Let's Talk (Edited)

 Chris had told Kristen, "After your bath we need to have a serious talk about the future, my plans, and some things you should know about me. Some of what I tell you will be hard to believe and understand, but I feel it's important for you to know." Kristen gave him a quick nod of her head displaying a cute but somewhat confused look. She decided to take a quick bath, now she was too curious and partially excited. She also had important things of her own to discuss with him.

 After she finished her bath, she dressed herself in one of the new pajamas that they purchased earlier together. When she returned to the dining room, she found a comforting, but healthy meal prepared on the table, Chris was seated across from where her meal was placed, at either head of the table that could seat 6 people. Chris started to speak, "I figure now would be the best time to start, this could be a long and complicated discussion."