
In a cozy little room warmed by a small stove, Kugisaki Nobara sat surrounded by her friends, enjoying one of those simple, joyous moments that make life worth living. It was autumn, and the chill in the air made the warmth of the stove and the company all the more comforting.

The room had become a regular hangout spot for them, a place where they could relax and be themselves away from the stresses of their jujutsu lives. Today, it was Fushiguro's turn to cook, and he had decided to make ramen. Unfortunately, his culinary skills left much to be desired.

Itadori Yuji was the first to comment after a hesitant taste of the ramen. "God, Fushiguro, you cook the same way you smile." His words were teasing, but the grimace on his face was genuine.

Yazu chimed in, unable to resist the opportunity for a jab. "I've tasted ice with more flavor than this."

Inumaki, always a man of few words, simply added, "Salmon," which everyone understood to mean it was pretty bland.

Panda, ever the gentle giant, tried to be diplomatic but couldn't mask his disappointment. "I'm sorry, Fushiguro, but you're terrible at cooking."

Maki couldn't help but laugh. "That's what you get for being so full of yourself," she said, shaking her head.

Fushiguro, feeling slightly attacked, responded defensively, "Ah, shut up, it's your fault for leaving it to me."

Kugisaki laughed along with the others. "We didn't know you were a culinary assassin, Fushiguro."

Sitting there, laughing and sharing in the camaraderie, Kugisaki felt a profound sense of contentment. These moments of friendship and light-hearted fun were precious to her. Amidst the chaos and danger of their lives as jujutsu sorcerers, it was moments like these that brought them together, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

The laughter, the teasing, the warmth of the stove and the comfort of being among friends – for Kugisaki, these were the moments that made all the hardships worthwhile. In this little room, with the autumn wind howling outside, they found a peace and happiness that was rare in their tumultuous world.

As Hiro entered the room, the atmosphere instantly brightened, his arrival greeted with joyful smiles from everyone. "What's going on?" Hiro quipped with his usual charm. "I know I'm handsome, but you don't need to make such a fuss."

Itadori, seizing the opportunity, said, "Fushiguro's cooking stinks." The room erupted into laughter.

Hiro, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise, sat down next to Maki. "That's a shame because I'm starving," he commented, surveying the less-than-appetizing ramen.

Yazu, looking hopeful, turned to Hiro. "Hiro-senpai, could you cook for us?" he asked. The room's atmosphere shifted as everyone's hopeful eyes turned towards Hiro.

With a resigned sigh, Hiro acquiesced, "Alright, what do you guys want to eat?" Megumi handed him the cat-patterned apron, Hiro's favorite, and everyone shouted in unison, "Ramen!"

Kugisaki watched the scene unfold with a contented smile. In her small-town life, she often felt isolated, her vibrant personality not quite fitting in, save for her bond with her one close friend. But here, in this lively group, she could truly be herself. She could laugh, joke, and share in moments like this without reservation.

It was beautiful, she thought, this life they were living. Despite the dangers and challenges they faced as jujutsu sorcerers, moments like this were a reminder of the joy and simplicity of just being together. They were more than just fellow sorcerers; they were friends, a makeshift family bound together by shared experiences and unspoken understanding.

As Hiro started to prepare the ramen, the room filled with light-hearted chatter and laughter, the warmth of friendship enveloping them all. For Kugisaki, this was a cherished scene, a snapshot of a life that, despite its perils, was undeniably beautiful.

Nobara Kugisaki dashed through the dimly lit tunnels of the Shibuya subway system, her eyes fixed on the retreating form of Mahito's clone. Each step was fueled by determination and the promise of victory. "I'll beat it, and we'll all go back together," she thought resolutely, her breaths echoing in the narrow passageways.

As she ran, her mind flashed back to the scene in their cozy hangout – the laughter, the camaraderie, the simple joy of sharing a meal together. That memory became her beacon, a source of strength driving her forward. "I just need to catch him," she told herself, her resolve unwavering.

Despite the fatigue setting in, Nobara refused to slow down. She knew the stakes were high – catching the clone could turn the tide in their favor, potentially leading them to Mahito himself. The thought of reuniting with her friends, of sitting together once more, laughing and sharing stories over a bowl of ramen, spurred her on.

Her footsteps resounded in the tunnel, a rhythmic reminder of her pursuit. She dodged debris and leaped over obstacles, her eyes never leaving the elusive figure ahead. With each passing second, she closed the gap between them, her jujutsu sorcerer training evident in her agility and speed.

The chase continued, a high-stakes game of cat and mouse in the underground labyrinth of Shibuya. For Nobara, it was more than just a mission; it was a fight for the future she envisioned – one where she and her friends could live out normal, happy moments amid the chaos of their extraordinary lives.

As Mahito rounded the corner, Kugisaki followed relentlessly, but something felt off. Her intuition screamed a warning as Mahito, unexpectedly, began advancing towards her instead of fleeing. Confusion clouded her mind. "Why is he coming towards me?" Kugisaki wondered, her pace unbroken.

Suddenly, Itadori's desperate shout pierced the tense air. "KUGISAKI, RUN!" The urgency in his voice jolted her to a harsh reality. A realization hit her like a cold shock – this was no clone. She was facing Mahito himself.

Time seemed to slow down as Mahito reached out towards her. Kugisaki's heart raced, her instincts screaming at her to evade, but it was too late. Mahito's hand made contact with her face, his cursed technique activating upon touch.

In that moment, Kugisaki's world turned upside down. The chase, the fight, the hope of returning to those warm, laughter-filled moments with her friends – it all faded into a distant dream. The grim reality of her situation set in as Mahito's power surged through her, a cruel reminder of the danger they all faced in this world of jujutsu sorcery.

The harsh truth of their battle against curses and the sacrifices they had to make hit home. For Kugisaki, caught in Mahito's grasp, everything changed in an instant. The future she had envisioned, the simple joys of life she had yearned to return to, now hung in the balance, threatened by the overwhelming power of her formidable foe.

Itadori's instinctive strike sent Mahito reeling to the side, but his intervention came too late. He could only stare in disbelief and despair at Kugisaki, whose fate was now sealed by Mahito's touch. Words failed him in the face of such a tragic turn of events.

In her final moments, Kugisaki's mind was flooded with vivid, beautiful memories. "All my life, I've been careful about who I let sit in the chairs of my life, there are so few reserved spots... And yet," she reflected with a tinge of bittersweet realization. In her mind's eye, she saw Itadori, Fushiguro, Yazu, and Gojo, each occupying a chair in her heart. Turning her gaze, she envisioned more chairs filled with Hiro, Maki, Inumaki, and Panda, all smiling warmly at her.

Turning towards Itadori, a smile graced her lips, a smile of acceptance and resolve. "Itadori, tell the others... it wasn't so bad," she said with a strength that belied her situation. The cursed mark in her left eye then grew and burst in a tragic finality.

Kugisaki's lifeless body slumped to the ground, her eternal summer blue – those cherished memories and joyful moments – fading away with her. Itadori was left shattered, his heart breaking at the loss of his friend, teammate, and a vital part of their jujutsu family.

The weight of her sacrifice hung heavily in the air, a painful reminder of the cruel and unforgiving world they lived in. Kugisaki Nobara, a fierce and spirited jujutsu sorcerer, had fallen, leaving behind a legacy of bravery, friendship, and an unyielding spirit that would continue to inspire those who knew her. Itadori, amidst his grief, knew he had to carry on – for Kugisaki, for all they had fought for, and for the future they all dreamed of.


As the domains of Hiro and Yamada collapsed, the intensity of their battle didn't waver, but the circumstances had changed. Hiro, feeling the drain of his cursed energy, realized the gravity of his situation. "Damn it, that domain expansion completely drained my cursed energy. My only option now is to convert my physical energy into cursed energy, but that'll severely limit me," he thought, understanding the perilous trade-off he was about to make.

Yamada, on the other hand, was panting heavily yet smiling. In his mind, he acknowledged Hiro's extraordinary ability. "Two domain expansions in a single day? That blonde idiot... Apart from me, I only knew Gojo Satoru could pull off multiple domains in a day. I better not risk another domain; I can only manage two more," he contemplated, weighing his options carefully.

With a mutual understanding of their dwindling resources, Hiro and Yamada locked eyes, a silent agreement to continue their fierce duel. They lunged at each other, fists flying in a brutal display of martial prowess.

Hiro's punch landed squarely on Yamada's jaw, the impact snapping his head back with a crack. Yamada, unfazed, responded with a swift uppercut, catching Hiro in the ribs and eliciting a grunt of pain.

The sound of breaking bones filled the air as they exchanged blow after blow. Hiro's right hook connected with Yamada's cheekbone, fracturing it, but Yamada's reverse cursed technique quickly mended the damage. Similarly, Hiro used his own reverse cursed technique to heal a fractured forearm, the process painful yet necessary.

They moved like whirlwinds, their bodies blurs of motion. Hiro's kick sent Yamada crashing into a wall, debris showering down. Yamada retaliated by grabbing Hiro's leg and swinging him around, throwing him through a storefront window.

Despite their healing abilities, the physical toll was evident. Each fighter bore the marks of battle – bruises, cuts, and bloodied clothes. Their breaths were ragged, but neither showed any sign of backing down. The fight was no longer just about physical strength; it had become a battle of willpower, endurance, and sheer determination.

As the brutal fight raged on, Hiro began to gain the upper hand, his strikes landing with more frequency and force. However, with each powerful blow he delivered, he could feel his energy rapidly depleting, a growing sense of exhaustion creeping into his muscles.

Hiro's fist connected with a solid punch to Yamada's stomach, forcing him to double over. Seizing the opportunity, Hiro followed up with a swift knee to Yamada's chin, snapping his head back with a jolt. But Yamada was relentless; he spun around, delivering a backhand strike that caught Hiro off-guard, sending him reeling.

The sound of their combat echoed through the empty streets of Shibuya, a symphony of violence and determination. Hiro's elbow strike hit Yamada squarely in the ribs, audibly cracking them, but Yamada's reverse cursed technique quickly repaired the damage. In turn, Yamada landed a brutal roundhouse kick to Hiro's side, the impact sending sharp pain coursing through his body.

Despite using his reverse cursed technique to heal, Hiro could feel his strength waning. Each regeneration took more out of him than the last, his breaths becoming heavier and more labored. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer.

Yamada lunged, attempting a grappling move, but Hiro countered with an uppercut, forcing Yamada to stumble back. Hiro then unleashed a flurry of punches, each one pushing Yamada further back. But with each punch, Hiro's movements became slower, his exhaustion palpable.

In a desperate move, Yamada managed to grab Hiro's arm, twisting it painfully. Hiro winced but retaliated with a headbutt, breaking Yamada's nose. Blood spurted, but again, Yamada's injury healed rapidly.

They broke apart momentarily, each catching their breath, eyeing each other warily. The physical toll of their fight was evident in their bruised and battered bodies, their clothes torn and stained with blood.

In a strategic maneuver, Yamada utilized a black hole to shift his position, attempting to gain the upper hand. However, Hiro anticipated this move and, with a swift action, threw Yamada away from him. Catching his breath, Hiro knew it was time for a decisive move. "It's all or nothing..." he declared, determination etching his features.

Hiro began to murmur an incantation, "In the darkest day, the light of my heart will illuminate the path." As he spoke, his body started to crackle with intense electricity. Hiro's thoughts were focused and clear, "This technique allows me to accumulate not just my own energy but also the energy dispersed around me—the energy in the air, the cursed energy scattered from the battle, everything converges."

Feeling the impending danger, Yamada shouted, "Domain Expansion!" in an attempt to counter Hiro's gathering power. However, his domain was quickly absorbed by the immense energy Hiro was channeling.

Above the darkened sky of Shibuya, a gigantic ring of light formed, casting an ethereal glow over the city. The ring pulsed with energy, illuminating the night in a spectacle of awe and wonder.

Yamada, witnessing this phenomenal display, widened his eyes in shock. Hiro, now the epicenter of this tremendous power, yelled with all his might, "Take this, DIVINE PUNISHMENT!" From the ring, a colossal beam of light burst forth, descending upon Shibuya like a judgement from the heavens.

In a desperate attempt to defend himself, Yamada opened a massive black hole above him, trying to absorb the overwhelming power of Hiro's attack. The black hole and the beam of light collided with a force that seemed to shake the very foundation of Shibuya. The collision created a maelstrom of energy, a swirling vortex where light and darkness battled fiercely.

The area around them was engulfed in a blinding light, the clash of their powers resonating through the streets. Buildings trembled, windows shattered, and the ground cracked under the sheer magnitude of their struggle.

As the battle of energies intensified, Hiro's blinding light began to gain the upper hand over Yamada's dark vortex. The pulsating ring in the sky became a beacon of immense power, its brilliant glow intensifying with each passing moment.

The light surged forward, a relentless tide against the darkness of the black hole. It was a breathtaking display of raw power, a struggle between the forces of light and shadow playing out above the city of Shibuya. The light, radiant and powerful, began to overwhelm the black hole, its brilliance piercing through the swirling darkness.

Yamada, realizing the inevitable, braced himself as the black hole started to falter under the pressure. The light, now an unstoppable force, broke through the last defenses of the black hole. In a spectacular and terrifying moment, the beam of light struck Yamada with full force.

The impact resulted in an earth-shattering explosion that echoed through the city. A wave of destructive energy radiated from the epicenter, obliterating everything in its path. Buildings were reduced to rubble, the ground cracked open, and a cloud of dust and debris billowed into the air, blanketing the area in a thick haze.

The explosion's shockwave swept across Shibuya, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The once bustling city was now a scene of chaos and destruction, a testament to the incredible power unleashed in the battle between Hiro and Yamada.

In the aftermath of the explosion, silence fell over the area. The once vibrant streets were now eerily quiet, the devastation a stark reminder of the cost of their conflict. Amidst the ruins, the outcome of the clash between Hiro and Yamada remained uncertain, the fate of the two powerful sorcerers unknown in the wake of such a catastrophic event.


Under the radiant summer sun, the blue sky stretched endlessly above Itadori Yuji. He stood by the sea, a look of pure happiness on his face as he gazed out at the vast expanse of water. The sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun created a peaceful, almost idyllic scene.

Suddenly, Kugisaki Nobara's voice interrupted his reverie. "Itadori, are you going to play volleyball?" she called out. Itadori turned around to see Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, Megumi Fushiguro, Yazu, Toge Inumaki, and Hiro, all waiting eagerly for him to join them in a game of beach volleyball.

A smile broke across Itadori's face as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'll play," he replied with enthusiasm.

As he walked over to join his friends, a sense of fulfillment washed over him. He remembered the last will of his grandfather, who had told him to be surrounded by people who cared for him. In this moment, with his friends around him, Itadori realized he had fulfilled his grandfather's wish. He was indeed surrounded by people who valued and enjoyed his company.

The group started to play volleyball, their laughter and shouts filling the air. The game was fun and light-hearted, with everyone participating with joy and friendly competitiveness. Itadori felt a deep sense of belonging and happiness as he played, diving for the ball, high-fiving his teammates, and sharing in the collective joy of the moment.

Jolted back to the harsh reality of his situation, Itadori Yuji found himself on the cold, unforgiving floor of the Shibuya subway's underground. Each brutal hit from Mahito sent waves of pain through his body, but it was nothing compared to the agony in his heart. "THIS IS FUN!" Mahito screamed repeatedly, reveling in the violence he was inflicting.

Itadori lay there, his will to fight seemingly drained from him. The tragic deaths of Nanami and Kugisaki Nobara weighed heavily on his soul. They had been more than just comrades; they were mentors, friends, and pillars of strength in his life. Their loss was not just a personal blow to Itadori but a shattering of the sense of security and camaraderie he had found in his life as a jujutsu sorcerer.

Each of Mahito's blows landed with sickening thuds, but Itadori's spirit was elsewhere, lost in grief and despair. The memories of Nanami's calm guidance and Kugisaki's fiery spirit haunted him, their absence leaving a void that seemed insurmountable. The laughter and joy of the beach, the sense of belonging and purpose he had felt with his friends – all of it felt like a distant dream now, cruelly snatched away by the brutal reality of their world.

Itadori's eyes, once full of determination and fire, now held a distant, broken look. The relentless assault from Mahito continued, but Itadori's response was muted, his body moving almost on instinct, with no real intent to defend himself or counterattack. The loss of his friends had taken a toll on him that went far beyond physical injuries.

In that dark, forsaken place, beneath the city of Shibuya, Itadori's resolve was tested like never before. The path forward seemed clouded in darkness and uncertainty, the weight of his losses a heavy burden on his young shoulders. The question now was whether he could find within himself the strength to rise once more, to continue the fight not just for his sake, but in honor of those who had fallen beside him.

As Mahito raised his hand for the final, crushing blow, the unexpected happened. In a blur of motion, he was suddenly struck with tremendous force, sent flying across the room to crash into a wall with a thunderous impact. The sound of heavy, determined footsteps echoed in the underground chamber, breaking the oppressive silence.

"GET UP, MY BROTHER," boomed a familiar and powerful voice, resonating with strength and resolve. Itadori slowly lifted his gaze, and there, standing protectively beside him, was Aoi Todo, his formidable presence a beacon of hope in the bleakness.

Todo's face was set in a determined grimace, his eyes blazing with a fierce, unwavering spirit. He stood tall and imposing, ready to shield his friend, his brother-in-arms, from any further harm. It was clear from his stance and the intensity in his eyes that he was prepared to fight with every ounce of his being to defend Itadori.

Itadori, still reeling from the loss of Nanami and Kugisaki, found a flicker of hope reignited within him at the sight of Todo. Here was his friend, his 'brother' by their own unique bond, standing strong in the face of adversity. Todo's arrival was not just a physical support but a much-needed emotional anchor in Itadori's moment of despair.

Todo extended a hand to Itadori, his expression softening for a moment as he offered support. "We're in this together, Yuji. You're not alone," he said, his voice carrying a mix of warmth and resolve.

Itadori grasped Todo's hand, pulling himself up. In Todo's unwavering gaze, he found the strength he thought he had lost. Together, they faced Mahito, united not just by their strength as jujutsu sorcerers but by the deep bond of friendship and brotherhood they shared.

In that moment, Itadori knew that no matter how dark the path might seem, he wasn't walking it alone. With Todo by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to honor the memories of those they had lost, and to fight for the future they all believed in.


Hiro emerged from the wreckage, his body aching with exhaustion. He sat amidst the ruins, surveying the devastation that surrounded him. Buildings were reduced to skeletons of their former selves, their facades shattered, exposing the hollowed interiors. Streets were littered with debris, glass, and twisted metal. The city, once vibrant and full of life, now lay in silent ruin under the dark sky of Shibuya.

As he sat there, Hiro's mind was clouded with weariness and concern. There was no sign of Yamada in the aftermath of their colossal battle. Slowly, summoning the last reserves of his strength, Hiro pushed himself to his feet. Each step he took was labored, a testament to the intensity of the fight he had just endured.

With each step, he uttered the names of his friends and allies, as if drawing strength from them. "Maki, Kugisaki, Fushiguro, Itadori, Yazu," he repeated, their names a mantra giving him the will to move forward. "Gojo sensei, I must save Gojo sensei," Hiro murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

His movements were slow, hindered by his injuries and fatigue. Yet, he pressed on, driven by a sense of duty and the unyielding spirit that had always defined him. Hiro leaned on the broken remnants of the city for support, his determination unwavering despite the pain and exhaustion that wracked his body.

The scene was one of utter destruction, but within it, Hiro stood as a symbol of resilience and hope. In the midst of despair, he was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the strength to persevere and overcome could be found within.

Hiro's journey through the rubble was a solemn one, but it was fueled by the memories of those he fought alongside and the responsibility he felt towards them. He knew that the battle for Shibuya was far from over, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to aid his friends and protect what remained of their world.

As Hiro staggered through the debris, a sudden movement among the rubble caught his attention. He turned, his heart sinking as he witnessed the impossible. Emerging from the ruins was Yamada, his body in a grotesque state, defying the brutal aftermath of Hiro's most potent technique. It was a sight that seemed to defy the very laws of nature.

Yamada's appearance was nightmarish. Parts of his body were mutilated, his jaw hung loosely, barely attached, and his flesh was charred from the intense energy of their previous clash. Yet, amidst this horrific visage, Yamada began to heal. His cursed reverse technique kicked in, mending his wounds with eerie efficiency. Flesh reknitted, bones realigned, and burnt skin regenerated. Within moments, he stood fully healed, a testament to his formidable power.

He looked at Hiro, a twisted smile forming on his now restored face. "You see, Hiro, we are in a completely different league," he said, his voice carrying an unsettling mix of triumph and malice.

Hiro, already pushed to his limits, felt a surge of adrenaline at the sight of his restored adversary. His body ached, his energy reserves were nearly depleted, but the determination in his heart was undimmed. Facing Yamada, Hiro understood the gravity of the challenge before him. This was no ordinary fight; it was a battle against a force that seemed to transcend the boundaries of jujutsu sorcery.

The battle between Hiro and Yamada resumed with a ferocity that surpassed their earlier confrontation. Yamada, fully rejuvenated, unleashed a barrage of attacks on Hiro, who was already at the brink of his physical and spiritual limits.

Yamada's first strike was a heavy blow to Hiro's midsection, knocking the wind out of him. Hiro doubled over in pain, but before he could recover, Yamada landed a powerful uppercut, sending Hiro staggering backwards. Each hit from Yamada was precise and brutal, exploiting Hiro's weakened state.

Hiro tried to raise his arms to defend himself, but his reactions were sluggish, his movements hampered by exhaustion and injury. Yamada took full advantage of this, delivering a series of punishing blows that sent Hiro reeling. A crushing right hook connected with Hiro's jaw, snapping his head to the side with a sickening crack.

Hiro stumbled, struggling to stay upright as Yamada continued his relentless assault. A kick to the ribs sent Hiro crashing to the ground amidst the rubble. The impact sent sharp spikes of pain coursing through his body, but Hiro's mind was foggy, his thoughts scattered by the intensity of the onslaught.

As Hiro lay on the ground, trying to gather his strength, Yamada loomed over him, a look of disdain on his face. He delivered a vicious stomp to Hiro's abdomen, forcing a pained grunt from the battered sorcerer. Hiro's vision blurred, his ears ringing from the impacts, as he tried desperately to find some way to counterattack or escape.

But Yamada was unrelenting. He grabbed Hiro by the hair, pulling him up before landing a knee to his face, followed by a backhand strike that sent Hiro spinning to the ground once more. Blood, sweat, and dirt covered Hiro's face as he lay there, each breath a struggle, each moment an agony.

In this one-sided battle, Hiro was not just fighting against Yamada's physical attacks, but also against the overwhelming despair and helplessness that threatened to engulf him. The gap in their abilities was starkly evident, and for Hiro, the situation seemed increasingly dire.

As Yamada held Hiro by the neck, poised to deliver the final blow, a hint of melancholy tinged his voice. "Goodbye, Hiro," he said, his tone betraying a fleeting moment of sorrow for what might have been between them in another life. But before he could strike, a sudden force struck him, sending him flying away from Hiro.

"Hiro senpai, sorry for the delay," a familiar voice echoed through the debris-strewn battlefield. Hiro, reinvigorated by the unexpected assistance, looked up to see Yazu, who beamed a confident smile. "Senpai, don't tell me this guy was giving you trouble?"

Hiro managed a weary smile and got to his feet, brushing off the dust and grime. "Just taking a break," he replied, his voice laced with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion.

Yazu continued, "Senpai, things got pretty bad. I got separated from Fushiguro and Itadori a while back. Ran into Panda and Mr. Kusakabe, but we got split up due to Sukuna's rampage. Saw the huge explosion and knew it had to be you, so I came as fast as I could."

Hiro smiled, a sense of relief washing over him. "You really are reckless, Yazu," he said with a mix of admiration and concern. Despite the dire situation, Hiro felt a surge of hope with Yazu's arrival. Together, they stood amidst the chaos of Shibuya, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Yamada's slow, confident approach halted momentarily as he regarded the new arrival with a mix of curiosity and disdain. "Who is this fool? A new student?" he mused to himself, underestimating the threat Yazu posed.

Yazu, undeterred by Yamada's dismissive attitude, boldly stepped forward and declared, "EXPANSION OF DOMAIN: ORCHESTRA OF DESTINY!" Yamada's eyes widened in surprise, realizing he had no energy left to counter with his own domain expansion.

Yazu's domain transformed their surroundings into an empty theater, a stark contrast to the chaos and destruction outside. The orchestra, ethereal and unseen, began to play Beethoven's Third Symphony, filling the space with its powerful melody.

"Well, it's something," Yazu commented, acknowledging the unexpected choice of the orchestra.

In Hiro's hands, a pair of knuckledusters materialized, a gift from the domain. The domain collapsed soon after due to Yazu's depleted energy, but the knuckledusters remained, glowing with a potent energy.

"Sorry, senpai, I don't have the energy to maintain the domain," Yazu apologized, "but don't worry, those knuckledusters are no small thing. They can even damage the soul."

Hiro smiled, feeling the power coursing through the knuckledusters. He tightened his grip and resumed his old boxing stance. "Last round, Yamada," he said with renewed vigor and determination.

Yamada, now facing two formidable opponents, prepared himself for the confrontation. The atmosphere was charged with tension, the stakes higher than ever. Hiro and Yazu, each bringing their unique strengths to the fight, stood ready to challenge Yamada in what promised to be a climactic battle. The final round was about to begin, and the fate of Shibuya hung in the balance.