The return of the prodigy son

As Mai wandered through the corridors of the Jujutsu School, her thoughts were interrupted by the rumble of her stomach. Deciding to grab something to eat, she made her way to the school's dining area.

Upon entering the cafeteria, Mai noticed Maki, Kugisaki, and Inumaki sitting together at one of the tables. She took a seat at the table next to them, casually picking up a menu. Almost immediately, Maki's eyes fixed on Mai, and she leaned forward with a curious, slightly probing look.

"So, Mai, what did you and Hiro get up to yesterday?" Maki asked, her tone casual but carrying an undercurrent of interest.

Mai glanced at Maki, a small smile playing on her lips. "We just hung out. Hiro showed me around the city, and we ended up at the beach for a bit. It was nice," she responded, deliberately omitting the more intimate details of the evening.

Maki raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "The beach, huh? That sounds... romantic."

Mai shrugged nonchalantly. "It was just a friendly outing. Hiro's a good guy, you know."

Kugisaki, who had been listening in, chimed in with a teasing grin. "Just a friendly outing at the beach at night, huh? Sounds like more than just 'friendly' to me."

Mai rolled her eyes playfully at Kugisaki's insinuation. "Don't make it into something it's not. We're just friends."

The tension was palpable as Mai and Maki eyed each other across the tables in the cafeteria. Their relationship, always marked by a certain rivalry and friction, seemed to come to the fore in this conversation.

Maki, unable to mask her curiosity and lingering feelings, pressed on. "So, that's really all you did? Just a friendly night out?"

Mai, feeling her irritation rise, met Maki's gaze squarely. "Listen, Maki, Hiro and you are done. What he and I do shouldn't matter to you," she responded, her tone edged with defensiveness.

Maki, her expression tightening, shot back, "Just because we're not together doesn't mean I don't care about what he's up to, especially with you."

Kugisaki, observing the escalating tension, tried to defuse the situation. "Guys, come on, let's not start a fight here. They're both free to hang out with whoever they want, right?"

Inumaki, who had been quietly munching on his tuna sandwich, chimed in with his usual cryptic utterance, "Tuna," which seemed to suggest an appeal for peace or perhaps just a nonchalant dismissal of the brewing conflict.

Mai, trying to maintain her composure, addressed Maki directly. "Whether you care or not, it's none of your business. Hiro and I are just friends."

Maki, taking a deep breath, tried to ease the tension. "Fine, have it your way. I shouldn't have asked."

The tension at the table escalated as Maki, unable to resist a parting jab, remarked, "Anyway, Hiro wouldn't be interested in a piranha."

Mai, fed up with Maki's insinuations and eager to assert her own ground, shot back, more boldly than before. "Actually, just so you know, Hiro and I kissed last night."

The revelation hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. Maki's expression changed, a mix of surprise and discomfort flashing across her face. Kugisaki's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but let out an audible, "Whoa!"

Inumaki, who had been silently observing the exchange, paused mid-chew, his expression one of mild surprise before he resumed eating his tuna sandwich, seemingly unfazed by the sudden escalation of the conversation.

Maki, trying to regain her composure, scoffed. "Really? I find that hard to believe."

Mai leaned back in her chair, a look of satisfaction at having unsettled Maki. "Believe what you want, but it happened."

Maki stood up abruptly from the table, her face flushed with a mix of emotions. "I'm going to the bathroom," she announced tersely, trying to maintain her composure. Mai watched her leave with a smug smile of triumph, satisfied with the reaction she had elicited.

Meanwhile, Hiro was in his room, blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding. He was humming and whistling, excited about his upcoming return to the Shaolin Temple. Lost in his thoughts, he was startled when his door suddenly burst open.

"Hiro!" Maki exclaimed as she stormed into the room, her voice laden with anger.

Hiro turned, and immediately, he knew he was in for a confrontation. He recognized that tone in Maki's voice – it was the one she used when she was extremely upset about something. He braced himself, wondering what could have sparked such a reaction.

"Maki? What's wrong? Why are you so upset?" Hiro asked, trying to gauge the situation.

Maki, her emotions a whirlwind of hurt, jealousy, and confusion, confronted Hiro about what she had just heard. "Is it true? Did you and Mai kiss last night?" Her voice was a mix of accusation and vulnerability.

Hiro, taken aback by the directness of her question, realized that he needed to tread carefully. He knew that his actions had implications, especially given his past relationship with Maki and the delicate dynamics within their group of sorcerers.

"Maki, let's talk about this calmly," Hiro started, hoping to defuse the situation and explain things without causing further upset.

Caught off guard by Maki's sudden outburst, Hiro found himself in a precarious situation. Maki, overwhelmed with a tumult of emotions, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, her face contorted with frustration and anger.

"You idiot, you stupid, useless fool!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of anger and hurt.

Hiro, taken aback by Maki's intensity, began to back away instinctively, trying to calm her down. "Maki, wait, let's talk about this—"

But Maki was relentless in her advance, her emotions boiling over. In his attempt to retreat, Hiro didn't notice how close he was to the edge of the bed. He stumbled backward and fell onto it, with Maki unintentionally following, propelled by her own momentum.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a precarious position – Hiro on his back on the bed, with Maki on top of him, their faces mere inches apart. The room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing, the tension between them almost palpable.

Hiro's eyes widened in shock, his heart racing not just from the fear of Maki's anger but also from their unexpected proximity. Maki, equally surprised by the turn of events, momentarily forgot her anger as she became acutely aware of how close Hiro's face was to hers, their noses almost touching.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. The anger, frustration, and confusion that had driven Maki moments before were replaced by an intense and unexpected awareness of Hiro's presence. They remained frozen in that position, caught in a moment of uncertainty and unspoken emotions.

In the heat of the moment, Maki's hands moved to Hiro's cheeks, gripping them firmly. Her eyes bore into his with a mix of emotions – anger, frustration, and something deeper. "You damn blond idiot," she muttered, her voice a mix of irritation and something more undefinable.

Then, impulsively, Maki closed the gap between them and kissed Hiro. The kiss, born out of a whirlwind of emotions, caught Hiro completely off guard. For a split second, he was frozen in surprise. But as the reality of the moment sunk in, his shock gave way to the rekindling of old feelings, and he found himself responding to the kiss.

The kiss deepened, fueled by a passion and desire that had been suppressed and unacknowledged. It was intense, a manifestation of their complex history and the unresolved feelings that still lingered between them. Both Hiro and Maki gave in to the moment, the intensity of the kiss escalating as their emotions poured forth.

In the midst of their passionate embrace, Hiro's hand fumbled towards his nightstand, searching for protection, while Maki busied herself with unbuttoning his shirt. Their actions were driven by a wave of lust and reawakened feelings, a stark contrast to the complex emotions that had brought them to this moment.

Just as things were escalating, the door to Hiro's room burst open, and Gojo Satoru made his typically flamboyant entrance. "Time to go bother Megumi!" he announced cheerfully, completely oblivious to the intimate scene he had just interrupted.

Reacting instinctively, Hiro conjured up a fireball and hurled it towards Gojo, while Maki, equally startled and annoyed, grabbed Hiro's alarm clock and threw it at the intruder. Both objects harmlessly dissipated against Gojo's Infinite Void technique.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" Hiro yelled in frustration, his face flushed with both embarrassment and anger.

Maki, equally incensed, added her own insult. "You albino idiot!"

Gojo, unfazed by their reactions, just laughed. "Young love is so beautiful," he teased, clearly amused by the situation he had walked into.

In unison, both Maki and Hiro shouted, "Just get out!"

Still chuckling, Gojo made a hasty retreat, leaving the room as quickly as he had entered. His laughter echoed down the hallway as he left Hiro and Maki alone once again.

After the sudden disruption by Gojo, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Hiro, trying to recapture the moment, moved closer to Maki. He playfully bit her ear and whispered suggestively, "Shall we pick up where we left off?"

Maki's reaction was immediate and sharp. She smacked Hiro squarely on the face, her frustration evident. "Idiot!" she exclaimed as Hiro recoiled, rubbing his sore nose in confusion.

She quickly straightened her uniform, her demeanor shifting from passion to indignation. "You kissed my sister yesterday, and now you want to continue with me? You really are a fool."

Hiro, unfazed by the blow, chuckled and replied with his usual charm, "I can't help it. I'm quite the catch."

Maki managed a small smile despite herself. She moved towards the door, pausing briefly to look back at Hiro. "When you get back from your training, we'll talk. This... was a mistake, but sometimes we build on mistakes," she said, her tone a mix of contemplation and finality before leaving the room.

Left alone, Hiro lay back on his bed, a contented smile on his face. However, as he lay there, thoughts of his kiss with Mai the previous night crept into his mind. His expression turned pensive as he wrestled with his feelings. "What am I going to do?" he sighed to himself, the complexity of his emotions for both Maki and Mai weighing heavily on him.


Fushiguro, clearly annoyed by the sudden change in his plans, confronted Gojo with a frown. "Why do I have to go too?" he asked, his tone betraying his irritation.

Gojo, ever cheerful and unperturbed by Fushiguro's mood, clapped him on the shoulder with a wide grin. "Because Hiro was training you, Megumi. And to make sure you don't lose your momentum, you're coming with us. Hiro will continue training you there," he explained.

Fushiguro sighed, the prospect of traveling all the way to China clearly not appealing to him. "It's such a hassle to go that far," he grumbled.

Gojo's smile only broadened at Fushiguro's complaint. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun! Think of it as an adventure," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

Despite Gojo's attempt to spin the situation positively, Fushiguro remained less than enthusiastic. However, he knew arguing with Gojo was futile. With a resigned shrug, he accepted his fate.

"Alright, fine. But this better be worth it," Fushiguro conceded, his tone still grumbling but with a hint of acceptance.

Gojo, pleased with himself, led the way, his energy and enthusiasm almost palpable. Fushiguro followed, mentally preparing himself for the journey ahead and the continued training with Hiro. Although he was reluctant, part of him knew that this experience, under the tutelage of both Hiro and Gojo, would be invaluable for his growth as a jujutsu sorcerer.


The trio trekked through the rugged terrain of China's mountains, the path leading them ever closer to the Shaolin Temple. The landscape was a breathtaking blend of nature's grandeur and ancient history. Lush greenery covered the slopes, and the air was fresh and crisp, filled with the serene sounds of nature.

As they ascended, the magnificent Shaolin Temple came into view. It stood majestically amidst the mountains, its traditional architecture a testament to centuries of history and spiritual significance. The temple's red and gold colors stood out against the green backdrop, with ornate roofs and intricate carvings adorning the structures. It was a place that seemed to exist out of time, a sanctuary of peace and ancient wisdom.

Gojo, looking around at the winding path and the sprawling temple complex, asked, "Are you sure we're going the right way?"

Hiro nodded confidently. "Yeah, it hasn't been that long since I was last here. I remember the way."

Fushiguro, trailing a bit behind and clearly fatigued from the hike, muttered, "I'm tired. This is quite a hike."

Hiro, turning to Fushiguro with a playful grin, offered, "If you want, I can carry you the rest of the way."

Fushiguro shot him a glare, his pride kicking in. "No, thanks. I'll manage."

Gojo laughed heartily at their exchange, thoroughly enjoying the dynamic between the two younger sorcerers. "This is actually quite fun," he commented, his laughter echoing through the mountains.

As they continued their trek towards the Shaolin Temple, Hiro decided to share with Fushiguro the recent developments in his personal life. "You won't believe it, Megumi, but I kissed Mai the day before yesterday, and then Maki yesterday," Hiro said, a hint of pride in his voice.

Fushiguro, taken aback by the revelation, raised his eyebrows. "Seriously? I didn't expect you to be that kind of guy. That's kind of gross, actually."

Hiro, feeling a sting from Fushiguro's judgment, quickly defended himself. "No, no, it's not like that. They kissed me. I didn't initiate it."

At that moment, Gojo, seemingly oblivious to their conversation, interjected with a casual question. "Hey, Hiro, I'm getting hungry. Got anything to eat?"

Hiro, slightly annoyed, replied, "Why don't you hunt down a squirrel or something? Stop bothering me."

Fushiguro, seizing the opportunity, chimed in with a more polite request. "Takashi-senpai, I'm kind of hungry too."

Without hesitation, Hiro reached into his backpack and handed a sandwich to Fushiguro. Gojo, observing this exchange, feigned offense. "Clearly, that's favoritism," he complained.

Hiro just shrugged in response, not particularly concerned with Gojo's playful accusation. His focus was on ensuring Fushiguro, his pupil, was taken care of during their journey.

As they neared the temple, Hiro attempted to lighten the mood with a bit of humor. He launched into a joke, one that poked fun at the well-known quirks of the Zenin family.

"So, why did the Zenin cross the road?" Hiro started, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Both Fushiguro and Gojo waited for the punchline, though Fushiguro seemed less enthused, perhaps due to his connection to the Zenin family.

"To get away from their family meetings!" Hiro delivered the punchline with a chuckle, expecting laughter.

Fushiguro, however, didn't react much. He simply continued walking, choosing to ignore the joke, perhaps due to its close-to-home nature.

Gojo, on the other hand, laughed, but not at the joke itself. "Hiro, you definitely don't have a future as a comedian," he remarked playfully, his tone light and teasing.

Hiro, undeterred by their lackluster reactions, just smiled and shrugged it off.

Finally, the trio arrived at the Shaolin Temple, greeted by the majestic sight of the ancient structure nestled among the serene mountains. As they entered the temple grounds, Hiro was immediately recognized by several of the monks, his former companions and trainers. Their faces lit up with joy upon seeing him, and they approached him with warm smiles and hearty greetings.

In typical Hiro fashion, he greeted them with a cheeky question, "So, are you guys still sticking to the celibate monk life?" His playful tone elicited a mix of laughter and shaking heads from the monks, accustomed to his humor.

Just then, Master Chen made his way through the group to greet Hiro. Chen was an elder monk, wise and respected, and had been a significant mentor to Hiro during his previous stay at the temple. He looked at Hiro with a stern expression that quickly softened into a smile.

"Hiro, you still have the same sharp tongue," Master Chen observed, a hint of amusement in his voice. His demeanor then shifted to one of genuine warmth as he continued, "It's a pleasure to have our prodigious son back with us."

Hiro's question about Li Wen seemed to catch Master Chen off guard. "Li Wen? He went to Japan to train you. We thought he was coming with you," Chen said, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Hiro raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised by this news. "I haven't seen Master Li Wen at all," he admitted.

Gojo, ever relaxed and unconcerned, chimed in with a laugh. "Knowing Li Wen, he probably got sidetracked and ended up in a casino somewhere."

Hiro let out a small chuckle, feeling reassured. "That sounds like him. Probably hitting the jackpot as we speak."

Chen laughed along, a fond look in his eyes. "Li Wen has always been a bit of a rogue monk, but he is well-liked and respected here."

Hiro then shifted the conversation, curious about another important figure from his past. "What about the wise monk, Jiànzhēng? How is he doing?"

Chen's expression softened at the mention of the venerable monk. "Ah, Master Jiànzhēng. He is well, continuing his teachings and meditation. He speaks of you often, Hiro. He will be pleased to know you have returned."

Master Chen led the group through the tranquil corridors of the Shaolin Temple, heading towards the main quarters. As they walked, Hiro and Chen continued their light-hearted banter, reconnecting after Hiro's absence.

"Honestly, Master Chen, don't even think I'll be eating just rice again," Hiro joked, recalling the austere diet from his previous time at the temple.

Chen chuckled at Hiro's comment. "Your influence here was quite strong, Hiro. Because of you, our monks have expanded their palates. We now include fish in our meals. You should be proud," he said with a hint of amusement.

Hiro grinned, clearly pleased with this development. "I'm glad to hear that. A little variety never hurts anyone."

Their conversation was filled with laughter and reminiscences as they reached the main quarters of the temple. Here, they were to meet with the wise monk Jiànzhēng, a highly respected figure within the temple and a mentor who had greatly influenced Hiro during his training.

Upon entering the room, they found Master Jiànzhēng seated in a meditative pose, exuding an aura of profound peace and wisdom. The room was simple yet serene, with minimalistic decor that reflected the monk's ascetic lifestyle.

As they approached, Jiànzhēng opened his eyes, and his face broke into a warm, welcoming smile upon seeing Hiro. "Ah, Hiro, it brings joy to my heart to see you return. You have grown much since your last visit," he greeted them, his voice calm and gentle.

Hiro bowed respectfully to Jiànzhēng, deeply touched by the warm reception. "It's an honor to see you again, Master Jiànzhēng. I have learned much since I left, and I owe much of it to your teachings."

Master Jiànzhēng gracefully rose to his feet and playfully shook his hair in Hiro's direction, a gesture of familiarity and fondness. "The Temple was beginning to miss you," he said to Hiro with a twinkle in his eye.

Turning his attention to Gojo, Jiànzhēng observed, "And you must be the renowned Gojo Satoru." His tone held a note of respect and curiosity.

Gojo, with his characteristic confidence, responded, "Of course, that's me."

Jiànzhēng gave a respectful bow to Gojo, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you for taking care of Hiro. His growth is evident."

His gaze then shifted to Fushiguro, and he inquired, "And who might this young man be?"

Hiro introduced Fushiguro, "This is Megumi Fushiguro, a first-year student, my pupil, and a relative of Maki."

Upon hearing Maki's name, Master Jiànzhēng's interest was piqued. "Ah, Maki. How is she doing?" he asked, showing his awareness of the students and their connections.

The conversation flowed naturally, with Hiro and Gojo sharing updates about Maki and the various events that had transpired since Hiro's last visit to the temple. Master Jiànzhēng listened intently, his wise eyes reflecting a deep understanding and empathy for the journeys and struggles of the young sorcerers.

For Fushiguro, being in the presence of such revered masters was both humbling and enlightening. He observed the interactions, taking in the wisdom and strength that seemed to emanate from the walls of the temple and its inhabitants.

The wise Master Jiànzhēng expressed strong reservations about allowing Hiro to enter the Temple of Buddha, highlighting the dangers associated with it. "It is too perilous," he said with a tone of concern. "Many monks who have entered have emerged only to take their own lives shortly afterward. It's as if the temple consumes their very essence."

Turning to Gojo, Jiànzhēng questioned his judgment. "Are you sure about this, Gojo Satoru? It's a risk that few have survived."

Gojo, undeterred, stood firm in his decision. "I'm not crazy. I believe Hiro can complete the training there. He's strong enough, both in spirit and mind."

Master Jiànzhēng shook his head, still hesitant. "The risk is too great. It's not just about strength. That temple... it changes people in ways we can't always predict."

Gojo then challenged Jiànzhēng, "Don't you trust Hiro?"

Jiànzhēng sighed deeply, his expression a mix of worry and respect. "Of course, I trust Hiro. I have no doubt he could complete the training. My fear is not of his failure but of what he might lose in the process. Hiro is a beacon of light, a source of hope and strength. The world needs him as he is."

Gojo responded with conviction, "And that's precisely why he needs to go to the Temple of Buddha. The world needs him more than ever, and this training will only enhance his ability to be that beacon of light."

Master Jiànzhēng, looking intently at Gojo, posed a crucial question. "Are you saying you are not capable of defeating Yamada?"

Gojo responded with confidence, yet a hint of concern laced his words. "I am more than capable of handling Yamada. However, he's not the only threat we're facing. Recently, there's been a surge in special-grade curses and powerful sorcerers. The balance of the jujutsu world is on the brink of a significant shift. And with Sukuna, although currently under control, there's always the uncertainty of him breaking free."

He turned towards Hiro, his expression serious. "In the event of such a crisis, it will be up to you and Yuta to protect the balance. You are the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers, and your strength will be crucial in maintaining order."

Hiro nodded, understanding the weight of Gojo's words and the responsibility being placed upon his shoulders. The thought of facing such powerful adversaries was daunting, but he also felt a deep sense of duty to protect the world from these emerging threats.

Master Jiànzhēng listened to the conversation, his eyes reflecting a mix of pride and concern. "This is indeed a grave situation. Training in the Temple of Buddha will be perilous, Hiro, but it seems necessary for the challenges that lie ahead. Remember, the path of a jujutsu sorcerer is fraught with danger, but also with the opportunity to bring balance and protection to the world."

The gravity of the situation was not lost on Fushiguro, who silently absorbed the conversation, understanding more about the complexities and dangers of the jujutsu world.

As they concluded their discussion, a sense of resolve settled over the group. The challenges ahead were formidable, but Hiro, with the support of Gojo and Fushiguro, was ready to face them head-on. The training at the Temple of Buddha was not just a test of strength and skill but a preparation for the pivotal role Hiro would play in maintaining the balance of the jujutsu world.

Gojo laid out the plan in detail, ensuring that Hiro understood the timeline and the intensity of what was ahead. "The Exchange Event is in three weeks. You'll train with me for the first two weeks, focusing mainly on your domain expansion. Then, for the final week, you'll enter the Temple of Buddha," he explained.

Pausing for a moment to let the information sink in, Gojo added, "Time flows differently within the temple. A single day outside equates to a month inside. This means you'll be undergoing training in there for what will feel like seven months."

Hiro nodded, grasping the enormity of the task and the time distortion he would experience.

Gojo continued, "The training inside the temple is divided into three phases. The first is physical, the second mental. The nature of the last phase is unknown. It's said that upon completing the training, you receive a 'gift from Buddha'."

Hiro listened intently, mentally preparing himself for the rigorous training that awaited him. The concept of such intense training and the mysterious final phase intrigued him, and he felt a mix of anticipation and resolve.

"This training won't be easy, Hiro," Gojo cautioned. "But it's necessary for you to grow stronger and be prepared for any challenges that come our way. We need you to be at your best."

Hiro acknowledged Gojo's words with a firm nod, a sense of determination in his eyes. The next few weeks would test his limits and shape him in ways he couldn't yet imagine. But he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that the strength and knowledge he would gain were crucial for protecting the balance of the jujutsu world.