Establish dominance (2)

Chapter 43:- Establish dominance (2)


"Quiet!" Deacon Shilla gave a cold hmph sending pressure down their spine like a avalanche.

His aura radiating hovering over the outer disciples like a huge mountain that makes them feel like a ant ready to be crushed. The crowd immediately quiet down.

Under many eyes the two figures appeared on the stage.

Sato was ranked sixteenth, and his fame is greater than Audi Nieves's. The difference between every rank of the substitute inner disciple are not always great,but there were four places between sixteen and twenty! the gap wasn't to be ignored.

Seeing Audi Nieves's strength, everyone lost hope for Lucian.

"Lucian,is it? I admire your courage in challenging me." Sato stood carefree,but with his strength no one thought he was being arrogant.

A newly ascended rank four grandmaster domain level warrior could crush those at the third rank.

Below the stage Indiana and co. had sympathy for him. On the other hand Zuras secretly rejoiced.

Vice head Shilla think - this will help him walk on the right path,pill making.


On the stage_

"This will be quite troublesome...." Lucian thought facing the strongest enemy he has seen so far.

At this moment he felt is blood and qi circulating under pressure.

"Kid, how about I use one hand, and if you can win..." Sato stood confidently with a playful smile.

In an instant Lucian disappeared from Sato's view.

The latter's voice suddenly stopped as he felt a piercing sound coming from behind.

The crowd broke from behind broke out into discussion, most of them hasn't seen Lucian's figure.

Lightning stance merged with smoking transparency step quite have the effect reaching a new entire level of speed.

The heart of those watching below jumped.

No one thought a first rank grandmaster domain level warrior had this speed and skillful movement.

The lightning skill used by Lucian,he had no idea what level the martial arts skill is.

Even Sato had been scared by Lucian.

Star fist!

Windmill destruction!

Lucian's hands spat out a visible silver light, enveloping Sato.

Sato hands also spat out a stream of light.

Lucian exclaimed as a faint blue light spurred around his body like a windmill,then it appeared outside and formed a tornado around his body.


A deep thud sounded as a wave of dust surged into the air. The spectators below held their breaths as they focused on the stage.

Under the dust,a figure stood still as mount Kilimanjaro as if it was unmovable.


The figure of a youth was pushed tens of feet in the air before he spun in a circle and landed on the ground.

"What terrifying strength!"

Surprised flashed in Lucian's eyes as he landed on the ground, although he didn't use his full strength just then, Sato's performance was still outside of his expectations.

The inner strength of a fourth rank grandmaster domain level warrior was much stronger, in large quantity and it has been condensed.

Lucian's only a first rank domain and if not for the lightning stance and his body has been tempered, the move then would have injured him

on the stage.

Sato stood at the same spot and snickered coldly, "Vail surnamed, you're stronger than what I thought by a bit.

But if this is all your strength,then you don't have the right to pick my shoes."

Lucian's breathing fastened as his eyes squinted.....


The outer disciples below sighed in relief, but the shock still remained on their faces. The exchange just now was way too fast.

Lucian's speed exceed everyone expectations and on per se with a fourth rank grandmaster domain level warrior.

Expression of surprise appeared on Indiana face. Maybe just now, Lucian did have a few tricks up his sleeves which gave him the confidence to win.

As the crowd let out a breath, the situation once again changed.

Meteor clash!

A strong destructive inner strength surged out from his palm and form a fire dragon,then it charged at Lucian like a dragon.

At that moment almost everybody didn't where Sato is, since,fire had spread enveloped the stage.

Under that disastrous move, he was like he was immersed in a cooking pot.

Chaotic wind figure! Windmill cloud!

Lucian's defense only made him more vulnerable...

Silver air barrier!

A faint transparent glow appeared on Lucian's body and he sent out a deep aura.

A loud 'bang' was heard as the silver barrier rippled and become unstable but it still resist Sato meteor attack.

Sato had attacked first but he didn't put Lucian down as expected.



Lucian's fist pierced straight through the fire hitting Sato defensive barrier and made the latter lose his composure and retreat.

This was the first time that Lucian had forced Sato back.

"Sato was forced back!"

The change shocked the outer disciples.

While retreating , Sato forcefully circulate his qi trying to retaliate but this made him slowed down and a few flaws appeared.

Lucian's eyes shone brighter,saw this and quickly used his stormbreaker attack.

At this moment, with the lightning stance, stormbreaker had surpassed its previous fastest speed and damage.

Merging the two attack, stormbreaker and lightning stance,it quickly appeared as a high tier martial arts skill.


Lucian kept on attacking while he had the advantage and he aimed for his flaws. At this time,he merged it with chaotic wind finger, which made his attack more fiercer.

"This brat was conserving his strength before....." Sato was shocked and angry at the same time. Not only was he able to retaliate, he had been surpressed even more.

He had been pushed by Lucian back before, but he didn't want to retreat, so he tried to turn the situation using his cultivation to his advantage. But the result was Lucian's attack became more fiercer and caught the major flaw he made.

Deng! Deng! Deng!

Sato ragged figure was pushed back continuously.

This scene made the outer disciples stare in shock.

"What going on? Sato is being suppressed!"

Their gaze turned to Sato who was retreating.

Not only was the crowd drum,a flash of surprise even flashed in vice head Shilla eyes. Indiana and the other was shocked. Zuras and hoisle turned to stone.

Obviously, being ranked sixteen meant that Sato's killer move wasn't as simple that he would be pushed by some one at the first rank grandmaster domain level.

Meteor explosion!

A loud explosion sounded as fire enveloped everything in a ten to twenty meters radius.

A large hole was left in the pure black stone, which was many times stronger than steel.

The two figures was forcefully separated by the move.


Lucian did a flip in mid-air and landed back on the ground puffing.

Faraway, Sato's figure stood on the ground as his chest heaved slightly,a few holes could be seen on his shirt.

"This brat's fighting strength is terrifying!"

"It looked like Sato didn't gain the upper hand."

The spectators watching broke out in discussion.


One of the substitute inner disciple said deeply,"Even If Lucian's speed and offense is good, how could he have not been injured? That only possible if..."

The person speaking was the substitute inner disciple who had just been challenged, Audi Nieves.

Through his warning many people realized this as well.

"Unless Lucian's body strengthening had..."

Reached a level it could withstand a fourth rank grandmaster domain level warrior attacks.

"...he focused on body strengthening and he has reached a level similar to Tso lu."

This gives him the capability to fight against a fourth rank grandmaster domain level warrior and not get injured.

Some quickly figured out his hidden trumps card.

It is extremely rare to find someone who had trained his body strengthening to a level it could counter those of the fourth rank. Among those were three substitute inner disciple. And of the three,Tso Lu's body was the strongest. With just his muscles alone he could counter a peak rank four grandmaster domain level warrior.

"It ends here, I only used 70% of my strength just then, Next you shall face my revenge!"

Cold light flashed in Sato's eyes as he release a powerful aura , which caused the wind to whistle, that aura was extremely close to the peak.

Lucian's expression became serious.

Everyone knew Sato was super serious now.

Fire garden!

Sato palm condensed a white light and circulated at a high speed. When that palm was thrust out even the aura started to buzz.

"Oh my God!"

He left that move.

"The tenth level of the 'fire garden manual' " Inna Tellez expression changed dramatically.

Stormbreaker! Tornado stance!

A violent light clashed heavily with the wind.


The palm and a fist met midway and interwined together but the explosion didn't happen as expected.

The scene was so calm that it was scary.

Half a breath later,an eruption happened and it....


Lucian's body was sent back tens of paces and his instantly turned white but he quickly regained color. The exchange just now made him to almost vomit blood.

Lucian a deep breath, even if he wins today it will surely be a tough battle.

Up till now,both, Sato and Lucian had suffered light injury.

"This moves both spend a lot of energy, but Sato would win because he's at the fourth rank grandmaster domain level." Audi Nieves analysed.

Discussion broke out in the crowd and most thought Sato would win.

On stage, Sato was stunned. No one should be able to continously use this move at the first rank grandmaster domain level.

Lucian was simultaneously using both qi and Mana, since no one recognized Mana he was able to get this to his advantage.

Analysing this, If he had challenge those of a lower rank he would have won easily.

While fighting his eyes scanned Zuras, seeing the shocked on his face and also fear Lucian chuckled softly.

They had underestimated Lucian so much.

"What kind of monster is Lucian Vail...? How can he have such terrifying battle power?" Indiana took a deep breath unable to deduce Lucian.

The two were all bitter on stage, even if Sato won,it still lost him face. And what If? Just what if....they drew? He wouldn't have face to look at anyone.

"Sometimes strong offense doesn't mean victory. Different style of fighting can also contribute to who wins."

Lucian seemed to gain some insight.

A blue light appeared on his eyes.

"Let's end this!"

Lucian's figure leapt into the air and change his move.

Mysterious wind palm! Lightning stance!

From Lucian's palm,a azure blue ball was starting to condense.

His move seem slow, but it was infact extremely fast it seems like even the heavens was helping him condense it.


When Lucian thrust out his palm, the nearby wind start to chaotically thrash like his move could destroy anything in it's path.


The lightning skill used MC was learned from Mynus and the wind techniques were from the book from 'Mistress.'


If you have any suggestions or questions please message me at_



