New Life

Panda, strolling through the school courtyard, spotted a jacket lying abandoned on a bench. Recognizing the high-end brand, he immediately thought it was too valuable to be left like that. "This has to be Hiro's," Panda mused, knowing the new student's taste for luxury.

He made his way to the dormitory area, stopping at Hiro's door. After a quick knock, he heard Hiro's voice from inside, "It's open!"

Panda pushed the door open and stepped inside, his eyes widening at the sight. The room had undergone a complete transformation from its traditional, spartan Jujutsu High aesthetic to something far more opulent.

The walls, once bare, were now covered in elegant, dark wallpaper, creating a contrast with the sleek, modern furniture that filled the space. A king-sized bed with a plush headboard sat against one wall, its linens crisp and undoubtedly high-thread-count. Opposite the bed was a state-of-the-art entertainment system, complete with the latest gaming console and a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall.

One corner of the room was dedicated to a small, but luxurious seating area, featuring leather armchairs and a glass coffee table stacked with various high-end magazines and books. The lighting in the room was subtle yet sophisticated, with strategically placed lamps casting a warm glow across the room.

Panda's gaze then fell on a mini-fridge and a compact, but lavish, kitchenette area, stocked with an array of snacks and beverages, far from the standard fare found in the school's cafeteria.

Hiro, noticing Panda's astonished look, chuckled from his seat at a sleek, modern desk, surrounded by high-tech gadgets. "Like the new digs?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Panda, still taking in the lavish transformation, finally managed to speak. "It's... certainly different from the usual rooms here. Found your jacket outside, by the way."

Hiro stood up, walking over to retrieve the jacket. "Thanks, Panda. I must have dropped it earlier."

As Panda handed over the jacket, he couldn't help but wonder just how much Hiro's presence would change the dynamics at Jujutsu High, both in and out of the classroom.

Panda, still looking around in awe, asked, "How did you manage to get so much space in here?"

Hiro, casually draping the jacket over a chair, replied with a nonchalant shrug, "I combined three rooms into one. Needed the space."

Panda's eyebrows shot up. "Combined three rooms? How did you even get permission for that?"

Hiro smirked, sitting back down at his desk. "Who said anything about permission?"

Panda, taken aback, said, "You mean you didn't get approval? That's... that's going to cause some issues, Hiro."

Hiro leaned back in his chair, his confidence unwavering. "Let them come. I'll deal with it when it happens. I'm not exactly worried about the bureaucracy here."

Panda, still processing Hiro's audacity, tried to reason with him. "You know, this kind of thing isn't just about rules. It's about respect for the other students and the school."

Hiro looked up, his expression softening slightly. "I get that, Panda. But I'm used to a certain lifestyle. I'm not here to step on anyone's toes, I just want to be comfortable while I'm training."

Panda sighed, realizing arguing wouldn't change Hiro's mindset. "Just be careful, Hiro. This isn't the boxing world. Things work differently here."

Hiro nodded, a hint of acknowledgment in his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for bringing my jacket back."

As Panda left the room, he couldn't help but think about the impact Hiro was going to have at Jujutsu High. His blend of arrogance and charm was unsettling, yet undeniably compelling. Panda wondered what other surprises Hiro had in store for them.

The creaking of old bones echoed in the stairwell of Jujutsu High School as an elderly woman, the revered diviner, painstakingly ascended the steps. Each movement seemed to draw heavily on her dwindling reserves of strength, but her determination was unwavering. Beside her, Principal Gakuganji offered a steady arm for support, his expression one of deep respect. On her other side, Mai Zenin, one of the students, walked with a mix of curiosity and awe.

The diviner's eyes, clouded with age yet sharp with wisdom, scanned the corridors as they reached the top of the stairs. She had heard much about the young man named Hiro Takashi, the subject of a potent prophecy that had stirred the Jujutsu community.

Mai leaned closer to the diviner, her voice low. "Are you sure you can do this? You seem tired."

The diviner offered a faint smile, her voice a whisper yet firm. "My body may be weary, but my spirit is strong. The fates have led me here, to uncover the truth about this young man."

Principal Gakuganji nodded solemnly. "Your insights are invaluable to us. Hiro Takashi is indeed a unique case. His arrival has been... unexpected."

As they approached the classroom, the diviner paused, closing her eyes for a moment as if sensing the energies around her. "The threads of destiny are thick around this place. The prophecy... it speaks of great power, and with it, great responsibility. We must tread carefully."

Mai glanced towards the classroom door, her curiosity piqued about Hiro. "Everyone's talking about him. He's already made quite an impression."

The diviner opened her eyes, a spark of ancient knowledge flickering within them. "Let us meet this Hiro Takashi. The truth of the prophecy awaits us."

With a collective breath, the trio moved towards the classroom door, ready to confront whatever mysteries lay beyond, and to potentially unveil the destiny of the one known as Hiro Takashi.

As the trio approached the classroom, the diviner paused, her gaze drifting over the familiar yet changed landscape of Jujutsu High School. "It has been many years since I last walked these halls," she remarked, her voice carrying a note of nostalgia. "Tokyo's school has grown and changed, yet the essence remains."

Gakuganji, ever the stoic, replied, "Indeed, the school has seen many changes. Your insights today may herald yet another shift in its history."

Mai, glancing around, added, "It's always bustling with activity. I guess today's no different, especially with you here."

Before the diviner could respond, they were greeted by the sight of Satoru Gojo, his characteristic grin in place. "Welcome back to Jujutsu High! It's not every day we get such esteemed guests," he said cheerfully.

Gojo's eyes twinkled mischievously as he turned to Gakuganji. "And look at you, Principal. Escorting our honored guest. I must say, it's a rare sight to see someone even older than you around here."

Gakuganji shot Gojo a disapproving look, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Satoru, show some respect. We are in the presence of a highly respected diviner."

The diviner chuckled softly, undisturbed by the banter. "Satoru Gojo, as lively as ever. It's good to see some things remain constant."

Gojo's smile broadened. "Always here to add a bit of sparkle to our esteemed institution. Now, shall we introduce you to Hiro Takashi? The one you've come so far to see."

The group nodded, and Gojo led the way to the classroom. The diviner's steps were slow but steady, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of purpose. As they neared their destination, the anticipation within the group grew palpable. The moment of revelation, the meeting between the ancient seer and the young subject of prophecy, was at hand.

Panda, Yuta, and Inumaki stood a short distance away, observing Hiro and Maki. Maki was laughing, a sound rare enough to draw attention, while Hiro performed a series of bizarre yet amusing movements beside her.

Panda tilted his head, puzzled. "Is it just me, or has Maki been acting strange lately?"

Yuta squinted at the pair. "She looks like any regular girl right now."

"Exactly," Panda said with a nod. "Maki's not usually like this. She's more... reserved."

Inumaki, watching the scene, simply uttered, "Salmón."

Suddenly, Panda's eyes widened, and he shouted excitedly, "Revelación divinaaa!" He then called out to Hiro, waving him over.

Hiro, looking slightly confused, jogged over to them. "What's up, Panda?"

Without missing a beat, Panda leaned in, his voice filled with curiosity. "So, Hiro, what kind of girl do you like?"

Hiro, caught off guard by the question, paused for a moment. He glanced back at Maki, a small smirk appearing on his face, then turned back to Panda. "Why do you ask?"

Panda, with the enthusiasm of a detective close to solving a case, replied, "Just curious. You and Maki seem to be getting along pretty well."

Hiro chuckled, his eyes still on Maki. "I like someone who's strong, independent, someone who can keep up with me. Someone like..." His voice trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

Panda nodded knowingly, while Yuta and Inumaki exchanged glances. The dynamics within their group were shifting, and it seemed that Hiro and Maki were at the center of this change.

Just as Hiro was about to finish his sentence, Gojo's voice echoed across the courtyard, breaking the moment. "Everyone, gather 'round! The diviner, a student from Kyoto, and our very own Gakuganji are here!"

The group's attention immediately shifted as they saw the elderly woman, Tsuna, accompanied by Gakuganji and a student from Kyoto. Tsuna, small and frail yet exuding an aura of immense wisdom, approached Hiro.

She looked up at him, her eyes taking in his blonde hair and blue eyes. "You do have the look of a hero destined to save the world," she said, her voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and seriousness.

"I need to take your hand to verify everything," Tsuna added, extending her own trembling hand towards Hiro.

The students, including Hiro, Maki, Panda, Yuta, and Inumaki, gathered around, their expressions a mix of intrigue and anticipation.

Hiro, sensing the gravity of the moment, carefully extended his hand, placing it in Tsuna's. Her fingers were cold and delicate, but her grip was surprisingly firm.

Tsuna closed her eyes, her lips moving in a silent chant. The air around them seemed to grow still, charged with an invisible energy. Everyone watched in silence, waiting for Tsuna to reveal the truth of the prophecy and its connection to Hiro.

The silence around them deepened as Tsuna, the diviner, focused intently on Hiro. The seconds ticked by, each one heavy with anticipation. Suddenly, Tsuna's eyes snapped open, breaking the stillness. "This young man is not the child of prophecy," she announced, her voice clear and certain.

A wave of surprise rippled through the group. Gojo raised an eyebrow, Panda's mouth fell open, and Yuta and Inumaki exchanged bewildered glances. Maki's expression was unreadable, but her eyes were fixed on Hiro.

Hiro, his pride stung, responded with a touch of arrogance. "Not the child of prophecy? Are you sure you're not mistaken? I mean, look at me."

Mai, who had been quietly observing, couldn't help but notice Hiro's striking appearance. "He's actually... quite handsome," she thought to herself, momentarily distracted.

Maki, sensing Hiro's growing frustration, stepped closer to him. "Hiro, calm down," she said in a low voice. "This doesn't change who you are or what you're capable of."

Hiro turned to look at Maki, the edge in his voice softening slightly. "I just thought...," he began, then trailed off, his arrogance faltering under the weight of the situation.

Gojo, his expression thoughtful, mused aloud, "This is strange. I was almost certain Hiro would be the one."

At that moment, Principal Masamichi Yaga entered the scene. A man of medium height with a kind face framed by a neatly trimmed beard, Yaga exuded a quiet authority and wisdom. His eyes, sharp and observant, scanned the gathered students and the diviner.

"It's not Hiro," Yaga said calmly. "We have another candidate. The school has just received a request for the enrollment of another student."

The group turned their attention to Yaga, a new sense of curiosity stirring among them.

"This new student starts tomorrow," Yaga continued. "We can verify the prophecy then."

Hiro, listening intently, straightened up. "It doesn't matter if I'm not the child of the prophecy. I'll still be the strongest. That's not going to change."

Maki, who had been watching Hiro closely, arched an eyebrow. "Don't be such an idiot," she said, half-teasing, half-serious.

Hiro met her gaze, a playful smirk on his lips. "But I'm your idiot, aren't I?"

Maki's light tap on Hiro's head was accompanied by Gakuganji's announcement. "We will be spending the night here in Tokyo then."

Mai watched Maki's interaction with Hiro and remarked with a sly grin, "Still quick to hit, I see, Maki."

Maki shot a sharp look at Mai. "And you're still as sharp-tongued as ever."

Hiro, curious about the new arrival, turned to Maki. "And she is?"

"That's Mai, my twin sister," Maki replied, somewhat tersely.

Hiro's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really? A twin, huh? That's quite something."

Mai, not missing a beat, leaned in towards Hiro with a coquettish smile. "It sure is. It's a pleasure to meet someone as renowned as you, Hiro."

Maki's expression hardened slightly at the blatant flirtation.

Catching Maki's reaction, Mai teased, "What's the matter, Maki? You're not falling for him, are you?"

Maki's face colored, but she quickly retorted, "That's none of your business, Mai."

Hiro chuckled awkwardly, feeling the tension between the sisters. "Well, this is certainly an interesting welcome."

Mai ignored Maki's reaction and stepped closer to Hiro, her voice playful. "So, Hiro, tell me more about yourself. I'm sure there's a lot to know beyond boxing."

Maki rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Mai, give him some space."

Mai winked at Hiro, ignoring Maki. "Oh, I'm sure Hiro doesn't mind, do you?"

Hiro, caught between the twin sisters, managed a half-smile. "I guess I'm getting the full Jujutsu High experience, huh?"

Mai, seizing the moment, leaned in closer to Hiro. "I could give you a complete welcome tour," she said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

Panda couldn't help but laugh at the unfolding scene, enjoying the lighthearted banter.

Mai, undeterred, placed her hand on Hiro's chest. "Why don't you show me around the place?" she suggested in a sultry tone.

Hiro, with a quick, playful glance at Maki, gently took Mai's hand and moved it away. "Sorry, but this 'doll' is already reserved by Maki," he quipped.

Maki's eyes shot daggers at Hiro, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath, "loudmouth."

Yuta, standing a little off to the side, shifted uncomfortably, not used to such direct interactions.

Hiro just laughed, clearly amused by the reactions his comment had elicited.

Gojo, watching the interactions among the students, couldn't help but laugh. "It's great to see such youthful energy," he remarked with amusement.

However, their moment was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a new figure. A tall, muscular individual walked into the scene, commanding immediate attention. Gakuganji looked towards him and said, "So you've finally arrived, Toudo."

Aoi Toudo, with his imposing presence, replied casually, "The event with Takada-chan ended earlier than expected."

Mai, slightly rolling her eyes, asked, "Still obsessed with your idol shows, Toudo?"

Toudo grinned at her and responded, "You should try it sometime, Mai. It's quite the experience."

His gaze then swept over the group. "So, who among all of you will be participating in the exchange event tournament?"

Hiro turned to Gojo, curiosity piqued. "What's this about a tournament?"

Gojo explained, "It's an event between the Jujutsu schools of Tokyo and Kyoto. A sort of friendly competition."

Hiro's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'll be participating then."

Gojo let out a chuckle and shook his head. "First years usually don't participate, Hiro."

Hiro's face fell slightly, but his smile remained. "Well, there's a first time for everything."

Gojo nodded thoughtfully. "Actually, I was considering having Yuta participate this year."

Yuta gulped, clearly nervous at the prospect.

Gojo added, "But there's still a month to go before the event."

Toudo turned his gaze to Yuta, his interest piqued upon hearing that a first-year might participate. "Is that so? How about a little spar to see what you've got, Yuta?"

Before Yuta could respond, Hiro stepped forward, a confident smirk on his face. "Why waste your time with him? Yuta's not even half as talented as I am."

Maki rolled her eyes at Hiro's boast. "That's not true, Hiro," she said, clearly annoyed by his arrogance.

Toudo's smile widened at the banter. "Oh? This is getting interesting."

The air was thick with tension and excitement as Toudo and Hiro faced off. Principal Gakuganji, sensing the brewing confrontation, stepped in. "This is not why we're here," he said firmly, trying to defuse the situation.

Gojo, always keen on seizing opportunities, countered, "Actually, this could be a great chance to see Hiro's potential in action."

The diviner, Tsuna, who had been quietly observing the interactions, spoke up. "I must admit, I am quite interested in witnessing this fight," she said, her eyes reflecting a spark of curiosity.

The students looked at each other, realizing that what had started as a casual challenge was now turning into an unexpected showcase of skill and talent. The possibility of a spar between Hiro and Toudo was not just a test of strength, but also an opportunity to understand the dynamics and potential within Jujutsu High's walls.


In a quiet room, a young man named Yamada methodically packed his belongings into a suitcase. He moved with a sense of purpose, yet his eyes lingered on the room, as if memorizing every detail. The walls were adorned with posters and mementos, each telling a story of his journey so far.

As he closed his suitcase, a man with long hair entered the room. His presence was calm yet commanding. "Yamada, are you ready?" he asked in a steady tone.

Yamada looked up and nodded firmly. "Yes, I am."

The long-haired man leaned against the doorway, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Tomorrow is going to be interesting," he remarked.

Yamada simply nodded again, his expression unreadable. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, a prelude to the new chapter that awaited him. The journey ahead was unknown, but Yamada was prepared to face whatever challenges it brought.