Imminent collision

Hiro woke up to the gentle light of morning filtering through his window. The room was quiet, a stark reminder of Maki's absence. He let out a sigh, feeling the emptiness of the bed beside him. "Mornings sure are boring without her," he murmured to himself.

Pushing back the covers, Hiro got out of bed and quickly got ready. He decided to go for a morning run, a routine that always helped clear his mind. Stepping outside, he felt the crisp morning air on his face. Leaves rustled and fell around him, and a chilly wind whispered through the trees, signaling the approach of winter. The date, November 17th, hung in his mind, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.

As he jogged through the quiet school grounds, his footsteps echoing in the stillness, Hiro's thoughts raced. The recent breakthrough in manipulating cursed energy had opened a myriad of possibilities. The potential to seal energy, repel attacks, and absorb power was now within his grasp. The realization excited him, offering new avenues to explore in his training and battles.

After about two hours of running, Hiro checked his watch and decided it was time to stop. He had pushed his body enough for one morning, and he felt significantly better, his energy replenished and flowing smoothly once again.

Just as he was slowing down, Mai appeared, extending a towel towards him with a playful smile. "Looks like someone had a good run," she remarked, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

Hiro took the towel, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, it was much needed. Clears the head, you know?"

Mai nodded, walking alongside him. "I can imagine. So, any new revelations during your run, or were you just enjoying the scenery?"

Hiro chuckled, "A bit of both, actually. There's a lot to think about with this new ability. It's exciting and a bit overwhelming."

In the serene embrace of the early morning, with the amber hues of dawn painting the sky, Hiro and Mai continued their walk towards the dining hall in a silence that was both comfortable and charged with unspoken words. The cool breeze of the morning whispered through the trees, carrying with it the crisp scent of approaching winter. Leaves, tinged with autumn's touch, danced around them, creating a symphony of rustling that accompanied their steps.

Mai's heart fluttered subtly, an unexpected reaction to Hiro's presence beside her. She found herself stealing glances at him, observing the gentle curve of his smile, the focused calmness in his eyes as he looked ahead. In an inadvertent moment, their hands brushed, sending a jolt through Mai's senses. She quickly retracted her hand, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. She peeked at Hiro, hoping to catch a reaction, but he remained blissfully unaware, lost in his own thoughts.

Frustrated by his lack of perception and her own burgeoning feelings, Mai acted impulsively, stepping on Hiro's foot while playfully chiding him for his insensitivity. Hiro halted, a look of bemused confusion crossing his face as he tried to understand the sudden shift in Mai's demeanor. "What did I do?" he asked, an innocent curiosity in his voice.

Mai, her embarrassment now mingling with a feigned irritation, sighed and rolled her eyes. "You can be so oblivious, Hiro," she retorted, masking her true feelings with a light-hearted scold.

Hiro chuckled, an air of amusement softening his features. "I 'm sorry, I guess I'm not always quick on the uptake. Everything okay?" His genuine concern was evident in his tone, reflecting the depth of their friendship.

Mai, realizing her playful outburst was more about her own inner turmoil than Hiro's actions, managed a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just try not to be so dense, okay?"

Hiro's smile broadened, his eyes twinkling with a hint of teasing. "I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises."

Hiro and Mai entered the comedor, greeted by the familiar and comforting atmosphere. The room was filled with the inviting smells of breakfast and the sounds of morning activity. Mai took a seat at one of the tables, while Hiro, feeling a bit more energetic than usual without Maki around, headed to the kitchen to prepare something.

From her vantage point, Mai watched as Hiro moved around the kitchen with surprising agility and skill. He cracked eggs with one hand, flipped pancakes with ease, and managed several pans on the stove simultaneously. Mai couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly he handled the task, a hidden talent she hadn't fully appreciated before.

"Why did I have to fall for this idiot?" Mai thought to herself, a mix of fondness and frustration in her heart. And to make matters more complicated, he was her sister's boyfriend.

Just then, Kamo, Yazu, and Momo walked into the comedor. Yazu's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Hiro cooking. "Hiro, you're cooking? It's been ages since you've done that," he exclaimed.

Hiro glanced over his shoulder, a smile on his face. "Yeah, without Maki around, I find myself waking up earlier with not much to do. Thought I might as well make breakfast for everyone."

Momo clapped her hands in delight. "That's so sweet of you, Hiro! It smells delicious."

Kamo, taking a seat at the table, added, "Looks like you've got everything under control. The rest of us might start getting up early too if this becomes a regular thing."

Mai watched the interactions, her earlier thoughts still swirling in her mind. Despite her conflicted feelings, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth seeing Hiro like this – caring, skilled, and bringing joy to those around him. It was moments like these that made their complicated lives a little brighter.

As Hiro expertly maneuvered around the kitchen, finishing up the breakfast preparations, he couldn't help but notice the dynamic between Yazu and Momo, who were now sitting together at the table. With a playful smirk, Hiro decided to tease them a bit.

"Hey, Yazu, Momo, I've noticed you two have been spending a lot of time together lately," Hiro commented casually, as he plated the food.

Both Yazu and Momo's faces instantly turned a shade of pink. They exchanged quick, embarrassed glances before turning their attention back to Hiro. Yazu tried to play it cool, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, uh, yeah, I guess we have."

Momo, still blushing, added with a shy smile, "We just have a lot in common, that's all."

Hiro brought the plates over to the table, setting them down with a knowing look. "That's great. It's good to see you both so... compatible."

Kamo, observing the exchange, chuckled under his breath, while Mai watched the scene with amusement. The teasing brought a light-hearted energy to the morning, making the atmosphere in the comedor even more warm and welcoming.

Kamo, leaning back in his chair after a hearty laugh, suddenly turned contemplative. "Is it really okay for us to be laughing and enjoying ourselves like this, considering the state of things? The curses invading all over Japan, society teetering on the brink..."

The question Kamo posed lingered in the air, reflecting the unspoken concerns they all harbored about the state of the world outside their current haven. The laughter and lightness momentarily faded as they all considered the reality of the curses spreading across Japan and the societal unrest they were causing.

Hiro set down his utensils, his expression turning contemplative. "Kamo, you're right to think about the situation we're in. It's serious and it's dangerous," he began, his voice steady and clear. "But it's for that very reason that moments like these are vital. The world outside might be chaotic and filled with threats, but if we lose our ability to enjoy life, to find moments of happiness, then what are we really fighting for?"

He paused, looking around at his friends, making sure each of them absorbed his words. "We're not just fighting to survive or to defeat curses. We're fighting for the right to live fully, to experience joy, and to create a world where moments like this morning can happen more often, not less. So yes, it's okay to laugh, to enjoy a meal together, to tease each other. In fact, it's essential. These moments of joy and camaraderie, they're our reminders of what life can be – they're beacons of hope in the darkness."

Mai, unable to resist the opportunity for a playful jab after Hiro's profound statement, smiled wryly and said, "Those are pretty wise words for someone with a face as dopey as yours."

Hiro, taken aback by the sudden shift from deep to playful, feigned exasperation. "Why does everyone always have to call me the 'blond idiot'? Can't a guy get a little respect around here?" His tone, though complaining, carried a hint of humor.

The table erupted into laughter, the mood lightening considerably. Mai's playful tease had effectively diffused the solemnity of Hiro's earlier speech, bringing back the familiar, easy-going dynamic of their group.

Kamo, chuckling, added, "Well, if the shoe fits, Hiro..."

Hiro shook his head, smiling despite himself. "I guess I'm stuck with it, then. The wise blond idiot of the group."

The laughter and banter continued, with Hiro at the center, good-naturedly taking the teasing from his friends. It was these moments of laughter and light-heartedness that balanced the weight of their responsibilities, a reminder that despite the seriousness of their roles as sorcerers, they were still young, still able to find joy and humor in their daily lives.

After they finished their breakfast, Hiro stood up, ready to set out for the day. Mai, curious, asked, "Where are you off to now?"

Hiro adjusted his jacket, a determined look in his eyes. "I'm feeling a lot better now, so I'm going to head to the colony where Maki, Itadori, and Megumi are. I want to make sure everything's going smoothly."

Yazu, who had been listening, quickly interjected, "I'll come with you, Hiro!"

But Hiro shook his head. "No, Yazu, you need to rest more. You're still recovering, and I can't risk you getting hurt."

Kamo, sensing an opportunity, suggested, "I can go with you, Hiro."

Hiro considered this for a moment and then replied, "Actually, why don't you team up with Hakari and Panda? You three would make a solid team."

Kamo nodded in agreement, understanding Hiro's strategic decision.

Mai, looking thoughtful, asked, "What about Naoya? What are you going to do with him?"

Hiro sighed, "I'm taking him with me. We can't just leave him roaming around the school. It's safer if he's under supervision, especially mine."

The group nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Hiro's decision. As they began to clear the table, each of them was aware of the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead. But there was also a sense of confidence and trust in Hiro's leadership and decisions.

With a plan in place, Hiro and the others prepared to leave for the day. Despite the seriousness of their mission, they were buoyed by the strength of their bonds and the knowledge that they were not facing these challenges alone.

Hiro and Naoya walked side by side towards the exit of the school, the tension between them palpable. Naoya, clearly annoyed, voiced his displeasure. "Why do I have to tag along with you?"

Hiro, unfazed by Naoya's grumbling, kept his gaze forward. "Because I'm calling the shots here," he replied firmly.

Naoya scoffed, "And why do you get to call the shots?"

"Because I'm stronger," Hiro stated matter-of-factly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

A brief silence followed, Naoya evidently mulling over Hiro's blunt assertion. Then, seemingly looking to salvage some of his bruised ego, Naoya shot back, "Well, at least I'm better-looking."

Hiro couldn't help but laugh at this. He glanced at Naoya, a playful glint in his eye. "Of course, you're not. I'm way more handsome," he retorted with a confident smirk.

Naoya rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small, begrudging smile. Despite their differences and the tension that often flared between them, there was an underlying respect – a recognition of each other's abilities and strengths.

As Hiro and Naoya continued their walk towards the school exit, the conversation amusingly shifted from their original dispute to a more lighthearted debate.

"Seriously, Naoya, it's not even a competition. I clearly have the edge in looks," Hiro declared, a hint of jest in his tone.

Naoya scoffed, his competitive nature kicking in. "In your dreams, Hiro. I've got the better features. Just look at this jawline," he retorted, pointing at his face with exaggerated pride.

Hiro laughed, shaking his head. "A sharp jawline doesn't make up for overall charisma and style, which, I might add, I have in spades."

Naoya, not one to back down easily, quipped, "Charisma? Please, Hiro. I'm the total package. Looks, brains, and talent."

The tension between Hiro and Naoya, while usually masked by their shared responsibilities as sorcerers, surfaced blatantly in their heated debate over who was more handsome. Walking towards the school gates, their rivalry was more evident than ever.

"Seriously, Naoya, do you actually believe you're better looking than me?" Hiro asked, his tone a mix of amusement and challenge.

Naoya's response was immediate and confident. "Of course, I do. Have you seen me? I'm the definition of handsome," he retorted, a smirk on his face.

Hiro chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You really are full of yourself, aren't you? I hate to break it to you, but I've got you beat in the looks department."

The back-and-forth continued, each unwilling to concede. Their rivalry, typically showcased in battles and strategy, now played out in this trivial yet spirited argument.

Naoya, always quick with a comeback, shot Hiro a look. "Dream on, Hiro. I have a natural charm that you can't compete with."

Hiro laughed, undeterred by Naoya's confidence. "Natural charm? More like natural arrogance. But sure, keep telling yourself that."


In a small apartment, Itadori, Megumi, Takaba, Maki, and Kurusu gathered around a makeshift strategy table. The atmosphere was tense yet hopeful; they had finally convinced the angel, residing within Kurusu, to assist them in their mission to free Gojo. However, the angel's willingness to help came with a significant caveat – the elimination of a player known as 'the Fallen' in the Culling Game.

The group exchanged puzzled glances. "Who is 'the Fallen'?" Maki asked, her brows furrowed in concentration.

None of them had heard of this player before, adding another layer of mystery to their already daunting task. The uncertainty hung heavy in the room as they contemplated their next move.

It was then that Itadori, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, felt a familiar stir within him. Sukuna, the powerful curse residing in his body, spoke up, his voice echoing in Itadori's mind. "Hey, brat, just so you know, I am 'the Fallen.'"

Itadori's eyes widened in shock, and a cold shiver ran down his spine. He struggled to maintain a composed exterior, not wanting to alarm the others. Sukuna's revelation was a game-changer; it meant that their mission now directly involved one of the most formidable and dangerous curses known to them.

The implications were grave. Not only did they have to find a way to free Gojo, but they also had to deal with the intricate and perilous dynamics involving Sukuna – a curse that had already proven to be a significant threat.

The room fell silent as Itadori processed this new information, contemplating how to disclose this to the group without causing panic or confusion. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but it was a path they had to navigate with care and strategy. The stakes were high, and the challenges they faced were about to become even more complex.

Itadori subtly gestured to Megumi, a silent communication that conveyed the crucial information: Sukuna, the entity residing within him, was 'the Fallen'. Megumi's eyes met Itadori's, a flash of understanding passing between them. However, before they could delve deeper into this startling revelation, their attention was abruptly drawn away.

A notification about the Culling Game flashed on their devices, announcing the entry of over 800 new players into the colony. The staggering number was a cause for concern, but before anyone could voice their thoughts, a thunderous explosion rocked the city, sending tremors through the building and rattling their nerves.

Acting quickly, Megumi checked the list of players with the highest points in the game. His eyes widened in shock as he saw a name that hadn't been there just hours earlier: Yami. In an incredibly short span of time, Yami had not only entered the game but had also accumulated enough points to rank first.

The room fell into a tense silence as the group processed this new development. Yami's sudden emergence in the game and his rapid ascent to the top of the leaderboard were alarming. It indicated not only his immense power but also his ruthless efficiency in the game.

The stakes had just been raised significantly. With Yami's involvement, the Culling Game was no longer just a battle to free Gojo or a fight against unknown players. It was now a direct confrontation with a formidable and potentially unpredictable force.

The group exchanged uneasy glances, each grappling with the gravity of the situation. They knew they had to act fast and smart. The game had changed, and they needed to adapt their strategies accordingly. With lives at stake and the balance of power in the jujutsu world hanging in the balance, the decisions they made now would be crucial.

In the tense atmosphere of the room, Kurusu's voice broke the silence with a question that lingered in everyone's mind. "Who is this Yami?"

Maki, her expression grave, responded, "Yami is an entity of immense power. Only someone like Gojo sensei could realistically stand a chance against him."

Itadori chimed in, "Hiro Senpai could too." His words carried a mix of respect and hope.

Megumi nodded but added a note of caution. "The last time Hiro Senpai confronted Yami, it nearly cost him his life. He only survived because Yami got bored and left. It was a close call."

The room fell silent again as they absorbed the gravity of Megumi's words. Everyone understood the threat that Yami posed, and the mention of Hiro's near-death experience only underscored the danger.

After a moment, Maki broke the silence with a touch of pride in her voice. "Knowing that idiot Hiro, he's probably gotten stronger these past few days."

Kurusu, curious, asked, "Who is Hiro?"

Maki couldn't hide the pride in her voice as she replied, "He's my stupid boyfriend."

Takaba, trying to lighten the mood, quipped, "He must be something special to have charmed someone as 'pleasant' as you." His attempt at humor brought a few strained smiles, but the tension still hung in the air.

Angel, assessing the situation with a serious demeanor, spoke up, "Well, I hope this famous Hiro is up to the task. The Vessel of Chaos is an immensely powerful entity. We're in for some real trouble if Kenjaku has brought one into the game."

Itadori, puzzled, asked, "Vessel of Chaos?"

Maki nodded, her expression somber. "Yes, it seems to have different names across eras. We knew him as the Child of Prophecy, back when he was still Yamada."

Megumi, trying to reassure Angel, said confidently, "Don't worry, Hiro Senpai somehow always manages to pull through."

Before anyone could respond, another explosion occurred, this one distinctively crackling and familiar. Maki's face lit up with a knowing smile. "Well, I guess we'll find out right now."


Hiro and Yami stood facing each other in the middle of the deserted street, the tension between them palpable. Yami, with a hint of amusement in his voice, addressed Hiro first. "Hey, kid, I told you we'd meet in Tokyo in a few days. Didn't expect you to be so eager."

Hiro, undeterred by Yami's towering presence, replied calmly, "I wasn't expecting to run into you here either."

Yami studied Hiro for a moment, his gaze sharp and calculating. "Well, you seem to have gotten a bit stronger," he noted.

Hiro's response came with a confident smile. "You know, I'm aiming for a peaceful Christmas this year. Last year was marred by a fight. There's only a month left, but I need to defeat you, Kenjaku, and all those curses. So, I'll start with you."

Yami's smile widened, a mix of intrigue and challenge in his eyes. "You sound very confident, kid."

The air crackled with an intense energy as the two powerful entities sized each other up, ready for the inevitable confrontation. Hiro, despite the gravity of the situation, maintained his composure, his determination clear in his stance and expression.

Yami, ever the formidable adversary, seemed to relish the prospect of a challenging battle. The silent street around them felt like a stage set for an epic showdown, a moment that could potentially shift the balance in the ongoing struggle against the curses.

Yami's words hung in the air, his request surprising yet fitting for someone as enigmatic as himself. "Tell me, kid, can you fulfill my greatest wish?" he asked, a sardonic smile playing on his lips.

Hiro tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "And what's that? Recommending you a good shampoo?" he quipped, running a hand through his own hair in a playful gesture.

Yami's smile remained, but his eyes held a deeper, more serious glint. "My greatest dream is to be killed. But there's never been anyone strong enough to do it."

Hiro let out a laugh, finding the irony in Yami's words. "Wow, you really are a strange one."

Yami, still smiling, simply said, "I have my reasons."

Hiro shifted into a combat stance, his expression turning serious. "Well, then I'll do what I can," he declared, readying himself for the challenge.

The street became an arena, the epicenter of a clash between two formidable forces. Hiro, driven by his desire to protect and his promise of a peaceful Christmas, faced Yami, a being seeking an end that seemed almost mythical. The air was electric with anticipation, and the moment before they engaged felt like the calm before a storm.

This battle was more than just a fight between sorcerers; it was a meeting of ideals, desires, and destinies. As they prepared to unleash their power, it was clear that the outcome would resonate far beyond the confines of that desolate street, potentially altering the course of their lives and the fate of the jujutsu world.

Perched atop a small building, Maki, Itadori, Megumi, Kurusu, and Takaba had a clear view of the impending showdown between Hiro and Yami. The tension in the air was palpable, even from their distant vantage point.

Itadori, ever eager to jump into action, voiced his concern. "Shouldn't we help Hiro Senpai?"

Maki, her gaze fixed on the scene below, shook her head. "No, we'd probably just get in the way. Both Hiro and Yamada... or Yami now, have destructive powers. We'd be risking injury from the crossfire."

Her words carried the weight of experience and understanding of the immense powers at play. Hiro's and Yami's techniques were not only formidable but also expansive in their reach and impact. Getting too close could mean getting caught in the dangerous energy they were about to unleash.

Megumi nodded in agreement, understanding the risks involved. "She's right. It's better we stay back and keep an eye on the situation. If things get out of hand, we'll step in then."

Kurusu and Takaba, though anxious to help, recognized the wisdom in Maki's assessment. They settled into their positions, ready to act if necessary but aware that their intervention could do more harm than good.

The sudden emergence of a mouth on Kurusu's cheek startled the group. It was Angel speaking through Kurusu, asking about Hiro's capabilities. "So, this Hiro kid, is he really strong?" Angel inquired.

Maki didn't hesitate in her response. "Yes, he always finds a way to pull through, no matter the odds."

Angel, sensing the tension in the air, continued, "It's good that you all have faith in him. I can feel this Yami's presence from here. It's unlike anything I've encountered before. Honestly, if Yami and Sukuna at their full power were to fight, I couldn't say who would win."

The group fell silent, the gravity of Angel's words weighing heavily on them. The potential of a clash between such powerful entities was a sobering thought.

Breaking the silence, Maki spoke with determination, "Well, that idiot better win, or I'll kill him myself."

Meanwhile, on the street below, Hiro sneezed abruptly, taking a moment to wipe his nose. "I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling," he muttered to himself.

Yami, observing Hiro's odd behavior, raised an eyebrow, silently wondering what Hiro was talking about.

Out of nowhere, a figure materialized on the rooftop, catching everyone off guard. The newcomer was a young woman with a quiet demeanor. Her hair was long and dark, falling gracefully around her shoulders, and her eyes, reminiscent of Megumi's, carried a depth that seemed to reflect a world of unspoken thoughts. She wore simple clothes, but there was a certain elegance in her simplicity.

The group turned towards her, puzzled about her sudden appearance. Megumi, recognizing her instantly, was visibly shocked. "Tsumiki?" he uttered, disbelief coloring his voice.

Itadori, catching a glimpse of Megumi's astonished expression, connected the dots. "Tsumiki? Your sister who was in a coma?" he whispered, trying to make sense of the situation.

The realization that Megumi's sister, Tsumiki, whom they knew to be in a coma, was now standing before them, stirred a mixture of confusion and concern among the group. Megumi's eyes were fixed on his sister, filled with a blend of relief and worry, unsure of how and why she was here.


In the stark white room where the unexpected tree stood as the only anomaly, the atmosphere was thick with tension and apprehension. Choso, battered and breathing heavily, struggled to maintain his composure. Yuki, equally exhausted, stood her ground, her eyes locked on their adversary. Kenjaku, with his signature smile, taunted Tengen. "Tengen, my old friend, stop resisting."

Suddenly, a stone whizzed through the air, striking Kenjaku on the head. He turned, annoyance flashing across his face, only to see Momo, Kamo, and Yazu standing defiantly. Yazu, with a mischievous grin, quipped, "Oh, sorry about that, esteemed monk. Did that rock hurt?"

Kenjaku's irritation was evident as he fixed his gaze on Yazu. "How many more times will you interfere, sorcerer?" he asked, his tone dripping with contempt.

Yazu stood defiantly, his confidence unwavering in the face of Kenjaku's ominous presence. "Oh? Did you think that just because Hiro isn't here, it'd be easier for you to go after Tengen?" he challenged, his tone laced with defiance.

Kenjaku's smile never wavered, but there was a sharpness in his eyes that betrayed his keen interest in the situation. "Indeed, Hiro Takashi would have been a headache, but the outcome would have been the same. Now tell me, sorcerers, will you come at me one by one, or will you attack all at once?"

His question hung in the air, a direct challenge to the group. Kenjaku's confidence was palpable, a testament to his immense power and experience. He stood there, not just as a formidable adversary, but as a catalyst for the inevitable clash that was about to unfold.

Yazu, Momo, Kamo, Choso, and Yuki exchanged quick glances, a silent agreement passing between them. They understood the gravity of the situation and the strength of their opponent. This was not just a fight for Tengen's safety, but a battle that could significantly influence the course of events in the jujutsu world.

Without a word, they readied themselves, each preparing to use their unique abilities to the fullest. They knew that facing Kenjaku would require all their skill, cunning, and power. United in their resolve and strengthened by their shared purpose, they braced for a confrontation that would test their limits and push them to new heights. The fight against Kenjaku was not just a battle of strength; it was a test of their will, their resolve, and their commitment to protect what they held dear.