RW: Vegetative state

Knowing Bai Leshui's name, the city where he lived, and his parents, it was easy for Rong Zheng to investigate other information.

Rong Zheng followed his own ideas, spent two days investigating everything about Bai Leshui from his birth to his crossing.

When he was born, he lived and was treated like a prince, then he was thrown away like garbage. Finally, he was alone, admitted to an acting school, and lived alone in a big city.

Not only that, but the hospital where Bai Leshui is currently located is also clear.

That's right, hospital. At present, Bai Leshui's body is not dead yet, but has fallen into a vegetative state.

Rong Zheng first went to Bai Leshui's school. Bai Leshui had a dormitory at the school. Although he had his own property not far from the school, compared to the empty house with no one around, Bai Leshui obviously prefers four-person dormitory with human breath, even if some of his roommates don't get along well with him.

However, now, because someone is lying in the hospital, all his belongings in the school dormitory have been packed away, his student status has been retained, he has been suspended from school.

The person who came to handle all these procedures was a man surnamed Li.

Rong Zheng checked and found that Mr. Li was the secretary of Bai Leshui's biological father.

Not only did this secretary appear when going through the formalities for Bai Leshui's suspension of study, when Rong Zheng went to the hospital where Bai Leshui was, he found out after asking that it was he who paid for Bai Leshui's hospitalization fee.

As a good friend, Rong Zheng carefully inquired about Bai Lexui's hospitalization. Bai Leshui suddenly fainted on the street and fell to the ground for nearly 20 minutes before someone called to send him to the hospital for treatment. For more than half a month, no one came to visit him.

"There is no ID card in the things he carried." The nurse who took care of Bai Leshui shook her head when she mentioned this. "In the beginning, the cost of his hospitalization was borne by the hospital." After all, they can't just throw an unconscious patient out of the hospital, it will be reported on the headlines tomorrow for inhumane behavior, the initiator won't get a good end.

If it weren't for Bai Ledhui's designer clothes, it was obvious that his family's financial situation was very good, the hospital would probably have to apply for subsidies. At least he would have enough money for daily nutritional supplements ba. They could only directly call the police for help, so they found out the identity of this person and contacted his biological father. Not only did he make up for various expenses at once, but also paid in advance for a year of hospital nutrition, even muscle massage and other medical care. It can be described as quite generous.

The young nurse looked at Bai Leshui's face on the bed and sighed: "The money has arrived, and he has been transferred to a high-end single ward. But since that time, in recent months, no one looked for him. You were the first to inquire."

Rong Zheng's expression turned ugly: "Mr. Li, who paid the fee back, hasn't been here either? Didn't he call to check on the situation?"

The nurse shook her head: "No. The chance of a vegetative person waking up is very low, especially if the cause of the disease cannot be found at all. Maybe the family has given up ba."

Rong Zheng sneered, not given up, but that there's no intention of having this son at all.

After the nurse gave Bai Leshui a nutritional drip and took off the hanging bottle, she suddenly remembered something. She looked around, saw no one, walked over and whispered: "Speaking of which, Mr. Li once hinted after paying the money that it may be difficult to replenish subsequent funds, let our hospital take care of it..."

Rong Zheng looked at the female nurse's big, flashing eyes and asked, pretending to be confused: "Could it be his meaning is?"

The female nurse had a good impression of the handsome man in front of her, she looked at the poor man on the bed. She couldn't help but talk a few more words, whispered: "He also said that he would give me some hard work fee after the end. He spoke very vaguely, implying that the patient didn't need that much nutritional solution and could reduce it as needed every day… Of course I didn't do that, it was simply murder."

Rong Zheng: "Are you sure that's what he meant? Didn't you misunderstand it?"

The female nurse was a little unhappy and lowered her voice: "I didn't misunderstand. Maybe it's because he can't bear the money ba. The single room where the patient lives now costs a lot of daily nutrients and care fees, which costs seven to eight hundred a day. Although there is a risk of death at any time in a vegetative state, the patient's physical indicators are all normal, it seems that he will be fine for ten years."

Seven to eight hundred a day, but only about 300 000 a year. According to Bai Leshui's biological father, Bai Liangbo's words, that money was nothing at all.

Even so, some people think it is inappropriate to spend so much money on him a year. Maybe they wanted to line their own pockets, cusually let Bai Leshui died in the hospital, swallowing themself this expense.

As Bai Liangbo's secretary, Mr. Li must be very aware of how little he cared about this son. He didn't care until he was hospitalized for more than half a month, only found out that something happened to this son when the police came to visit him.

So even if he dies quietly one day, as long as Secretary Li shows up to bury the person on behalf of Bai Liangbo without informing Bai Liangbo, he can continue to receive 300,000 yuan a year.

Good plan.

Seeing Rong Zheng's bad expression, the nurse comforted him: "I don't know if Mr. Li asked anyone else for help. The patient is still in good health at present. I suggest you take him out of the hospital. Apart from being unconscious, the patient is in good health, even if he is not in the hospital to recuperate, take care of him yourself is not a problem..."

The reason why the nurse talked so much to Rong Zheng was, besides the gentle smile of the handsome guy in front of her and the pitiful handsome guy on the bed, the main reason was that she didn't want to get involved in these things. Who knows if Secretary Li has not only hinted to herself, but also to the escort who comes to help the caregiver massage the muscles every day ne. If something happens and the cause of death is found to be abnormal, won't she get into trouble?

In the past few months, she had been taking care of people every day, she had been on the edges. A young nurse who had just become a full-time nurse from an internship, still young and without much social experience. It was her first time to take care of a certain patient. It was so exciting that she was very frightened. It was normal to want to get rid of him quickly.

Rong Zheng sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the person lying quietly on the bed. The face was exactly the same as the one he saw in the parallel world, but the temperature was a little cold when he touched.

"I will take him away." Rong Zheng said, "Soon."

The nurse breathed a sigh of relief: "If you have any questions about caring for patients, you can ask me, and... about what was just said, please don't tell others."

Rong Zheng nodded: "Don't worry, I won't tell."

Even if it is said, it means nothing without any evidence.

The nurse left, and Rong Zheng closed the door to the ward, leaving only the two of them in the quiet small room.

Rong Zheng just sat quietly by the bed, gently stroked Bai Leshui's cheek with his hand, from the slender eyebrows, to the tightly closed eyes, to the light-colored thin lips. Then continue down.

No matter where his palm touches, this person will not stand up and accuse himself of being a rogue, and certainly will not react with any embarrassment to his increasingly explicit touching.

A living corpse.

A body without a soul, this is indeed the most appropriate description.

Rong Zheng retracted his hand from under the quilt. He preferred this person's living appearance.

"System." After a long silence in the quiet room, Rong Zheng suddenly spoke.

"Here." s3876269493 came online immediately, "Is there any questions ma?"

Rong Zheng: "What we said before, there won't be any problem ba."

s3876269493: "Yes. Please don't doubt this."

Rong Zheng: "Okay, I know."

s3876269493: "Please control your time. Others, this system may not be able to help, but it is still possible to search for information on Internet in this world. It is faster and more accurate than investigating by yourself."

Rong Zheng: "Okay."

In the parallel world on the other side, Bai Leshui successfully contacted Wu Xuanyuan and met him. However, when they met, he found that the other party did not come alone, but also brought a 'girl' with exquisite makeup.

  1. 90~103 euro
    96~110 USD
  2. 41 425 USD
    38 142 euro
  3. 中饱私囊 (zhōng bǎo sī náng) = to line one's pockets with public funds or other people's money/ to embezzle