
Chapter 30:- MYNUS.



The building was completely dark and didn't have light. Lucian didn't have a choice but to climb upstairs in the dark since he didn't cultivate fire affinity related.

Lucian apartment was on the top floor. It had one room and a living-hall and the surface area wasn't more than 40 square meters. The room only had old furnitures. The only thing that belonged to Lucian were his clothes and technique book he received from the Luking mercenary guild.

After closing the door gently, Lucian entered the bedroom and sat on the bed. He took out the energy contemplation technique book and opened it carefully.

Lucian used his finger to gently rub the technique book while his heart was filled with excitement and expectation.

Reading the words in the book. Lucian brain began to click, training with energy contemplation. In an instant, Lucian felt the world spinning, and it felt as though he could see thousands of butterflies flying in front of him while his mind was experiencing a ripping pain.

Lucian shook his head repeatedly and dove straight for the bathtub .

His entire head was now immersed in the icy cold water.

A white crystal start forming in his consciousness, boundless and vast power surged into Lucian's brain like a tsunami.


The purple stone pendant (necklace) that had dull color burst out with bright luster on front of his chest.

The purple color was like a flash of purple lightning, and it illuminated this....


The morning sun passed through the narrow window and it was gradually setting brighter.


Lucian sneezed and sat up from the ground. The had an dull and painful expression, and his entire body was weak. It felt as though he had just recovered from a serious illness.


Sneezing again, Lucian fell that his body was more relaxed, and his body has rapidly recovered at an unbelievable rate.

"So cold!"

Lucian got out of the bathtub and quickly ran hiding inside the blanket in the bedroom.

An hour later, his body was gradually warms up. After changing into a clean set of clothes, Lucian went to the living room completely forgotten why he was sleeping in the bathroom. He only remember he was cultivating the energy contemplation.

Stretching his body and noticing nothing wrong with his physical and mental state.

Cultivating,he noticed the rate he's absorbing energy was ten times faster than before. Feeling his cultivation soar back to the peak he was,"WOW!"

Still lost in excitement, Lucian suddenly heard someone saying,"fool!" Lucian frowned and looked around. Apart from him, there was no one else. 'Who scolded me?"

Lucian ignored it and took out the wind slash technique.


Munchin' at his dinner outside the inn. Lucian moved back to his apartment. After having a hot shower, Lucian laid down on the soft bed and prepared to have a good sleep."This is called life."

No Fa Grovater using me to lure out his enemies, No one chasing after my life.

He stretched his hand and switched off the table lamp by the bedside.

"Eh?" Something strange has happened,he was standing instead of the former.

As soon as the lamp was switched off, Lucian realized his surrounding scenary has changed. He appeared in a small island.

The soft tickling sand giving off a peaceful sensation.

"Ghost! What is this place?" Lucian was very gloomy. Was he not inside his room at a inn? Why did he appear suddenly in a island? What is this place?

"That's right. Ghost it is." A desolate and ancient voice echoed.

Lucian felt a sudden chill as he turned towards the voice, only to see a slender man gradually approaching him.

"Brother don't you know that ghost don't have shadows? You do," Lucian asked.

"Is that so?"

"Maybe, my ghost just happened to have a shadow."appearing next to him, Lucian tensed up. 'such a fast speed. Not even a blur. How did he come over quickly?'

Even feeling doubtful,he didn't reveal it.

Lucian sized up the person carefully. This person was around 1.8 meters in height, and..... this man, he's the one from the cave. ?????

"Who are you?," Lucian asked,"and what is this place?"

"I am Mynus, and this is a soul dimension."the purple clothed man replied.

"Mynus. What a strange name."

"Is it?"


"I was expecting you to ask 'why am I?' "

The purple clothed man waved his hand across the air, and the surrounding scenary changed. Lucian suddenly appeared on top of a mountain peak and it was surrounded by deep valley. He could even hear the cold wind whistling across his body.

"What about now?"the purple clothed man asked again.

"Sucker! How did you do that?"

"Sucker?" The purple clothed man didn't seem to understand. Lucian thought for a moment and said,"sucker means pretty good."

"Oh."the man nodded."This is my soul dimension trapped in a red moon pendant and I control everything here. I will let you see more sucker things."

Speaking finish Lucian arrived in a desert."what did you bring me here for?"

"Firstly, I brought you here because I am being blackmailed. Secondly, I am the one who rescued you."the purple clothed man spoke seriously.

"You rescued me?"

"Mm, do you remember that you lost consciousness after cultivating the energy contemplation technique?"

Lucian nodded repeatedly."It seems to be the case. But what does it have to do with you?"

"That technique is a forbidden technique from the world of the beyond. You are a mere mortal and your body couldn't bear the impact, and you nearly died. Fortunately you fell into the water and I sealed your sense to avoid disaster."

"If it is like that. Why did you help me?" Lucian still wasn't convinced.

"If I say it, would you believe me?" Lucian shook his head,"It is obvious that I wouldn't believe it, say it."

The purple clothed man sat down on the beach with a pensive expression.

"Actually, I was blackmailed. Otherwise I would be the current owner of your body, but the little girl....."

"Possess my body?" Lucian reached out to grab a handful of sand which felt surprisingly real in Lucian's hands, and it had real texture."so that why I felt something pulling me out with force then? You are a ghost who could bully you? How did you fail to take over a weak body?"

"It is best that you don't know about this matter."

Lucian want to persuade him for answers but the murderous aura that filled the air made him chuckle and kept quiet.

Lucian stood up twisting his body in the process.

"How did you do that?"

"It just a skill I picked up from my master."

"Teach me,teach me that skill."

"Teach you?" Now let see what I can gain from this ancient soul,"It isn't impossible for me to teach. But do you have anything to give as compensation?"

"How dare you demand from a god."the whole beach vibrated. Lucian was shocked. 'How powerful is this guy when he was alive.'

"god? But you are but a ghost now! You should offer me something."

He felt dejected. He was nothing but a soul and his title were nothing but a title,a god assassinated by his own daughter. 'What do I need a mortal skill for anyway.' but it felt so cool.

"I've got it! I can teach you 'lightning bolt' you can have another affinity, lightning. If you successfully cultivate a lightning affinity skill, your potential will be limitless."

"Lightning bolt?"

"Lightning bolt is one of the minor skill of lightning blessing inheritance. With this you can surpass the speed of light but that will take a very long time to achieve. Many which to learn but couldn't find a proper master."

"Right now, you already possess the greatest potential, but at the same time, your cultivation wouldn't make any progress with only the wind technique. Unless you have my help, you may never reach transcendent level."

Lucian was bewildered as he listened before blinking and asked,"what do you mean? What is transcendent level? Why would my cultivation can't progress?"

"Cultivating affinities skill is limited, but cultivating by studying the essence is of limitless potential and I happen to have gain a little bit essence of lightning."

"You might find a master who will teach you in the way of lightning but without the essence you will never reach the peak and if you continue to push it. The lightning power will start generating excessively violent energy within your body which will definitely kill you. Even if you survived,in the future, you will not be able to rely on cultivating to increase your rank. You can only use a huge amount of high quality medicine or rare legendary plants to increase your cultivation."

"I think that enough. Go get this herbs it will help in cultivating lightning affinity with its essence only if you teach me those cool moves of yours." The purple clothed man smiled which terrified Lucian greatly almost to collapse but a soul can't." "My superiority isn't combat but knowledge and I happen to be a expert in pharmacology." Mynus was very proud as he said."Demonstrate for me one of those skill and I will keep practicing while you go find the herbs. This condition should be enough, right?"

"I agree." Lucian replied straight forward.

He demonstrated the skills he learned from mistress before he went back to his body.


The next morning, Lucian carried his bag not wanting to draw attention to his spatial ring since the number of people with storage ring in this continent could be counted with the fingers of his palm.

Moving to a deserted place.

According to Mynus's demand the cultivation of lightning bolt had to be done in a faraway area. Therefore he chose this secluded place.

In-between the two mountains was a valley flowing into the vast ocean and it was deserted by humans but was filled with chirps and flower fragrance. There was a stream of water that flowed through the valley. This was a rather good place for a hike.

"This place is too secluded. Why can't I just practice in your soul dimension? The zone is not inferior to this place at all." Lucian asked.

Mynus shook his head repeatedly."That's a soul dimension, after all. The effect will be less impactful than this place. You have just started cultivation, and it is a crucial moment to build your foundation. It is more appropriate to choose a place in the real world." Mynus explained.


Lucian didn't say anything.

"Okay, do you even know about essence?"

Lucian expression knitted for a moment. Thinking for a moment,he shook his head and denied.

"Of course, essence are as something that couldn't easily be perceived by anyone if they are pointed toward it. It would be strange if any mortal have ever heard of it." Mynus leaked a small smile on his face and Lucian gave a small smile, albeit wry.

"Okay let me tell you the tale of essence." Clearing his throat with a brighter expression,"The essence is just a beginner path to True godhood. To reach godhood you have to perceive The Five Great Daos which compose of the following: Space, Time, Life, Death and Intent. I, Mynus, cultivate two of the Daos."

"These Five great Daos are elusive and it's completely impossible for someone to completely comprehend their mysteries. However, some parts could definitely be comphrende and once a cultivator did so. Their powers exceed those of the same rank."

"However, the occasion are scarce and cultivator only settle for their subdivision. Light, darkness, lightning, water,sound and many more. The number of Daos in this world couldn't be counted by anyone and this exist everywhere. There's even a dao of brick."

"In pursuit of higher strength, you must allow yourself not be shackled by mortal affairs." Mynus expresses his disappoinment over Lucian's life choices. At first Lucian was a free man with less worry for his sisters. But was crippled where Fa Grovater easily preyed on him.

"Haaaah..."Mynus sighed before saying,"forget what I said. Let's just continue on our discussion about the dao...." Mynus started talking and explaining. The logic and reasoning behind the Daos that governed everything under the heaven.

"Now it time to efficiently utilize all of these advantages." Mynus proudly declared and a gleam of excitement shone in Lucian's eyes.



"You're going to teach me?"

Lucian excitedly stood up like a student that met a prodigy.

Mynus slightly chuckled and said,"look at you, looking all excited. I still haven't told you what I am going to do with you...."

"Okay,then tell me now, what should I do?" Lucian was so excited and shook like a trembling leaf.

Mynus pointed on the top stream of water where they stood. Lucian followed his finger and moved closer sucking a breath of relief.

"This will drain almost one-third of my soul energy. You stay under that waterfall and you should endure at least twenty minutes under it!" Mynus clapped his hands with a smile on his face.


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