Blind date? ? ! !

The restaurant has become a gathering place for all players. Even if there is no meal, everyone is still sitting in their seats and listening to the chief attendant's speech. They look as honest as a primary school student listening to their teacher.

The chief attendant stood at the front, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed at all. He looked around everyone and said meaningfully: "Everyone has gained a lot, and the trip is worthwhile. But the most important thing is, I'm glad you're all back." He bites the last few words very hard, meaning something.

No one spoke.

The chief attendant didn't feel embarrassed and continued: "Everyone has worked hard all night. Today you have free time to move around. If you are tired, you can go back to the box to rest. If you are hungry, you can come to the restaurant. Pastries and fruits will be replenished here later. You can help yourself to whatever you want. Or go somewhere else to kill your time. Everything is free to do until dawn tomorrow morning."

"I hope to see everyone here tomorrow morning." said the chief attendant.

Bai Leshui glanced at the chief attendant.

The meaning behind this sentence is a bit deep if you think about it carefully.

"If you have business, you can find to attendant Ren Si to talk." said the chief attendant.

Bai Leshui smiled and bowed to the passengers in front of him.

Still no one responded, the restaurant has a dead atmosphere.

"That's it." After the chief attendant finish saying, he took Bai Leshui and left.

As soon as the two left, there was finally a sound in the originally silent restaurant.

"Go ba, I'm tired after walking around for so long." The old man in Room 2 stood up and said to the nanny beside him.

The nanny nodded. She took out her handkerchief and wiped the untouched table in front of her. Then she got up and left with the old man. When leaving the restaurant, Rong Zheng, who was sitting at the front, heard the nanny start to hum a strange tune.

Qi Chengxun stood up and said, "So tired a. I'm going back to rest too."

Rong Zheng followed immediately and left the restaurant with Qi Chengxun, watching everyone closely.

Angelina in Room 8 sat in her seat and hesitated for a while, deciding that there should be nothing wrong this time. She really should rest. She was exhausted from getting that little thing last night. Hunger and exhaustion are real in the game copy. If it weren't for her mental perseverance, she would have been unable to fight long ago.

The young couple in Room 4 and the man in Room 3 also left the restaurant. Soon, only the three people in Room 6 and the father and son in Room 7 were left here.

"We should also go back and rest ba." Kang Xingyu whispered to Ma Letian, "I'm exhausted after running around for half the night."

Ma Letian nodded, lowered his voice and asked, "Fortunately, that guy suddenly disappeared last night. How was you guys' side doing?"

Kang Xingyu: "Me too. I nearly couldn't run anymore. I was almost caught by that guy. Don't know what happened, but the ghost suddenly disappeared like smoke." After saying that, he looked at Shan Qiaoqiao: "Was your side also like this?"

'Shan Qiaoqiao' was lying on the chair, half asleep and half awake. After hearing Kang Xingyu's question, she raised her head: "Huh?"

Kang Xingyu: "I mean, how was your side doing?"

"How's it doing?" Shan Qiaoqiao raised the corners of her mouth and said with a grin, "Very smoothly a." The corners of her mouth grinned, revealing her white teeth and red gums.

Kang Xingyu stared: "Smoothly? That only..."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Letian stretched out a hand and patted Kang Xingyu's shoulder with great strength. When Kang Xingyu turned to look at him, Ma Letian shook his head at him.

Kang Xingyu was stunned for a while, then suddenly realized something and broke out in a cold sweat.

"What's wrong?" 'Shan Qiaoqiao' leaned over and whispered into Kang Xingyu's ear, "Do you have anything to say?"

Kang Xingyu swallowed, turned around and saw Shan Qiaoqiao's dark eyes, and opened his mouth: "I want to say... you came back very late last night."

"Oh." Shan Qiaoqiao sat back, "I came back late because of an accident."

Kang Xingyu smiled and nodded: "That's way a." Then he didn't dare to talk to her.

Who knows whether the person in front of her, or is it ne.

After a moment of silence, Ma Letian suddenly said, "Where are the pearl earrings I gave you before?"

"Huh?" 'Shan Qiaoqiao' touched her ear, "Maybe it was accidentally lost while walking ba."

Ma Letian felt a chill on his back: "Ah, lost is just lost ba. It's not worth anything anyway."

'Shan Qiaoqiao' smiled: "Well, lost is just lost ba. It's been used anyway."

Ma Letian no longer dared to look at her.

With one teammate less, Ma Letian and Kang Xingyu felt heavy at this time. At the same time, they began to worry about themselves. Now there was a monster pretending to be their teammate among them. Is it a safe choice to go back to sleep ma?

Is it possible to expose the other party ma?

Or find an excuse to stay somewhere else? But if they always don't return to the box, something will definitely happen ba.

Ma Letian and Kang Xingyu entered a dilemma.

If these two people were only worried about themselves, the middle-aged man in Room 7 was already frightened to the point of almost fainting.

Although everyone's identity has been changed after entering the dungeon, their faces will remain their original appearance unless they use cards.

The middle-aged man's current face is his original face. He is already forty years old, no longer young.

Why was he chosen for the crossing, the middle-aged man didn't understand. He has a daughter who is in junior high school. Recently, she has been talking about crossing over novels. This type of subject is also very popular in TV series now. Of course, this doesn't matter to him as an ordinary employee. Who would have thought that he could catch up with a trend at such an old age ne.

At such an old age, his physical condition has passed its peak and is declining. Although he hasn't contracted the third hyper, his legs obviously hurt after walking for a long time, and his back hurts after standing for a long time.

When he was young, he worked too hard for his future and was overdrawn.

But now, he happened to travel to this ghost world to do some damn mission. Of course, the money came so easily that he was stunned, but he was old and had no ambitions. He just wanted to go home.

It's so hard to make money to go back home.

After stumbling for so long, the middle-aged man finally made it to the promotion dungeon. In order to earn more game coins, he studied various strategy materials and notes compiled online, and also calculated the amount of game coins earned and spent.

Finally, he decided that if he wanted to go home, he had to go to the advanced dungeon.

After being promoted twice, never falling out of rank, and slowly brush copies, according to his estimation, as long as the game currency is carefully calculated, if he is lucky, he can save enough in three years at the fastest, and about ten years at the slowest.

It sounds far away, but at least there is a goal.

Therefore, he must advance this time.

No matter what the means.

The child next to him smiled and played with the doll's clothes. He gradually became dissatisfied and tugged on the middle-aged man's clothes: "Dad, can you give me the doll ma? I want to change the clothes for the doll."

The middle-aged man shuddered, looked carefully at the grinning boy beside him, handed over the doll in his hand.

The child was about the same age as his daughter.

Now that a core has been changed inside, it looks more like his daughter.

However, his daughter has not played with dolls for many years.

A child in junior high school has just begun to have a love interest. She has long since stop to play whatever house and calls herself mom while holding a doll. She has learned to focus on the outstanding boys in her class, pass notes around the class, and laugh and joke around.

This boy has a good appearance and should be the type that will be popular with girls.

However, he set a trap and killed the child.

Players cannot attack NPCs directly, but they can set traps. It just so happens that this child listens to his father very much and goes wherever he is told and does whatever he is told.

Everything is so easy.

No, this is not a child, this is just an NPC.

However, the blood and mutilated limbs were all so real.

No, this is just a game setting, I did the most right thing.

However, he watched helplessly as the child cried 'dad to save me'.

The middle-aged man clasped his hands with fear in his eyes.

What he was afraid of was not whether he could pass the game. What he was afraid of was whether he, who had done such a thing even if he returned to his original world, would be able to hold his head high and behave as before ma.

He didn't dare to look at the child next to him.

Putting mental pressure and shackles on you is the scariest part of this game.

However, all this is his own choice. If he loses, he will just challenge again after a while. The game does not ask him to do this, so the middle-aged man cannot blame others.

"Dad, are you sad ma?" the child whispered in the middle-aged man's ear, "because you gave me ,this child's life?"

The middle-aged man looked at him with wide eyes.

The child chuckled: "If you really blame yourself, why don't you go too ba, how about it?"

There are a bunch of friends waiting for you ne.

Come a.

Come to the world of death.


Rong Zheng and Qi Chengxun walked forward side by side. Of course, the first one to arrive was Qi Chengxun's box No. 5. After Qi Chengxun opened the door, he saw Rong Zheng staring at him and said, "Want to come in as a guest ma? I don't mind you coming to disturb."

Rong Zheng: "No need."

Watching Rong Zheng leave, Qi Chengxun sneered, closed the door and lay on the bed.

Rong Zheng only reached box No. 4 and stopped. He did not continue forward, but stood at the connection between the two carriages, using the half-open door to block his figure, and hid there to observe.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, he saw Ren Si in blue uniform walking over. He took a cursory glance around, after seeing no one in sight, he lightly knocked on the door of Box 5.

The door opened, Qi Chengxun smiled at Bai Leshui, pulled the person into the box, and locked the door again.

Rong Zheng, who has seen all this:...

He originally thought that this guy would make some small moves, but he didn't expect... this move was not small at all!

What are you going to do to my (future) wife! ! !

At this moment, Rong Zheng felt that the top of his head... not right, he hadn't gotten his wife yet.

This is not about being green, this is about being taken advantage of!

Rong Zheng walked out from where he was hiding and walked forward angrily. He was about to kick open the door of the box when he raised his foot and stopped. Sadly, he found that he had no words to say after he entered.

No position!

He didn't even dare to reveal his identity!

Rong Zheng put down his feet timidly. He knew that nothing would happen between the two of them, but Rong Zheng was very concerned about their conversation and intuitively believed that it was very important.

Suddenly he remembered that the mall could be opened in the dungeon to buy cards directly. There should be eavesdropping cards. It didn't matter even if he was heavily in debt. He didn't have to worry if he had too many debts and he wasn't afraid of having too many lice.

Returning to his box unhappily, Rong Zheng directly purchased a blue card that can only be used once. There was an additional debt on his account. After the place of use was confirmed to be Box No. 5, Rong Zheng heard the voice from box No. 5, and the first words were Bai Leshui's words.

"How did you know my system number?" Bai Leshui asked.

"A straight ball from the start a." Qi Chengxun sighed, "You said it too quickly. Wait, I have to set up a shield first."

Bai Leshui: "Huh?"

Qi Chengxun took out a card: "I'm just worried about being eavesdropped, I can't let others know what I say next. Although I think in this copy those who can afford that kind of card, there are very few who are even willing to use it. But... there are exceptions to everything."

Rong Zheng, who is eavesdropping:!

Qi Chengxun paused before using the card and showed a wicked smile: "Before that, I have something to say clearly."

Bai Leshui:?

Rong Zheng:...

"It's about us being on a blind date." After Qi Chengxun finished speaking, he directly used the shielding card. There was silence in Rong Zheng's ears, he couldn't hear anything.

Now it didn't matter whether he heard it or not, Rong Zheng just felt like he was going to explode.

Blind date? ? ?

Blind date! ! !

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: You did it on purpose, right ba.

Qi Chengxun: Heihei.

Bai Leshui: Aren't you afraid of being discovered ùa?

Qi Chengxun: What ghost has never failed in a dungeon a? It's nothing more than being discovered. It's embarrassing at most. Compared to this, being able to piss him off makes me more satisfied!

Bai Leshui:...

What kind of grudge it is?

  1. General term for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.
  2. Having the top of the head green mean to be cheated on.