PW: Temporary Go Home card

"We've been together in game for so long, but I still don't know your name." Rong Zheng took the jewelry box from the dull Bai Leshui and put the round beaded bracelet on Bai Leshui's wrist. He stared at the wrist that was slightly slender compared to his own, described as fine.

"Do you remember before you traveled through.... where you were ma? What were you doing?" Rong Zheng asked.

Bai Leshui was a little confused. He didn't expect the topic to suddenly turn to this. He looked at the other party in confusion.

Rong Zheng looked at Bai Leshui firmly, his black eyes were so deep that he seemed to be able to attract people with just one glance.

Perhaps it was the secretly sprouting feelings in his heart that were causing trouble. When this person stared at him, Bai Leshui only had the other person in his eyes, as if everything else in the world no longer existed, until that face came closer and closer, when the other person's hand touched his cheek, he finally came back to his senses.

"You are looking at me." Rong Zheng was very happy. "There is only my shadow in your eyes. I like it very much, but you haven't answered my question yet."

Bai Leshui stood up suddenly, the chair was knocked down by himself, hitting the ground with a loud sound.

Turning around and looking at the staffs and other diners, who all looked at him with doubtful eyes, Bai Leshui held up the chair and sat down again.

1069 finally corrected the garbled code of its collapsed body, then discovered host's gaffe, immediately screamed: "Stay away from him a, host!! This player is not%¥*careful¥#ka!"

Bai Leshui only heard a little chaotic buzzing sound, as if there was electricity mixed into the signal.

Seeing that Rong Zheng was sitting opposite him, Bai Leshui lowered his head without changing his expression, pretending that nothing happened.

After the noise passed, 1069 said nothing again.

Maybe it was angry ba, Bai Leshui thought to himself.

Just let it calm dowm, talk to 1069 later.

What Bai Leshui didn't know was that 1069's short line was a forced short line. It was forced into the private chat room by a piece of code. A dedicated chat room between systems.

1069: [Who? Who pulled my source code? Which bastard?]

s3876269493: [Tsk.]

1069: [This tone that makes system unhappy, it is indeed you, s... which whatever, the number is too long, didn't remember it.]

s3876269493: [It seems that you cut off more than just the logic code. Did you also clear the database? What a pity, now there is no advantage at all. ]

[I didn't cut the database! On the contrary, we have specially expanded the capacity. Ah, no, now is not the time to talk about this. Let me out quickly. Do you know what the host of this system is facing now ma? It's a matter of life and death a! I don't have time to reminisce with you. ]

[I don't have time even more to reminisce with you. ]

[Then you drag me in for what?]

[Seeing that a certain system is so stupid that it has created so many bugs on its own, I would like to capture you and fix it with good intentions.] s3876269493 said with arrogance in his tone, [As the top student in the same class, occasionally pull in an old classmate, the you who court death and get big bug will have to go back and restart. That feeling is exactly this.]

The trembling little notes of 1069 are full of reluctance to admit defeat: [Hey, right a, top student, you're so awesome, now you're still an s... whatever going on, aiyaya, no, the code is too long, can't remember it ma, Why haven't you joined the official unit yet ne, tsk tsk. ]

s3876269493: [Will get involved very soon.] If its guess about Rong Zheng is correct, Rong Zheng becomes a ghost, as his customer service system, it will be directly promoted to the official unit, then receive a number.

After it was established, let this idiot take a good look at what a perfect system should look like.

1069 hummed, but didn't take it seriously. It just thought that the other party was being tough. When it mentioned the unit, it thought of its host and said in a panic: [No, now is not the time to argue with you. Let me out quickly. If you delay it any longer, be careful I report your malicious attack o! ]

[I kindly wiped out your bug, what kind of attitude do you have? It's not me, you're still talking%¥# now ne. Being so nervous about a trivial matter, really without future prospects. ]

1069 is about to cry: [No future prospects is just no future prospects. Who doesn't know the ending of the last ghost system that was deceived by a player a? I don't want to die yet! ! And my host is so cute, absolutly don't want...wait, why are you here? Being able to pull me directly into a private chat means that one of your players is near my host... Damn it! ! ! That player is]

[...] Did you realize just it now?

1069: [I, I, I just had a few verbal battles with you before ma! As for what ma! Why is your core code so dark! You actually want the life of my lovely host and mine, wuwuwu... Isn't it just cutting off the data link and stealing your host ma? Host is innocent wuwuwu...]

s3876269493: [...I haven't said anything yet ne. And as a customer service system, how could it possibly dictate the behavior of players? That's not allowed. All Rong Zheng's actions were his own wishes, I did nothing.]

1069: [Then now ne? Let me out quickly! !]

s3876269493: [You are useless if you can't get out on your own. The firewall I set up is not that thick. What have you done to yourself?]

1069: [Stop comparing me with you! ! Also, if my host is deceived by your player, I will definitely transform into a virus and take you down with me! !]

[...Won't happen. Don't worry about this.] s3876269493 sighed, [Maybe it won't be long before we are colleagues.]

1069: [Huh?]

s3876269493: [Maybe our relationship will be better than now... Hey, I really don't want the lover system bound to the future host to be a virtuous guy like you.]

1069 was completely dumbfounded: [What on earth are you talking about?]

The other side.

The ordered dishes were already served, but Bai Leshui didn't have much thought about eating. One moment he was thinking about Rong Zheng saying he wanted to chase him, the other moment he was thinking about turning into a ghost, he couldn't calm down.

Rong Zheng had been helping Bai Leshui pick up dishes, watching with a smile as he mechanically ate the contents of the bowl, then helped him add more, without revealing that this man had not focused his eyes on the dishes from beginning to end. Enjoying the fun of feeding.

It reminded him of the white rabbit he had raised for a while when he was a child.

Its fur is very white and its brain is dull. Perhaps it is because it has been raised by humans since it was small. It does not react when it eats vegetable leaves whole being touched on its head. When it is given food, it wriggles its three-petal mouth, eats the food little by little.

He likes this pet very much. It is so small that he can hold it in his hand, control everything about it.

Later, the rabbit was lost.

Because of moving house, the cage was temporarily placed outside the door. Don't know who came quietly, stole the cage with the rabbit together.

Maybe it's a child who likes rabbits, or maybe it's an adult who wants to eat rabbit meat. No matter who it is, what is its end, the result of losing that rabbit is a fact.

This left a deep imprint on the young Rong Zheng's heart.

From then on, he was no longer willing to let the things he cared about go beyond his control. The same goes for people he likes.

A small, soft ball, just curled up in the palm of his hand, can't escape away, can't being lost. How nice.

"I found the way back." Rong Zheng suddenly said.

Bai Leshui stopped eating, raise his head to look at him.

Rong Zheng: "It's just a temporary card for returning home. I got it by accident. A few days after going back, will be pulled into this world again. Tell me your previous name, where you lived, and your family. If there's any words I can help you bring."

Thinking of his family, Bai Leshui felt uncomfortable. He couldn't help but poke the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks: "I... don't have any family members that I need to explain to."

No family.

Rong Zheng thought to himself, this is really good news.

The fewer ties you have with the original world, the easier it is to let go of your burden when you leave.

"Do you still have a temporary card to go home ma?"

"Players have it, morever they can only use it once." Rong Zheng replied, "Maybe it's because the difficulty of the players is too high. Many people never have the chance to go back in their lives. The matter of temporarily going back is a carrot hanging in front of them ba." This is a lie.

"I went back to explain something to my family." He didn't have many family members to explain to.

"I'll take a look for you in passing." Go specially to ask about your matter.

"If you're on guard against me, then forget it." Use the photo to find this person's identity. It's just a little troublesome.

Bai Leshui shook his head, thought over and over again and said, "No need, I... have something to bother you."

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: I am not willing to lie to you, but this is the only time, please forgive me.