." The chief attendant lowered his voice and whispered in Bai Leshui's ear, "And with the driver's virtue, you never know when something will happen ne. Wouldn't that mean that we would never be able to leave then?"

When the chief attendant said this, his eyes gradually turned blood red, his face gradually began to rot, exuding a strange stench, and blood flowed down from his head, dripping on his clothes.

"Why don't you speak?" The chief attendant , who had turned into a corpse, tilted his head and looked at the person in front of him.

Bai Leshui froze on the spot, he summon his courage to answer: "I will consider it."

"Well..." the chief attendant nodded, "After you deliver the things, take a rest ba. I'll call you when the passengers come back. Get some more sleep."

Bai Leshui nodded mechanically.

Satisfied, the chief attendant turned and left, his appearance gradually becoming normal.

Bai Leshui:...

It scared me into a cold sweat.

Go back and watch more horror movies ba, the heart is still a little fragile. Bai Leshui carried the wine and grapes and thought as he walked to the cab.

The broadcaster was still sitting there motionless with a smile. When Bai Leshui passed by her, the girl didn't even raise her head. Bai Leshui observed her, this broadcaster never blinked.

Scary, let's still not think about it.

Bai Leshui knocked on the door, then found that the cab door was open. When he walked in, he found Captain Wang sleeping soundly in the driver's seat, morever the deputy captain Xiao Zhou's hand was placed on Captain Wang's chest.

Bai Leshui:...

What kind of hooligan are you trying to do to an old man in his fifties!

Above, was Bai Leshui's first thought.

Xiao Zhou noticed Bai Leshui immediately. He hurriedly took his hand back and sat back awkwardly in his seat: "Why did you come?"

"The wine and fruits you asked me to buy before." Bai Leshui raised the things in his hands.

"Oh. Put it there ba." Xiao Zhou pointed casually, "He will see it when he wakes up."

"Okay." Bai Leshui put down according to his words and kept looking at Xiao Zhou. Keep looking until Xiao Zhou started to sweat on his forehead.

"Is there anything else ma?" Xiao Zhou's voice trembled slightly.

Bai Leshui: "No, I was just wondering, if you would like me to bring you a bottle of water."

"No need." Xiao Zhou shook his head, "I'm not thirsty, or hungry."

Bai Leshui: "Oh."

"Do you know ma?" Xiao Zhou said, "Maybe I have been a little too focused these days ba. I haven't felt hungry since I entered the cab. In fact, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon."

Bai Leshui nodded. He didn't think this was a strange thing. Since entering the dungeon, he and the chief attendant had neither eaten nor drank anything.

The chief attendant just drank some wine and ate a grape. But it was obviously because he wanted to eat, not because he was hungry.

There is no sense of hunger, which is natural for them as they are no longer alive a.

"I've been very uneasy these days. I always feel like something will happen." Xiao Zhou continued, "Before this train started running, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that we had an accident, then..."

Xiao Zhou shuddered: "That dream was very scary. Later, I found that the coincidence rate between the dream and reality was too high. I thought it was a prediction, but now... I'm not so afraid."

Bai Leshui: "Why?"

"Because we passed the first mystery station a." Xiao Zhou smiled at Bai Leshui, "In the dream, we didn't even reach the first station. Train accidents started happening frequently. On the first night there were people...but now, nothing happened."

Bai Leshui was silent.

"Sure enough, the dream is just a dream, right ba." Xiao Zhou looked at Bai Leshui, his expression was filled with fear but also hope, he wanted Bai Leshui to give him a positive answer so that he could feel completely at ease.

Bai Leshui nodded as he wished: "Yes. That was just a dream."

Xiao Zhou breathed a big sigh of relief and turned to look at Captain Wang, who was still sleeping: "Then what happened in the dream, is probably not true ba."

Bai Leshui: "What?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Zhou laughed loudly, "You can go back. Attendants can not stay in the cab for a long time, not even during rest time."

"Okay." The deputy captain said so, so Bai Leshui naturally had no choice but to agree. He opened the door and walked to the lounge, recalling what Xiao Zhou said in his mind.


No, that should be what happened in the story setting.

It's just that Xiao Zhou, who is now dead but sees himself as a living person, regards his memory as a dream.

Not only Xiao Zhou and the chief attendant, but also the staff on this train, including himself, should all be dead.

This train also came back from the underworld, something that should not exist in reality.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the scene he saw when he just entered.

Thinking back carefully, he thought that Xiao Zhou was playing tricks on Captain Wang, and thought it was a bit strange that a man in his thirties could covet a fat and old man in his fifties. Thinking about it now, Xiao Zhou stretched out his hands, not to touch his chest but to strangle his neck. It's just that Bai Leshui couldn't see it from behind Captain Wang, so he intuitively thought wrongly.

Want to go back and have a look ma?

Bai Lexui thought about it for a while then gave up.

If he is strangled to death, he will be strangled to death ba. This is the plot. He is not a player and has no interest in participating in the plot.

The deputy captain also has the ability and qualifications to drive a train, he is not afraid that the train will not run. can a dead guy die again?

Thinking this, he felt relaxed, Bai Leshui hummed a little tune and walked forward.

Don't know what's going on in the ghost market's side, if any of them have been eliminated.


Shan Qiaoqiao was about to cry.

The previous promotion dungeons were difficult, it was easy to be eliminated, but it was so satisfying when being eliminated! Unlike now, how far did she run? Is it 10,000 meters ma? Still in the state of running wildly at great speed.

Both legs are going to be useless!

Even if she doesn't feel any pain after returning, she will definitely stay in bed for two months without moving!

Just to get rid of this psychological shadow!

The white-clothed ghost behind her was still chasing her leisurely, like a cat chasing a mouse, not in a hurry to hunt, but just teasing Shan Qiaoqiao. Even if Shan Qiaoqiao knew that she had become a toy and clearing the level was like a carrot dangled in front of her face, she would not give up as long as there was even the slightest chance.

Once promoted, never dropped.

No matter how painful it is to play intermediate dungeons, you will never fall to the primary dungeon because you lose too many times.

So, she fought hard.

It would be great if they could find other players and try to lure the monsters there. Even if they couldn't be lured away, Shan Qiaoqiao would do it as long as she could create a slight chance of escape for herself.

Soon her expectation was realized. Shan Qiaoqiao saw a familiar figure, who was also a passenger on the train, and might even be the player.

And it's not just one people, it's two people.

That feeling, is just like someone who has stayed up all night and finally waited for the dawn.

Shan Qiaoqiao rushed over with the white-clothed ghost behind her. When she got closer, she realized that there was a bigger monster hidden behind the dawn.

Rong Zheng and Qi Chengxun also saw Shan Qiaoqiao. Of course, the old man who was originally the little old man in the wine shop, now turned into a sharp-mouthed monkey old monster, also saw it.

Shan Qiaoqiao immediately came face to face with the thick-haired devil's face. At first glance, she knew it was more sinister than the one behind her, she almost choked on her breath.

Is it too late for her to turn around and run ma?

The author has something to say:

Shan Qiaoqiao: Sit and wait for the lunch box.

  1. 1 catty = 0,5 kg
    3 catties = 1,5 kg
  2. To make life difficult
  3. 907~1037 euros
    984~1125 USD