With a single pull it could kill

Chapter 41:- With a single pull it could kill


When night fell,all the outer disciples have heard the news.

Lucian's challenge has been accepted!

"Hehe,it been a long time someone has challenge a substitute inner disciple. These new fellas are so courageous."

Many people were waiting to see this joke.

"What, Lucian you challenge a substitute inner disciple."

Delora was surprised when he heard the news.

Zuras smiled hearing the news, Sato was a lackey of his brother.'Surely he will learn his lesson.'

"Lucian,I don't know your battle prowess but you should have waited and reach 2nd or 3rd rank grandmaster domain level before issuing a challenge."

Lucian was touched by Delora words but didn't know whether he was colluding with either Zuras or hoisle.

No one thought that Lucian would win because he's a 1st rank grandmaster domain level warrior while his opponent is 3rd rank domain level warrior.

From Delora's point of view, Lucian is just wasting his time as a substitute inner disciple can only be challenge once in six months.

In the eyes of the other outer disciples, Lucian's action is ridiculous.

"Haha, we'll be able to see how strong a substitute inner disciple is."Indiana chuckled softly.

After entering the sect, Indiana had advanced to the 2nd rank grandmaster level and he was wondering whether or not to challenge the top twenty. But right now,he wasn't confident and Lucian's action is like a assurance, Indiana was very happy.

Lucian didn't mind what others thought,

"My aim is to become an inner disciple, and if I can't take this outer disciples, what right do I have to go further in this world."

Yes, Lucian ambition is quite much bigger. From what he's saying he seems he wants to crush all outer disciples.

Lucian already moved to the deacon heading the outer disciples and seek to apply for a challenge.


Why wouldn't he do that? After confirming his talent the latter ignore the work of a apprentice and started working on small iron pieces,bar, needle and cylindrical-like object.

"Young Man I don't think you are as consistent as I thought."the old man said with a frown. Lucian bitterly smile,he knew that he need something that would spark the forger's heart within this old man.

He picked up the metals one by one and insert in inside each other,lock,fighting,loosen and finally it formed a boomerang.

"What is this piece of metal?"

Lucian chuckled,"don't underestimate that,it could kill with a single pull."

The old man lifted an eyebrow, glancing at Lucian he didn't seem bluffing but still find it hard to think this small metal could kill.

"So this toy propels something out of this barrel like a cannon?"

Lucian smiled bitterly,'this old man can not even be surprised. He has a clue worthy of the legendary forger.'

"Here is how to use it." Lucian pulled the click and pointed it at the old man.

"Why are you aiming at me?"

"Didn't you want to know if this guy can kill?" Lucian gave a smile.

"Yes, but what should I do, should I just stand there or do I defend myself. Eh?"

Lucian thought for a moment and said,"just stand there and brace the impact."distancing himself from the old man.

Lucian aimed and pulled the trigger as a roar reverberated, disturbing the pro outside the shop.

The old man saw the bullet coming but didn't back away or defend against it. As expected, the bullet disintegrated but a sharp pain followed by a purple mark.

"Goddammit. It could really kill someone, come on and keep away that dangerous thing." Lucian didn't and threw the pistol at him.

The old man caught it,"It called a gun. If you try and make something like this, old man and mass produce, you could change the way empire do wars...."

The old man eyes shone excitement,"this one is Stane, I can't believe I have to learn from my apprentice. Hehe." With a business opportunity at hand, the old man sway outside at wave off the crowd that gathered around hearing the strange sound.


'I have a fight today.'

"Lucian,are you?"

"Yes." Lucian replied hesitant to the approaching girl. Charming but still a stranger.

"The pill master requires your attention follow me to the outer sect hall." Not waiting for a answer, the Loli girl moved away.

Lucian swiftly followed her wanting to know what the pill master requires of him.

Heading to the outer sect hall where all the powerful figures are, Lucian was very suspicious.

After walking for a while, the girl led Lucian to the outer sect division. This place control everything about the outer disciples and apparently, the head of the outer sect division is an elder who had reached the last stage,7th rank sky domain level.

The people at peak sky domain level and above were highly regarded and were not often seen since they were always in secluded meditation.

How could they have the time to bother with these things.

Therefore the head of the outer sect division isn't the true controller, the vice head were.

This Loli girl, can she also be a vice head' Lucian's was shocked seeing he can't access the girl cultivation base.

"Lucian, the outer vice-head of the outer sect division are inside waiting for you." The lady said.

Lucian went in and was met with four terrifying auras in the hall.

These auras are stronger than he has ever felt, similar to that of the man he met at the examination entrance.

Of these four,one is familiar,it was the man who coordinate the entrance exam,Shilla.

The other three were unfamiliar.

Apart from him, the other three aura were also on par, "greetings,vice heads."

Lucian didn't dare to be slow,he was only a ant of the sect and the four before him held more power and authority in the outer sect division.

Seeing Lucian, the old man chatting with Shilla stopped his eyes lit up,"Haha, he's that Lucian?"the man looked at Lucian with interest.

Being a vice head,he knew everything about Lucian, Shilla has reported he passed his alchemy test well and also the array test. Bovi has taken interest since it was rare to see Shilla praise someone.

Carte the array master was also interested and seek to take Lucian before Bovi but it seems he acted to slow, with Lucian here he'd try his best to snatch him away.

"Lucian what do you think? If you enter the pill pavilion and follow me I promise you your future will be great."

Old man Bovi was expectant.

Pill master seemed to be a great occupation, and Lucian knew most of the pills used in the sect were from the pill pavilion. If he follows old man Bovi,he would have advantage in terms of pills.

One had to know if a pill reached the'spiritual' tier ,it use was entirely another level than the best mortal pills in the world.

"Ew! The kids talents is the array use, follow me and I'll give you five substandard spirit stone a month and there's a spiritual condescending array in the fluorescent river, the liquid inside has been there for a thousand year and it's good for body strengthening...." Old man Carte threw a bigger bait.

Hearing these, Lucian's heart skipped,a outer disciple would receive a substandard spirit stone a month, which could greatly increase his cultivation speed and Carte has decided to give him five.

The fourth vice head couldn't help but be stunned,"I have a suggestion."

The two old man stopped their bickering and turned towards the vice head.

"Your argument is whether Lucian is good at pill making or creating array?"the vice head smiled.


"That's right."

The two old man nodded their heads.

"Then,it more easier if Lucian learn at each place for a while,then see which place is better for him." The two old man nodded at the suggestion. It looked like that the only way to settle where Lucian went.

But it seems like the vice head have another ideal.

Cultivation pill first, one last problem left. "I will go with vice head Shilla and stay at the pill pavilion first,"Lucian gave his answer.

The reason is obvious, his job at the northern mountain will be cancelled.

The argument were finally settled and Lucian is arranged to stay at the pill pavilion for ten days then proceeding to vice head Carte.

Being settled Lucian excuse himself and went to the battlefield, the call from the vice heads has wasted enough time to the agreed time.


Lucian soon arrived at the stage where the battle will be fought. The stage was near where the substitute inner disciples lived. The substitute inner disciple all had there own courtyard and received better treatment and resources.

Once you become a substitute inner disciple, you don't need to work like the other outer disciple.

The stone stage was made of a special black metal, more durable than that of steel. Martial masters would be hard pressed to even damage it.....

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