Result of two worlds: New beginning

Do you have any concerns about the original world ma?

Bai Leshui did not answer this question. He thought carefully and found that he had nothing to worry about except a dream of wanting the whole world to notice his existence.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go back, in this world he already has happine...

This thought only flashed in his mind for a moment, and was thrown behind by Bai Leshui again.

He refused to admit this fact, because he didn't have enough courage.

Yan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, he was about to speak, but Wu Xuanyuan grabbed the back of his head and pressed it on the table with a bang.

"Enough a." Wu Xuanyuan warned Yan Li, "Don't overdo it."

Yan Li struggled desperately on the table with his arms: "I'm doing this for his own good..."

"Continue talking will be excessive." Wu Xuanyuan said, "Let him think about the rest."

Yan Li turned his face away, said nothing.

"Let's go out for a walk. It's boring to stay here all the time." Wu Xuanyuan said to Bai Leshui, "We were planning to go... where was it?"

Yan Li: "Trading market. There is one in every city. Many players will gather there for various purposes."

Bai Leshui: "Did I disturb you?"

Yan Li grinned: "It's okay. Brother Yuan and I are bored ma. Sometimes it's a good thing to know more about players. You can come too. I remember the trading market in this city is located in... Maoshan Park."

"Is Shengsheng there too ma?" Bai Leshui asked.

Yan Li: "You still remember a. Maybe ba. She has been hanging out with players. It's also her who told me about player market."

Wu Xuanyuan tilted his head to think. He remembered that Shengsheng said she was going to Beijing a few days ago, so they shouldn't run into her.

"Then let's go ba." Wu Xuanyuan said, "I just happen to have a few disguise cards here for daily use."

Bai Leshui: "Need to disguise?"

Yan Li smiled and said, "Of course need a, just in case."

At the foot of Maoshan Mountain, at the entrance of the park.

Bai Leshui touched his ordinary face after the disguise, just like in the game, it felt like he was touching his own face, without any strange feeling.

"It's the same as in the game." Yan Li, who had a royal sister face, whispered in Bai Leshui's ear, "This is a daily camouflage card that only we can buy. There are many other good things that players can't get o. You can go back flip the mall, or consult your system."

Bai Leshui: "Thank you, I'll check it out when I get back."

"Don't be so polite. Maybe we will be a family in the future." Yan Li's voice was very low. He put one hand across Bai Leshui's arm, and his towering chest slammed against Bai Leshui's arm, "If you are willing to stay."

The last sentence was a bit strange, but Bai Leshui's attention was completely distracted by Yan Li's chest, he didn't notice that sentence.

Noticing Bai Leshui's casual glance, Yan Li looked down at his chest, when he looked up at Bai Leshui, he smiled, "Care a lot?"

Bai Leshui: "...No."

"I customized it, it feels very realistic. The most convenient thing in this world is to turn items into cards. If you seal this thing in a card, you can take it out and use it at any time. If you don't wear it, you can put it in the system package. It's great." Yan Li said happily, then added, "There is another point you should pay special attention to. Only we can turn items into cards and carry them at will. Players can only use limited item cards dropped by the game, so don't use them casually in front of others."

Bai Leshui: "System didn't mention these things."

Yan Li let go of Bai Leshui's arm and turned his gaze to the trading market in the square: "Maybe it haven't reached the time to know so much ba." At least when he knew so many privileges of ghosts, he accepted the fact that he was dead. Although he didn't quite understand the reason, everyone was like this.

Bai Leshui: "Oh, really ma."

1069's small code was trembling slightly. It had been quietly watching host and all the actions of two people meeting. When Yan Li spoke, it almost scared itself to death. Fortunately, host's emotional fluctuations were not as big as it thought. It thought that host could accept the reality. It was prepared for all kinds of questions after host knew the truth. Unexpectedly, Wu Xuanyuan pressed his big hand and pressed all the words of Yan Li back into his stomach.

And host did not continue to ask, but let go of this question.

A string of core codes was like a roller coaster, up and down, almost making it collapse again.

Seeing host go out to play with new friends, it thought this was over, but who would have thought that without warning, the problem of item cardization was thrown in front of host again.

1069 felt that, it had to argue for itself a few words, it couldn't let host think that it was a useless system that couldn't guide host well!

"Ho-host, about the cardization." 1069 said carefully in Bai Leshui's mind, "Those things are basically things that ghosts will slowly accept after they are completely integrated into this world. There is no rush now ne."

Bai Leshui: "After integration? How different is it from now?"

"Well... probably the difference between temporary residence and permanent residence?" 1069 said carefully.

Bai Leshui: ...

1069 was silently sad. This is all the protection mechanism set by the upper level. Ghosts who don't know the truth basically don't regard themselves as residents here. Their positioning of themselves is not much different from that of players. They just regard it as a faction problem. Therefore, many functions, rather than letting them use them casually to expose themselves or even reveal information clues of ghosts, it is better not to know them from the beginning.

As for the disguisement life card, it has always existed in the mall. Host didn't ask specifically, so 1069 didn't explain much...

OK ba, it was negligent.

Ignoring 1069's chatter in his mind, Bai Leshui focused on the market. This place gave him the feeling that it was a rural market.

There was no big shop sign, just a piece of cloth on the ground, or a canopy stall for extravagance. There were many people, but the trading volume was obviously not high enough. Bai Leshui noticed that many people just walked around stalls, exchanged a few words with the stall owner and left.

"From now on, we are players, pay attention." Wu Xuanyuan lowered his voice and said, "We are old players, you are a new player, we are here to show you the world."

Bai Leshui nodded slightly, he followed Wu Xuanyuan and Yan Li and looked around and asked, "What is used to trade here?"

He saw goods on several stalls, including food, supplies, and clothes. Most of the things here were not very new, it looked like a second-hand market.

"Barter." This time Yan Li did not lower his voice particularly, and simply answered, "After all, there is no so-called currency exchange among us, most people here use this method. Of course, gold and silver are also OK. These are among the few items that can be sold to NPC stores, you can get coins for daily use. Of course, the recycling price is much lower than the purchase price, this transaction method is the least cost-effective."

Wu Xuanyuan: "But when trading information, gold and silver are the most common."

Bai Leshui pointed to a corner of the market: "Are you talking about that ma?"

The two looked in the direction Bai Leshui pointed, sure enough, they saw a hooded man squatting on the ground in the corner, with a sign next to him, a few big words written in black marker: Buy and sell various promotion copy clearance cheats and clues.

"There's still clearance cheats?" Bai Leshui asked puzzled.

Yan Li: "Most of these clearance cheats are fake and unreliable. Games in this world are different from online games we played in the past. There are no fixed dungeons and established routines. Everything can only be explored by yourself. These cheats either record some players' experience of passing levels, or write a few so-called clearance tips. They are meaningless. It is just that those who have never been through promotion dungeon can take a look at it to prepare for the difficulty of the subsequent dungeons."

Bai Leshui oh-ed, was about to look away when he saw a man walking over, kicking over the sign, then throwing down a box, raising his chin and saying: "Three gold chains, you just give me this thing? Want to die ba."

Bai Leshui stayed where he was, staring at the man.

The man's dress was very unconventionaly. He was wearing a slim black leather suit that perfectly outlined his figure. The silver chain hanging from the huge pin on his chest was connected to his waist. He also wore several silver rings on his raised hand, and a string of silver earrings on his ears sparkled. He wore a black collar around his neck, a skull necklace was hanging in the middle of his collarbone.

When the man turned his head, Bai Leshui saw that he had a nose ring on the side of his nose.

Not only that, he also drew thick black eyeliner and had a black tattoo on his neck.

This man, Bai Leshui knew him.

He was in the same school as him, but not in the same major. He was a very famous person. Bai Leshui's music teacher once mentioned, this man was a genius in the music department. He had absolute pitch since childhood, and his talent in music creation was unmatched. If he could graduate smoothly and enter the music circle, he would definitely become a master who shocked the music world within three years.

Unfortunately, this man has devoted all his love to rock since he was a child. Well, liking rock is not a big problem, after all, it is also a type of music, but this person's taste in dressing is very much a kill matt style.

Although it is not so exaggerated and looks good, don't you think it is a waste of that handsome face ma, it is not serious enough too.

If that was all, teacher's tone wouldn't be so sad when mentioning him. The more important problem was that this musical genius senior had passed away three years ago, leaving only a kill matt style photo in the music department's college.

Bai Leshui saw the photo when he was taken by a senior student through the corridor of the music department. Seeing him staring at this photo with a very different style, introduced it with a smile. Senior sister and the genius senior were in the same class and had worked together before. She praised this man's talent, but wasalso has a little headache by his temper.

"Maybe it's because he has been praised since he was a child ba. He is very arrogant and won't even look at people with low abilities." Bai Leshui remembered that senior sister pointed at the photo and smiled, "And this photo, he was originally photographed with his middle finger erected, that look couldn't be posted on the excellent student photo column, so a media student was asked to modify it with PS... Originally, the tattoo and nose ring were also planned to be changed, but the first version was torn off by himself, so there was no choice but just to modify his hand."

At that moment, Bai Leshui felt a little sympathetic to the senior who modified the photo and the teacher who taught him.

Theirs head became bald ba.

Therefore, Bai Leshui had a deep impression of this senior, especially the string of English tattoos on his neck.

A face that he would never forget.

He believed that he had not recognized the wrong person.

"He and us... are the same?" Bai Leshui asked Yan Li.

Yan Li also noticed the man. He stared at the other party, glanced then suddenly realised, "Oh, the same." After that, he leaned close to Wu Xuanyuan's ear, smiled and said, "He is Sister Min's lover." Because there was no disguise, morever this style was easy to identify, it was seen at a glance.

Wu Xuanyuan: The strong man who dared to hook up with the terrifying female boss?

"Why is he here? Where is Sister Min ne?" Yan Li tilted his head in confusion, then turned around and bumped into a real royal sister in red skirt with long hair.

He looked up at the other person's bright face and was stunned for a long time until the other person smiled, then realized that the person in front of him was Sister Min he had just talked about, in disguise.

"Sister Min, why are you here?" Yan Li asked excitedly.

"Shopping with my boyfriend." Sister Min replied, "He said he wanted to buy you guys a gift, we ended up here after going around."

Wu Xuanyuan pointed over there: "That... you don't care ma?"

Sister Min tilted her head and glanced at her boyfriend, who had already begun to throw people against the wall in rage.

"Oh, it's okay, he'll be careful about the intensity." Sister Min replied, "I thought I could find a gift that Shengsheng would like here ne. But this is the result. Don't worry, the other party is obviously trying to scam money, they won't call the guards so easily."

Wu Xuanyuan: ...

It shouldn't be this problem.

Sister Min turned to look at Bai Leshui: "There's another kid, newcomer ma?"

Bai Leshui: "Hello, my name is Bai..."

"Baibai." Sister Min said immediately, "I'll remember it." After that, she lowered her voice and whispered in Bai Leshui's ear: "You can't say your real name here casually o."

Bai Leshui nodded.

"Call me Sister Min, that's what everyone calls me." Sister Min smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch Bai Leshui's cheek, "So tender. Should not be bad looking ba."

Bai Leshui blushed slightly, stepped back to avoid. Sister Min retracted her hand without caring.

Yan Li: "Very cute o."

Sister Min smiled with curved eyes: "Really ma? I like it. I'm glad you can join us."

Wu Xuanyuan: "No, not yet..."

"Tsk, rubbish." The man who had just beaten someone up spat and walked over, his eyes swept over the three people in front of Sister Min, then stretched out his hand to Wu Xuanyuan: "Wild wolf."

Wu Xuanyuan looked at Sister Min.

Sister Min explained: "His nickname, isn't it very cute?"

Yan Li: Do you have any misunderstandings about cuteness?

"I know you guys. You usually use this appearance, I'm familiar with it." Wild Wolf said, "A Min introduced it." After that, he looked at Bai Leshui: "As for you, I don't know. New here?"

"Hello." Bai Leshui stepped forward, summon his courage to say, "Senior."

Sister Min was startled: "Senior? Wolf, your junior?"

"I'm from the performing arts department. Teacher Fang often mentioned you to us." Bai Leshui's fingers were trembling, "I like your song Wind, it's very nice."

Wild Wolf: "Oh, that song a. I remember that Lao Fang directly bought the rights and said that it was for guidance in school. Did you take music classes?"

"Mmh... my head teacher said that this is the cultivation of an actor. Even if you are not an all-rounder, you must at least know part of it, cannot be completely ignorant." Bai Leshui replied.

Wild Wolf: "Your class teacher should not be surnamed Shan ba, the one with round glasses and Mediterranean hair? Tsk, he is still as strict as ever, but actors who come out of his team are all good, work hard... No, you can't work hard. You have all come here, which means you are the same as me ba."

Wu Xuanyuan covered his face helplessly.

Yan Li turned his head and said, "It's not my fault this time."

Sister Min: "Mmh?"

Bai Leshui's clenched fist loosened.

Now it was completely confirmed, he was exactly the deceased senior.

He said, he was the same as the senior, there's no way to work hard.

Yan Li said, ghost who came here, not a single one could go back.

In fact, Bai Leshui had had such a guess before, but he always thought it was nonsense.

The ticket to go back was clearly marked with a price, how could it be possible ne.

But now, he had to face this reality, admit this fact.

Ghosts can't go back, because they are dead.

All connections with the original world were completely cut off at the moment of crossing over.

But for some reason, Bai Leshui only had the thought of "as expected" in his heart, he didn't feel sad.

But then, he remembered another thing.

Players can go back, ghosts can't go back.

Ghosts are dead, so players are living people?

So, if a player wants to switch to the ghost camp, could it be...

There was a dull pain in his heart for a moment, fear attacked his heart.

Dare not think about it.

But can't no think about it.

"Senior, I..." With a blink of eyes, tears as big as beans rolled down his face. Bai Leshui realized that he was crying.

Sister Min stared at Wild Wolf, who was confused, didn't know what he said wrong.

Going as far as crying ma?

He didn't curse people anyway.

"Sorry, I have something to do, I have to leave first." Bai Leshui said as he backed away, before others could say anything, he turned around and ran away.

Sister Min looked at Wu Xuanyuan in confusion: "What's wrong with him?"

Wu Xuanyuan sighed: "He is a newcomer."

Sister Min nodded, after a while she understood the real meaning of Wu Xuanyuan's words.

She thought that newcomer referred to newcomer to their group, but now she suddenly realized, the meaning of newcomer might refer to newcomer who came to this game and traveled through not long ago.

A newcomer who doesn't know the truth about ghosts.

"... Wipe, why didn't you say it earlier." Sister Min said worriedly, "That child should be okay ba."

Wu Xuanyuan: "Should be okay ba. In fact, I am more worried about another thing."

Sister Min:?

"I hope those two people can be successful." Wu Xuanyuan whispered.

Bai Leshui ran for a long distance without a purpose. He didn't know where he should go. He just instinctively went to a place far away from the market, where there were few people, while calling 1069.

"1069, you come out for me, I know what ghosts are. Now about the matter of changing camps, you have to tell me clearly!" Bai Leshui added, "If you dare to get away with it, you can resign for me ba."

1069, who originally wanted to be a turtle, immediately popped up after hearing the last sentence: "Yes, host, I'm here!"


"That... that's just it, if a player wants to change camps, they needs a temporary ticket to return to the real world, then leave the body there, only the soul will come. Then they will automatically become a ghost." 1069 said, "The best way to abandon the body is to die. There is no way a, it was originaly like this. And this is not the fault of our system, the cost of changing camps is too high, morever it is very inhumane. So our system is forbidden to disclose this fact to any player, whether it is inducement or hint, all methods are not allowed. Even if player brings it up themself, we have no choice but to refuse. "

"Then why let him go!"

1069: "Because he found out himself! For players who know the consequences and insist on doing it, system can only switch camps according to the player's wishes. Of course, the methods and dangers will be informed in detail. For players who still insist on doing it, we can't say no against their wishes."

"Systems are connected to each other, right?" Bai Leshui said, "You contacted other systems without authorization before, arranged a blind date for me, right?"

1069, who was a little guilty, said: "Mmh, yes."

"Rong Zheng's system. Do you know it ma?"

1069 hummed softly: "Count as know."

"Contact it, convey a message for me. If Rong Zheng dares to die to come here, I will never see him again in this life!" Bai Leshui said firmly.

1069: "...Oh."

Bai Leshui closed his eyes, wiped the tears from his face, squatted on the side of the road.

After a while, 1069 squeaked cautiously: "Host."

Bai Leshui raised his head: "Speak."

1069: "That... there's a message coming from the other side."

Bai Leshui: "What?"

"Just... that." 1069 hesitated, dared not say it out loud.

"Hurry up."

"There's a message coming from the other side!" 1069 quickly replied, "Rong Zheng said: Whether to meet or not, do you think you still have the final say ma?"

Bai Leshui: ...

1069: "Well, there's another sentence."

"I love you to the bone, whenever in life or death, wait for me to come back, baby."

Bai Leshui choked for a long time before uttering one word: "Stupid."

It was the first time he said such a vulgar word, and he gave it to the person he fell in love with for the first time.



"The return ticket is fake ba."

"Well... yes, host. You can't go back."

"Then don't leave it hanging. It's annoying."

"Oh, delete it then."


"Hmm, host?"

"I seem to really like him."

"Host, delete the 'seem' ba."


"Don't you think that like this, Rong Zheng is very pitiful ma?" It already coma to this step, but you still 'seem' to like him? Do you dare to give him a little more love?

"You actually spoke to him one day."

"Because Rong Zheng is a good target a." If the other party is a ghost.

"I'm with him?"

"Okay a."

"It always feel... like I agreed because of his sacrifice."

"Host, this point doesn't matter ba."

"What? "

"Although this system is just a highly intelligent system composed of a string of codes, it doesn't know much about feelings, but still know a little bit. There are many sources of love a, there are even more opportunities to deepen love. Isn't it common in scripts that the heroine falls in love with the hero because she was saved by him ma? No matter what the reason is, the love is real ba. Since you like him, just be together. Why do you have to find out why? Don't you think it's troublesome ma? Morever because the other party's sacrifice is more heart-warming, it's natural to be bound by him from now on ma. What's there to be entangled about. "

"…I'm almost convinced by you."

"That was originally the truth." 1069 carefully said, "It should be said, a man who can come to this step for you, unexpecdly you didn't tie him up and throw him on the bed at once, yet still have the leisure to think about things. You, host, are the strangest. "

Bai Leshui: ...

Can't refute it, also what the hell about throwing him on the bed.

Bai Leshui squatted on the side of the road and looked up at the sky.

The same blue sky and white clouds, not much different from the original world. He can't imagine that he's already in another world, morever already...

But, it doesn't matter.

He now, really wants to see Rong Zheng.

Perhaps after knowing the truth, he feels empty in his heart and urgently needs someone to accompany him.

Knowing that this choice is not a good thing for Rong Zheng, reason also tells him that he should stop him from making such an unwise decision.

However, there is only one thought in his heart that shouts, like him, want to see him, that's all.

Desire suppressed rationality, and desire made him want to be selfish for once.

Real world.

Rong Zheng looked at the news on TV about the investigation of Liangliang Group and the decline of stocks, curled his lips in good mood.

Today is almost the last day, the black material of the boss of Jiuyuan Jewelry has not been spread. Rong Zheng believes in Seviara's ability. It won't be long before that woman will be in trouble and her reputation will plummet, but he may not see it.

As for system s3876269493, it is still worried about the message just now: "Host, shouldn't confession be made in person ma?"

"It depends on the situation. I have confessed in person several times. There is not much meaning in confessing in person next time. On the contrary, this time is just right." Rong Zheng held the phone and said slowly, "He contacted me, which means he already knows the truth about ghosts. He doesn't want me to go this way, he is worried about me."

"Will you listen?"

"No. His answer, is no different from rejection in my opinion. That's why I need to confess again, even if it's an opportunity through your message."Rong Zheng said, "He has a good impression of me, but has been suppressing it. Now that he has just learned the truth and is shaken, I will plant myself firmly in his heart, express my determination and love. Believe it or not, when I return, I will definitely be welcomed by his arms? I may not even need to pursue and confess again. "

Rong Zheng's eyebrows are full of smiles, full of confidence: "He will automatically belong to me."

s3876269493: "Calculating feelings is not good."

"Calculate?" Rong Zheng sneered, "Isn't the means of pursuing people itself calculating ma? Use various behaviors and words to touch the other person's heart, imprint yourself in the other person's mind little by little, and even use the 'suspension bridge effect' to enhance feelings. What's the difference between my behavior and these? I didn't deceive him. "

s3876269493: Nothing to say.

"I'm not a saint who gives away things for free. I cut off all my escape routes just for him. A result that will get nothing, I will never agree to it." Rong Zheng said softly, "So, as long as he gives me a chance, I will grab it tightly."

Those words 'Whether to meet or not, do you think you still have the final say ma?' were really not a joke.

"Okay, everything is ready." Rong Zheng closed his eyes, "Go back ba."

He put down his phone, picked up a small bottle.

Let's end it ba.

Then, it's a new beginning.


In the hospital.

"Single room No. 4 on the seventh floor, patient Bai Leshui, vital signs disappeared. Where are his family members ne!"

"Don't know."

"What should we do now?"

"…According to the regulations ba."

"Hello, I'm here to find Bai Leshui, may I ask…"

"Are you Bai Leshui's family member?"

"Family member? "The woman with gray-blue eyes said, "Doesn't count ba, I just came to see him for a friend. What happened to him?"

"He died this morning..."

"Is that so a?" Seviara lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "This morning, coincidence?" The time he decided to leave was exactly the same as the time Rong Zheng decided to leave.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I mean." The smile in Seviara's eyes disappeared, "I will take care of his funeral. But there is one thing I want to ask clearly, death... should not be a homicide ba."

The nurse who was questioned turned pale and shook her head quickly: "No, I don't know."

"I heard that someone wanted to hire someone to kill him." Sevarla said, "I'm sorry, I'm a detective, I will investigate everything suspicious. So, please answer my question. I will make a judgment based on your answer, whether to report it to the police or directly investigate you as a suspect. "

Female nurse: "…"

Some things seem to be over, but maybe that's just the beginning.

The author has something to say:

First of all, let me make it clear, it's not over yet ne!!

The two of them have to go through the dungeon together as ghosts ne!! So there's more to come ne!!


Yan Li: It's all your fault for not changing your appearance, why don't you change your appearance?

Wild Wolf: Because I have the most handsome face!!

Yan Li: …

Wipe, even more narcissistic than him.

  1. In the sens of wiping sweat
  2. The world he used is 傻逼 (shǎ​bī), a variant of 傻屄 (shǎ​bī) which mean stupid cunt.