The Forest

As Maki sat in her airplane seat, gazing out the window at the endless expanse of clouds, her mind drifted to the events that had unfolded. Her gaze shifted from the window to Hiro, who was sleeping soundly next to her, his new championship belt clutched tightly in his arms. Inumaki, also asleep, completed the peaceful scene.

With a soft smile, Maki thought aloud to herself, "Who would've thought? Hiro Takashi, the world champion, sleeping like a child." Her voice was a whisper, lost in the hum of the airplane.

She turned her gaze back to the window, her reflection mingling with the clouds outside. "All I wanted was to exorcise a curse, and I ended up at his ridiculous party by mistake. What were the odds?"

Maki's smile grew as she continued to reminisce. "Our worlds couldn't be more different. He's in the ring, fighting for glory, and I'm battling curses and spirits. Yet here we are, traveling together."

She glanced again at Hiro and Inumaki, her expression softening. "He's an idiot, but he's proven himself to be more than just a loudmouth. He's a fighter, just like me, in his own way."

Lost in her thoughts, Maki's voice faded to a murmur. "I wonder what's next for us. Two worlds colliding... It's strange, but it's not unpleasant."

As Maki watched Hiro sleeping beside her, she couldn't help but notice the striking contrast of his perfectly styled blonde hair against the headrest. Even in sleep, Hiro managed to look effortlessly composed, his hair shining subtly in the cabin's dim light.

Gradually, Hiro stirred from his slumber, his eyes - a vivid shade of blue - slowly opening and focusing on Maki. There was a brief moment of silent understanding as their gazes met. Maki, caught observing him, quickly looked away, feeling a slight flush rise to her cheeks.

Hiro, with a hint of a sleepy smile, broke the silence. "Were you watching me sleep?" he asked, his tone playful yet gentle.

Maki, regaining her composure, responded with a touch of mock annoyance, "No, I just... happened to look over."

Hiro chuckled softly, fully awake now. "Just 'happened to look over', huh?" he teased, sitting up and stretching.

Maki couldn't help but smile, shaking her head slightly at Hiro's easygoing nature. "Yes, just a coincidence," she insisted, though her smile suggested she didn't mind the coincidence at all.

As they settled back into their seats, Hiro turned towards Maki with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leaned in slightly, closing the small distance between them.

"You know, Maki, I've been thinking," Hiro began, his voice taking on a playful tone.

Maki raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? And what's been occupying the great Hiro Takashi's thoughts?"

Hiro smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. "Well, I was thinking about how I've just won the world championship, and yet, the most challenging thing I've faced is figuring you out."

Maki couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head at Hiro's attempt at charm. "Is that your idea of a pickup line? Because if it is, you might need to work on it a bit more."

Hiro chuckled, undeterred. "I don't know, I think it's working. I mean, you're smiling, aren't you?"

Maki rolled her eyes but the smile remained on her face. "I'm smiling at your audacity, Hiro. You never give up, do you?"

Leaning back, Hiro gave her a confident look. "In the ring or in life, giving up isn't my style. Especially when it comes to matters of... let's say, the heart?"

Maki let out a small sigh, her smile betraying her amusement. "You're impossible," she said, though her tone was light and playful.

Seizing the opportunity, Hiro playfully reminded Maki of their earlier agreement. "Speaking of matters of the heart, you do remember that you owe me a date, right?" he said with a grin.

Maki, who had been enjoying their light-hearted banter, suddenly remembered their bet. "That was just a silly bet, Hiro. You can't be serious about it."

Hiro leaned in closer, his expression a mix of mock hurt and amusement. "Of course, I'm serious. A bet's a bet, Maki. You wouldn't go back on your word, would you?"

Maki let out an exasperated sigh, though the corners of her mouth twitched in amusement. "I can't believe you're actually holding me to that. What did I get myself into?"

Hiro's smile broadened. "You got yourself into a date with the world champion. It's not every day you get to say that, right?"

Maki shook her head, laughing despite herself. "Fine, Hiro. One date. But you're choosing the place, and it better be somewhere nice."

Hiro's face lit up with victory. "You won't regret it, Maki. I promise it'll be a night to remember."

Maki looked out the window, hiding her smile. Despite her reluctance to admit it, the prospect of spending an evening out with Hiro wasn't entirely unappealing. His easygoing nature and relentless optimism had a way of making even the most mundane activities enjoyable.

Maki's expression turned serious as she remembered something important she wanted to discuss with Hiro. "Hiro, there's something I need to tell you about your fight with Mike."

Hiro, intrigued by the sudden change in tone, asked, "What about it?"

Maki took a deep breath before explaining. "During your fight, Mike was using something called 'cursed energy.' It's a form of power from the world of Jujutsu, something completely different from regular physical strength."

Hiro, who had never heard of such a thing, looked skeptical. "Cursed energy? Jujutsu? That sounds like something out of a fantasy story."

Maki nodded, understanding his skepticism. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's real. I'm part of that world, Hiro. I'm a sorcerer who deals with curses and uses this energy."

Hiro raised an eyebrow, still finding it hard to believe. "So, you're saying Mike cheated using some magical power? And you're a sorcerer?"

Maki could see the disbelief in Hiro's eyes. "It's not exactly cheating. It's just how things work in the Jujutsu world. And yes, I am a sorcerer. It's why I was able to help you that night at the party when you first met me."

Hiro leaned back in his seat, trying to process this new information. "So, this Jujutsu world... is it like a secret society or something?"

Maki explained further, "It's more than that. It's a whole different aspect of reality, where sorcerers like me fight against curses and entities that normal people aren't aware of."

Hiro's skepticism was evident, but he listened intently as Maki continued. "I'm telling you about this world, which is actually a big deal. Revealing the existence of Jujutsu and cursed energy to someone outside our world is taboo. I could get into a lot of trouble for this," Maki explained, her tone serious.

Hiro, understanding the gravity of what Maki was sharing, responded with a hint of surprise. "Sounds like you're putting a lot of trust in me by telling me all this. Why take the risk?"

Maki looked out the window for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "I thought it was important for you to know, especially after what happened with Mike. This world is a part of my life, and you... you've become a part of my life too," she admitted, her voice softer.

Hiro, taken aback by her honesty, nodded slowly. "I appreciate you trusting me with this, Maki. It's a lot to take in, but I'm glad you told me."

Maki gave him a small smile. "Just... don't go talking about it to anyone else. It's a secret world for a reason."

Hiro, now understanding the seriousness of the situation, assured her, "Your secret's safe with me."

Hiro's face lit up with a mix of pride and amusement. "So, I'm pretty amazing, huh? Beating a sorcerer with just my fists," he said, his tone playful yet filled with a newfound sense of achievement.

Maki couldn't help but smile at his reaction. "Yes, it's quite a feat. Not many can say they've done that," she acknowledged, appreciating his accomplishment.

Emboldened by her confirmation, Hiro leaned back in his seat, a confident grin on his face. "Maybe I could take on more sorcerers. What do you think?"

Maki, however, was quick to bring a dose of reality to his enthusiasm. "Well, to be honest, Mike is incredibly weak compared to other sorcerers. Against someone more skilled in Jujutsu, you wouldn't stand a chance."

Hiro raised an eyebrow, a bit deflated but still curious. "Not even for a second?"

"Not even a second," Maki confirmed, her tone serious but gentle.

Hiro thought for a moment, then his smile returned, more mischievous than before. "Maybe I should become a sorcerer then. How hard can it be?" he joked.

Maki laughed at the suggestion. "It's not something you can just pick up like boxing, Hiro. It's a whole different world with its own rules and dangers."

Hiro nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Well, who knows? Maybe one day you'll be teaching me some of those sorcerer tricks," he said, the idea seeming more appealing by the second.


As Hiro ran through the bustling streets of Tokyo, the rhythmic pounding of his feet on the pavement matched the cadence of his thoughts. He was deeply engrossed in contemplating the revelations Maki had shared with him about the world of Jujutsu, curses, and cursed energy. An internal dialogue played in his mind as he navigated through the city.

"So, there's an entire world hidden from plain sight, huh?" Hiro thought, his breath steady despite the exertion. "Sorcerers, curses, and this thing called cursed energy. It's like something out of a comic book."

He recalled the intensity in Maki's eyes when she spoke about her world. "Maki lives in this reality every day. Fighting curses, protecting people from things they don't even know exist. It's incredible, and a bit scary, honestly."

As he continued to run, Hiro's thoughts drifted to his recent fight with Mike. "And to think, Mike was using this cursed energy against me. Makes me wonder how many others are out there like him. Am I going to run into more people like that?"

The idea of facing such unknown and potentially dangerous opponents was daunting, yet there was a part of Hiro that was intrigued by the challenge. "Maki said I wouldn't last a second against a real sorcerer. Maybe she's right... but then again, I've always liked proving people wrong."

Hiro slowed his pace as he approached a park, his mind still racing. "Could I really learn about this Jujutsu stuff? Is it even possible for someone like me?"

He stopped, taking a moment to catch his breath, looking out over the cityscape. "Maybe one day, I'll ask Maki to show me more about her world. It could be interesting."

With a final deep breath, Hiro resumed his run, the possibilities of this new, hidden world fueling his thoughts and steps. The idea of exploring the world of Jujutsu, so different from everything he knew, was both intimidating and exhilarating. As he disappeared into the crowd, Hiro felt a renewed sense of curiosity and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the boxing ring and possibly beyond.

As Hiro continued his run through the crowded streets of Tokyo, he found the throngs of people and the bustling city life somewhat overwhelming for his current contemplative mood. Seeking a more peaceful and natural setting, he decided to change his route.

"There are too many people here. I need some space to think," Hiro mused to himself. He decided to head towards a place he knew would offer the tranquility and space he sought – the Meiji Shrine forest.

As he made his way to the forest surrounding the Meiji Shrine, the noise and chaos of the city began to fade, replaced by the serene sounds of nature. The forest, a green oasis in the heart of the bustling metropolis, was a perfect place for reflection and solitude.

Entering the forest, Hiro felt a sense of calm wash over him. The tall trees, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the soft, earthy path underfoot created an atmosphere that was worlds away from the urban sprawl of Tokyo.

"This is more like it," Hiro thought, picking up his pace. "A bit of nature does wonders for clearing the mind."

As he ran through the forest, the conversation with Maki about the Jujutsu world replayed in his mind. The dense canopy of trees and the quietude of the forest provided a fitting backdrop for his contemplation.

"Could there really be a world so different from what I know, right under our noses?" Hiro wondered. The forest, with its timeless and untouched feel, seemed like a place where the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary could blur.

The peaceful surroundings allowed Hiro to run and think without distraction. He considered the possibilities of the Jujutsu world and what his place in it could be, should he choose to explore it further.

As Hiro delved deeper into the forest, the serenity of the surroundings contrasted sharply with the city's hustle and bustle. The path wound through the trees, leading him further into the quiet embrace of nature.

Ahead, Hiro noticed a figure standing off the path. The person's presence in such a secluded spot piqued Hiro's curiosity. As he ran closer, the stranger turned to face him, a sardonic smile playing on his lips.

"You must be Hiro Takashi," the stranger said, his voice carrying a hint of mockery.

Hiro, assuming the man recognized him from his recent boxing victory, replied with a friendly smile, "Yeah, that's me. Are you a fan?"

The man's smile twisted into a sneer. "I'm not a fan of idiots," he said sharply, his tone dismissive.

Taken aback by the response, Hiro slowed his pace and arched an eyebrow. "And who are you supposed to be?" he asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

The stranger's expression remained smug, and he replied with chilling casualness, "Since I'll be killing you, I suppose it's fine to tell you. I'm Naoya Zenin."

The name didn't mean anything to Hiro, but the way Naoya said it, and the threat in his words, sent a chill down Hiro's spine. This was no ordinary encounter, and the man before him was clearly not just another fan or a passerby.

Hiro stopped running, his body tensing as he assessed the situation. Naoya's stance and demeanor suggested he was not just making idle threats. Hiro realized he might be in real danger, especially considering what Maki had told him about the world of Jujutsu and cursed energy.

The peaceful forest had suddenly become the backdrop for a potentially deadly confrontation, and Hiro found himself facing a situation far beyond the scope of any boxing match he had ever fought in.

Hiro's expression hardened as he recognized the Zenin name. "Zenin? You related to Maki or something?" he asked, his voice taking on an edge.

Naoya smirked. "Yes, she's my cousin. And she's bringing shame to our family by associating with someone like you."

Hiro started to bounce lightly on the balls of his feet, getting into a boxer's stance. "And that's why you want to kill me? Because I'm hanging out with your cousin?" he asked, his tone defiant.

Naoya's eyes narrowed. "Maki has always been a disgrace. But being with a nobody like you just makes things worse for our family's reputation."

Hiro chuckled, undeterred by Naoya's hostility. "Well, hate to break it to you, but Maki and I aren't dating. She just enjoys my charming company."

Naoya's expression soured. "Don't give me that arrogant smirk," he snapped.

Hiro, his confidence undiminished, responded with a taunting grin. "What's the matter? Scared that an 'ordinary' guy like me might not be so ordinary after all?"

The tension escalated as Hiro stood ready, his fighting instincts kicking in. Naoya, filled with animosity towards Maki and Hiro, seemed poised for an attack. Hiro, though out of his element in dealing with the supernatural aspects of the Jujutsu world, was not someone who backed down from a challenge. The confrontation in the serene forest was a stark contrast to the peaceful surroundings, with both men sizing each other up for a potential clash.

Naoya's smile turned into a condescending sneer. "You really are an idiot," he remarked, his tone dripping with disdain.

Hiro, unfazed by the insult, shot back with unwavering confidence. "This 'idiot' is about to mop the floor with you," he retorted, his stance steady and ready.

The air between them crackled with tension, each man sizing up the other. Hiro, though unfamiliar with the specifics of cursed energy and the Jujutsu world, was not one to back down from a fight, especially when provoked. His years in the boxing ring had instilled in him a deep sense of confidence and a belief in his own abilities.

Naoya, for his part, seemed amused by Hiro's bravado. The prospect of a physical confrontation with someone he deemed an ordinary person appeared to be a source of entertainment rather than concern.

The confrontation, set against the tranquil backdrop of the Meiji Shrine forest, was a stark contrast. The peaceful surroundings were now the stage for a showdown between two individuals from very different worlds. Hiro, the confident boxer, and Naoya, the scornful sorcerer, stood on the brink of a clash that neither was willing to back down from.


Yuta and Panda sat under the shade of a large, sprawling tree in the grounds of the Jujutsu High School. They were taking a much-needed break after an exhausting training session. The atmosphere around them was peaceful, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, providing a soothing background to their rest. The sun filtered through the branches, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

Panda, who had been lounging comfortably, turned to Yuta with a curious expression. "Yuta, I've had a question for you for a while now," he said in his usual calm manner.

Yuta, wiping sweat from his brow, looked at Panda. "What's that?" he asked, curious about what Panda had on his mind.

Panda's gaze was direct. "Do you like Maki?" he asked straightforwardly.

Caught off guard by the question, Yuta's face flushed with surprise and embarrassment. He stammered a bit, clearly flustered by Panda's directness. After a few moments of nervous babbling, Yuta finally managed to get out a simple, "Yes, I do."

Panda nodded, not seeming particularly surprised by the admission. Yuta, meanwhile, tried to regain his composure, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment at having confessed his feelings.

Yuta, still reeling from his own admission, looked at Panda curiously. "Why do you ask that? What made you think of it?" he inquired, trying to understand Panda's sudden interest in his feelings.

Panda, leaning back against the tree, seemed thoughtful. "Well, it's just that I've noticed something," he began. "It seems like you might have some competition."

Yuta's eyes widened slightly. "Competition? What do you mean?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Panda continued, "I'm talking about Hiro Takashi, the boxer. Haven't you noticed how Maki talks about him? And after his recent victory, she seems even more... invested."

Yuta frowned, mulling over Panda's observation. "I... hadn't really thought about it that way. Hiro and Maki are just friends, right?"

Panda shrugged. "Maybe, but friendships can evolve, especially when they go through intense experiences together. And Hiro's world is so different from ours. That could be intriguing for someone like Maki."

Yuta sighed, feeling a mix of confusion and worry. "I guess you're right. But what should I do? I don't want to come between Maki and a friend, but I also can't ignore how I feel about her."

Panda looked at Yuta, his expression understanding. "All you can do is be honest with yourself and with Maki. If your feelings are genuine, you should let her know. But remember, it's her choice too."

Yuta nodded, taking in Panda's advice. "Thanks, Panda. I'll think about it. I just hope I don't end up ruining our friendship."

Panda patted Yuta on the back. "Whatever happens, you'll handle it. Just remember, no matter what, we're here for you."

In a spacious room within the Jujutsu High School, a serious meeting was underway. The room, usually bustling with activity and the exchange of jujutsu techniques and ideas, had taken on a somber tone. Gathered there were several of the school's most prominent figures, including Satoru Gojo, Mei Mei, Kento Nanami, and other esteemed professors.

Principal Masamichi Yaga stood at the front, his expression grave as he addressed the room. "We've gathered here to discuss an urgent matter," he began. "It's about the child of the prophecy."

The room was filled with a palpable tension, as everyone present understood the gravity of such a topic. Prophecies in the jujutsu world were rare and often foretold significant events or changes.

Gojo, leaning against the wall with his usual relaxed posture, broke the silence. "So, what's this prophecy about? And how reliable is the source?" he asked, his tone casual but interested.

Yaga nodded at Gojo's question. "The prophecy comes from a highly credible source, a respected elder in the Jujutsu community. According to her vision, there is a child in this generation of sorcerers who possesses immense power, potentially surpassing even the user of the Six Eyes and the Ten Shadows."

Mei Mei, always pragmatic, chimed in. "Do we have any leads on who this child might be? Any unusual talents among the students that could fit the description?"

Nanami adjusted his glasses, his voice measured as he spoke. "If such an individual exists, identifying and guiding them will be crucial. They could be a great asset, but also a significant risk if their power is not properly managed."

Yaga acknowledged their concerns. "That's precisely why we need to be diligent. We must find this child and ensure they receive the right guidance and training."

Gojo, always curious and forward-thinking, posed a question that seemed to be on everyone's mind. "Could this prophesied child be Yuta Okkotsu?" he asked, referencing one of the most talented students at Jujutsu High.

Principal Yaga shook his head in response. "No, it's not Yuta. According to the seer, this child is even more powerful than Okkotsu. We're talking about an unprecedented level of cursed energy."

Nanami, always analytical, inquired further about the nature of the prophecy. "Can you tell us more about this prophecy? What exactly does it entail?"

Yaga leaned against the podium, his voice taking on a historical tone. "The prophecy speaks of a sorcerer born once in many generations, possessing an immense amount of cursed energy. There are no records of the first occurrence, but there have been three notable instances. One involved a sorcerer who destroyed half of Japan with their power. Another, a young sorcerer of just ten years old, played a crucial role in sealing away Sukuna. And the last, about a hundred years ago, didn't make any significant moves but was an ally to the jujutsu world."

He paused, letting the information sink in. "This child, depending on how they're guided and what choices they make, could bring about great good or great destruction. It's a matter of immense importance that we find them and ensure they're on the right path."

The room fell silent as the gravity of Yaga's words hung in the air. The existence of such a powerful sorcerer was both an opportunity and a potential threat. It was clear that the actions they took in response to this prophecy would have significant repercussions for the jujutsu world.

As the meeting continued, the sense of responsibility felt by each person in the room was evident. Discussions turned to strategies for locating the child and plans for how they might be trained and guided. The task was monumental, but with the combined efforts of the Jujutsu High School's most experienced and skilled sorcerers, they were prepared to undertake it. The future of their world could very well depend on their success in this mission.

Maki stood at a distance, observing Panda and Yuta as they trained intensely. Their movements were fluid and precise, a testament to their skills and dedication. As she watched, her thoughts unexpectedly drifted to Hiro.

She wondered, almost involuntarily, what it would be like if Hiro were here at the school, training alongside them. Would his boxing skills translate into the world of jujutsu? How would he adapt to the challenges of cursed energy and curses?

Catching herself entertaining these thoughts, Maki mentally scolded herself. "What am I thinking? That's ridiculous," she thought, a frown creasing her brow.

She felt a mix of annoyance and confusion. Maki couldn't deny that there was something about Hiro that intrigued her, despite her best efforts to dismiss it. His confidence, his resilience in the face of challenges, and his undeniably charismatic personality – all these aspects of Hiro had made an impression on her, much to her chagrin.

"I hate that I'm even thinking about him," Maki thought, her annoyance growing. "He's so infuriating, always so full of himself. But... there's something about him." She couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was – his determination, his fearlessness, or simply the way he always managed to make her smile, despite herself.

Maki sighed, feeling conflicted. Part of her disliked Hiro for his arrogance and his ability to get under her skin. Yet another part of her was drawn to him, intrigued by his different approach to life and his unyielding spirit.

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "Focus, Maki. You're a sorcerer, not some schoolgirl with a crush," she reminded herself sternly.

Turning her attention back to Panda and Yuta, Maki tried to immerse herself in the seriousness of their training, pushing thoughts of Hiro to the back of her mind. However, deep down, she knew that Hiro had, in his own unique way, become a part of her world – a fact she was still trying to come to terms with.


In the midst of their confrontation, Naoya Zenin found himself with a bleeding nose, a testament to Hiro's unexpected skill in combat. Despite the injury, Naoya couldn't help but smile, albeit grudgingly, at Hiro's resilience and fighting ability.

"You're quite the skilled idiot," Naoya said, wiping the blood from his nose, his smile laced with both amusement and irritation.

Hiro, standing his ground despite the pain radiating from his left hand, which was now clearly broken, returned Naoya's smile with one of his own. "You haven't seen anything yet," he replied, his voice a mix of pain and defiance.

The forest, usually a place of tranquility and escape from the chaos of the city, had become the arena for a clash of wills and strength. Hiro, with his unyielding spirit, and Naoya, with his sorcery skills, faced off in a battle that was as much about proving their own capabilities as it was about defeating the other..